CDR Tickets

Issue Number 3095
Summary One-time import of updates from NCIC
Created 2010-02-22 13:39:29
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2010-03-16 17:37:06
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107423

BZDATETIME::2010-02-22 13:39:29
BZQACONTACT::Lakshmi Grama

We have been asked by NCIC to update their trial information before transferring ownership back to them. Steve sent us a set of site/status update documents to be used for this purpose.

Comment entered 2010-02-22 13:39:29 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment has been added with description: Steve's update file

Comment entered 2010-02-22 13:41:33 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-02-22 13:41:33

You can view the results at (all 9 documents!).

Comment entered 2010-02-22 13:41:33 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment NCICImportTest-20100222.log has been added with description: Log from test import on Franck.

Comment entered 2010-02-23 13:23:09 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-02-23 13:23:09

Offline comments:

Records have been reviewed and those designated below updated – in BACH.

Kimberly A. Eckley, MA, PMP

Lockheed Martin (Contractor)

Program Manager - NCI-Clinical Trials Reporting Office Support

301-519-6511 - office

From: Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 9:07 AM
To: Eckley, Kimberly A; Kline, Robert (NCI)
Cc: ''; Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]
Subject: Re: PDQ Data Transfer XML File

Please update the record
Lakshmi Grama
Sent from my Blackberry, please excuse any typos.

From: Eckley, Kimberly A <>
To: Kline, Robert (NCI); Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]
Cc: 'Osei-Poku, William' <>; Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]
Sent: Tue Feb 23 08:21:48 2010
Subject: RE: PDQ Data Transfer XML File

The magic is also tied to having an institutional ID, with the Institution attribute set to “NCIC”.

Kimberly A. Eckley, MA, PMP

Lockheed Martin (Contractor)

Program Manager - NCI-Clinical Trials Reporting Office Support

301-519-6511 - office

From: Bob Kline
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:10 AM
To: Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]
Cc: Eckley, Kimberly A; 'Osei-Poku, William'; Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]
Subject: Re: PDQ Data Transfer XML File

On 2/22/2010 5:27 PM, Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E] wrote:

If we added Update Mode of NCIC to the secondary lead organization, and add the appropriate NCIC protocol id, will the program add the external sites from the NCIC file?

I believe so.

Bob Kline

Comment entered 2010-02-23 13:28:12 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-02-23 13:28:12

Updates for 10 of the 23 trials represented in Steve's archive were imported. Results can be viewed at .

Comment entered 2010-02-23 13:29:25 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-02-23 13:29:25

I meant to say that this was a test-mode import. Logs from the test are attached.

Comment entered 2010-02-23 13:29:25 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment NCICImportTest-20100223.log has been added with description: Logfile from test run on Bach

Comment entered 2010-02-23 16:55:21 by Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]

BZDATETIME::2010-02-23 16:55:21
BZCOMMENTOR::Lakshmi Grama

Don't run live mode yet. I have some more trials that can be mapped

Comment entered 2010-03-02 10:45:41 by eckleyk

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 10:45:41

Bob -
Can you please add the following to the CTEP_Institution_Code mapping table?

CANJ = CDR0000662655
11297 = CDR0000667192

After we do this, I think we are ready for one more test run on Bach, and I'll let NCIC know which trials are updating.

If everything looks OK, we can run live and be done with this!

Comment entered 2010-03-02 11:04:34 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 11:04:34

The test conversions can be viewed at

Note that we still only have matches for 10 of the 23 trials, even though you indicated in an earlier message to NCIC that 4 of the 5 trials which had been completely unaccounted for should be matched and updated (and sc20u was just noted as "not in PDQ" without any further explanation - should that be investigated further?).

The validation errors for the ones we imported are gone now.

Comment entered 2010-03-02 11:04:34 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment NCICImportTest-20100302.log has been added with description: Latest test on Bach

Comment entered 2010-03-02 12:53:02 by eckleyk

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 12:53:02

(In reply to comment #7)

> Note that we still only have matches for 10 of the 23 trials, even though you
> indicated in an earlier message to NCIC that 4 of the 5 trials which had been
> completely unaccounted for should be matched and updated

Any idea why these didn't work?

I know Lakshmi didn't want us to spend too much time on these, so the 10 may be all that they get.

