Issue Number | 3119 |
Summary | [CiteMS] Changes to interface pick-lists and coversheets |
Created | 2010-03-29 11:34:46 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | alan |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2010-08-05 12:41:36 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107447 |
BZDATETIME::2010-03-29 11:34:46
BZCREATOR::Margaret Beckwith
BZQACONTACT::Lakshmi Grama
ISSUE 1: Have selections on coversheets match the pick list options
for entering return mail for these Boards (Peds and Genetics).
ISSUE 2: Delete this option from the Genetics Board coversheet: Merits
minor revision of the text on page ___ (included), to be reviewed by
Working Group.
Comments from Robin Harrison:
Nick noticed that the pick lists for entering returned literature surveillance comments do not match the article coversheet options for the Genetics and Peds Boards. I think the pick lists for returned mail did at one point jive with these selections, but I may be wrong about that. I know we have customized pick lists for selecting the strength of evidence for some Boards. Anyway, because these lists do not match, Nick and Bonnie select the option they feel is most appropriate and add a comment to the field to describe what was selected or written on the coversheet. For example, if a Board member selects “For discussion in working group”, they will choose “For discussion in an Editorial Board meeting” in the CMS and indicate that the person suggested it be discussed in the WG. This is a good alternative, but why have the options there if they cannot be recorded in the system as chosen?
Here are the options for the Genetics Board (on the current coversheet):
Warrants no changes to the summary.
Warrants replacement of reference # __ on page ___ (included).
Deserves citation as an additional reference on page ___
Merits revision of the text on page ___ (included).
Merits discussion at a future Editorial Board meeting.
[Merits minor revision of the text on page ___ (included), to be
reviewed by Working Group.(I would like to delete this option; please
see my note below)]
Merits discussion by Working Group.
Here are the options for the Peds Board (on the current coversheet):
Warrants no changes to the summary.
Warrants replacement of reference # __ on page ___ (included).
Deserves citation as an additional reference on page ___
Merits revision of the text on page ___ (included).
Merits discussion at a future Editorial Board meeting.
(The Peds reviewers additionally select the strength of study design and strength of endpoints, and Nick/Bonnie do have the options to enter these selections.)
BZDATETIME::2010-06-29 16:20:30
Looking at the code behind the coversheet generation, it looks to me like this will be very easy to fix.
However, in order to be sure that I'm doing the right thing, I would like someone to do a print screen for each of the screens that should change, then markup the specific changes desired. For example, if a line is to be dropped, cross it out. If a line is to be modified, cross out any words that should be deleted and write in the new words that should appear. I'll implement those changes in the code.
Reading the code and documentation, it looks like cover sheets are generated by calling them up on the screen, then using the browser's print capability to print them. So if I change what appears on the screen, that changes the printed sheet as well. If I've got that wrong, please let me know.
I'm also adding Cynthia and William to the CC list for this issue.
BZDATETIME::2010-06-29 17:11:49
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
The responses listed on the peds and genetics coversheets are correct
as is. The coversheet code is not what needs to be fixed.
The Editorial Board Member Review Reponse pick lists are currently
generic for all 6 boards. Robin is requesting that these pick lists be
board specific as we have already made the coversheets sometime
Unfortunately this will not be a very easy fix.
Alan lets set a time on Thursday for me to demo this and in the mean
time I'll make a list of all the screens that have Editorial Board
Member Review Reponse pick lists.
BZDATETIME::2010-06-29 17:50:02
(In reply to comment #2)
> Unfortunately this will not be a very easy fix.
Ah well, it will help build my character.
> Alan lets set a time on Thursday for me to demo this and in the
mean time I'll
> make a list of all the screens that have Editorial Board Member
Review Reponse
> pick lists.
Okay. How about Thursday at 10 am? I'll call your home number.
BZDATETIME::2010-06-29 17:57:07
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
10am will to you then.
BZDATETIME::2010-06-30 11:16:41
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
Below is a list of all the cms pages that have editorial board memeber review response pick lists. There is one page on the staff and client login that is not displaying correctly...this is a different issue that will need to be corrected as well in order to fix this pick list issue. Sorry 🙂
Staff Login
(This page is not displaying correctly but may generate an additional
unique page that will also need updated.)
