Issue Number | 5338 |
Summary | Global to update clinical trials search page links in CDR documents |
Created | 2024-09-26 09:52:15 |
Issue Type | Task |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2024-12-10 15:01:27 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.467192 |
The URL for the clinical trials search page
has changed to
The page is currently being redirected but it looks like we may want to update the links with the new URL in summaries (and other document types where applicble). I believe this is related to OCECDR-5275
You might want to modify the title for this ticket if what you want changed is not the search page but the links to that page.
Done! Thanks!
Test mode run results from CDR DEV
Please run in live mode on DEV. Thanks!
Please modify the global to include the Source Title:
Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials
Please add the above source title to both English and Spanish summaries that have the clinical trials search link.
If the source title element already has content that is not exactly the source title above, please replace it with Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials. Essentially, we want all the clinical trials search links to have the same Source Title: Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials.
After the changes are completed, please run in test mode on DEV. Thanks!
Does the selection for documents to be processed need to be expanded?
Or should I assume that any ExternalRef
elements which have
been already edited and given the new URL will also have the correct
attribute value?
Please expand the selection of documents. I think we should assume that an ExternalRef element that has been edited manually may have the wrong SouceTitle attribute value.
OK, I will look for documents which have the old value or the new
value in the cdr:xref attribute (we obviously don't want to
modify all of the ExternalRef
elements). 😉
Test run has completed.
Verified. Please run in live mode on DEV. Thanks!
Verified. Please run in test mode on QA. Thanks!
Verified. Please run in live mode on QA. Thanks!
Verified on QA. Please run in test mode on PROD. Thanks!
Verified. Please run in live mode on PROD. Thanks!
Verified on PROD.
Elapsed: 0:00:00.001644