EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 606
Summary Citations Not Selected for Full Text Retrieval - two options for report
Created 2021-08-04 07:58:15
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2021-08-19 12:45:31
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.295774

Spin off from ticket 604.

We would like for the "Citations Not Selected for Full Text Retrieval" report to have two options because it will serve two different purposes.

The original/current option is used to analyze individual citations not selected for full text retrieval which is why we need the ebms id, pmid, summary topic, reviewer and comments included in this report. And it is generated using a decision date range to capture more specific sets of citations than a review cycle could. We want to keep this option as it currently is.

By recently adding the ability to generate this report by review cycle range, we will be able to generate useful statistics. This new option generated using review cycle range for statistical purposes, will only need the summary topic and citation count included in the report...much like the new "Citations Selected for Full Text Retrieval" report.

Is it possible for the "Citations Not Selected for Full Text Retrieval" report to have two different options?

Option 1: the user selects the decision date range. The report generated includes: the ebms id, pmid, summary topic, reviewer and comments

Option 2: the user selects the review cycle range. The report generated includes: the summary topic and citation count

Comment entered 2021-08-11 10:58:26 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

What should the software do if neither range is selected and a specific review cycle is selected instead? Should the report behave as it always has (since that case has always been supported) or should it follow option 2 (since selecting a specific review cycle is closer to specifying a review cycle range than specifying a decision date range)?

Comment entered 2021-08-11 11:26:38 by Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]

Good question, yes the report should behave as it always has when a specific review cycle is selected.

In terms of use/purpose, selecting a specific review cycle is closer to a decision date range.

Comment entered 2021-08-19 12:45:31 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Implemented on DEV.

Comment entered 2021-08-23 11:52:20 by Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]

verified on dev

Comment entered 2021-09-10 17:35:06 by Boggess, Cynthia (NIH/NCI) [C]

verified on QA

Comment entered 2021-10-18 13:35:28 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Verified on PROD. Thanks! Closing ticket.

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