Issue Number | 339 |
Summary | [Printing] Small Fixes to Coversheet |
Created | 2015-11-10 17:35:41 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2016-09-30 13:49:48 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.173539 |
A few minor fixes to the coversheet:
1. I believe we limited the number of authors appearing on the coversheet to three. Please add "et al." after the last author if there are more than three authors on the publication.
2. Page numbers do not appear to be displaying on any of the coversheets. They should display after the volume and issue numbers.
3. Please add the closing parenthetical note to the third disposition.
Just had a question about another possible fix to the coversheet. We recently made a few changes to the list of exclusion reasons (see OCEEBMS-323) - will those changes automatically be reflected on the coversheet, too, or does this need to be updated manually?
Ready for user review on DEV.
Ah! I bet you weren't asking for page numbers to be added to all the cover sheets. You wanted article pagination to show up in the citations, right?
Article pagination for citations fixed on DEV.
Bonnie tested this on QA and the citation page numbers aren't showing
up on the coversheet. She printed packet #14875, which includes the
following citations:
PMID 25071104
PMID 25728526
There was a bug in the original code which I fixed, but I didn't realize the software was using the original brief citation value calculated with the buggy code for articles imported before the bug fix. My solution is to replace the existing values in the brf_citation column of the ebms_article table with empty strings, modify the software to build up the brief citation value on the fly when it finds an empty value in the column (as it will for the older articles) but use the stored value for the newer articles. Ready to test on DEV. Note that for some articles there is still no pagination, because NLM didn't give us any.
Waiting for user review on DEV.
Bonnie confirmed that the citations now have page numbers on DEV. Thanks!
Ready for testing on QA.
Verified on QA.
Verified on PROD.
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