CDR Tickets

Issue Number 4535
Summary [DIS] Allowing Multiple Drug Reference Links
Created 2018-10-15 11:34:16
Issue Type New Feature
Submitted By Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2019-01-11 18:49:48
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.234376

There are occasions when it would be ideal to have more than one DrugReferenceLink element in the same DrugReference block of a Drug Information Summary document.

An example of the use of this is when there are multiple appropriate MedlinePlus documents for a drug and having more than one Drug Information Summaries for the similar formulations of the same drug would be confusing to a lay audience. The way the page works currently, we would need to use multiple DrugReference blocks and this would duplicate the lengthy boilerplate wording that accompanies this type of link (in the DrugReferenceDescription element). Even in that case, Pub Preview/ may need to be adjusted to display the information correctly. Having the multiple links within this one block would create a neater appearance on the web page.

Here are two examples:

1. Melphalan (CDR779086) and Melphalan Hydrochloride (CDR779087)

2. Recombinant Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines (Bivalent -CDR658573, Quadrivalent-CDR658589, and Nonvalent-CDR767283)

Comment entered 2018-10-25 14:18:39 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Margaret will discuss the possibilities with the drug information group.

Comment entered 2018-10-25 14:59:53 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

I tried to insert a second DrugReference block on DEV for Melphalan and this was displayed in PublishPreview as expected: A second section for Melphalan Hydrochloride is displayed (see screenshot).

Comment entered 2018-10-25 17:18:40 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

That is right. Thanks! I must have done something wrong not to have seen it when I tested it. The question still remains though whether to allow multiply occurring DrugReferenceLink (instead of multiple blocks) and how to display them for for those cases.

Comment entered 2018-11-05 16:34:58 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

I added Christina as a Watcher on this issue.

Comment entered 2018-12-04 18:05:52 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

I've modified the vendor filter to adjust the display of multiple NLM-DrugReference sections. The following filter has been modified:

  • CDR505580: Vendor Filter: DrugInfoSummary

Please take a look on DEV and let me see if this is the format you were expecting. I will run additional tests once I know the format is OK.
I've used the following document as a test: CDR779086 - Melphalan

Comment entered 2018-12-05 11:42:07 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

Hi Volker,

We were hoping to add multiple links within a single Drug Reference block. This would prevent repeating the NLM Drug Information Description (paragraph starting with "A lay language summary... through paragraph starting with "Drugs are often studied...") each time a new link is introduced. Is that possible?

I attached a Word doc as a visual.


Comment entered 2018-12-05 11:50:08 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

We were hoping to add multiple links within a single Drug Reference block.

Yes, that's what I have implemented on DEV. Our discussion so far focused on the display of the DrugInfos on However, your example is showing a QC report. I'm attaching the result of the PublishPreview report to show the change.

Please submit another ticket for the changes to the DIS QC report.

Comment entered 2018-12-05 12:06:55 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

Thanks, Volker. This looks good in PP to Mary Barnstead and me.

I'll be in touch with William about submitting another ticket for the DIS QC report.

Comment entered 2018-12-06 09:53:47 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

I think it looks good too. Christina, do you want to send the PubPrev version that Volker created to the rest of the DIS team so they can weigh in?

Comment entered 2018-12-06 10:00:56 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

Sure! I will do that today.

Comment entered 2018-12-06 10:08:17 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Just wondering from a user point-of-view: Isn't it a little confusing to have a section named More about <drug> when there are multiple drugs displayed within the section?

Also a note here:
The drugs will be listed in the order they are displayed in the XML document. If you want to have the DrugReferenceLink for drug2 displayed before drug1 you would have to swap the DrugReference sections accordingly.

Comment entered 2018-12-07 06:46:18 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

Hi Volker. Re: your question, is it possible to say More about <drug> and <drug> when there are multiple Medline Plus links?
When there are multiple Medline Plus links, the DIS team is also wondering whether we can replace the “,” between the links with “and” and whether we can change the sentence after the links to “Lay language summaries of important information about this drug may include the following:”

MedlinePlus Information on Melphalan, MedlinePlus Information on Melphalan Hydrochloride - A lay language summary of important information about this drug that may include the following:


Comment entered 2018-12-07 06:59:27 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

It looks like the sentence change could be accomplished by having 2 standard wording descriptions, the existing one for single links and a new one for multiple links. Is that the most efficient way to do it? Thanks.

Comment entered 2018-12-07 11:08:12 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

is it possible to say More about <drug> and <drug> when there are multiple Medline Plus links?

You are saying multiple Medline Plus links but you mean two, right? I have to ask, what should the wording be in the case of three or more?

When there are multiple Medline Plus links, the DIS team is also wondering whether we can replace the “,” between the links with “and”

Yes, but I have the same question as above.

and whether we can change the sentence after the links to “Lay language summaries of important information about this drug may include the following:”

The sentence after the link is coming from a misc. document, so you would probably want to create a new text section to be pulled in for those DIS with multiple MedlinePlus sections.

