EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 682
Summary Librarian Queue page - display options/sort by not working
Created 2023-01-06 16:38:58
Issue Type Bug
Submitted By Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2023-01-07 04:32:00
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.335886

On the Librarian Queue page, in the display options, the sort by feature is not working for any of the items in the pick list besides the default EBSMID. The following error appears upon clicking Filter:

"The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."

Same issue in both erc and ebms4.

Comment entered 2023-01-07 04:32:00 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Fixed on ebms.rksystems.com. Apparently the database settings have shifted under our feet. Queries which have "DISTINCT" in the SELECT clause must now SELECT every column named in the ORDER BY clause. This was not true before (and I'm pretty sure it's not required by ANSI standard SQL), but it's safer to modify the queries so that they'll work under any settings than to try and force the settings back to what they were, and there doesn't appear to be any performance penalty for doing so.

Comment entered 2023-01-09 10:40:59 by Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]

Working well on erc.

Comment entered 2023-01-18 11:32:22 by Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]

verified on ebms4

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