EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 520
Summary Board Member To-Do List Function
Created 2019-08-15 10:11:17
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status In Progress
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.248398

We would like to use the EBMS to manage assignments for Board members. We envision this being developed potentially in two parts, with the first part focused on the internal functionality (e.g., for the Board managers) and the second part focused on an interface for our Board members (we'll defer this to a later time, after we've had a discussion with them about what they would find useful).


Here are some thoughts (this would benefit from a discussion with you, Bob, before this is implemented):

  • We would like to have the ability to create discrete assignments in the EBMS. 

  • Assignments could have any/all of the following components/attributes: Board, Topic, Assignee (referring to one or more Board members), Date assigned, Date due, Source (e.g., Advisory Board, Board meeting, External comment, Other), Associated Article(s), Status (possible values: Future, Assigned, Completed)

  • We would like to create a report to view assignments by any of the parameters listed above and also by status and completion date

  • We would like to have a way to mark that a particular assignment has been completed with a completion date

  • We would like to be able to link assignments to summaries, articles, and other documents/websites as needed


I'll also document a few ideas we had about how this could be used by our Board members in case it has any impact on how we create it for the Board managers, but this is all for a later time (and will require input from the members themselves):

  • Board members could view their own assignments on their home page

  • Board members could submit work and/or add comments associated with an assignment

  • May be helpful for Board members to be able to see each other's submitted assignments/comments if they are also an assignee of the same assignment.

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