CDR Tickets

Issue Number 4577
Summary [Drupal CMS] Implement a new Python class in the cdrapi.publishing module
Created 2019-02-25 14:01:24
Issue Type Task
Submitted By Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Assigned To Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Status Closed
Resolved 2019-02-27 06:08:03
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.240712

We need a class to communicate with the PDQ APIs in the Drupal CMS, called something like DrupalClient, providing functionality comparable to that provided by the cdr2gk Python module. Part of epic.

Comment entered 2019-02-27 06:08:03 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Comment entered 2019-02-27 07:16:11 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]
Help on class DrupalClient in cdrapi.publishing:

cdrapi.publishing.DrupalClient = class DrupalClient(builtins.object)
 |  Client end of the PDQ RESTful APIs in the Drupal CMS
 |  Provides functionality comparable to that provided for communicating
 |  with the legacy GateKeeper APIs in the `cdr2gk` module.
 |  Class constants:
 |      BATCH_SIZE - maximum number of documents we can set to `published`
 |                   in a single chunk
 |      URI_PATH - used for routing of PDQ RESTful API requests
 |      TYPES - names used for the types of PDQ documents we publish
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, session, **opts)
 |      Perform any necessary setup for communicating with the PDQ APIs
 |      Required positional argument:
 |        session - information about the account in control
 |      Optional keyword arguments:
 |        auth - override for basic authorization credentials pair
 |        base - e.g., ""
 |        logger - override for logging object
 |        batch_size - override for number to mark `published` at once
 |  list(self)
 |      Fetch catalog of PDQ content in Drupal CMS
 |      Return:
 |        sequence of `CatalogEntry` objects
 |  lookup(self, cdr_id)
 |      Fetch the Drupal ID for document's node (if it exists)
 |      Pass:
 |        cdr_id - integer for PDQ document
 |      Return:
 |        integer for unique Drupal node ID or None
 |  publish(self, documents)
 |      Ask the CMS to set the specified documents to the `published` state.
 |      We have to break the batch into chunks small enough that memory
 |      usage will not be an issue.
 |      Pass:
 |        documents - sequence of tuples for the PDQ documents which should
 |                    be switched from `draft` to `published` state, each
 |                    tuple containing:
 |                        - integer for the document's unique CDR ID
 |                        - integer for the Drupal node for the document
 |                        - language code ('en' or 'es')
 |                    for example:
 |                        [
 |                            (257994, 231, "en"),
 |                            (257995, 241, "en"),
 |                            (448617, 226, "es"),
 |                            (742114, 136, "en"),
 |                        ]
 |      Return:
 |        possibly empty dictionary of error messages, indexed by the
 |        CDR ID for documents which failed
 |  push(self, values)
 |      Send a PDQ document to the Drupal CMS
 |      The document will be stored in the `draft` state, and must be
 |      released to the `published` state at the end of the job in batch
 |      with the other PDQ documents published by the job (see the
 |      `publish()` method).
 |      Pass:
 |        values - dictionary of field values keyed by field name
 |      Return:
 |        integer for the ID of the node in which the document is stored
 |  remove(self, cdr_id)
 |      Drop a PDQ document from the Drupal CMS
 |      Pass:
 |        cdr_id - integer for the PDQ document to be deleted
 |      Throws:
 |        `Exception` if delete request failed
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  auth
 |      Basic authorization credentials pair
 |  base
 |      Front portion of the PDQ API URL
 |  batch_size
 |      The number of documents to be marked `published` at once
 |  logger
 |      Object for recording what we do
 |  session
 |      Reference to object representing the current login
 |  types
 |      Mapping from Drupal class for content to API URL tail
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  CatalogEntry = <class 'cdrapi.publishing.DrupalClient.CatalogEntry'>
 |      Information about a PDQ document in the Drupal CMS
 |      Members:
 |        cdr_id - integer ID for PDQ document
 |        nid - integer ID for Drupal node
 |        vid - integer ID for Drupal revision
 |        langcode - "en" or "es"
 |        type - e.g., "pdq_drug_information_summary"
 |        created - when the Drupal node was first created
 |        changed - when the document's values were last modified

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