Issue Number | 68 |
Summary | [Search Database] Support direct jump to end of search results |
Created | 2013-09-17 14:15:46 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | trivedim |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2013-12-20 17:36:20 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.113382 |
TIR #2304 entered 2013-01-15 by Minaxi Trivedi (Future Release status)
(Extracted from TIR #2171, which included lots of separate issues)
The page view at the bottom of the search results screen will only allow you to jump ahead a few pages at a time. It would be nice to be able to jump to the last page at any time.
Laura: I've assigned this enhancement request to you, so you can deal with it at the requirements/scope level. The original TIR was filed by Minaxi on December 13.
Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (1/15/2013 5:42 PM): Laura:
In Alan's notes for (what became) TIR #2306 (change search result
order when sorting by article ID), he asked the users if that would have
any effect on the priority for this request. It may well be that now
that they're getting the most recent articles at the top of the search
results they no longer consider this a useful enhancement.
Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (1/15/2013 4:18 PM):
Implemented on DEV. I added a link to jump to the beginning as well (assuming you're not already on the first page).
This works on dev. The jump icon is pretty tiny though.
I have replaced the Unicode characters for the arrow heads with ASCII characters. It's not as fancy-looking as the arrow heads, but different browsers are more likely to render the characters in the same size as the surrounding text. If anyone wants to recommend other Unicode characters which are more appealing, as well as less subject to surprising sizing issues, I'm happy to experiment.
Probably should have mentioned this in my first comment...the jump link was displayed as a tiny little square with a ? in the middle.
or at least this is what I am seeing...anyone else seeing this?
I noticed that, too. That's one of the reasons I fell back on the standard ASCII characters (">" and "<") for the navigation (the other reason was the unpredictability in size from the rendering in the different browsers, as you originally reported). If you refresh your browser, you should now see the ASCII characters. Again, if anyone has Unicode characters to propose which are more reliable in their rendering and availability than the double-arrow characters I originally picked for this enhancement, I'm happy to give them a try.
Here are some possible candidate characters to consider. We'd want to test thoroughly to confirm that whatever you picked was rendered satisfactorily in all browsers.
The ASCll characters "<<" and ">>" look good to me. And they are not microscopic.
Promoted to QA.
I have verified this on QA
Moving to QA Verified state for Cynthia.
I've also verified this on QA.
Verified on production
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