EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 798
Summary Remove "Viewing Files" footer link
Created 2023-09-15 07:26:22
Issue Type Task
Submitted By Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2023-09-15 10:10:09
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.358124

There used to be a page on cancer.gov with the URL https://www.cancer.gov/global/viewing-files and now that URL takes you to the Accessibility Policy page. There's a couple of sections at the bottom of that page with links to applications useful for viewing files (unrelated to accessibility). We need to find out if the two pages get accidentally squashed into one? Or was this intentional? I'm wondering because the EBMS has a requirement to link to the Accessibility and Viewing Files pages separately from the footer, and it seems a little silly for both links to go to the same page. I've asked in the Slack digital_platform channel if anyone knows what happened. If the change was intentional (and permanent) then we need to remove the superfluous link from the EBMS footer.

Comment entered 2023-09-15 09:36:58 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Got the answer on Slack. Apparently the new thinking is that they still want to provide visitors with recommendations for the best applications to use for viewing/listening to files, but it would be better to put it at the bottom of the page on which we explain our legal obligations to persons with disabilities, because that's where people will look for it. 😛 I will remove the second link.

Comment entered 2023-09-15 10:10:09 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Link removed from footer on EBMS DEV.


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