Issue Number | 182 |
Summary | [Literature] Reviewed Packets Page - Add Filtering |
Created | 2014-05-29 11:06:25 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2014-08-01 13:19:23 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.127610 |
We would like to add filtering options to the top of the Reviewed Packets page that are similar to the options on the View/Edit Packets page. Specifically, we would like to have the following filtering options:
1. Filter by one or more Summary Topics (Board-specific list of
summary topics displayed, as on View/Edit Packets page)
2. Filter by packet name (free-text, as on View/Edit Packets page)
3. Reviewer (can select one or more) (Board-specific list of
4. Start Date (referring to the date the review was submitted; default
to no start date)
5. End Date (referring to the date the review was submitted; default to
no end date)
Won't it be puzzling to have some of the filtering ("FILTER BY BOARD") in the side bar, and some in a separate form at the top? Wouldn't it make more sense to have all the filtering in a single form?
Is the filter by reviewer supposed to narrow down to the list of packets for which:
at least one of the specified reviewers have submitted at least one review?
all of the specified reviewers have submitted at least one review?
articles have been assigned to all of the selected reviewers?
articles have been assigned to at least one of the specified reviewers?
Are the reviewer and date filter values supposed to apply just to selection of which packets to display? Or are they supposed to be remembered for deciding which articles/reviewers/reviews to display for the individual reviewed packet and reviewed article pages? Best to explain exactly how this enhancement should work, so we don't end up with any last-minute surprises.
To answer your questions:
1. While it could be puzzling to have filtering in two different places, we'd like to keep this consistent with how the View/Edit packets page was constructed, so we are fine with the Board filter sidebar (which is only seen by users associated with >1 board) and the other filtering options at the top of the page.
2. Please use the reviewer filter to narrow the list of packets for which all of the specified reviewers have submitted at least one review.
3. Please apply the reviewer and date filter values to the selection of which packets to display. They do not need to be remembered for later pages displaying a single packet or the reviews submitted for a single article within a packet.
OK, thanks for the clarification of the requirements. If we keep the board selection separate, you'll be starting all over with the filtering form if you change the board (but that's how it happens on the View/Edit packets page, so if consistency is the goal, we're good).
Still trying to avoid last-minute surprises by nailing down the requirements as precisely as possible.
Should the reviewer and date fields interact? I'll use an example to illustrate what I mean. Let's say we have a packet with a review submitted by Dr. Strangelove on June 30 and a review submitted by Dr. Kildare on July 15. The board manager brings up the page for reviewed packets and checks the box for Dr. Strangelove and picks a start date of July 1 and an end date of July 31. Should the packet be included on the page (because we have at least one review posted in the specified date range, and we have at least one review by Dr. S)? Or should it be excluded (because you expect the date and reviewer fields to work together, requiring that each of the reviewers selected have posted a review within the date range indicated)?
Another clarification. If we have a packet for which two reviews have been posted, one on July 15, and the second on August 1, and the date range of July 1-31 is specified in the filtering form, I'm going to assume that the list should show August 1 as the date the packet was last updated, even though the review on that date falls outside the range specified.
Hi Bob. Victoria and I talked both of these questions over and here are our answers:
1. Yes, the date and reviewer fields should work together. If we specify a date range of July 1-31 and a reviewer who did not submit a review in that time period, we would not expect to see any results. (If that happened, we would expand our search...)
2. Your assumption is correct.
OK, thanks. I think I'm ready for you to have a look on DEV.
I'm having a problem with the date fields on this page. Not sure if it's related to this issue or OCEEBMS-117, but once the dates are selected and I press filter, they are converted to nonsensical dates (e.g., "0002-01-01" and "0002-12-31"), and no results are displayed. (I had selected a date range in 2014 in this example.)
Here's a screenshot of the problem described in my previous comment.
See how it's working now.
It works! Thanks.
Verified on DEV.
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File Name | Posted | User |
screenshot-1.jpg | 2014-08-25 11:26:11 |
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