Issue Number | 3013 |
Summary | [CTGov] Modify import software to populate ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks |
Created | 2009-11-03 12:27:54 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2010-01-06 16:57:19 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107341 |
BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 12:27:54
BZCREATOR::William Osei-Poku
BZQACONTACT::William Osei-Poku
Please modify the CTGov import software to copy the <ProtocolSpecialCategory> block for re-imported trials (if it exists in the trial).
Also, preserve this block when the trial is updated.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 15:39:52
(In reply to comment #0)
> Please modify the CTGov import software to copy the
> block for re-imported trials (if it exists in the trial).
> Also, preserve this block when the trial is updated.
This appears to be in conflict with the requirements for request #4690. Or, more precisely: if we follow the instructions for this request and #4690 as written, then each time we import a trial which has CDR32457 or CDR34517 in the lists of sites, the software will keep all of the instances of ProtocolSpecialCategory which are already present in the CTGovProtocol document and add another one with a SpecialCategory element containing "NIH Clinical Center trial"; I'll be very surprised if that's what you really want. Please think through each of the possible conditions which the software can encounter and provide explicit instructions for what you expect to happen. For example:
Brand new trial
Transferred trial
Existing trial with Magnuson with no ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks
Trial with Magnuson with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
at least one of which already has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
Trial with Magnuson with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
none of which already has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
Trial without Magnuson, with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
at least one of which has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 15:40:29
Fixing status.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 15:41:01
Hit "resolved" by mistake earlier instead of "assigned."
BZDATETIME::2009-11-04 06:02:55
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #1)
> (In reply to comment #0)
> > Please modify the CTGov import software to copy the
> > block for re-imported trials (if it exists in the
> >
> > Also, preserve this block when the trial is updated.
You’re right. That is not what we want. For already transferred trials,
we want to copy the information over as a onetime event and allow the
rule in OCECDR-3014 to apply anytime the trial is updated.
Since the NIH Clinical Center trial is determined by the participation
of Warren Magnuson in a trial, when Warren Magnuson is no longer
participating in a trial, that information must change and this may
happen quickly. That is, we can assign the Special Category for a trial
today and by next week if Warren Magnuson site is closed, the trial does
not qualify to have a Special Category anymore. (This makes my comment
in the initial post to preserve the block wrong). This is because if we
preserve the block but a trial is updated by closing or removing the
Warren Magnuson site, we would have the wrong information and also for
the reason you provide above.
> * Brand new trial
For brand new CTGov trials, OCECDR-3014 applies. That is, apply the rule: if the Magnuson site exists, assign the special category of NIH Clinical Center Trial.
> * Transferred trial
For InScopeProtocol, we assigned the Special Category of NIH Clinical Center trial only when the site status is active or Temporarily closed. When the site is closed, we manually remove the NIH Clinical Center trial special category. If the protocol is approved (overall status) or if the site is not active, we do not assign special category. However, for older trials there may be a few where the Warren Magnuson site is Temporarily Closed and yet does not have the Special Category.
Going by the existing rules, if the transferred trial had the block in the InScopeProtocol and the site information is active or Temporarily closed, copy the block to the converted trial. If it does not have the block and yet there is a Warren site that is active or Temporarily closed, then assign the special category of NIH Clinical Center trial. If there are trials that do not follow our existing rules, they are likely user errors. If you report them, we can fix them manually.
> * Existing trial with Magnuson with no ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks
If there are existing trials with the Magnuson site active or Temporarily Closed, OCECDR-3014 applies. Assign Special Category. If the site has any other status apart from Active or Temporarily Closed, do nothing.
> * Trial with Magnuson with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
> at least one of which already has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
The same rule applies. If there is a Warren Magnuson site that is Active or Temporarily Closed, copy the NIH Clinical Center trial block only.
I am inclined to think that we are only interested in the “NIH Clinical Trials Center trials” special category at this point. Lakshmi and Margaret can clarify this information. While the other Special Categories are important, they cannot be ‘automatically’ assigned by the software by looking at the lead org information or the site information for example. It would have to be manually maintained. (We may want to copy existing information in the InScopeProtocol documents for trials that already have other special categories like the NCI High Priority trial and the NCI Web site featured trial but even in those cases, we may want to track the issue in a separate issue.)
> * Trial with Magnuson with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
> none of which already has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
If the Magnuson site is Active or Temporarily Closed, then assign a new Special Category, otherwise do nothing.
> * Trial without Magnuson, with 1 or more ProtocolSpecialCategory
> at least one of which has "NIH Clinical Center trial"
I would think that in this case, it would be user error. Do nothing but report errors for us to fix manually. The NIH Clinical Center trial special category is determined solely by participation of the Warren sites.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-05 09:56:31
(In reply to comment #4)
> You’re right. That is not what we want. For already transferred
trials, we
> want to copy the information over as a onetime event and allow the
rule in Bug
> #4690 to apply anytime the trial is updated.
That sounds like a global change, not something which should be handled by the import software. If so, please create a separate issue for the global change, specify what you need to be done, and assign it to Alan.
> > * Transferred trial
> For InScopeProtocol, we assigned the Special Category of NIH
Clinical Center
> trial only when the site status is active or Temporarily closed.
When the site
> is closed, we manually remove the NIH Clinical Center trial special
> If the protocol is approved (overall status) or if the site is not
active, we
> do not assign special category. However, for older trials there may
be a few
> where the Warren Magnuson site is Temporarily Closed and yet does
not have the
> Special Category.
> Going by the existing rules, if the transferred trial had the block
in the
> InScopeProtocol and the site information is active or Temporarily
closed, copy
> the block to the converted trial. If it does not have the block and
yet there
> is a Warren site that is active or Temporarily closed, then assign
the special
> category of NIH Clinical Center trial. If there are trials that do
not follow
> our existing rules, they are likely user errors. If you report
them, we can
> fix them manually.
I can think of two cases in which CIAT would not have followed the rules you just described:
1. Magnuson present, active or temporarily closed, special category
2. Magnuson not present with the right status, but NIHCCT specified
You said for #1 you want the software to fix the problem, but then you said you wanted the software to report both cases and have CIAT fix the problems manually. Which do you really want?
