EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 30
Summary [Calendar] Grid Line missing
Created 2013-09-17 10:17:42
Issue Type Bug
Submitted By Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To
Status Closed
Resolved 2013-12-20 16:18:40
Resolution Cannot Reproduce
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.113317

TIR #2439 entered 2013-03-06 by Robin Juthe

I'm attaching a screenshot of the month calendar view. The bottom line of the calendar is missing. This is in Firefox, version 19.0, on Margaret's computer. I'm unable to reproduce the problem on my computer using the same version of Firefox, so it's probably not a browser issue.

Comment entered 2013-11-07 11:39:58 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

LOE estimate represents time to investigate, on the theory that this may turn out to have been a small Firefox bug which has since been fixed. We may need to revise the estimate if we determine something more complicated is going on.

File Name Posted User
calendar - line missing.doc 2013-09-17 10:17:42

Elapsed: 0:00:00.000589