Comment entered 2010-03-02 14:31:37 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 14:31:37

My fault. We hadn't had to do any testing of site/status update imports in so long I had forgotten that by default test mode throttles the job at 10 trials. I just did a test run that picked up 15 trials. So now we have more matches, but also more validation errors. Logs attached. Documents at

Comment entered 2010-03-02 14:31:37 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment NCICImportTest-201003021426.log has been added with description: Test with limit lifted

Comment entered 2010-03-02 14:37:19 by eckleyk

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 14:37:19

Here was Lakshmi's parting instruction to me:

From: Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 1:53 PM
To: Eckley, Kimberly A
Subject: NCIC


Can you email status of NCIC – I don’t want to spend too much time on fixing errors in repeated rounds. We update what we can and then transfer and they can fix in CTGOV. Our goal is not 100% correct data or satisfaction. We want to help as much as possible but not to the nth level.


Comment entered 2010-03-02 14:41:13 by eckleyk

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 14:41:13

(In reply to comment #9)
> Created an attachment (id=1870) [details]
> Test with limit lifted
> My fault. We hadn't had to do any testing of site/status update imports in so
> long I had forgotten that by default test mode throttles the job at 10 trials.
> I just did a test run that picked up 15 trials. So now we have more matches,
> but also more validation errors. Logs attached. Documents at

Thanks, Bob.

In my opinion, MA31 has way too many site mapping errors to try to deal with. This was a problem when we tried to do this on manually as well.

Margaret - I've added you for your opinion in Lakshmi's absence. Do you see any issue with us skipping the load for MA31, updating the other 14 trials that work? One trial does have a few minor errors that will be quick to fix.

If we get these updated tomorrow, we could potentially transfer all the active NCIC trials to them this week.

Please advise (and see Lakshmi's comments via email to me in comment 10)

Bob - the trial I'm willing to fix is this: Updating 363802 from map3
Looks like two address type errors - are you able to get the site names, or just the number where they are on the list?

Comment entered 2010-03-02 16:35:54 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 16:35:54
BZCOMMENTOR::Margaret Beckwith

I think that sounds like a good plan. My recollection (not having been too involved in this) was that Ma31 was the problem child before. Let's just go ahead and then transfer the trials that we can't update.

Comment entered 2010-03-02 16:42:54 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-02 16:42:54

(In reply to comment #11)

> In my opinion, MA31 has way too many site mapping errors to try to deal with.
> This was a problem when we tried to do this on manually as well.

You could tell them we skipped that because we knew from all the hours we've already tested that one that it was hopeless. :-)

> Bob - the trial I'm willing to fix is this: Updating 363802 from map3
> Looks like two address type errors - are you able to get the site names, or
> just the number where they are on the list?

Those are the sites for Altamira Family Research Center and Orocovis Medical Center, both in Puerto Rico, which they give as a state and store as a country (it's not really either).

Comment entered 2010-03-03 07:33:21 by eckleyk

BZDATETIME::2010-03-03 07:33:21

Thanks Margaret!

Bob- Let's go ahead with live update of all the trials EXCEPT MA31. I'll fix MAP3 manually after it is updated.

Then, we'll give it tonight to push to and send the files to I'll email NCIC to let them know what we could do, and start getting these things transferred!


Comment entered 2010-03-03 15:06:57 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-03 15:06:57

I created a copy of the set Steve gave us and deleted ma31.xml from it, then ran the import in live mode on Bach.

Comment entered 2010-03-03 15:06:57 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

Attachment NCICLiveImport-20100303.log has been added with description: Log from live import job

Comment entered 2010-03-11 09:26:42 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-11 09:26:42

As far as I know, the work on this task is done.

Comment entered 2010-03-16 17:37:06 by Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-16 17:37:06
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku

(In reply to comment #16)
> As far as I know, the work on this task is done.

We decided in last Thursday's meeting that this issue can be closed.

Issue is now closed.

File Name Posted User 2010-02-22 13:39:29
NCICImportTest-20100222.log 2010-02-22 13:41:33
NCICImportTest-20100223.log 2010-02-23 13:29:25
NCICImportTest-20100302.log 2010-03-02 11:04:34
NCICImportTest-201003021426.log 2010-03-02 14:31:37
NCICLiveImport-20100303.log 2010-03-03 15:06:57

Elapsed: 0:00:00.001588