Issue Number | 549 |
Summary | [General] Travel Admin Role - EBMS Menus, Appearance |
Created | 2020-02-06 16:18:16 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2020-03-11 12:06:15 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.256326 |
The Travel Admin Role should have access to the following information:
Travel pages
Directions (read-only if possible)
Policies and Procedures (read-only if possible)
Hotel Request (read-only for the text but able to enter a request on a board member's behalf)
Reimbursement Request (read-only for the text but able to enter a request on a board member's behalf)
Hotel Requests
Reimbursement Requests
Board Membership
Calendar (read-only if possible)
I don't know if these read-only specifications get into the larger permissions issue that you said was a significant LOE. If so, let me know and we can discuss alternatives.
Just wanted to add that ideally, on the calendar page, the default selections for these users would be ALL BOARDS and BOARD MEETINGS. Thanks.
I'm getting close to finishing the menu/appearance/breadcrumb/permission work for this ticket. New functionality to allow the travel administrator to enter requests on behalf of another user is beyond the scope of this menu enhancement ticket, and would need separate tickets for each of the forms (you'll probably remember how extensive the work was that Dan had to do in order to support enter reviews on behalf of board members).
I think I've got the menus/appearance for the new rôle the way you want them. Ready for review on DEV. There's a new Test Travel Admin account created on that tier.
Verified on DEV. Thanks!
I didn't realize how loaded the wording "on behalf of" was 🙂 – I only meant that they could enter requests like any of us can. But it may be worth adding the ability to do this actually on behalf of a Board member in a future release.
Ah, so you're using the comments field(s) to indicate who's getting the hotel room or the reimbursement. That works.
Would it be possible to default the calendar view for travel admin staff to "BOARD MEETINGS" as opposed to "ALL MEETINGS"?
Default changed.
Verified on DEV. Thanks!
Victoria noticed when she was testing this one that the PMID box in the upper right corner doesn't need to be there and that it doesn't work anyway. If this is an easy thing to remove, could you please remove it for Travel Admin staff? If it's more involved, I'll add a ticket to do this in the next release. Thanks.
Modification applied to DEV, QA, and version control.
Verified on QA.
Please close the Biscayne tickets are you confirm that they landed safely. 🙂
Verified on PROD.
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