Issue Number | 621 |
Summary | Unable to load PDFs |
Created | 2021-12-27 11:42:50 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2021-12-29 13:03:51 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.307529 |
We are getting a SECURE CONNECTION FAILED error message when we try to upload PDFs in the EBMS.
ServiceNow ticket NCI-RITM0333241 has been submitted to CBIIT.
I am unable to reproduce this failure on the lower tiers. It's difficult for me to test on production because I don't want to mess up the production data. Do you have a PDF file that needs to be posted for an existing article which I can try to post myself?
I was able to successfully upload a different PDF. However, when I tried to upload the PDF that Crystal originally tried to upload, I got the error message. It's PMID: Mueller Clin Ca Res 2018 30190371.pdf30190371. The PDF is attached.
Thanks, this will be very helpful. I've got CBIIT in a Teams session, and we'll be replicating the failure. If you have a third PDF which needs to be posted for another article on PROD, we might try attaching that as well.
~vshields. The PDF didn't make it to the ticket, as you can see. Could you please
try attaching it to the Jira ticket again, AND
also send it separately from Jira in an email message?
Mueller ref attached. This is the ref that I haven't been able to upload. PMID is: 30190371.
I've attached a second ref, Lin, PMID: 34368955, if you would like to upload it. I did not try to upload it (thinking you wanted to try yourself and see what happens).
I noticed that the Mueller ref (the original ref that wouldn't upload) wouldn't attach to this ticket so I saved a new version and tried to upload it in the EBMS. It worked. So maybe the first file I saved was corrupt? Although FWIW, when Crystal was first trying to import and upload this ref, she was using her own version,not my corrupt version.
So Jira isn't letting you attach the Mueller PDF, it seems. Please send it to me separately as an email attachment.
Could you please email me the PDF which failed?
And also please list the steps used to create that version.
CBIIT removed the log4j
rule from the F5, and I was able
to attach the failing PDF to the ticket.
Can you confirm and close the ticket, ~vshields?
This has been resolved and I'm closing the ticket. Thanks.
File Name | Posted | User |
Lin Cancer 2021 34368955.pdf | 2021-12-27 17:30:22 | Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Mueller Clin Ca Res 2018 30190371.pdf | 2021-12-29 13:03:06 | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
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