EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 747
Summary [Alerts] Alerts for new reviews for Board managers not working
Created 2023-03-13 10:54:22
Issue Type Bug
Submitted By Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2023-04-21 10:43:38
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.340748

In the Board manager role in the Alerts section, the count for newly submitted reviews is not working. The number of new reviews does not increase when new reviews are submitted from Board members and it does not decrease when the Board manager opens newly submitted summaries.

Comment entered 2023-03-13 11:47:43 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Did this work for UAT?

Comment entered 2023-03-13 12:11:17 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

Yes, this worked during testing. We tested the alerts features quite a bit because users often reported that it didn't work, but once they were careful to go in as themselves (i.e., the manager for a specific group), they worked. I tested this on dev because I don't have any new reviews, but others who have received responses have reported that it is not working for them.

Comment entered 2023-03-13 15:31:30 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

I was only able to reproduce part of what this ticket reported. I went all the way back to the original version of the code for viewing a reviewed packet, and in no versions of that code was the last_seen field updated when the board manager viewed the packet. So that bug has always been present in the Drupal 9 EBMS, and it's fixed now on https://ebms.rksystems.com and on https://ebms-dev.nci.nih.gov. The other problem (alert count for new reviews not going up on the board manager's home page when board members post new reviews) I am unable to reproduce. Here's what I did (on https://ebms.rksystems.com since I can't log on as the board manager of any of the boards on the CBIIT-hosted servers):

  1. logged on as Victoria Shields

  2. created a new packet, with 2 articles, assigned to Ari Seifter and Valerie Lee

  3. checked the home page, noting that it said "59 new reviews"

  4. logged on as Ari Seifter

  5. reviewed one of the articles in the new packet

  6. logged on as Victoria Shields

  7. checked the home page, noting that it said "60 new reviews"

  8. logged on as Ari Seifter

  9. reviewed the other article in the new packet

  10. logged on as Victoria Shields

  11. checked the home page, noting that it said "61 new reviews"

  12. visited theĀ Reviewed Packets page

  13. noted that the new packet showed two new reviews

  14. checked the home page, which still said "61 new reviews"

  15. opened the new packet from theĀ Reviewed Packets page

  16. opened the Reviewed Packets page

  17. confirmed that it no longer shows "2 new"

  18. returned to the home page

  19. confirmed that the alerts show "59 new reviews"

If you're still seeing different behavior on either of those servers, let's do another screen-sharing session.

Comment entered 2023-03-30 12:58:40 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

Verified on DEV.

Comment entered 2023-04-06 11:41:18 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Comment entered 2023-04-21 10:28:01 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

This was inadvertently added to QA verified but hasn't been verified on that tier yet. I'm not able to move it back to the DONE column so adding a comment instead.

Comment entered 2023-05-03 17:43:16 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

Verified on QA.

Comment entered 2023-05-16 18:50:51 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

I haven't received any reviews yet, but other Board managers have reported that the alerts number is changing as article reviews are submitted and opened. Verified on PROD.

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