Issue Number | 271 |
Summary | [Full Citation] Full Citation History (including packets & board member responses) Should Display on Full Citation Page |
Created | 2015-02-02 13:58:16 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2015-12-03 10:56:17 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.146213 |
This likely needs more discussion before a solution is implemented, but we would like the full citation page to be a complete account of the history of a citation, including its inclusion in packets (at any time) and decisions from Board members. It should not have to be in a packet to be able to record a decision from a Board member on the Full Citation page.
Sharon ran into a case in which she included a citation in a packet, received a response from a Board member, and subsequently removed the citation from the packet. However, the Board member's response to the article was no longer recorded on the Full Citation page nor was its association with the packet. The PMID for this example is: 25513462. The Board member's response was, however, on the reviewed packets page.
Do we still need further discussion on this ticket? Anything you want to add to the description of the request before I get started?
I'm clarifying the requirements with the other Board managers; will post another comment soon. Thanks for the heads up.
HI Bob, I've clarified the requirements for at least the first part of this issue ("we would like the full citation page to be a complete account of the history of a citation, including its inclusion in packets (at any time) and decisions from Board members"). The second part of the issue ("It should not have to be in a packet to be able to record a decision from a Board member on the Full Citation page.") needs some more discussion with the other Board managers - I will let you know if any additional changes are needed.
1. Please display all packets the citation has ever been included in (including active & inactive packets, packets that currently contain the articles and those that don't, and packets that have received reviews and those that haven't) and keep this information expanded on the Full Citation page when the information for that topic is expanded. In other words, we'd like to do away with the PAST DECISIONS heading and collapse functionality.
2. Beside the name of the packet, please include "(packet archived)" or "(article removed from packet)" when either of these situations apply. Active packets should not have anything after the name of the packet.
3. Please display all Board member responses the citation has received and keep this information expanded on the Full Citation page when the information for that topic is expanded. In other words, we'd like to do away with the PAST DECISIONS heading and collapse functionality.
I don't know how we would record board member reviews of an article without a packet, unless we completely rewrite that part of the system, as the database stores reviews as part of packets.
I have modified the "Full Citation" page code to show all the packets, including those which are no longer active, as well as packets from which the article for the page has been dropped. I also modified the code which constructs the pick list for selecting a packet for which to post a new board member response, so that it too includes all the packets to which this article was ever assigned. I'm hoping that meets your needs, and we don't have to rewrite the system to store member responses without packets (in which case 40 points will be way too low). Please take a look.
Bob, this is looking good on DEV, but could you please change "packet inactive" to "archived packet" (for consistency with wording elsewhere in the system). (I also decided to flip the two words.) Thanks!
Wording tweaked.
Wording tweaked (again).
Verified on QA.
We haven't had an occasion to verify this on PROD yet; closing issue and we'll reopen if we have problems.
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