Issue Number | 3820 |
Summary | [NVCG] Umbrella Task for smaller Issues |
Created | 2014-10-24 16:19:34 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | |
Status | In Progress |
Resolved | |
Resolution | |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.140384 |
As part of the development for NVCG a few issues had been identified that possibly need modifications within the CDR:
Compact lists
The NVCG Gatekeeper implementation will ignore the compact attribute.
This attribute should be removed from the schema
Address Block
The list attribute "type='simple'" is used to format and address
(compact display, indented, no bullets). A specific address block
element should be added to the schema instead.
Table Grid Lines
Grid lines for tables will not be allowed to be controlled
Attributes allowing the change of gridlines should be removed.
It might be considered to allow lists within tables in order to
the desired effect
The attributes 'char' and 'charoff' to align items accross columns
should be removed as those will not be implemented in NVCG
Side-by-side images displayed within tables are frowned upon by the NVCG
Unused Elements
Several elements aren't used within the CDR and could be removed:
quote, markedupTitle, QandAduv, ProfessionalDisclaimer, ProtocolID
attribute for ciations
What's the timeline for these tasks? I've got a global change script written to strip the Compact attribute from the list elements, which I'm about to test on DEV. I assume that no comparable global change is needed for the "simple" attribute in tables (the wording above implies only that some of the uses of that attribute should be replaced - presumably manually - by a new address block element - TBD - which will be added to the schema).
It's not clear what is required to be done for the "frowned upon" task. 🙂
What's the timeline for these tasks?
This needs to be coordinated with the NVCG release.
It's not clear what is required to be done for the "frowned upon" task.
Margaret may already have taken care of this by combining side-by-side images in tables into single images.
Drug Combination Summaries
Adding a comment related to the desire of the WCMS team to eliminate the
table used in Drug Combinations in order to display the drugs.
It has been decided to punt this back to the designers to come up with a
better way of displaying the drugs on as well as in XMetaL.
For now, there won't be any changes to the way the drug combinations are
being displayed.
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