Client Login
(This page is not displaying correctly but may generate an additional
unique page that will also need updated.)
BZDATETIME::2010-07-01 12:12:27
Cynthia and I discussed this issue on the phone this morning.
Here is my understanding of the requirement based on Cynthia's
comment #2 and on our phone conversation, plus some looking
around in the system.
A board manager can mark a citation to indicate what
should be made of that citation based on a board member's
response to his or her reading of the article. The "response"
that is recorded either indicates what the board member said
should be done with this article, or may indicate that no
response has been received, either because the board member has
not responded at all, or has responded without specifying a
disposition of the article.
The list of valid responses that can be recorded is controlled
a table in the CiteMS database. It is a single list that has
been used by all six of the editorial boards.
However, over time, the different editorial boards have evolved
some board specific processes that are reflected in board
specific responses that board members can make regarding the
disposition of a citation.
Currently, four of the boards use the same citation responses,
but two of them are a little different. The Pediatric Treatment
and Cancer Genetics boards each have working groups and each has
specific responses that are geared to those groups.
As a result, there are three different sets of responses that
should be allowed for the reviewers:
One for Pediatric Treament.
One for Cancer Genetics.
One for all of the others.
Due to lack of resources, no modifications were made to the
system to enable board managers to see board specific responses
in the picklists for choosing or recording board specific
responses. Only one picklist is used, and it's used in all
places. Instead, a simple modification to the coversheet
generating program was made to produce printed outputs to send to
board members that have the right board specific responses, and
users than map those responses into the unified list in the
system. This mapping is done by calling up the response picklist
and entering the response understood by the system rather than
the response marked on the returned coversheet.
The system supplies response pick lists in numerous places
a user can record a response, or search for a response, or report
citations for a response. Ideally, these pick lists should be
board specific.
However, there are complications involved in implementing board
specific pick lists. Two of the user interface complications
1. The picklists are often generated on screens for which no
particular editorial board has yet been selected. In order
to implement board specific picklists it will be necessary to
change not just the content of the screen, but the temporal
logic for building it. We'll either need a second round trip
to the server, one to get the board identification and a
second one to display the picklist, or we'll need to do some
client side scripting to re-write the display page after the
board member is entered (probably a better solution for the
2. If we implement a change in the response descriptions,
will be places in the system where some citations have been
marked with responses using the old description and some with
the new, and citations with both types will be retrieved in a
single search or report. This complicates the picklist
problem because the user may need to see both response
descriptions on a picklist in order to get both old and new
responses in the report.
There are other issues that also need to be studied. There are
two tables that reference the responses and a very large number
of SQL queries that use those references. There are currently 79
references to "response_id" in the ASP pages (though some of
those are probably not used), and more in the stored procedures.
The impact of adding new responses to all of that will require
considerable research.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-01 13:48:31
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
Your understanding is correct.
Something that just came to may be a good idea to consult the
other board managers to see if they also have any changes to the ed brd
reviewer responses (no one else has mentioned needing revisions but it
doesn't hurt to check). We may as well change them all at one time or at
least plan for the possiblity of making such changes in the
I'll send out an email to all the board managers and ask them to review
the responses and confirm if they require changes or not.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-01 14:41:39
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
I noticed that the review responses listed in the description for
Peds are the same for all other boards except Genetics. So it seems we
will only have one board that will have different review responses.
However I have just emailed all the board managers and asked them to
look at the review responses and let me know if they have revisions.
I'll post their reply when I have it.
Also there are a few changes that are needed to the pick list options
regardless of board. See below...
Editorial Board Member Review Responses as currently listed in the
pull down menus for all boards:
warrants no changes to the summary
warrants replacement of reference
deserves citation as an additional reference
merits minor revision of the text -— should be deleted
merits major revision of the text -— should be deleted
merits revision of the text -— should be added
Should be discussed at board meeting
returned, no response –— required for all boards
<not returned> -— required for all boards
BZDATETIME::2010-07-06 16:33:12
There have been a number of email exchanges regarding this
that have not yet been recorded in the Bugzilla database. Here
are some important ones:
From Margaret:
Hello All,
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think we are
actually going to be able to implement this as described. We
had a discussion about it in our CDR meeting today, and it
turns out the implementation is quite complex. As you know
we are going to be moving to a new system at some point, and
it just doesn't really make sense to do all of the
programming changes that would be required to make this work.
