Issue Number | 3979 |
Summary | [Summaries] Modify QC Reports to Display As Many Levels As Possible |
Created | 2015-09-25 15:32:49 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2016-04-08 14:46:34 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.170893 |
We would like to modify the HP & Patient B/U and RLSO QC reports to show more levels of headings in the table of contents. I think the limit (set by HTML) is 6 levels?
Once we've adjusted the QC reports, we can work on OCECDR-3973, which involves modifications to the MS Word TOC Macro.
Looking at the code I'm realizing that the levels in the TOC are not limited by the levels of H-tags available. The TOC are merely itemized lists and can go as deep as we like. For right now I've set the limit to 10 (actually with H1 not being used and H2 being the summary title this gives the TOC a depth of 8.
For the summary sections we have headings above H4 set to be
displayed as H4. This ticket did not specify any changes to the
content area, so I'd like to confirm:
Are we only adding more levels to the TOC (displayed in the same
font/size/etc. as levels three and four currently) and we're making no
changes to the content area or are we adding more levels
and display the levels five and six separately within
the content area?
FYI: Currently, I have highlighted the additional levels within the TOC using a yellow background.
I've reviewed this and it looks good (thanks for the yellow highlight
- that made this review much easier
The following filters have been modified to increase the TOC level filter level:
R13811: CDR000157 - Vendor Filter: Summary
R13811: CDR339576 - Module: InLine Markup Formatter
R13811: CDR380958 - Module: STYLE QC Summary
Verified on QA.
As we discussed in today's status meeting, we DO need to modify the headings in the text since this is what the TOC macro uses in order to display the TOC with the appropriate nesting. Sorry, Volker...
The following filters have been modified to markup the lower levels as H4, H5, H6 but display those levels like H4:
R13873: CDR339576 - Module: InLine Markup Formatter
R13873: CDR380958 - Module: STYLE QC Summary
This is ready for review on DEV.
I've added several nested levels to our go-to summary CDR62902 to have a faster processing time when testing.
This looks pretty good to me but there's seems to be some extra white space around the "Robin territory" and "ridiculous" sections (H6 and H7). Also, can we add a couple more levels? Unfortunately "Robin territory" extends to H8 in our favorite summary and we probably ought to add H9 for good measure. 🙂 Thanks.
The reason why you see extra space around the deeper levels is (I think) that you'll have to update your Word macro. The Word macro has been setup to modify the default look-and-feel up to level four only.
Also, can we add a couple more levels?
I don't think this will be possible. HTML only allows levels from H1 - H6. Level 7, 8, 9, etc. are all displayed as a H6 in the QC reports and I doubt Word would convert these properly since those levels "officially" don't exist.
I saw the extra white space in my browser (not Word). Using IE11. It appears to go away when I copy/paste it into Word.
OK - good to know. Thanks.
The font sizes for the new H5, H6, and H7 headings are too small when the doc is converted into Word. They should also be the same size as an H4 heading.
I ran QC reports (B/U and RLSO) for a summary with 10 levels (for good measure) and it looked fine on QA. The extra white space is slight but noticeable in the browser for levels 5 and deeper but it disappears once the report is copied/pasted into Word. Marking this verified on QA. Thanks!
Verified on PROD.
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