Issue Number | 5268 |
Summary | Modify Image Demographic Information Report |
Created | 2023-08-02 17:26:33 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2023-08-24 13:23:09 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.354285 |
Please modify the Image Demographic Information Report with the following enhancements:
Please exclude blocked image Media docs so that they don’t show up in the report (blocked images are currently displaying when selecting the “All” option for each of the Image Demographic Information categories, such as Age, Sex, Race, etc.)
In the report, only include image Media docs that have a publishable version (we only want to see demographic information for live images, not ones that are in progress or on hold – if/when these are published, they will be included in the report)
For each of the results of the Images mode, please include a count of the number of rows. To clarify, when I run a report and documents match my selection criteria (results), I just need a count of the number of rows that were retrieved. So, I do expect one count (total number of documents retrieved) for each report I run.
You're going to need to provide a lot more information for the last enhancement request. To begin with, what does "this would include results of the various image Demographic Information categories selected, such as Age, Sex, Race, etc." mean? I'm not sure how "results" in that clause fits in with this request. Does "category" refer to different things in "Image Category" and "categories selected"? How would the counts work when the same image shows up for more than one summary? Examples would be useful.
What does the report do in "Summary" mode when a selected summary links to a blocked media document or a media document without a publishable version.
Our process is to only link to active image Media docs. So, for the
report, please exclude these docs
(blocked or media document without publishable version) for Summary
Sure. I will provide some examples and clarifications.
Our process is to only link to active image Media docs.
If that's true, then the software shouldn't have to check the publishable status of the linked media documents in Summary mode, right?
It is possible for a user to make a mistake so having the software check would be great.
I will provide some examples and clarifications.
Holding off until I get those.
We looked at the report again and it looks like providing the number of rows retrieved should be OK for what we need the numbers for.
Enhancements installed on DEV.
Verified on DEV. Thanks!
Verified on QA. Thanks!
Verified on PROD. Thanks!
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