> > * Existing trial with Magnuson with no
ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks
> If there are existing trials with the Magnuson site active or
> Closed, OCECDR-3014 applies. Assign Special Category. If the site
has any
> other status apart from Active or Temporarily Closed, do
That would appear to be saying we shouldn't even report the discrepancy in this case.
> > * Trial with Magnuson with 1 or more
ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks,
> > at least one of which already has "NIH Clinical Center
> The same rule applies. If there is a Warren Magnuson site that is
Active or
> Temporarily Closed, copy the NIH Clinical Center trial block
Really? Drop all the other blocks?
> I am inclined to think that we are only interested in the “NIH
Clinical Trials
> Center trials” special category at this point. Lakshmi and Margaret
> clarify this information. While the other Special Categories are
> they cannot be ‘automatically’ assigned by the software by looking
at the lead
> org information or the site information for example. It would have
to be
> manually maintained. (We may want to copy existing information in
> InScopeProtocol documents for trials that already have other
> categories like the NCI High Priority trial and the NCI Web site
> trial but even in those cases, we may want to track the issue in
> separate issue.)
I'm confused by the language above. We seem to be conflating discussions of copying existing information with instructions for inserting programatically derived information, and mixing up requirements for handling trials being imported at the point of ownership transfer (when an InScopeProtocol document is being overlaid with a CTGovProtocol version) with those governing ongoing import of CTGovProtocol documents.
If you really want to ditch everything but the "NIH Clinical Trials Center trials" special category, then why bother looking at the InScopeProtocol document at all? I would propose two steps, enormously simplifying the requirements for these two "special category" issues:
1. Run a global change to insert the special category where
in the existing CTGovProtocol documents.
2. Modify the import software to insert it where appropriate and
drop it
"Where appropriate" would mean at least one appearance of Magnuson present with the right status. Lakshmi needs to answer William's question in #4690 about whether to use just CDR34517 or both CDR34517 and CDR32457.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-05 14:48:03
We discussed this issue, as well as #4690, at today's status meeting, and decided to simplify the requirements and reorganize the tasks for the work needed for dealing with ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks in CTGovProtocol documents.
This issue covers the modifications needed in the import software. Issue #4690 now covers the global change which will be needed to populate existing CTGovProtocol documents with ProtocolSpecialCategory blocks, as well as transferring information from InScopeProtocol documents which have been replaced by CTGovProtocol documents. That issue depends on this one, in the sense that the global change should not be run until the changes made for this issue have been put into production.
Here is the logic to be implemented for this issue in the import software:
[1] "Active" or "Approved-not yet active" for purposes of this
[2] Lakshmi will tell us whether to look for just CDR34517 or both
and CDR32457.
Does this capture correctly what you need to have happen for this issue?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-05 17:30:24
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #6)
> [1] "Active" or "Approved-not yet active" for purposes of this
> [2] Lakshmi will tell us whether to look for just CDR34517 or both
> and CDR32457.
> Lakshmi/William:
> Does this capture correctly what you need to have happen for this
I think it does capture it very well.
Also, Lakshmi said to look for both CDR34517 and CDR32457.
I can confirm from a search that when NIHCC is selected, trials that have either of these sites are displayed:
For example, I selected only NIH Clinical Center trial on and I got the following trial which lists: CDR32457
…and the following trials also which lists: CDR34517
BZDATETIME::2009-11-09 11:55:43
(In reply to comment #7)
> > Lakshmi/William:
> >
> > Does this capture correctly what you need to have happen for
this issue?
> I think it does capture it very well.
I'm going to assume Lakshmi approves as well, and that if she sees any problems with the proposed logic she'll stop me before I get too far. Therefore, I'm going to proceed with implementing the logic as laid out in comment #6.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-10 07:55:11
I have implemented the logic laid out in comment #6 above. How would you like to handle testing (in light of the fact that we already have tests under way for several other issues in this area)?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-10 15:33:46
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #9)
> I have implemented the logic laid out in comment #6 above. How
would you like
> to handle testing (in light of the fact that we already have tests
under way
> for several other issues in this area)?
When Franck is refreshed, I will start testing these changes.
1. I will try and identify some Warren Magnuson trials we do not have in the CDR and force import them.
2. I will identify a few Warren Magnuson trials in the CDR that you can re-import to see (Including #1 above).
It may be necessary to manipulate some of the import data to test the other scenarios. For example, when NLM drops a Warren Maganuson site (at re-import) that we have already assigned NIHCCT (through an initial import).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-10 16:54:00
(In reply to comment #7)
> (In reply to comment #6)
> >
> > [1] "Active" or "Approved-not yet active" for purposes of this
> > [2] Lakshmi will tell us whether to look for just CDR34517 or
both CDR34517
> > and CDR32457.
> >
> > Lakshmi/William:
> >
> > Does this capture correctly what you need to have happen for
this issue?
> I think it does capture it very well.
It looks like there is a discrepancy in the comments for this issue regarding which statuses for the Magnuson sites should trigger the inclusion of the "NIH Clinical Center trial" special category block. In the pseudo-code (immediately above), which I believe came from the discussions with Lakshmi (and which you just signed off on) we are saying the statuses we're looking for are "Active" and "Approved-not yet active"; however, elsewhere in the issue the statuses to be used are identified as "Active" and "Temporarily closed"; can we get confirmation as to which status values we should be looking for?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-10 17:53:28
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #11)
> (In reply to comment #7)
> > (In reply to comment #6)
> It looks like there is a discrepancy in the comments for this issue
> which statuses for the Magnuson sites should trigger the inclusion
of the "NIH
> Clinical Center trial" special category block. In the pseudo-code
> above), which I believe came from the discussions with Lakshmi (and
which you
> just signed off on) we are saying the statuses we're looking for
are "Active"
> and "Approved-not yet active"; however, elsewhere in the issue the
statuses to
> be used are identified as "Active" and "Temporarily closed"; can we
> confirmation as to which status values we should be looking
I think the discrepancy stems from mapping the InScopeProtocol status values to the CTGovProtocol status values. In the InScopeProtocol document, we assign NIHCCT special category when the site is either Active or Temporarily closed. So I guess whatever values these two statuses map to in the CTGovProtocol or the values that NLM send us corresponding to the two statuses, should be the ones we use to assign the special category. I know for sure that we do get sites that have Active statuses but I am not sure about temporarily closed statuses.
