EBMS Tickets

Issue Number 235
Summary [About] Make the About Page Editable
Created 2014-07-31 11:11:58
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2015-10-30 09:45:04
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.135764

We should consider making the about page editable so that we don't need to wait for a release to make changes to EICs, etc.

Comment entered 2015-10-30 09:45:04 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

This is ready for testing on DEV. You can test by changing the CAM board name, for example. I wouldn't make a ton of changes until we get to production, though, unless you're OK with making them all over again once we go live.

The tradeoff for making the page editable by users is a loss of some of the control over the layout/presentation details. I've done as much as I can to minimize that cost, but there are some things we're not going to be able to do exactly the way Ashleigh had them. For example, in order to let Drupal show users with edit permission the pencil icon for modifying the page, we had to give up having the ABOUT PDQ® title aligned with the top of the photo (instead it's above the photo). In addition, unless you're willing to give up more aspects of Ashleigh's UI for the page, there are a number of things you'll need to be careful to preserve. These include:

  • the id="about-img" attribute for the img element holding the image

  • the class="no-underscore" attribute on the first two links

  • the id="boards-title" attribute on the PDQ® EDITORIAL BOARDS line

  • the class="board-name" attribute on the board name lines

In most cases, you won't have to worry about these: just editing the string for a board name, for example, won't mess up the board-name class, as long as you're editing in place. If you were to wipe out the whole line, though, and replace it completely, you'll have lost that attribute (and some of the custom layout). You could even clone entire board block with copy/paste in the editing UI (new board, for example) and that should work OK. But wiping out the image and replacing it with another would lose the custom placement instructions. All of that can be controlled by clicking on "Disable rich text" and editing the raw HTML, but that would be about as much fun as going into the raw XML view in XMetaL. :-)

I'm using blockquote elements for the indented lines.

Comment entered 2015-11-16 13:07:53 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Sharon noticed that the right and center justify icons do not work on this page. But, we decided we probably don't need them on the About page. Would it be possible to gray them out since they aren't functional?

Sharon also had these comments about IE:

In IE, can’t even highlight text to make a change, can’t scroll to body of page to submit. I basically couldn’t test anything.

I suspect we should just plan to use Firefox.

Comment entered 2015-11-16 17:18:02 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

We've been aware since 2013 that there are bugs in some versions of IE which prevent the rich text editor from working properly. Later versions of the Javascript WYSIWYG editing library we're using contain a workaround for the problem, but we're told we can't upgrade yet to those versions because they introduce incompatibilities with other sites on our server (notably MyNCI, as I recall). When we last talked about the problems it was decided that we'd just use other browsers as a workaround in the meantime. I would guess that we'll have more freedom to upgrade to a later version of the library once CBIIT has separated out the sites. I've added as a watcher, as she's in closer touch with the timetable for that split, and she might be able to shed some light on when we might see it happen.

Comment entered 2015-11-18 12:05:57 by henryec

Got the green light from CBIIT to separate out the sites as soon as we are able to accommodate. I'm writing down my idea for when this could maybe happen during the EBMS release; Bob, I'll send you an email with my idea since it's outside of this ticket.

Comment entered 2015-11-18 17:42:36 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Bob, just following up on my earlier comment about the right/center justify icons. Is it possible to gray those out since they don't work? If not, that's okay. We'll just need to remind ourselves not to use them.

Comment entered 2015-11-19 07:53:42 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Did you see my previous comment? This is only a problem in some versions of IE, and we will probably be able to solve it once we've split EBMS out to its own Drupal core. It's working fine for me in my browser. I can't grey out the icons, but I can remove them from the site altogether, if you really don't want them even if we can get them working properly. If that's what you want, please add a new JIRA ticket.

Comment entered 2015-11-19 08:49:59 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

I didn't realize your earlier comment had to do with the justify icons, too, because the center/right justify icons aren't working in Firefox for me, either. (The text will center/right justify in the edit screen, but once saved, the text is again left-justified.) I don't want to remove the icons from the site altogether because we do use them on the meeting agenda page (where they work). We can just leave them as is on the About page then and I'll remind everyone and put something in our user manual about not using them there. Thanks.

Comment entered 2015-11-19 09:27:29 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Moving this to QA verified. If I understand correctly, issue OCEEBMS-346 in the backlog will likely help to resolve the problems reported above with the justify icons and the browser.

Comment entered 2016-04-06 14:48:44 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

Verified on PROD.

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