Issue Number | 329 |
Summary | [Travel] Reimbursement Request form edits |
Created | 2015-09-28 13:38:38 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Shields, Victoria (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2015-11-27 13:57:33 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.170973 |
We would like to remove the word "please" from this form in all places EXCEPT the first time it appears (first sentence, After you attend a meeting in person, please complete this form to request reimbursement for your travel-related expenses., is OK). Each of those sentences can just begin with the second word.
Under MEALS AND INCIDENTALS add a third check box with the text, "I am not eligible to receive a per diem". Under the third box, add explanatory text, "Board members who live less than 50 miles from our building are not eligible to receive a per diem."
Under REIMBURSEMENT (near the end of the form), please remove the first sentence, "Please indicate whether you would like your reimbursement check to be sent to the work or home address we have on file." We have that sentence twice, and want to leave it after the check boxes.
After the TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED field, please change the wording to say, "You may enter the total amount you are requesting, including reimbursement for all expenses and your honorarium, or you may leave this field blank.We will calculate your mileage and per diem amount (if requested) and add that to your reimbursement.
Changes installed on (with a space inserted between the two sentences of the description for the TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED field).
Hi Bob,
Most of these changes are not on QA. It looks like the duplicate
sentence was removed under the REIMBURSEMENT field, but the others
changes have not been done. And your comment is incomplete...maybe
someone pulled the fire alarm while you were working on this one?
Sorry about that! Please take another look. :-)
Better, but, would you take out the word "please" in the form itself? It still starts most of the direction sentences.
Also, I wanted to talk to you about adding some additional line spaces in the form. As I reviewed it, I realized how close (and potentially confusing) some of the fields are. Would you be able to stop by my office around 11 AM on Thursday?
Thank you.
Along with removing those extra pleases (see previous comment), there is also a quotation mark at the beginning of the text under TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED that should be deleted.
I will put in another ticket for the spacing issues that I mentioned in the previous comment.
How does it look now?
Looks good. I will put in another ticket for the spacing issues, and move this one to verified. Thanks!
Verified on QA. New ticket OCEEBMS-354 opened to address spacing issue.
Verified on PROD.
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