In the InScopeProtocol document, we do not assign a NIHCCT when the Warren Magnuson site is Approved-not yet active. The site needs to be ready to accept patients or should be temporarily unable to do so before we assign the ProtocolSpecialCategory of NIHCCT.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-10 18:54:37
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
I am not sure if this will be of any importance to you: here is a list that we refer to in comparing our status values with that of NLM's.
1. Approved-not yet active / Not yet recruiting
2. Active / Recruiting
3. Enrolling by invitation / Enrolling by invitation
4. Temporarily closed / Suspended
5. Closed / Active, not recruiting
6. Completed / Completed
7. Withdrawn / Terminated or Withdrawn
So going strictly by what we do manually in the InScopeProtocol documents, we will only assign NIHCCT for trials with site values in #2 and #4.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-11 13:22:26
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
I will be testing this alongside OCECDR-3012 with some of the following trials when they are converted:
BZDATETIME::2009-11-12 09:39:44
New download/import test jobs run this morning. Here are the version numbers created for the documents you identified:
298984 16
298988 31
339611 33
378183 21
456444 25
521522 27
BZDATETIME::2009-11-12 11:12:18
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
Please import the following trials for testing the Special Category
changes. I had to look for trials with Warren Magnuson already on
I also marked the following trials for force import on Franck. I am not sure what to expect from these ones because they are all completed. I am finding it difficult to find trials on that have Warren Magnuson that we did not register.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 08:37:52
(In reply to comment #16)
> Please import the following trials for testing the Special Category
changes. I
> had to look for trials with Warren Magnuson already on
I ran a new download and import test on Franck.
> CDR0000559847
> CDR0000349338
> CDR0000334841
> CDR0000500489
> CDR0000068357
> CDR0000538554
Most of these (but not all) got imported.
> I also marked the following trials for force import on Franck. I am
not sure
> what to expect from these ones because they are all completed. I am
finding it
> difficult to find trials on that have Warren
Magnuson that
> we did not register.
> NCT00001589
> NCT00004978
> NCT00005004
> NCT00001714
> NCT00001515
Only one of these showed up for import (NCT00001515).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 11:32:25
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #17)
> (In reply to comment #16)
> > Please import the following trials for testing the Special
Category changes. I
> > had to look for trials with Warren Magnuson already on
> I ran a new download and import test on Franck.
> > CDR0000559847
> > CDR0000349338
> > CDR0000334841
> > CDR0000500489
> > CDR0000068357
> > CDR0000538554
> Most of these (but not all) got imported.
> >
> > I also marked the following trials for force import on Franck.
I am not sure
> > what to expect from these ones because they are all completed.
I am finding it
> > difficult to find trials on that have
Warren Magnuson that
> > we did not register.
> >
> > NCT00001589
> > NCT00004978
> > NCT00005004
> > NCT00001714
> > NCT00001515
> Only one of these showed up for import (NCT00001515).
Warren Magnuson site is active on all of the following trials but the Protocol Special Category block did not display in any of the records.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 12:30:48
(In reply to comment #18)
> Warren Magnuson site is active on all of the following trials
but the Protocol
> Special Category block did not display in any of the records.
> CDR0000538554
> CDR0000538554
> CDR0000068357
> CDR0000500489
> CDR0000334841
> CDR0000659811
The filters had not been updated on Franck. I fixed that and marked the documents for import again. This results in a couple of them getting the block (3384841 and 500489) but not all of them. For 538554 (which you had twice in your list above) I see a site with the clinical center named, but the corresponding key [1] in the mapping table isn't mapped to any CDR ID, so the Name element for that site didn't have a cdr:ref linking attribute.
[1] NIH - Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center|Bethesda|Maryland|20892-1182|United States
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 13:16:40
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #19)
> (In reply to comment #18)
> > Warren Magnuson site is active on all of the following trials
but the Protocol
> > Special Category block did not display in any of the
> >
> > CDR0000538554
> > CDR0000538554
> > CDR0000068357
> > CDR0000500489
> > CDR0000334841
> > CDR0000659811
> The filters had not been updated on Franck. I fixed that and marked
> documents for import again. This results in a couple of them
getting the block
> (3384841 and 500489)
Yes. These ones (334841 and 500489) display correctly.
but not all of them. For 538554 (which you had twice in
> your list above) I see a site with the clinical center named, but
> corresponding key [1] in the mapping table isn't mapped to any CDR
ID, so the
> Name element for that site didn't have a cdr:ref linking
> [1] NIH - Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical
> Center|Bethesda|Maryland|20892-1182|United States
I will map this one correctly on both Franck and Bach.
I have identified additional trials that can be imported for further testing.
I have also forced import the following trials I selected from NIH. They are trials I believe we have not received before so they will not meet our selection criteria.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 13:35:37
(In reply to comment #20)
> I have also forced import the following trials ....
Don't forget to create the task to modify the interface for that tool to make it clear that you're forcing a download (assuming NLM has the document in their system), not an import. Assign it to Volker or to myself (whichever of us has the fewest critical tasks queued up).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-13 14:09:20
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #21)
> (In reply to comment #20)
> > I have also forced import the following trials ....
> Don't forget to create the task to modify the interface for that
tool to make
> it clear that you're forcing a download (assuming NLM has the
document in their
> system), not an import. Assign it to Volker or to myself (whichever
of us has
> the fewest critical tasks queued up).
Created OCECDR-3024 for this issue.
Also, in the CDR meeting yesterday, Lakshmi suggested manipulating the XML files of some of the CTGov protocols so that I can test for the preservation of the blocks. I will identify some of the trials and add them to this issue.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-16 13:37:46
(In reply to comment #20)
> I have identified additional trials that can be imported for
further testing.
