Issue Number | 3518 |
Summary | Logging needs Closure |
Created | 2012-06-04 17:52:13 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | alan |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2012-06-28 13:16:37 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107846 |
BZDATETIME::2012-06-04 17:52:13
BZCREATOR::Volker Englisch
I don't want to bug Alan too much since he's busy but I don't want to forget this issue, so I'm adding a task as a P6.
In the past, whenever you open a file for logging the cdr.Log class
puts the lines
=========== Opening Log ===========
Fri Apr 29 18:00:00 2011
at the beginning of the log output and when the program ends there is
a closing statement like
Tue Apr 26 19:00:48 2011
=========== Closing Log ===========
On April 26th last year (after the nightly publishing job) something has happened that's depriving us of the closing statements. There isn't any more 'Closing Log' to be found since then.
I've looked around a little but can't find a reason why the "Closing
Log" statement isn't automatically created anymore.
In your description of the class you're saying that you could close the
log file manually which should trigger the closing statement but this
isn't working either (testing at the Python command prompt).
BZDATETIME::2012-06-19 20:39:14
This is now fixed on Mahler and in version control.
The fix cannot yet be promoted to Bach or Franck because the fix is in the module and there are other changes in that module that Volker is working on that can't be promoted until other work is complete.
I'm marking this as resoved-fixed.
BZDATETIME::2012-06-28 13:16:37
Closed at status meeting.
Elapsed: 0:00:00.000516