Issue Number | 4355 |
Summary | [Gauss QA Testing] Error running GP mailer |
Created | 2018-01-02 13:22:01 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2018-01-05 14:20:19 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.219150 |
I got this error message when I tried to run a GP mailer job (Annual update) for one GP:
An error has occurred
Unable to initiate publishing
job:<br><Errors><Err>(-2147352567, 'Exception
occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server', u"Cannot
insert the value NULL into column 'doc_version', table
'CDR.dbo.pub_proc_doc'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.",
None, 0, -2147217873), None) Command: INSERT INTO pub_proc_doc
(pub_proc, doc_id, doc_version) VALUES (?, ?, ?) Parameters: [Name: p0,
Dir.: Input, Type: adDecimal, Size: 0, Value: "15185", Precision: 5,
NumericScale: 0 Name: p1, Dir.: Input, Type: adInteger, Size: 0, Value:
"728274", Precision: 0, NumericScale: 0 Name: p2, Dir.: Input, Type:
adInteger, Size: 0, Value: "None", Precision: 0, NumericScale:
Could you give it another try, please?
I am still getting an error message:
An error has occurred
Unable to initiate publishing job:<br><Errors><Err>(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, u'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server', u"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'doc_version', table 'CDR.dbo.pub_proc_doc'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.", None, 0, -2147217873), None) Command: INSERT INTO pub_proc_doc (pub_proc, doc_id, doc_version) VALUES (?, ?, ?) Parameters: [Name: p0, Dir.: Input, Type: adDecimal, Size: 0, Value: "15189", Precision: 5, NumericScale: 0 Name: p1, Dir.: Input, Type: adInteger, Size: 0, Value: "728274", Precision: 0, NumericScale: 0 Name: p2, Dir.: Input, Type: adInteger, Size: 0, Value: "None", Precision: 0, NumericScale: 0]</Err></Errors>
Could you give it another shot, please (or give me the steps you're using)? Thanks.
It worked this time around. Thanks!
Verified on PROD. Thanks!
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