EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 277
Summary [Account] New EBMS User - Beth Peshkin
Created 2015-02-20 16:54:46
Issue Type Task
Submitted By Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2015-02-27 11:34:30
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.147455

Beth Peshkin is joining the Genetics Board. Could you please check to see if she has an eDir account? Thanks.

Comment entered 2015-02-20 17:30:57 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

No one with that surname in the LDAP directory.

Comment entered 2015-02-26 11:02:06 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Hi Bob,

An NCI network account has been created for Beth - username PeshkinB. Could you please add her to the EBMS (Genetics Board)? I will add her to the appropriate topics.


Comment entered 2015-02-27 11:34:30 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

All set.

Comment entered 2015-02-27 11:36:25 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Thanks! Could you please also add her to the Psychosocial and Behavioral Issues WG? Sorry, I forgot I can't do that myself.

Comment entered 2015-02-27 12:06:03 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Done. I think you can that yourself, there's just not a menu item for it. You can also add user accounts, if I recall. I'm perfectly happy to take care of these tasks as they come up (they're not very time-consuming), but you might want to consider sitting down so you know how to do it in case you hit an emergency when I'm not available.

Comment entered 2015-02-27 12:15:49 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Thanks! Yes, that would be good. Maybe we can meet briefly next week to go over that.

Comment entered 2015-02-27 12:17:49 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

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