Issue Number | 3387 |
Summary | Remove asterisks from optional elements |
Created | 2011-07-06 08:30:07 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2011-07-28 10:35:35 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107715 |
BZDATETIME::2011-07-06 08:30:07
BZCREATOR::William Osei-Poku
BZASSIGNEE::Volker Englisch
BZQACONTACT::William Osei-Poku
We made the fax and email address elements within the Specific Board Member Contact Information block of the Board Member Information optional in OCECDR-3378. Please remove the asterisks from these elements to reflect their new status.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-11 15:38:21
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
The following CSS file has been updated to display those two elements as optional.
This is ready for review on MAHLER.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-14 10:18:05
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #1)
> The following CSS file has been updated to display those two
elements as
> optional.
> PDQBoardMemberInfo.css
> This is ready for review on MAHLER.
Verified on Mahler and can be promoted to Bach. While reviewing this, I realized that the default template opens as invalid with rules checking off. I will look at it later to see if I can find what is making it invalid.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-14 11:15:06
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
The following CSS file has been copied to FRANCK and BACH:
PDQBoardMemberInfo.css - R10116
Please verify on BACH and close this bug.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-27 17:41:59
I verified this change but noticed another optional element with an asterisk - Board member assistant phone, which is just above the fax and email elements. Could you please remove this asterisk as well? Thanks.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-27 18:39:48
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
The following CSS file has been copied to FRANCK and BACH:
PDQBoardMemberInfo.css - R10133
Please verify on BACH and close this bug.
BZDATETIME::2011-07-28 10:35:35
(In reply to comment #5)
> The following CSS file has been copied to FRANCK and BACH:
> PDQBoardMemberInfo.css - R10133
> Please verify on BACH and close this bug.
Verified on BACH. Closing issue. Thank you!
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