> CDR0000349338
> CDR0000555674
> CDR0000586110
> CDR0000555102
> CDR0000067459
> CDR0000631737
> CDR0000502207
> CDR0000536009
I have run a number of download/import jobs since comment #20, and only four of those CDR IDs are in the ctgov_import table (67459, 349338, 555674, and 631737), and all four have a disposition of 'duplicate'.
> I have also forced import the following trials I selected from NIH.
They are
> trials I believe we have not received before so they will not meet
> selection criteria.
> NCT00630461
> NCT00839124
> NCT00766883
> NCT00032513
> NCT00977184
> NCT00048347
> NCT00695136
> NCT00100217
> NCT00077909
> NCT00484861
All of these have been imported.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-16 14:13:03
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #23)
> (In reply to comment #20)
> > I have identified additional trials that can be imported for
further testing.
> >
> >
> > CDR0000349338
> > CDR0000555674
> > CDR0000586110
> > CDR0000555102
> > CDR0000067459
> > CDR0000631737
> > CDR0000502207
> > CDR0000536009
> I have run a number of download/import jobs since comment #20, and
only four of
> those CDR IDs are in the ctgov_import table (67459, 349338, 555674,
> 631737), and all four have a disposition of 'duplicate'.
> >
> > I have also forced import the following trials I selected from
NIH. They are
> > trials I believe we have not received before so they will not
meet our
> > selection criteria.
> >
> > NCT00630461
> > NCT00839124
> > NCT00766883
> > NCT00032513
> > NCT00977184
> > NCT00048347
> > NCT00695136
> > NCT00100217
> > NCT00077909
> > NCT00484861
> All of these have been imported.
None of the above got the block but at least all of them except the first 2 have NIH - Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center as a location.
Meanwhile, on Friday, I corrected the mapping problem you identified in comment # 19.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-16 16:47:48
(In reply to comment #24)
> > >
> > > NCT00630461
> > > NCT00839124
> > > NCT00766883
> > > NCT00032513
> > > NCT00977184
> > > NCT00048347
> > > NCT00695136
> > > NCT00100217
> > > NCT00077909
> > > NCT00484861
> >
> > All of these have been imported.
> None of the above got the block but at least all of them except the
first 2
> have NIH - Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center as a location.
The filter to insert the ProtocolSpecialCategory element assumed that it would find a PDQAdminInfo block, but of course there won't always be such a block. I have modified the filter to handle that case. I NULLed out the cdr_id column for the rows for these trials (so new CDR documents would be created), set the disposition column to 'import requested', and ran another import job. Here are the CDR IDs:
NCT00032513 660430
NCT00048347 660431
NCT00077909 660432
NCT00100217 660433
NCT00484861 660434
NCT00630461 660435
NCT00695136 660436
NCT00766883 660437
NCT00839124 660438
NCT00977184 660439
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 10:15:13
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #25)
> the CDR IDs:
> NCT00032513 660430
> NCT00048347 660431
> NCT00077909 660432
> NCT00100217 660433
> NCT00484861 660434
> NCT00630461 660435
> NCT00695136 660436
> NCT00766883 660437
> NCT00839124 660438
> NCT00977184 660439
All of these look good. Thank you!
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 10:19:00
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #24)
> (In reply to comment #23)
> > (In reply to comment #20)
> >
> > > I have identified additional trials that can be imported
for further testing.
> > >
> > >
> > > CDR0000349338
> > > CDR0000555674
> > > CDR0000586110
> > > CDR0000555102
> > > CDR0000067459
> > > CDR0000631737
> > > CDR0000502207
> > > CDR0000536009
> >
> > I have run a number of download/import jobs since comment #20,
and only four of
> > those CDR IDs are in the ctgov_import table (67459, 349338,
555674, and
> > 631737), and all four have a disposition of 'duplicate'.
> >
I tried using the CTGov Protocol to be Marked/Removed as Duplicate tool
to remove the duplicates but I am getting the following python script
A problem occurred in a Python script.
d:\cdr\Log\tmptspari.html contains the description of this error. d:\python\lib\ DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6 value = pydoc.html.repr(getattr(evalue, name))
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 11:10:12
Could you please give it another try? Thanks!
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 11:54:22
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #28)
> Could you please give it another try? Thanks!
It appears to work fine. I did a force import for the following trials and I did not get any errors
67459, 349338, 555674, and 631737
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 11:57:25
(In reply to comment #29)
> (In reply to comment #28)
> > Could you please give it another try? Thanks!
> It appears to work fine. I did a force import for the following
trials and I
> did not get any errors
> 67459, 349338, 555674, and 631737
I thought you were trying to turn off the 'duplicate' disposition, not set the 'force' flag. Please look back at the bottom of comment #27.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 12:20:40
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #30)
> (In reply to comment #29)
> > (In reply to comment #28)
> > > Could you please give it another try? Thanks!
> >
> > It appears to work fine. I did a force import for the
following trials and I
> > did not get any errors
> >
> > 67459, 349338, 555674, and 631737
> I thought you were trying to turn off the 'duplicate' disposition,
not set the
> 'force' flag. Please look back at the bottom of comment #27.
That is correct. I turned off the duplicate and forced import without errors. If turning off the duplicate did not work, I assumed it would not let me force import.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 12:48:49
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #22)
> Also, in the CDR meeting yesterday, Lakshmi suggested manipulating
the XML
> files of some of the CTGov protocols so that I can test for the
preservation of
> the blocks. I will identify some of the trials and add them to this
With regards to the preservation of the blocks, please manipulate the XML files of the following trials:
Special Category:
Funding Info/PDQ ID Info/Transfer & Contact Blocks
Apart from the most recent forced import I did in comment # 29, this will be the final round of testing we need to do.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 13:57:58
(In reply to comment #31)
> That is correct. I turned off the duplicate and forced import
without errors.
> If turning off the duplicate did not work, I assumed it would not
let me force
> import.
