CDR Tickets

Issue Number 3502
Summary [Summaries] Update CSS to display Type of Change element
Created 2012-04-25 15:51:17
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2013-09-23 17:40:20
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107830

BZDATETIME::2012-04-25 15:51:17
BZCREATOR::William Osei-Poku
BZASSIGNEE::Volker Englisch
BZQACONTACT::William Osei-Poku

A new element called Type of change "TypeOfSummaryChange' has been added to the Summary Schema in OCECDR-3497. Please update the CSS to display this element correctly.

Comment entered 2012-04-26 16:05:05 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-04-26 16:05:05
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

I'm having problems understanding how to display this new element.

I thought that the user would enter some text to this field which would then be marked with the date and the change type attributes.
However, I'm learning now that the TypeOfSummaryChange element is merely a wrapper element for multiple comments. The comments in the summary are displayed as inline elements but I would guess that the users would prefer the comments within the TypeOfSummaryChange wrapper to be displayed one by one (as block elements).
Also, should those comments be displayed with the green background color?

Since Robin mentioned at the meeting today that she would like the user name to be added to the TypeOfSummaryChange element I'm wondering how useful that is given the existence of the user and date attributes on each comment entry?

Another question is if a comment element should be added automatically via the templates when the TypeOfSummaryChange element is created? If the users prefer the user and date attributes of the Comment element to be added automatically this element should be added using our macro.

Comment entered 2012-04-27 12:56:13 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-04-27 12:56:13
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku

(In reply to comment #1)
> I'm having problems understanding how to display this new element.

It seems to me that you no longer have to do anything about the display of the element as it is now because as we saw in the CDR meeting, it is now displaying correctly. I created this issue because I couldn’t find the element when I first tested on Mahler but now the element and attributes are displaying correctly. I know that Robin had asked for a macro to enter the date, comment and username but Bob asked her to create a new issue for those since they will involve a schema changes as well. I am not sure if you want us to keep this issue open to address the macro requirements or to create another issue specifically for that after the schema changes. Please let me know what you prefer.

Comment entered 2012-04-27 13:22:26 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-04-27 13:22:26
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

(In reply to comment #2)
> It seems to me that you no longer have to do anything about the display of the
> element as it is now because as we saw in the CDR meeting, it is now displaying
> correctly.

Please be aware that you're not seeing the element now as you saw it at the meeting since I have made changes to the CSS since.
Please go ahead and create a few comments for a summary and tell me if the current display is what you're expecting.

Comment entered 2012-04-27 13:49:56 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-04-27 13:49:56
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku

(In reply to comment #3)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > It seems to me that you no longer have to do anything about the display of the
> > element as it is now because as we saw in the CDR meeting, it is now displaying
> > correctly.
> Please be aware that you're not seeing the element now as you saw it at the
> meeting since I have made changes to the CSS since.
> Please go ahead and create a few comments for a summary and tell me if the
> current display is what you're expecting.

Can you tell me what changes you made? I don't see a difference from what we saw in the meeting yesterday and what I saw when I tested last night. It is displaying correctly though.

Comment entered 2012-04-27 16:26:41 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-04-27 16:26:41
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

(In reply to comment #4)
> Can you tell me what changes you made?

Yesterday you were able to see the element only if you were in Tags-on mode. In Tags-off mode you didn't see anything. I've added the label "Type of Change & + @:" and defined this element as a block element (instead of an inline element).

I've also added a label after the element to display the Type since I figured the users would not want to have to click into every individual field in order to see the type of change as listed in the attribute inspector.
However, since this label is displayed at the end of the element it might appear out of place for a long text entry like this:

Type of Change: Just a minor change (minor change)
Type of Change: Another little one (minor change)
Type of Change: This is a change
that involves a lot
of text to even start
to make sense to
anybody who really
wants to know what
in the world is
going on (major change)

You may decide to have the Type displayed before the element instead.

Robin, Victoria and I were also discussing if the way that text has to be entered here makes sense so there might be some additional changes coming.

Comment entered 2012-05-07 15:41:59 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-05-07 15:41:59
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

It has been discussed to adjust the schema for this element. Once those schema changes have been completed I will modify the CSS.

Comment entered 2012-05-17 15:37:28 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

BZDATETIME::2012-05-17 15:37:28

Lowering priority.

Comment entered 2012-06-13 18:35:55 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-06-13 18:35:55
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

The CSS for the modified element structure has been updated.

This is ready for review on MAHLER.

Comment entered 2012-06-14 15:19:43 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2012-06-14 15:19:43
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

Robin mentioned that the CSS wasn't in place for these changes. I've copied the CSS to the correct place now.
Please have another look.

Comment entered 2012-06-14 17:41:43 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

BZDATETIME::2012-06-14 17:41:43

(In reply to comment #9)
> Robin mentioned that the CSS wasn't in place for these changes. I've copied
> the CSS to the correct place now.
> Please have another look.

This looks much better. Thank you!

Comment entered 2013-09-23 17:40:20 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

This issue had been reviewed on MAHLER in the OCE environment but the changes never were versioned. I retrieved the CSS from my OCE backup and copied those to DEV but we should take a look to make sure this is the correct copy and everything looks good again.

Comment entered 2013-09-24 18:14:51 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

I adjusted the CSS based on Bob's schema changes but I still have a couple of questions:

  • Would you like the Comment to be displayed in green within this block?

  • Would you like a blue background around the block?

I will finish up the rules and CSS once this has been reviewed on DEV.

Comment entered 2013-09-26 16:05:55 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

I think a blue background for the TypeOfChange block would help to set it apart from the summary text, so please do that if it isn't hard to do. Once we have the blue background, I do not think it's necessary to have the comment display in green.

A picky thing, but could you please change the descriptive text "Change Reason*" to "Change Type*"?

I also requested some changes to the picklist for the TypeOfChange element in OCECDR-3497.

Comment entered 2013-09-26 17:32:19 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

I've updated the CSS for the main view and the structure view and changed the 'Reason' to 'Type'.
Please take another look on DEV.

Comment entered 2013-09-26 17:43:24 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Looks great!

Margaret - if you want to take a look, I added the block of elements to CDR62890 on DEV.

Comment entered 2013-09-27 10:02:13 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

I agree--it looks great!

Comment entered 2013-09-27 14:11:22 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

The following files have been updated in SVN:

  • R12051: Macros\Cdr.mcr

  • R12051: Display\Summary.css

  • R12051: Display\Summary_structure.css

  • R12051: Rules\Summary.ctm

The files need to be copied to


and synced up after the copy

Comment entered 2013-11-07 15:10:07 by Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E]

Verified on QA.

Comment entered 2013-11-26 18:38:48 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

Verified this on Prod. Marking it as closed.

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