It would affect other parts of the system, and could cause
additional problems by making changes. We had made the
decision to only make changes that were needed to fix bugs,
not to do any enhancements, and this falls into the
enhancement category.
If for some reason we decide not to move ahead with the new
system, we can certainly revisit this issue.
From Cynthia:
Hi Alan,
Here are the revisions that Robin Harrison and Robin Baldwin
have requested for the CAM, Supportive Care and Genetics
Changes needed for the Genetics Coversheet:
Delete the response "Merits minor revision of the text on
page ___ (included), to be reviewed by Working Group"
Changes needed for both the Supportive Care and CAM
Add "Please specify the location of this reference" to
response c as listed below.
_______ c. deserves citation as an additional reference on
page _______ (included). Please specify the location of this
Cynthia Boggess
My understanding is that the changes to coversheets will be
in lieu of changing the pick list software. When entering
responses from returned coversheets into the system, users will
have to map responses from the coversheets into the values
already understood by the system and presented in the picklists.
Hopefully, we will produce a replacement system in the future
which the requirement for board specific coversheets and
picklists will be more integral to the new design and will better
meet the current requirements.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-06 21:22:33
The modified coversheet is ready.
I propose that Cynthia, or whoever else is appropriate, test the coversheet and also test the modifications made for issue #4766 (changing the PMID link format).
When both are approved, I'll put all of the modifications under version control, then promote all of them to production.
If it will take too long to test 4766 I can do the coversheet changes first.
I'm marking the issue as resolved-fixed - meaning it's ready for user test.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-07 09:58:20
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
I have looked at the coversheets for CAM, Supp Care & Genetics. CAM & Supp Care look ok. But I noticed two things on the Genertics coversheet:
Genetics Coversheet:
_________ g. merits discussion by Working Group.
The “g” should be an “f” and please put the word “discussion” in bold to match the other responses.
I suggest printing the coversheets for each of these 3 boards and have Robin Harrison and Robin Baldwin QC them before moving the changes to production.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-07 12:17:55
(In reply to comment #11)
> I have looked at the coversheets for CAM, Supp Care & Genetics.
CAM & Supp Care
> look ok. But I noticed two things on the Genertics coversheet:
I'll fix the coversheets when I'm in tomorrow and print them out for further checking.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-07 12:25:36
(In reply to comment #12)
> ...
> I'll fix the coversheets when I'm in tomorrow and print them out
for further
> checking.
Actually, it just took a minute and I was able to fix it from home.
It's fixed in the dev system. I'll make the printouts tomorrow
and also show them how to log on to the dev system if they wish.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-08 10:14:14
(In reply to comment #13)
> It's fixed in the dev system. I'll make the printouts
> and also show them how to log on to the dev system if they
Robin Harrison is out this week. I left the printouts on her
I gave printouts to Robin Baldwin and showed her how to log in
to the dev system.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-13 10:19:54
Not having heard anything to the contrary, I propose to put this into production tonight. I'll do the same for the medline -> abstract PMID links.
Someone stop me before then if that's a bad idea.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-13 10:32:26
BZCOMMENTOR::Cynthia Boggess
The coversheets look good. I have seen your re-revisions and everything is correct. In my opinion its fine to move this to production. And if you hear from Robin later, this is at least not something too difficult to fix.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-20 20:45:25
I've put the changes into production.
Please let me know if there is any problem.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-21 11:41:24
BZCOMMENTOR::Margaret Beckwith
Added Robin H as a CC.
BZDATETIME::2010-07-21 17:13:11
The coversheets look fine to me. Thanks.
BZDATETIME::2010-08-05 12:41:36
Closed by consensus at status meeting.
Elapsed: 0:00:00.001782