Issue Number | 3417 |
Summary | [Genetics Directory] Unable to generate mailers |
Created | 2011-09-14 05:27:16 |
Issue Type | Bug |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2011-09-14 12:25:38 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107745 |
BZDATETIME::2011-09-14 05:27:16
BZCREATOR::William Osei-Poku
BZQACONTACT::William Osei-Poku
I get the following error/warning when trying to generate Genetics Directory mailers:
Unable to initiate publishing job:
Job 8980 of this publication type is still pending.
BZDATETIME::2011-09-14 09:01:07
Looks like the database timed out when the software tried to update the pub_proc row for the job with the 'Success' status. I updated the row by hand. Perhaps when we upgrade SQL Server we'll have fewer problems with timeouts.
Please try again to create your new mailer job.
BZDATETIME::2011-09-14 12:25:38
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #1)
> Looks like the database timed out when the software tried to update
> pub_proc row for the job with the 'Success' status. I updated the
row by hand.
> Perhaps when we upgrade SQL Server we'll have fewer problems with
> Please try again to create your new mailer job.
It worked. Thanks! Issue closed.
Elapsed: 0:00:00.001749