Issue Number | 3668 |
Summary | Clinical trials text for pediatric and adult treatment studies |
Created | 2013-09-20 16:22:17 |
Issue Type | New Feature |
Submitted By | Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2013-10-04 18:06:45 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.113541 |
Currently the patient pediatric treatment summaries and the patient adult treatment summaries both use the same piece of text from a miscellaneous document to create the Current Clinical Trials:
Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting patients with stage 0 bladder cancer. For more specific results, refine the search by using other search features, such as the location of the trial, the type of treatment, or the name of the drug. General information about clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site.
The patient wording group would like to change the wording a bit for the pediatric summaries, so they will no longer use the same misc. doc. fragment as the adult treatment summaries. CIAT will create the new misc doc text, but the vendor filter needs to be changed to use it for the pediatric summaries. This is just for patient summaries.
This is not a high priority so if it needs to go into the next patch/release that is fine.
Is the new misc. document completed on PROD (and replicated on DEV)?
I've added William as a watcher since he probably will need to take care of the misc. doc.
I will ask Diana for the updated text so that CIAT can create the appropriate misc. doc. fragment. I think Judy does that, right William?
The following filter has been updated on DEV:
R12064: CDR157.xml (Vendor Filter: Summary)
In order for this to run properly the 4 misc. documents will need to
have an additional section added with the 'cdr:id=_treatment_ped'.
It could be identical to the 'cdr:id=_treatment' section if the final
text isn't ready yet.
Please note the document must be publishable in order for the text to be picket up.
(I've added a test ped section for HP-EN summaries.)
Ready for review on DEV.
Margaret, yes Judy is the right person to send this to (sorry about th delay in responding). It seems though that Judy had been working on this for a while. I will update this issue with the CDR ID of the misc. doc. From what I understand, it is an update to an already existing misc. doc.
Here is the CDR ID for the English misc. doc on DEV - 648328.
I will let you know when the Spanish is ready.
CDR648327 - Misc. Doc for Spanish.
These documents haven't been created properly. Please see my comment from 10/4:
In order for this to run properly the 4 misc. documents will need to have an additional section added with the 'cdr:id=_treatment_ped'.
The cdr:id attribute is the determining factor of which section to pick up for the particular summary type. Without a section with the cdr:id=_treatment_ped this won't work properly.
Do we need updates for HP summaries, too?
Is it possible to give me the 4 misc CDR IDs ?
Yes, that's possible but it's just as easy to search in the CDR for the Misc. Documents with the title 'Clinical Trials Search Text...'
I have added the attribute values to the two CDR documents I provided above. I believe the other two you are referring to are:
CDR0000648326 - Clinical Trial Search Link Text - Spanish-HP
CDR0000648325 - Clinical Trial Search Link Text - English-HP
What attribute value should I use for them?
What attribute value should I use for them?
The same attribute.
All set. I see that you added one already.
William, I noticed that the attribute has been added to the four misc. docs, but there are a couple of issues with the HP docs in Eng. and Span. These may be related to being on dev, but just in case, here is what I noticed: 1. In the English HP misc. doc, the word PED is inserted after US in the text. 2. In the Spanish HP misc. doc, there isn't a separate block of text for the Peds and Adult summaries, and the attribute has been changed to _treatment_ped on the text for the Adult summaries. Not sure what needs to be done next to move this along.
1. In the English HP misc. doc, the word PED is inserted after US in the text.
I can explain that: I copied the treatment section and added the 'PED' for testing purposes so that I could identify that the "correct" section had been picked up.
2. In the Spanish HP misc. doc, there isn't a separate block of text for the Peds and Adult summaries, and the attribute has been changed to _treatment_ped on the text for the Adult summaries. Not sure what needs to be done next to move this along.
That's correct, the adult treatment section is missing. We need to have both sections, one for adult treatment and one for pediatric treatment.
William, could you create the new block of text in the Span. HP misc. doc and add the attribute for Adult Treatment (I think it's _treatment, as I recall). Then we can test--right Volker?
The changes for the Spanish HP have been done. There is now a block for Adult Treatment with _treatment as the attribute value and another block for Peds with _treatment_ped as the value. I hope we got it right this time around.
I was going to take a look at this in Pub Preview (isn't that we said at the meeting?), and I get an error message when I try to run PP: CDRPreview web service error: Xml data validation error,The 'Err' element is not declared.Validation error occurred when validating the instance document.,6,3
Linda and Judy got the error same message as Margaret when they tried pub preview this morning to review the summaries.
I ran a PP report for CDR700000 without problems. What documents
where you all using?
Are you still having these problems?
I just tried running PP on Childhood ALL and got the same error message.CDR0000258001 I finally got your document (700000) to run after a couple of minutes.
I think I know what's happening: The filters on DEV were setup to run
on PROD after our last changes to the 'About this PDQ Summary' sections.
The document for the AboutThis sections is selected by its CDR-ID which
is different on PROD (CDR751603) and DEV (CDR747682) because DEV hasn't
been refreshed in a long while.
I'll have to modify the summary filter and plug in the DEV-CDR-ID for
the misc. doc before we can use the PP report again.
Please try again. I've adjusted the CDR-IDs for the AboutThisPDQSummary section.
Now I can get PubPrev to run, but I don't see the clinical trials
misc. doc. text anywhere. I am looking at Childhood ALL again. On, the summary looks like this:
Newly Diagnosed Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Standard
Treatment of standard-risk childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
during the induction, consolidation /intensification, and maintenance
phases may include the following:
•Combination chemotherapy.
•Combination chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplant using stem
cells from a donor.
