Issue Number | 4614 |
Summary | [DIS] Video display in Pub Preview |
Created | 2019-05-09 11:43:56 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Assigned To | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2020-07-27 16:29:42 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.243904 |
It looks like Pub Preview has not been modified yet to display embedded video for DIS documents. The following error message displays in PP for documents with embedded video. This is not an urgent problem as we have not started including videos in live DISs yet but I think it would be good to fix the problem before then.
The following error message is from QA.
CDRPreview web service error: Xml data validation error,The 'VideoID'
element is not declared.Validation error occurred when validating the
instance document.,9,7
It looks like this is a Gatekeeper DTD, CDR DTD and filter issue which means it's not release independent.
~oseipokuw would need to identify if this ticket should go in the Joule bucket or can wait for Leibniz.
We will need to add the EmbeddedVideo element as a child to the Section element (sibling of Para, Table, etc.)
Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] would need to identify if this ticket should go in the Joule bucket or can wait for Leibniz.
This can wait for Leibniz.
The DIS filters have been modified on DEV to allow videos to be displayed as part of the PublishPreview report. I haven't confirmed this yet but I'm certain that those changes broke the QC reports which means I will need to make additional changes to fix those QC reports for DIS.
This is the list of filters that have been modified so far:
CDR271370.xml - Module: Vendor Filter Templates
CDR486313.xml - Denormalization Filter: DrugInfoSummary
CDR505580.xml - Vendor Filter: DrugInfoSummary
CDR797104.xml - Drug Information Summary for Drupal CMS
In addition, the filter set Vendor DrugInfoSummary Set has been modified to include the filter
CDR800878.xml - Denormalization Filter: Video
Found to be a duplicate of this ticket.
The two Drupal filters for summaries and DIS are using a number of identical templates, in particular those processing the EmbeddedVideo element. I have created a new filter module to include these shared templates. I included the new module in the DIS Drupal filter but not yet in the Summary Drupal filter. I don't really want to test all publishing for both document types at this time. I will instead create a Maxwell ticket to make the necessary filter changes.
The following filter has been created:
CDR802090.xml - Module: Drupal CMS Filter Templates
CDR801719 filter ID on DEV
A sample document including a video has been published to the DEV
I added the following filter to the filter set QC DrugInfoSummary Set (first filter in the set)
CDR800878.xml - Denormalization Filter: Video
In addition, the following filter has been modified to fix the display of video within the QC report:
CDR486311.xml - DrugInformationSummary QC Report Filter
This ticket is ready for review on DEV.
For my information:
The pdqCG.dtd had to be modified to allow DIS documents to be published without validation errors.
I do not see the video on the above page.
It looks good in pub preview on DEV. I noticed that when running pub preview for DIS on both DEV and PROD, A placeholder message is displayed for several seconds before it changes to the pronunciation audio. It i really not a problem but certainly not what we normally see so I just wanted to let you know about it. Here is a screenshot of the message:
I don't know if the database had been refreshed or if the document had been updated when I was testing the markup. I re-published the document and if you're quick enough you may be able to see the video when following the link. 🙂
The delay of seeing the "Placeholder slot" before seeing the audio icon is nothing that's controlled in the CDR. I did see the "Placeholder slot" on DEV for a few seconds the first time around but it was replaced within less than a second the second time I ran the PP report. It was replaced much faster on PROD.
I am able to see it now. Thanks!
Yes, it is faster on PROD than it is on DEV. However, on PROD, the delay is enough for me to get a screenshot. In any case this is not a big deal and it doesn't affect pub preview in any way after all the content is loaded.
I copied the filter changes to QA and ran diff reports for the DIS QC and vendor output. The only differences identified were the added EmbededVideo element.
Looks good on QA. Thanks!
The modified filters have been copied to STAGE and PROD.
A ticket has been submitted to CBIIT to update the DTD file "pdqCG.dtd".
According to Christina, it may take a while to publish a video to since it will be included in a larger refresh of DISs as a whole. If you agree, we can close this ticket and reopen it if the need arises.
I agree. Let's close it and create a new ticket later if needed.
File Name | Posted | User |
placeholder.png | 2020-07-29 17:06:02 | Osei-Poku, William (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Elapsed: 0:00:00.001384