Issue Number | 257 |
Summary | [Literature] FYI Article Visibility Problem |
Created | 2014-10-31 10:40:18 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2015-10-14 16:05:54 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.140899 |
It appears packets sent as "FYI's" (no selected reviewers) are showing up in the literature activity feed for all Board members, rather than just those Board members who are associated with the packet's topic.
Additionally, several error messages are displayed on the assigned packets and FYI packets page (I believe caused by these FYI articles that they do not - and should not - see). Once you navigate away from either the assigned packets page or FYI packets page and navigate back to it, the error message disappears.
I noticed this while logged in as Susan Domchek on prod (helping with a password issue). I logged in as Test Board Member and confirmed the behavior on the home page; I did not check the assigned packets or FYI packets page so you can likely reproduce the problem by going to those pages.
I will attach a screenshot, too. I didn't capture the FYI packets error in a screenshot (but, again, you will likely see that if you log in as Test Board Member on prod).
Adding screenshots.
Adding Victoria.
Hmm. Wonder why we didn't catch this in testing. :-(
We probably relied too heavily on examples with Test Board Member and the Genetics Board in testing... we'll have to revise that next time around.
We're curious to know whether the memory error shown in the screenshot is reproducible. If yes, then there's a bug (or some problem) in the application. If not, then it's a transitory error that should be fixable by asking CBIIT to allocate more memory to the machine.
I'm logged onto PROD as Test Board Member and I'm not seeing any error messages on the Assigned Packets page or the FYI packets page. Can you provide the exact sequence of steps I need to perform in order to reproduce the error messages?
We first reported this problem about a year ago and since that time have been very careful not to send FYI packets, so that's why you aren't seeing this problem on PROD anymore (the notification queue clears out after 60 days). However, I just reproduced the problem related to the notification on DEV. I created two FYI-only packets (i.e., I didn't select any reviewers), and both appear in the Test Board Member Literature Activity Feed, despite Test Board Member only being associated with one of the topics.
However, the good news (I think) is that I did not see the memory error message when I was logged in as Test Board Member. Since we encountered this a few times last Fall and have not attempted to track it down again since, I can't say how often this happens or whether it is still likely to occur. At the very least, though, it seems to be transitory.
When I first read the original description I got the impression there were two types of error messages appearing: the one for which you posted the screen shot (out of memory error) and the other (referred to as "the FYI packets error") for which you said you didn't capture a screen shot (in fact, re-reading the original description I'm still getting the picture of two different error messages. Is this impression wrong? I'm not seeing any error messages at all on the FYI PACKETS or the ASSIGNED PACKETS pages. If I was misunderstanding what you were saying in the original description about the error messages, then the only thing we need to do for this ticket is suppress showing FYI packets in the LITERATURE ACTIVITY block on the home page. Is that right?
You are correct that I reported two separate things: (1) the memory error message in the screenshot; and (2) a notification in the activity feed for ALL Board members anytime an FYI packet is posted. An FYI packet posted for a screening and prevention topic, for example, results in a CAM Board member seeing a notification in his/her feed that that packet had been posted for his/her review.
Here's what should happen with regard to the packet notification (this is a little different from what you are proposing):
Board members who are either a reviewer of the packet OR an assigned reviewer of the topic associated with that packet should see a notification in his/her feed. So, a Board member who is receiving the packet as an FYI would still see that alert in his/her literature activity feed.
Thanks, that clears things up. I was looking for a second error message, but what you were describing was the unwanted notifications for FYI packets.
Fixed on DEV.
This is working fine for packets that are fully assigned (meaning every reviewer for that topic is assigned to review the packet) or for fully FYI packets (whereby NONE of the topic reviewers are assigned to review the packet), but the combination of a packet assigned to some of the topic's reviewers and sent as an FYI to other topic reviewers (I'll call this a "split packet") is not working quite right.
What's happening in the case of a "split packet" is that the assigned reviewers do see the notification (this is good) but the FYI reviewers do not see a notification (they should).
For example, I just created "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer (November 2015) - FYI for TBM, Assigned to TBM3" on QA for testing. Test Board Member does not see the notification but Test Board Member 3 does.
As I recall, the definition of an FYI packet that we settled on when such packets were first introduced was a packet for which no reviewers were assigned. We haven't ever supported the notion of a "split" packet as you describe the concept.
We have been using the current functionality to send what I'm calling "split packets" for the past year - this was the original purpose of OCEEBMS-164 in release 3.0 with FYI-only packets (in which no reviewers are selected) being an added benefit of the way that was implemented.
OK, I'll go back and review the older ticket and see what needs to be done.
I think I've got it working correctly now. Thanks for your patience while I reassemble all the required memory cells. :-) Please give it another test with a new packet.
So far, so good! Thanks, Bob.
Verified on QA.
We haven't had an occasion to test this with real data yet. Closing the issues and we'll reopen if we encounter any problems.
File Name | Posted | User |
EBMS Literature Error.doc | 2014-10-31 10:41:04 |
Elapsed: 0:00:00.000603