That's not true on Franck. You had us promote that change (request #4661) to Bach, but not to Franck. The disposition is still set to 'duplicate' for these trials.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 14:06:57
(In reply to comment #32)
> With regards to the preservation of the blocks, please
manipulate the XML files
> of the following trials:
> Special Category:
> 660430
> 660432
> Funding Info/PDQ ID Info/Transfer & Contact Blocks
> 66625
> 66635
Could you elaborate on the manipulation you would like us to perform on these documents?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 14:23:43
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #34)
> (In reply to comment #32)
> > With regards to the preservation of the blocks, please
manipulate the XML files
> > of the following trials:
> >
> > Special Category:
> > 660430
> > 660432
> >
> > Funding Info/PDQ ID Info/Transfer & Contact Blocks
> > 66625
> > 66635
> Could you elaborate on the manipulation you would like us to
perform on these
> documents?
Special Category:
1. Delete the WGM site for 660430. I will test to see if the NIHCCT
element will be updated (removed).
2. Remove Exclusion Criteria data from 660432. I will test to see if the
NIHCCT element remains unchanged after the removal of Exclusion
For Funding Info/PDQ ID Info/Transfer & Contact Blocks:
1. Any changes in the XML files for 66625 and 66635 that will trigger a re-import of the trials will be OK. Removal of inclusion criteria or adding a bullet to it etc.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 14:58:14
NCT00003561, NCT00003569, NCT00032513, and NCT00077909 have been re-imported on Franck.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 15:18:15
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #33)
> (In reply to comment #31)
> > That is correct. I turned off the duplicate and forced import
without errors.
> > If turning off the duplicate did not work, I assumed it would
not let me force
> > import.
> That's not true on Franck. You had us promote that change (request
#4661) to
> Bach, but not to Franck. The disposition is still set to
'duplicate' for these
> trials.
In place of the 'duplicate' trials, I have added transfer info blocks to the following trials. I selected a relatively large number of trials just in case some fail to get imported. Please import these trials. I will be testing for the presence of the NIHCCT special category in these trials.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 15:33:14
(In reply to comment #37)
> Please import these trials. ....
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 15:59:05
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #36)
> NCT00003561, NCT00003569, NCT00032513, and NCT00077909 have been
re-imported on
> Franck.
1. Looking at the version history, it doesn't look like there were any changes to NCT00077909 and NCT00032513. There was nothing to indicate that they have been re-imported.
2. NCT00003561 looks good. The Funding Info/PDQ ID Info/Transfer & Contact Blocks were all preserved
3. NCT00003569 - It does not look like there were any changes or may be it failed to re-import?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:09:13
Take another look, please. I had modified the XML from the ctgov_import table, but forgot to put the modified XML back in the table. Should be OK now.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:14:54
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #38)
> (In reply to comment #37)
> > Please import these trials. ....
> Done.
None of the documents got transformed to the 'new' CTGov trial. All of them have NCT IDs so I was hoping a few (if not all) of them would get transformed.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:20:00
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #40)
> Take another look, please. I had modified the XML from the
ctgov_import table,
> but forgot to put the modified XML back in the table. Should be OK
All of them look good except NCT00032513, which did not have have the WGM site deleted so the NIHCCT special category was also preserved.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:35:56
(In reply to comment #41)
> (In reply to comment #38)
> > (In reply to comment #37)
> >
> > > Please import these trials. ....
> >
> > Done.
> None of the documents got transformed to the 'new' CTGov trial. All
of them
> have NCT IDs so I was hoping a few (if not all) of them would get
Well, all I did when you asked me to import them was to mark the disposition column as 'import requested' for those rows and then kick off another run of the import job. But none of the rows has any XML from NLM, and they all have the comment "Marked as duplicate by download job" (that would have been the job I ran this morning shortly after 8).
Tell me more about when you needed me to do for these.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:42:59
Third time's a charm. The 'commit' was omitted from the utility used to replace the XML in the ctgov_import table. I think it's right now (the ProtocolSpecialCategory block has been stripped from the PDQAdminInfo element, which should now be empty).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 16:51:04
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #44)
> Third time's a charm. The 'commit' was omitted from the utility
used to
> replace the XML in the ctgov_import table. I think it's right now
> ProtocolSpecialCategory block has been stripped from the
PDQAdminInfo element,
> which should now be empty).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 17:00:40
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #43)
> (In reply to comment #41)
> > (In reply to comment #38)
> > > (In reply to comment #37)
> > >
> > > > Please import these trials. ....
> > >
> > > Done.
> >
> >
> > None of the documents got transformed to the 'new' CTGov
trial. All of them
> > have NCT IDs so I was hoping a few (if not all) of them would
get transformed.
> Well, all I did when you asked me to import them was to mark the
> column as 'import requested' for those rows and then kick off
another run of
> the import job. But none of the rows has any XML from NLM,
and they all
> have the comment "Marked as duplicate by download job" (that would
have been
> the job I ran this morning shortly after 8).
> Tell me more about when you needed me to do for these.
If you can force a download of these trials that would be great. I need to test for how newly transferred trials with Warren Magnuson would behave. I have tested a few of them with other changes. But this will be solely for testing the Special Category changes when InScope trials are transferred.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-17 17:47:10
(In reply to comment #46)
> If you can force a download of these trials that would be great.
I need to test
> for how newly transferred trials with Warren Magnuson would behave.
I have
> tested a few of them with other changes. But this will be solely
for testing
> the Special Category changes when InScope trials are
These trials were all listed in a file we got from Lakshmi at least 6 years ago, listing CDR IDs and NCT IDs for duplicates. I can pull down the XML for these trials by hand, stuff them into the ctgov_import table, set the disposition as 'import requested' and run the import job if you're confident that this pulling rabbits out of hats will really provide a reliable test of what you're trying to verify.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 09:00:13
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #47)
> (In reply to comment #46)
> > If you can force a download of these trials that would be
great. I need to test
> > for how newly transferred trials with Warren Magnuson would
behave. I have
> > tested a few of them with other changes. But this will be
solely for testing
> > the Special Category changes when InScope trials are
> These trials were all listed in a file we got from Lakshmi at least
6 years
> ago, listing CDR IDs and NCT IDs for duplicates. I can pull down
the XML for
> these trials by hand, stuff them into the ctgov_import table, set
> disposition as 'import requested' and run the import job if you're
> that this pulling rabbits out of hats will really provide a
reliable test of
> what you're trying to verify.
