Issue Number | 381 |
Summary | [Literature] Display Related Citations and Board Manager Comments on Packet Pages |
Created | 2016-05-27 11:01:58 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2016-06-29 21:14:38 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.185087 |
We would like to display related citations and Board manager comments (see OCEEBMS-375) on the following pages:
Create Packet Page (Bd Manager)
Reviewed Packets Page (Bd Manager)
Packet Pages (Bd Member) - including the page showing the contents of a single packet (listing the articles) and the page for the review of a single article
On the Create Packets page:
1. Please add the following information in brackets after any
citation that contains a related citation(s). "[RELATED CITATION: First
author last name_journal abbreviation_year_PMID ######## (EBMSID)]"
where the PMID includes a link to PubMed and the EBMSID includes a link
to the Full Citation page for the related citation. Please replace "_"
with a single blank space.
2. If more than one related citation exists for a single article, please
add another "[RELATED CITATION...]" element or as many as are needed on
the same line. We rarely have more than one related citation so we
aren't worried about collapsing the display of these.
3. If an article contains a Board Manager comment for Board members,
please skip a line beneath the citation and add the following
information indented beneath the applicable article. "BOARD MANAGER
COMMENT: comment contents."
On the Reviewed Packets page (Bd Manager) and the Board member packet pages (for a full packet and for a single article):
1. For articles containing related citations, please add the
following information in brackets on the line beneath the PMID for the
citation: "[RELATED CITATION: First author last name_journal
abbreviation_year_PMID ########]" where the PMID ## includes a link to
PubMed. Please replace "_" with a single blank space. Please include
"PMID" in the display so our Board members know what the number is
referring to.
2. As above, if more than one related citation exists for a single
article, please add another "[RELATED CITATION...]" element or as many
as are needed on the same line.
3. If an article contains a Board Manager comment for Board members,
please skip a line beneath the PMID or RELATED CITATION information
(whichever is last) and add the following information beneath the
applicable article. "BOARD MANAGER COMMENT: comment contents." Please
skip another line beneath the comment and before the VIEW ABSTRACT and
I will also upload a document that has this mocked up.
Note: We do not need the related citations and Board manager comments to display on the SHOW DETAILS page that is accessed from the REVIEWED PACKETS page.
Story points reflect the complications involved in injecting display and markup (with links) inside elements controlled by the Drupal Form API (FAPI), as well as the number of pages affected. They assume that board manager comments are per-article (as opposed to per-topic or per-board or something else).
We would like to add comments on a per-topic basis.
We would also like to add these fields to the queue pages - I will add a separate (but closely related) ticket for those updates.
I will also upload a document that has this mocked up.
Will this be ready some time soon?
Sorry! I meant to do that when I added the comment above. It's attached now. Thanks.
I've got one of the six (induding FYI and completed packets for board members) pages working. Here's a sneak preview:
Some more examples, all on DEV (as is the example from the previous comment, which was viewable as a board manager for the Adult Treatment board):
(FYI packet, logged on as Test Board Member 2)
(completed packet, logged on as Test Board Member 2)
(assigned packet, logged on as Test Board Member 3)
Two more to go.
Final two:
(assigned article, logged in as Test Board Member 3)
(reviewed packet, logged in as a board manager for Adult Treatment)
Hi Bob,
This is looking great so far! I just noticed a small thing - could you please underline the PMID and the EBMS ID since those are links?
I believe the style for those pages has underlining for the links only when you're hovering over them (see the article title, for example).
We just reviewed this on DEV and although this is exactly what we
asked for (thanks
test comment for Board member
We think it may also help to add an additional line of white space (2 lines total) after the Board manager comment and before the VIEW ABSTRACT etc. options.
Modifications installed on DEV; please take a look.
This looks much better - it stands out nicely. I've asked the other Board managers to take a look on DEV too before we proceed.
One thing in the meantime, though - the field says 'BOARD MEMBER COMMENT' as opposed to 'BOARD MANAGER COMMENT'. Could you please update the wording? This applies to the Create Packet page, Reviewed Packets page, and the Board member packet pages. The wording on the Full Citation page is correct. Thanks!
Fixed on DEV. Thanks.
This looks good on DEV, too. Thanks.
Verified on QA. Thanks!
We have not had an occasion to test this yet on PROD. Will reopen if we run into any problems.
File Name | Posted | User |
Related Citations and Board Manager Comment.doc | 2016-06-29 12:07:40 | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Elapsed: 0:00:00.000566