•A clinical trial of a new chemotherapy regimen.
•A clinical trial of a new combination chemotherapy and intrathecal
chemotherapy regimen given with or without radiation therapy and/or stem
cell transplant. The chemotherapy dose and/or schedule depends on the
patient's risk group after induction therapy.
CNS-directed therapy to treat or prevent the spread of leukemia cells to
the brain and spinal cord may include the following:
•Intrathecal chemotherapy.
•High-dose systemic chemotherapy.
•Radiation therapy.
•A clinical trial of a new anticancer drug, the doses of certain
anticancer drugs, and the use of radiation therapy to the brain.
Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials
that are now accepting patients with untreated childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia. For more specific results, refine the search by
using other search features, such as the location of the trial, the type
of treatment, or the name of the drug. General information about
clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site.
On DEV, that last para is missing, and is missing in all of the other places it should be inserted.
Pub preview is working for us also. But as Margaret mentioned above, there are problems with the display of the misc. doc info. in pub preview. According to Linda, everything seems okay with the Spanish Patient summaries. However, here are comments from Judy.
Adult treatment summaries checked out OK but pediatric do not.
Example in Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma 258466:
From live summary
Recurrent Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
Treatment options for recurrent childhood rhabdomyosarcoma are based on
many factors, including where in the body the cancer has come back, what
type of treatment the patient had before, and the needs of the
individual child. Treatment may include one or more of the
• Chemotherapy with one or more anticancer drugs.
• Surgery.
• Radiation therapy.
• A clinical trial of new anticancer drugs.
• A clinical trial of high-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell
transplant using the patient's own stem cells.
[Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting patients with recurrent childhood rhabdomyosarcoma. For more specific results, refine the search by using other search features, such as the location of the trial, the type of treatment, or the name of the drug. General information about clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site. ]
To Learn More About Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
The paragraph in brackets above is the one that should be showing with the new text and it does not show up in pub preview, following:
Recurrent Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
Treatment options for recurrent childhood rhabdomyosarcoma are based
on many factors, including where in the body the cancer has come back,
what type of treatment the patient had before, and the needs of the
individual child. Treatment may include one or more of the
• Chemotherapy with one or more anticancer agents.
• Surgery.
• Radiation therapy.
• A clinical trial of new anticancer drugs.
• A clinical trial of targeted therapy.
• A clinical trial of combination chemotherapy and targeted
• A clinical trial of high-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell
transplant using the patient's own stem cells.
To Learn More About Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
I checked several peds summaries and it does not show in any of
It looks like there is an extra character in the attribute value of
the English patient document.
The attribute should be
but it is
' _treatment_ped
Please correct the misc. document for the section to be displayed.
I made the correction to the Misc. Doc and they appear to be displaying correctly now.
I had to revert the earlier changes to the vendor filter in order for the CDR-ID to match the ID on QA and PROD:
R12092: CDR157.xml (Vendor Filter: Summary)
(This change has not been updated in the database, just in subversion.)
Hi Margaret,
Judy and Linda are telling me that we are not ready to go live with this
change yet as they have to manually remove misc. doc fragment links from
patient summaries to prevent duplicate text in the summaries on when this change goes live and they cannot complete this
until months from now. Apparently they had been informed by Diana about
how to go about the changes but I was not aware of it. Could you please
clarify how we should proceed with this issue?
I am surprised by this and will need to check on it. Diana had asked to have this done. I was under the impression that there was a little bit of text in the summaries that needs to be removed but that it was fine to have both in there until that text could be removed. I will have to check with Diana.
Is this something which could be handled by a one-off global change?
Adding Diana as a watcher.
Judy and Linda are telling me that we are not ready to go live with this change yet as they have to manually remove misc. doc fragment links from patient summaries to prevent duplicate text in the summaries
I don't understand what text would be duplicated by this change but one solution to go ahead with this change and wait with the updates would be to copy/paste the text from the adult section in the misc. doc to the ped section. The published document would still appear identical since the same text would be pulled but from a different section. However, this approach will cause all treatment patient ped summaries to be published as the cdr:ids of the Para elements are going to change.
It looks like we will be able to do a global to remove the links. The links are going to a misc. doc with specific fragment IDs.
... we will be able to do a global ...
When you say "we" do you mean there is an interface in the admin menus for an existing global change tool you can use to do this (as opposed to needing a one-off program to be created)? Is this something that needs to happen before the release is deployed to production?
There is currently no interface that we can use for this global. I meant that it is possible to do a global (one-off) if a decision is made to do the global because it is easy to identify or track the text to specific fragment IDs within a misc. document. I also think it will be good to do it before the release is deployed.
What are the criteria such a global change would use to identify the links which need to be stripped?
Also, would there be any drawbacks to running the global change in production one or more days before the rest of the release is deployed?
I discussed this with both Margaret and Judy this morning. It is not a problem to have duplicative text in summaries in which the SumFrag has not yet been deleted. So there's no need to run a global change before the release.
Just want to second what Diana said, which was my understanding all along on this. There is no need to do a global to remove the extra text. It is fine to have both fragments in the documents until CIAT can go in and remove the one that is going away. I think this is ready to move to production (correct William?)
That is correct.
The misc docs have been made publishable. As we discussed in the meeting today you can hot-fix the following summaries: It includes a mixture of both Patient and HP documents in both English and Spanish.
Unfortunately, your email came too late for me to run the hot-fix
publishing before the nightly publishing but I've checked a PP on PROD
and that looks OK.
If I'm still here after the nightly publishing job finishes I may run a
hot-fix later tonight.
Verified changes on (and XMetal).
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