It looks like that will be too much work. I will find some of the recent trials and add the transfer blocks. Thanks!
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 09:07:37
(In reply to comment #48)
> It looks like that will be too much work. I will find some of
the recent trials
> and add the transfer blocks. Thanks!
It's not a question of how much work it is. I can write scripts that will do the heavy lifting. The issue is whether you're confident that the test will be reliable.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 09:15:19
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #49)
> (In reply to comment #48)
> > It looks like that will be too much work. I will find some of
the recent trials
> > and add the transfer blocks. Thanks!
> It's not a question of how much work it is. I can write scripts
that will do
> the heavy lifting. The issue is whether you're confident that the
test will be
> reliable.
Yes. These are all active protocols with active WGM sites and still we still own them on, I am confident they will be useful for testing when they are successfully downloaded.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 11:21:48
For each of these trials when I asked NLM for the trial document I got back XML with a different NCT ID (the NCT ID I requested, based on what we have in the ctgov_import table, was present in the nct_alias element). I can modify my scripts to use whatever document NLM gives us back, regardless of whether it's the one we asked for, as long as you are OK with using documents that don't match for this test.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 11:28:47
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #51)
> For each of these trials when I asked NLM for the trial document I
got back XML
> with a different NCT ID (the NCT ID I requested, based on what we
have in the
> ctgov_import table, was present in the nct_alias element). I can
modify my
> scripts to use whatever document NLM gives us back, regardless of
whether it's
> the one we asked for, as long as you are OK with using documents
that don't
> match for this test.
Yes. Let's give that a try. As long as the documents contain Warren Magnuson sites, I should be fine.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 12:02:47
OK. Here's the output from the script to prep the rows in ctgov_import:
plugged in XML from NCT00018993 for NCT00001379 (CDR63391)
plugged in XML from NCT00019149 for NCT00001506 (CDR64802)
plugged in XML from NCT00019305 for NCT00001575 (CDR65530)
plugged in XML from NCT00019370 for NCT00001586 (CDR65863)
plugged in XML from NCT00019617 for NCT00001238 (CDR66885)
plugged in XML from NCT00004044 for NCT00001813 (CDR67084)
plugged in XML from NCT00004007 for NCT00001163 (CDR67218)
plugged in XML from NCT00019799 for NCT00001823 (CDR67224)
plugged in XML from NCT00019942 for NCT00001832 (CDR67331)
plugged in XML from NCT00020020 for NCT00001941 (CDR67556)
plugged in XML from NCT00020163 for NCT00005655 (CDR67889)
plugged in XML from NCT00020280 for NCT00026689 (CDR68200)
plugged in XML from NCT00020592 for NCT00013533 (CDR68621)
plugged in XML from NCT00030108 for NCT00025961 (CDR69133)
plugged in XML from NCT00033670 for NCT00030992 (CDR69310)
plugged in XML from NCT00039533 for NCT00033137 (CDR69395)
plugged in XML from NCT00040924 for NCT00035373 (CDR69420)
plugged in XML from NCT00039598 for NCT00034424 (CDR69429)
plugged in XML from NCT00041158 for NCT00037817 (CDR69448)
plugged in XML from NCT00018915 for NCT00001186 (CDR74606)
plugged in XML from NCT00018980 for NCT00001337 (CDR78293)
The import job has been run.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-18 12:20:54
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #53)
> OK. Here's the output from the script to prep the rows in
> The import job has been run.
This one worked perfectly. Thank you!
This is perhaps the last request for this issue. When copying the CTGovTransferInfo block, is it possible to include the CTGovOwnershipTransferDate empty element? Users will enter this date in the converted document and it will save a lot of time to have the empty elements already present, if possible.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 08:39:31
(In reply to comment #54)
> This is perhaps the last request for this issue. When copying
> CTGovTransferInfo block, is it possible to include the
> CTGovOwnershipTransferDate empty element? Users will enter this
date in the
> converted document and it will save a lot of time to have the empty
> already present, if possible.
Do you really want the software to remove existing values that it finds when copying the block? Or did you mean that you want to copy the element as it is found when it is already present in the block being copied, adding an empty instance if the element is not already present?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 08:42:06
(In reply to comment #55)
> (In reply to comment #54)
> > This is perhaps the last request for this issue. When copying
> > CTGovTransferInfo block, is it possible to include the
> > CTGovOwnershipTransferDate empty element? Users will enter
this date in the
> > converted document and it will save a lot of time to have the
empty elements
> > already present, if possible.
> Do you really want the software to remove existing values that it
finds when
> copying the block? Or did you mean that you want to copy the
element as it is
> found when it is already present in the block being copied, adding
an empty
> instance if the element is not already present?
And does "copying the CTGovTransferInfo block" in this context mean just the copy of the block from the InScopeProtocol document when the trial is first transferred (in contrast to the preserving of the block when subsequent versions of the CTGovProtocol document are made)?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 09:24:24
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #55)
> (In reply to comment #54)
> > This is perhaps the last request for this issue. When copying
> > CTGovTransferInfo block, is it possible to include the
> > CTGovOwnershipTransferDate empty element? Users will enter
this date in the
> > converted document and it will save a lot of time to have the
empty elements
> > already present, if possible.
> Do you really want the software to remove existing values that it
finds when
> copying the block? Or did you mean that you want to copy the
element as it is
> found when it is already present in the block being copied, adding
an empty
> instance if the element is not already present?
Please copy the element as you find it in the InScopeProtocol document. However, it is unlikely you will find any values in the document (Alan's global will find values). The last step in our new transfer process is to add the date and publish the document. In our previous process it was also the last process (to add the date value and block the document). So for documents that we will be adding the blocks to in Bach, we do not expect to find the date in the document before the documents are converted. However, to be safe, I will say copy any values that are in the element to the converted document.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 09:31:56
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #56)
> (In reply to comment #55)
> > (In reply to comment #54)
> >
> > > This is perhaps the last request for this issue. When
copying the
> > > CTGovTransferInfo block, is it possible to include
> > > CTGovOwnershipTransferDate empty element? Users will
enter this date in the
> > > converted document and it will save a lot of time to have
the empty elements
> > > already present, if possible.
