CDR Tickets

Issue Number 5334
Summary [Summaries macro] Summaries Word macro stripping links
Created 2024-09-18 14:36:20
Issue Type Bug
Submitted By Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]
Assigned To Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2024-11-14 17:12:43
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.464693

The macro we run on HP summaries we've converted to Word from CDR reports is not working properly. Most of the links are removed (i.e., table of contents links, references, external resources). This seems to be happening to each of the different Board macros that leave in the table of contents when the macro is run. 

The macro seemed to go awry sometime between 7/22 and 7/29. 


Comment entered 2024-11-14 11:50:30 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Adding a few test summaries:

  • Genetics of Colorectal Cancer summary (CDR 62863)

  • Genetics of Skin Cancer summary (CDR 552637)

Comment entered 2024-11-14 12:53:21 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

When I opened Word I found a little note that said something like: "We made pasting better.  Learn more..."

I followed the link and see the following:

We’ve heard from many of you that the current Keep Source Formatting default setting is not meeting your needs, and you would prefer for the default option to be Merge Formatting when pasting from other programs.

We heard you and are happy to deliver!

I believe what is happening is that the document formatting has changed and this change is throwing off the macro to remove the links from the TOC section.

Please paste the documents with the "Keep Source Formatting" option before running the macro.  That should prevent the links from being removed.  It also preserves the redline/strikeout in the TOC section.

Comment entered 2024-11-14 12:55:01 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Comment entered 2024-11-14 17:12:18 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

As discussed, there is indeed an option that allows you to revert to the previous default of pasting:  Keep Source Formatting.

In Word follow these steps:

  1. Click File --> Options

  2. Click Advanced in the left navigation menu

  3. Scroll down to the section: cut, copy, and paste

  4. There should be an option "Pasting from other programs"

  5. For this option select "Keep Source Formatting" (it will probably say: "Merge formatting (Default)")

  6. Close the options window

  7. Done - happy pasting!!!

Comment entered 2025-01-30 13:44:54 by Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]

Closed issue. Will reopen if needed.

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