Issue Number | 7 |
Summary | [Calendar] Expand granularity of filtering options |
Created | 2013-09-17 09:15:40 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2014-08-12 08:27:36 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.113291 |
TIR #2380 created 2013-02-13 by Robin Juthe
We think that the toggle between "Show All Events" and "Show Own Events" is confusing since we only see one option at a time. Could we display both options ("Show all events" and "Show own events") and highlight in red which option we are currently viewing? (as done in the month/week/day options in the left-nav)
Need to include effort associated with vetting the design.
Discussing this request with Robin and Alan, we tentatively agreed that radio buttons would probably be a better way to implement this functionality:
(*) Just My Events ( ) Include Other Boards
( ) Board Meetings Only (*) Include Subgroup Meetings
Speaking of "confusion," I vaguely remember that there's an explanation (which seemed to make some sense at the time) as to why "Show All Events" is supposed to show fewer events than "Show Own Events," but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Can someone jog my memory? Thanks! :-)
As for the UI, how about something along these lines (see attached screen shot)?
Or (perhaps better) with the filtering options separated out from "actions" (see latest screen shot).
Was it your intention that board members have the options for including/excluding subgroup meetings?
why "Show All Events" is supposed to show fewer events than "Show Own Events," ...
I think I may have figured it out. From burrowing into the labyrinthine code, what appears to be happening when you click "Show All Events" is that the restriction to events connected with your own boards is removed, but a new restriction is imposed, limiting the events to only those whose category is board, thus excluding subgroup meetings. Since most of the meetings for the board managers we're testing with involve subgroups, the number of meetings loses more by the category restriction than are picked up by including meetings for other managers' boards.
We like the second screenshot you posted with the event filtering options pulled out. However, I think we only need three of the options:
My Board(s) [Please place the "s" in parens since it's only 1 Board for most users]
Board Meetings
All Meetings
We should be able to select one or more checkboxes and the default should be My Boards only. Ideally the default for users associated with All Boards (Margaret, Bonnie) would be Board meetings only, but this may be more trouble than it's worth.
We do not intend to provide subgroup/Board meeting filtering for our Board members. They should continue to see all of their events.
Just a reminder that these are radio buttons (don't be misled by Ashleigh's UI decision to make the radio buttons visually indistinguishable from checkboxes). If you look back at the comment from January, you'll see that what we had decided on was two sets of two radio buttons, forming a logical four-cell matrix. I'm afraid that reducing these to three checkboxes would take us back in the direction of what you were trying to avoid when this ticket was originally opened, with the confusion people were experiencing without showing both of two exclusive options. If we don't have the pairs, people might think "All Meetings" overrides "My Board(s)." Perhaps it would be clearest (or at least as clear as it can be without the widgets actually looking like radio buttons) if we make it visually obvious what the paired radio buttons are, as illustrated in the latest screen shot. (Unfortunately, we're constrained by the available space and the current font size in the left nav column, which prevents us from using the language from the example in the January comment.)
I didn't hear back from you yesterday, so I went ahead and installed my implementation of this using the matrix of option combinations you, Alan, and I came up with in January. Please try it out on DEV, and if you still want to reduce the number of radio buttons, let's talk about how that would work.
Victoria and I looked this over and we'd like to show it to the other Board managers in our meeting tomorrow. We've realized that the separate boxes take up a lot of space on the left-hand margin and push the upcoming meetings down the page, but we haven't come up with a better solution yet. I'll post another comment after we have a chance to share it with the others tomorrow afternoon. Thanks.
We reviewed this in our meeting today and decided it looks good and works well as is. Thanks!
Verified on QA.
Verified on prod.
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