Issue Number | 3438 |
Summary | Zip Code Download and Upgrade |
Created | 2011-10-31 12:25:14 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2011-11-17 12:13:44 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107766 |
BZDATETIME::2011-10-31 12:25:14
BZCREATOR::Volker Englisch
BZASSIGNEE::Volker Englisch
BZQACONTACT::William Osei-Poku
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of OCECDR-3343 +++
We received the notification that our updated ZIP data is ready for download:
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:21 PM
To: NCI OCE Admin Services; Strange, Geeta (NIH/NCI) [C]; Englisch,
Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]
Subject: ZIPList5 Max November 2011
Hi Johnathan,
ZIPList5 Max November 2011, Enterprise License, is ready for
from our web site at:
Please use the following User Name and Password (all in CAPS) to
the download page:
User Name: ATSBCV
Password: DSUASE
This is the second version (of four) of your 1-year subscription.
If you have any questions please let me know. Your customer # is ARL208.
We appreciate your business!
Best regards,
Sabine Chamberlain
Your source of up-to-date ZIP code data and related information.
BZDATETIME::2011-10-31 12:26:12
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
Removed dependency.
BZDATETIME::2011-11-10 09:53:57
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
The new ZIP data has been copied to MAHLER.
For November 2011 the US Postal Service added 2 new 5-digit ZIP
codes, deleted
17 existing 5-digit ZIP codes, and renamed 2 existing 5-digit ZIP
Added 09319 M APO, AE
Added 97475 P Springfield, OR
Deleted 09334 M APO, AE
Deleted 09336 M APO, AE
Deleted 09754 M APO, AE
Deleted 09755 M APO, AE
Deleted 09756 M APO, AE
Deleted 21274 U Baltimore, MD
Deleted 21283 U Baltimore, MD
Deleted 36501 Alma, AL
Deleted 45400 P Dayton, OH
Deleted 45418 Dayton, OH
Deleted 55561 P Monticello, MN
Deleted 55563 P Monticello, MN
Deleted 72439 Light, AR
Deleted 95250 P Sheep Ranch, CA
Deleted 96518 M FPO, AP
Deleted 97299 P Portland, OR
Deleted 97482 P Thurston, OR
Renamed 21252 from Baltimore to Towson MD
Renamed 61635 from Peoria to East Peoria IL
This is ready for review on MAHLER.
BZDATETIME::2011-11-11 11:59:06
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #2)
> The new ZIP data has been copied to MAHLER.
> For November 2011 the US Postal Service added 2 new 5-digit ZIP
codes, deleted
> 17 existing 5-digit ZIP codes, and renamed 2 existing 5-digit ZIP
> Added 09319 M APO, AE
> This is ready for review on MAHLER.
Verified on Mahler. Please promote to Bach.
BZDATETIME::2011-11-11 13:17:06
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
The new ZIP codes have been loaded on FRANCK and BACH.
Please verify on BACH and close this bug.
BZDATETIME::2011-11-17 12:13:44
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #4)
> The new ZIP codes have been loaded on FRANCK and BACH.
> Please verify on BACH and close this bug.
Verified on Bach. Closing issue.
Elapsed: 0:00:00.001838