Comment entered 2018-12-10 10:34:34 by Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]

When two links, the request is to replace the existing comma between the links with "and": More about <drug> and <drug>
When more than two links, the request is to use the serial comma: More about <drug>, <drug>, and <drug>
Creating a new text section to be pulled in for those DIS with multiple MedlinePlus sections makes sense to get a plural version of the sentence after the links.

Comment entered 2019-01-11 18:49:34 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The changes have been implemented and are ready for review on DEV.

Comment entered 2019-01-18 12:32:52 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Mary and I looked at the changes on DEV yesterday and it appears that all the Drug References are displaying under the More About <Drug Name> section in in pub preview irrespective of the DrugReferenceType. It seems the only ones that need to display under the Drug Reference section are the ones with a DrugReferenceType of "NLM".
Please take a look at 764622 - Pembrolizumab .

It should display as is currently on the live site:

Comment entered 2019-01-18 15:36:29 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The filter is displaying all DrugReference sections with a DrugReference section attribute of About_drug.
Is there a reason why the DrugReference sections with a type of "NCI" have this attribute set to About_drug instead of Research_results?

Comment entered 2019-01-22 12:50:15 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

According to Mary, she was told in the past that it didn't matter which attribute was assigned to them because the information was not being used. That is why they are not consistent. Would it be possible to do a global change to change the attributes for the "NCI" type to Research_results?

Comment entered 2019-01-22 13:27:56 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

because the information was not being used

I can't comment on what Mary was told but the code is using these attributes.

Would it be possible to do a global change to change the attributes for the "NCI" type to Research_results?

Feel free to enter a new ticket for a global change.

Comment entered 2019-01-22 13:30:04 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Just making sure, , the problem is fixed once the attributes have been corrected, right?

Comment entered 2019-01-22 13:44:12 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

That is correct. That was the only problem we found we tested. We will test again once the attributes have been fixed.

Comment entered 2019-01-24 11:25:30 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Done - OCECDR-4566

Comment entered 2019-02-13 15:07:19 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

It looks like the text "MedlinePlus Information on" is repeated for each occurrence of the link. Please see attached Pub Preview for CDR0000779086.

Comment entered 2019-02-13 19:29:47 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The filter uses the text of the DrugReferenceLink to create the link for this DrugReference. We had talked about how to string multiple drugs together if we have 2, 3, or more to display but we didn't discuss that the text content should be modified.

Looking at these comments again I think I may have missed that the header display More About <drug> should also be modified. My filter changes only addressed the display of the paragraph section.

Comment entered 2019-02-22 11:32:32 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

I just spoke with Christina, and agreed on the following:
1. For the title "More About...." we will just leave it as is with the single drug name that matches the title of the DIS.
2. For the drug ref blocks, we would like to go with the solution of just putting the drug name in the Drug Reference Link field (with the url of course) and have hte filter create the rest. So it would read:
MedlinePlus Information on Melphalan and Melphalan Hydrochloride - Description
The drug names will be the hyperlinks to the Medline Plus information. If there are 3 or more drug names, there will be commas separating them with an "and" between the last two.
I am assuming that this require a global change to take the wording "MedlinePlus Information on" out of all of the existing DIS, but let me know.

Comment entered 2019-02-22 11:44:31 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Sounds good!

I am assuming that this require a global change to take the wording "MedlinePlus Information on" out of all of the existing DIS, but let me know.

I should be able to write the filter so that the MedlinePlus Information on text will be ignored if it's part fo the DrugReferenceLink. In that case we could still decide to "fix" the data manually over time or run a global and running the global would not hold up this change.

Comment entered 2019-02-22 13:33:50 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

I've modified the filter and the changes are ready to review (using the PP report) on DEV.

Comment entered 2019-02-22 13:36:44 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Comment entered 2019-02-22 16:26:57 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Verified on DEV. Thank you!

Comment entered 2019-02-22 19:18:22 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The filter changes have been copied to QA and STAGE.

Comment entered 2019-03-04 10:30:47 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Verified on STAGE. Please promote to PROD.

Comment entered 2019-03-04 13:51:33 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The following filter has been copied to PROD:

  • CDR505580: Vendor Filter: DrugInfoSummary

Please verify on PROD and close this ticket.

Comment entered 2019-03-04 15:16:13 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Verified on PROD. Thanks!

File Name Posted User
DIS Medline Plus duplicated text.png 2019-02-13 15:07:10 Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]
DIS-Melphalan.png 2018-10-25 15:01:07 Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Drug Information Summary_Allowing Multiple Drug Reference Links_CN comments.docx 2018-12-05 11:34:47 Norwood, Christina (NIH/NCI) [E]
Pembrolizumab PP.png 2019-01-18 12:06:56 Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]
PP-Report.png 2018-12-05 11:50:33 Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 13.35.23.png 2019-02-22 13:36:38 Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

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