Issue Number | 44 |
Summary | [Home Page] Changes to Medical Librarian Home Page Navigation |
Created | 2013-09-17 10:46:05 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | trivedim |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2013-12-23 08:15:21 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.113333 |
TIR #2404 entered 2013-02-27 by Minaxi Trivedi (in client review status)
1. Navigation is inconsistent and a few of the links do not work. The left navigation, Citation Management Tab, Citation Management heading, and Administrative Tasks sections on right side should all have links to the following: Search the Database, Import Citations, Review Citations, Publish Citations, Manage Journals and NOT List Maintenance. Remove Find/edit a record all together.
Trivedi, Minaxi (NON NIH) [C]No presence information (3/28/2013 11:55
AM): The order of items in the admin tasks and citation management
header pull down should match. I prefer the order as it appears in the
admin task box. The citation management tab that is currently only
listing import citations,publish citations and review citations. It
should also included “Search the Database” and “NOT List
Tanguturi, Sridhar (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (3/12/2013 6:19
PM): Assigned to Client Review
Tanguturi, Sridhar (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (3/7/2013 2:50 PM): Thanks Bob for the clarification on this defect. On Administratir Tool featured area, i see the change made for Manage Journals to Refresh Journal List.
Issue is fixed in QA.
Tanguturi, Sridhar (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (3/7/2013
2:27 PM): Bob: First part of the issue was fixe (Find/edit a
Second Part "Manage Journals" replace to "Refresh Journal List" was not
exist. Assigning back to you.
Trivedi, Minaxi (NON NIH) [C]No presence information (3/7/2013 10:40
Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]No presence information (2/28/2013 9:19 AM): I
have removed/replaced the stub links on the home page. Manage Journals
is replaced by a link in the "Administrator Tool" featured area called
"Refresh Journal List." This link fetches the most recent list of
journals from the NLM and refreshes the ebms_journal table to add new
journal titles and modify changed titles. If the utility has been run
already within the previous 24 hours, it won't do anything.
Trivedi, Minaxi (NON NIH) [C]No presence information (2/27/2013 2:27
I'm adding a comment from Minaxi from an email dated 7/24. I believe this reflects the current state of this issue:
We have navigation at three places as follows:
1.Citation Management tab which has the drop down in the following
Review Citations
Search Database
Import Citations
Not List Maintenance
Publish Citations
2.Administrative Task on right side which has the listing in the
following order:
Search Database
Import Citations
Review Citations
Publish Citations
Not list Maintenance
3.Citations Management navigation just below the photo on left side
has the following listing:
Import Citations
Publish Citations
Review Citations
I would suggest that the listing in No. 2 should be same as in No. 1
for the sake of consistency.
I don’t see the need to have navigation No. 3. But if Cynthia wants it,
it should also have the same order as in No. 1 for consistency.
I have made all three sets of links identical. Removing the "Citation Management" panel from the "Featured" area altogether would have involved significantly more work, so I kept it and added the other two links. I want to remind everyone that Ashleigh's concept behind the "Featured" area was that only a subset of the functionality (presumably the most frequently used) would appear in this graphic portion of the home page. If we try to squeeze every available command into this area, we're going to create a lot of additional work, as well as clutter, and the whole meaning of "Feature" will have been discarded. I gather that few if any users actually do any navigation using the links in the "Feature" panels. If that's true, then my recommendation would be to keep the set of links in that area as a small enough subset that we preserve the intention of the original design, even if the area is only used when the system is being demonstrated for visitors or upper management. If Alan was right all along (that it was a mistake to invest so much effort and expense in the cosmetics of the system) and the users are wishing in hindsight that a more utilitarian approach had been taken to building the user interface, please let us know and we'll use that knowledge when designing future systems (or perhaps even in any future redesign of the EBMS).
Ready for user testing on DEV.
R12196 modules/custom/ebms/
R12196 themes/ebmstheme/css/ebms.css
Tested in Dev. Looks good.
Promoted to QA.
Verified on QA
Moving to QA Verified state for Cynthia.
I've also verified this on QA.
Verified on Prod.
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