Issue Number | 3505 |
Summary | [CiteMS] Assigning Topics to Deb Price for Review |
Created | 2012-05-09 11:58:30 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | alan |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2012-05-30 13:59:42 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107833 |
BZDATETIME::2012-05-09 11:58:30
BZCREATOR::Robin Juthe
BZQACONTACT::Margaret Beckwith
Per Victoria's email (pasted below), Deb Price will begin reviewing articles for selected Adult Tx topics in the CiteMS. I believe Cynthia created a user account for her, so now Deb just needs to have the appropriate topics assigned to her for review (this list is below). I don't know whether this part is done by Cynthia or Alan, so I'm sorry if I've assigned this to the wrong person.
------------------------EMAIL FROM VICTORIA
From: Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:37 PM
To: Alan Meyer; Boggess, Cynthia
Cc: Harrison, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]; Price, Deborah (NIH/NCI) [E];
Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]
Subject: New reviewer in the CiteMS
Hi All,
Just a quick heads up that Deb Price will be taking over the review of some of the adult treatment topics in the CiteMS. Hooray!
Robin will put an issue in Bugzilla once we know which topics Deb will be reviewing. Obviously she’ll need an account created and she’ll need to be added to the monthly notification e-mail.
Any questions, please let Robin or me know.
Here are the topics Deb will be reviewing:
Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma
Adult Leukemia*
Adult Lymphoma*
Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
AIDS-related Lymphoma
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders
Hairy Cell Leukemia
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Plasma Cell Neoplasms (including Multiple Myeloma)
Hodgkin Lymphoma During Pregnancy
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma During Pregnancy
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
I'm not sure whether anything still comes in for the two pregancy topics since those topics are now covered in the general HL and NHL summaries, but it probably wouldn't hurt to add her to those topics just in case.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-09 14:19:23
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
Yes I have created Deborah a CiteMS account.
We will be publishing the May citations by the 25th. So this will be
here first batch of citations to review.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 09:53:01
Cynthia did everything that was needed for this task.
I'm marking the issue as resolved-fixed.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 11:08:02
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
Yes, but did you assign the topics listed above to her account? That I can not do.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 11:18:15
I didn't realize that you couldn't do that.
I'll do it by hand today.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 11:27:21
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
It would be nice if I could or if Victoria could 🙂
All the other boards have only one reviewer...aka the board manager.
Because Victoria has too many citations to review by herself, the adult
treatment citations were always divided up among several reviewers. Over
the years we have only had to assign and reassign topics a few times so
our programmer would just handle it.
So maybe an idea for a phase two addition?
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 11:47:27
I updated the lu_summaries table in the test/dev database. I think
that's all
I need to do but, in case it's not or in case I did something wrong, I
it's desirable for someone who knows what they're doing (Cynthia?
Robin?) to
test this and confirm that it worked before I do it in the production
If someone tells me that what I did worked, I'll implement it in production.
Incidentally, I ran the query to do this using the summary topic
names given in
the issue description text. It turned up one short. I tracked that down
found that the name:
Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Is off slightly with an extra space before Neoplasms in the database, i.e.,
Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
I suspect that it's safe to fix that but I haven't done so. I don't
know if
anything is keyed to the names and will break if I do fix it.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 13:55:54
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
(In reply to comment #6)
I think
> it's desirable for someone who knows what they're doing (Cynthia?
Robin?) to
> test this and confirm that it worked before I do it in the
production database.
Minaxi will import citations in the test db for these new reassigned topics and then I'll check to see that they end up in Deb's new que.
> I suspect that it's safe to fix that but I haven't done so. I
don't know if
> anything is keyed to the names and will break if I do fix it.
We have changed topics in the past using the Edit/Delete Existing Summary Topic feature in the Admin Tool without anything breaking. So I went ahead and fixed this topic. The space was not all that noticable in the web interface which is why I guess no one noticed it before now.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 18:31:37
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
Ok this seems to be working fine in the test database. All of Deb's new topics are displaying in her que. After you move this to production, I will be ready to publish the May 2012 citations in a few days and will let you know if I notice any problems.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 18:34:00
(In reply to comment #8)
> Ok this seems to be working fine in the test database. All of Deb's
new topics
> are displaying in her que. After you move this to production, I
will be ready
> to publish the May 2012 citations in a few days and will let you
know if I
> notice any problems.
I'll do it right now.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-22 18:37:31
(In reply to comment #9)
> I'll do it right now.
Done. Marking the issue as resolved-fixed.
We'll reopen it if there's a problem.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-29 10:02:50
For the record, and in case someone ever needs to do this again, here's the SQL statement used to re-assign summaries. First create the new user using the Admin interface. Then get the user's cips_reviewer_id number (or join to get it) and run a query like the following one.
use nci_cms_dev
use nci_cms
UPDATE lu_summaries SET cips_reviewer_id = 21
WHERE summary_name IN
'Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia',
'Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia',
'Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma',
'Adult Leukemia*',
'Adult Lymphoma*',
'Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma',
'AIDS-related Lymphoma',
'Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia',
'Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia',
'Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders',
'Hairy Cell Leukemia',
'Myelodysplastic Syndromes',
'Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasms',
'Plasma Cell Neoplasms (including Multiple Myeloma)',
'Hodgkin Lymphoma During Pregnancy',
'Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma During Pregnancy',
'Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma'
After running the above, check to be sure that the correct number of summaries were re-assigned, e.g.,
SELECT COUNT⭐ FROM lu_summaries WHERE cips_reviewer_id = 21
If the number is short, compare the actual summary names with the ones in the IN list. If any strings in the IN list don't match, fix either the string in the database or in the query and re-run.
BZDATETIME::2012-05-30 13:59:42
Victoria and Deb met to go over the CiteMS review in Deb's queue, and it sounds like everything is working as it should. So, I am closing this issue.
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