> >
> > Do you really want the software to remove existing values that
it finds when
> > copying the block? Or did you mean that you want to copy the
element as it is
> > found when it is already present in the block being copied,
adding an empty
> > instance if the element is not already present?
> And does "copying the CTGovTransferInfo block" in this context mean
just the
> copy of the block from the InScopeProtocol document when the trial
is first
> transferred (in contrast to the preserving of the block when
> versions of the CTGovProtocol document are made)?
What I meant was, when copying the block before conversion of the document, also copy the CTGovOwnershipTransferDate element and when the document is re-imported, the date should be preserved just like the Ownership Transfer block. Generally, when the document is re-imported, we do not expect to update the Date element (again) unless, we were unable to add the date and publish the document before the document was re-imported.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 16:09:25
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
You mentioned in the CDR meeting that the addition of the CTGovOwnershipTransferDate is completed. I have added transfer blocks to the following trials to be downloaded for testing. I added a date value to one of the trials for testing purposes. Thanks!
BZDATETIME::2009-11-19 16:40:57
I'll run another download/import set tomorrow morning (and we'll hope that NLM sends us changes for at least a couple of the trials).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-20 06:15:53
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #60)
> I'll run another download/import set tomorrow morning (and we'll
hope that NLM
> sends us changes for at least a couple of the trials).
If the download/import will include the set of trials in comment #59, that should be enough. I am only testing for the presence of the CTGovOwnershipTransferDate (from the InScopeProtocol document) element which depends on whether the document will be converted on not. As long as any of the documents in comment #59 are converted, I should be able to test the new change and I think that will not depend on whether NLM sends changes or not.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-20 09:15:06
Ran another download/import test on Franck. Five of the six documents showed up (all except 634501, which matches NCT00465595, which is involved with CDR546817 as a duplicate).
BZDATETIME::2009-11-20 11:21:37
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #62)
> Ran another download/import test on Franck. Five of the six
documents showed
> up (all except 634501, which matches NCT00465595, which is involved
> CDR546817 as a duplicate).
I reviewed the list and it appears only the one I entered the date had the element copied. We will also want the element to be copied even when there is no value in it.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-20 13:08:00
(In reply to comment #63)
> I reviewed the list and it appears only the one I entered the
date had the
> element copied. We will also want the element to be copied even
when there is
> no value in it.
Well, as it turns out the element was there (at least in the one I checked) already, in the InScopeProtocol, but since all it had in it was the XMetaL processing instruction for the prompt, and since the flag was turned on to validate the document when it was stored, the element was discarded by the server (as it is required to do when validating documents). The only way you can prevent the element from being discarded when the CTGovProtocol is saved is to have us turn off validation when we save the document. Do you want us to do that?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-20 18:30:51
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #64)
> (In reply to comment #63)
> > I reviewed the list and it appears only the one I entered the
date had the
> > element copied. We will also want the element to be copied
even when there is
> > no value in it.
> Well, as it turns out the element was there (at least in the one I
> already, in the InScopeProtocol, but since all it had in it was the
> processing instruction for the prompt, and since the flag was
turned on to
> validate the document when it was stored, the element was discarded
by the
> server (as it is required to do when validating documents). The
only way you
> can prevent the element from being discarded when the CTGovProtocol
is saved is
> to have us turn off validation when we save the document. Do you
want us to do
> that?
I think it will be OK to turn off validation for these protocols since we are going to review the documents, validate them before we publish them. So turning off validation should not be a problem. Also, I did check a few newly downloaded trials and it looks like we do not validate them. If this is the case, I think it will be OK to turn off validation.
However, it will be good for Lakshmi to give the OK on this one. I will send her a quick email on Monday morning.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 12:50:22
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #65)
> However, it will be good for Lakshmi to give the OK on this one.
I will send
> her a quick email on Monday morning.
Here is Lakshmi's response:
I am Ok with turning off validation, just so long as you all know what to do if there are other validation issues!
I think it is OK to promote this issue at this point. If you agree, I
will post the other bugs numbers that must be promoted with this
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 15:48:54
(In reply to comment #66)
> I am Ok with turning off validation, just so long as you all
know what to do if
> there are other validation issues!
I have modified the import program to turn off the validation of the documents for newly transferred trials.
> I think it is OK to promote this issue at this point. If you
agree, I will post
> the other bugs numbers that must be promoted with this one.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 15:57:35
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #67)
> (In reply to comment #66)
> > I think it is OK to promote this issue at this point. If you
agree, I will post
> > the other bugs numbers that must be promoted with this
> Sure.
Here are the bugs that need to be promoted with this OCECDR-3013
1. OCECDR-3012 - Modify schema to include Protocol Special
2. OCECDR-2988 - Modify import software to add Processing Details Block
to newly imported trials
3. OCECDR-3009 - Modify import software to preserve blocks from
InScopeProtocol documents
4. OCECDR-2991 - Copy CTGov Ownership Transfer Info and Contact Log
blocks into newly converted document
5. OCECDR-3008 - Copy Funding information block into converted
6. OCECDR-3018 - Modify CSS and Template to display funding
7. OCECDR-3019 - Modify CSS and Template to display transfer blocks
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 16:17:43
(In reply to comment #68)
> Here are the bugs that need to be promoted with this
> 1. OCECDR-3012 - Modify schema to include Protocol Special
> 2. OCECDR-2988 - Modify import software to add Processing Details
Block to newly
> imported trials
> 3. OCECDR-3009 - Modify import software to preserve blocks from
> documents
> 4. OCECDR-2991 - Copy CTGov Ownership Transfer Info and Contact Log
blocks into
> newly converted document
> 5. OCECDR-3008 - Copy Funding information block into converted
> 6. OCECDR-3018 - Modify CSS and Template to display funding
> 7. OCECDR-3019 - Modify CSS and Template to display transfer
If I promote the software for these import change now (the schema has already been promoted), will that cause any problems for your global change software?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 16:19:43
(In reply to comment #69)
> (In reply to comment #68)
> > Here are the bugs that need to be promoted with this
> >
> > 1. OCECDR-3012 - Modify schema to include Protocol
Special Category
> > 2. OCECDR-2988 - Modify import software to add Processing
Details Block to newly
> > imported trials
> > 3. OCECDR-3009 - Modify import software to preserve blocks
from InScopeProtocol
> > documents
> > 4. OCECDR-2991 - Copy CTGov Ownership Transfer Info and
Contact Log blocks into
> > newly converted document
> > 5. OCECDR-3008 - Copy Funding information block into converted
> > 6. OCECDR-3018 - Modify CSS and Template to display funding
> > 7. OCECDR-3019 - Modify CSS and Template to display transfer
> Alan:
> If I promote the software for these import change now (the
schema has
> already been promoted), will that cause any problems for your
global change
> software?
You should have been included as a CC at least as far back as comment #68, since part of that comment carries instructions for you to promote some of your work on other issues than this one.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 16:47:25
Changes installed on Bach; please monitor the download/import jobs carefully over the next few days.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 17:16:54
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch
(In reply to comment #70)
> You should have been included as a CC at least as far back as
comment #68,
> since part of that comment carries instructions for you to promote
some of your
> work on other issues than this one.
Actually, I have a similar comment on my tasks but the issues are not
So, I'm guessing the CSS is now ready to go, right, William?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-23 17:18:51
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #72)
> (In reply to comment #70)
> > You should have been included as a CC at least as far back as
comment #68,
> > since part of that comment carries instructions for you to
promote some of your
> > work on other issues than this one.
> Actually, I have a similar comment on my tasks but the issues are
not linked.
> So, I'm guessing the CSS is now ready to go, right, William?
Yes. That is correct.
BZDATETIME::2009-11-25 11:37:48
[Copied over from issue #4690]
(In reply to comment #43)
> We need to have a special category when the overall status is
> closed. That is, if we have a status at the site level or not.
I think I missed that in the requirements for issue #4689. It
certainly didn't
show up in the statement of logic presented in
(as I read it). Do we
need to re-visit that issue?
BZDATETIME::2009-11-25 11:59:54
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #74)
> [Copied over from issue #4690]
> (In reply to comment #43)
> > We need to have a special category when the overall status is
> > closed. That is, if we have a status at the site level or
> I think I missed that in the requirements for issue #4689. It
certainly didn't
> show up in the statement of logic presented in
(as I read it). Do we
> need to re-visit that issue?
It may not be necessary to revisit this if Lakshmi agrees that we should not include the special category for trials that are temporarily closed and also do not have a site status. However, I am not sure if you need to make any changes to the import software.
BZDATETIME::2009-12-03 15:34:45
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #75)
> (In reply to comment #74)
> > [Copied over from issue #4690]
> >
> > (In reply to comment #43)
> >
> > > We need to have a special category when the overall
status is Temporarily
> > > closed. That is, if we have a status at the site level or
> >
> > I think I missed that in the requirements for issue #4689. It
certainly didn't
> > show up in the statement of logic presented in
> >
(as I read it). Do we
> > need to re-visit that issue?
> It may not be necessary to revisit this if Lakshmi agrees that we
should not
> include the special category for trials that are temporarily closed
and also do
> not have a site status. However, I am not sure if you need to make
any changes
> to the import software.
I am adding the email response from Lakshmi to the question about Overallstatus.
**Email from Lakshmi**
I do not believe we publish sites for temporarily closed trials .
Bob, when we import CTGOV trials, do we import sites for closed, completed and temp closed trials?
I don’t see a problem with inserting or not inserting the Special Category for all closed/completed/Temp closed trials If we insert the Special Category for temp closed trials, it will not be as much of an issue since they will be retrieved by the NIH clinical trials search only if someone specifically searches for closed protocols. And in that case, they will still have the protocol chair or research nurse’s contact information. If we don’t insert it for the temp closed trials, that is also Ok because most people use the search feature for NIH trials for active trials only.
Bottom line, either way is OK – the one that requires the least effort or change is probably the way to go.
From: Osei-Poku, William
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:06 PM
To: Grama, Lakshmi (NIH/NCI) [E]
Cc: Kline, Robert (NCI);
Subject: Global change to move InScopeProtocol information into
CTGovProtocol docs
Importance: High
Hi Lakshmi,
Could you please weigh in on OCECDR-3014? We want to know if it is OK to
implement the Global and the import software modification such that when
the protocol is Temporarily Closed (and have no site status from NLM),
we do not assign a Special Category?
We need your input because initially, we had talked about assigning a special category when the protocol is temporarily closed. However, last night, Alan discovered that NLM is not sending us site status for some trials including Temporarily closed trials. I checked in the CDR and it looks like for all trials that are closed, temporarily closed and completed, we do not receive site status from NLM (Bob may be able confirm this from the CTGov import table). I also checked and for the trials that were temporarily closed (suspended), closed (Active, not recruiting) and Completed, NLM was not publishing phone numbers, which is how I believe we have implemented our global and import software.
If we implement it the way we had initially discussed it, it will mean that for temporarily closed protocols, NLM will not be publishing phone numbers for Warren Magnuson sites but we will be publishing the sites because we assigned the special category.
Comments 41-47 in OCECDR-3014 will throw more light on the issue.
BZDATETIME::2009-12-04 12:09:53
My understanding from yesterday's discussion is that there is nothing more I need to do for this issue.
BZDATETIME::2009-12-04 12:58:24
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #77)
> My understanding from yesterday's discussion is that there is
nothing more I
> need to do for this issue.
That is correct. I am keeping this issue open to review the preservation of the blocks on Bach.
BZDATETIME::2009-12-14 10:39:43
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
I lowered priority to P6. All changes have been tested and found to be working correctly. The only one I have not been able to test is the non-NIHCCT special categories.
BZDATETIME::2010-01-06 16:57:19
BZCOMMENTOR::William Osei-Poku
(In reply to comment #79)
> I lowered priority to P6. All changes have been tested and found to
be working
> correctly. The only one I have not been able to test is the
non-NIHCCT special
> categories.
Verified on Bach. Issue Closed. Thanks!
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