CDR Tickets

Issue Number 2976
Summary SVN - Write a new filter upload-to-database utility
Created 2009-10-01 23:22:57
Issue Type Improvement
Submitted By alan
Assigned To alan
Status Closed
Resolved 2010-03-29 16:09:34
Resolution Fixed
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.107304

BZDATETIME::2009-10-01 23:22:57
BZQACONTACT::Volker Englisch

Due to the way Subversion has been setup, we will not be able to
easily script the upload of filters from the
program to the database.

We have therefore decided to disable the upload capability in and instead use a command line program to upload
the filters, as we do with schemas - where placing the schema in
CVS and in the CDR are two separate operations.

We need a new command line utility program to install new
versions of filters in the database. This can already be done,
with some effort, with ReplaceCdrDoc.

Ideally perhaps, the program should be a generally purpose
utility, combining the best features of, and replacing, our
current ReplaceCdrDoc, ReplaceCdrPubDoc, and UpdateSchemas. Some
possible capabilities might include abilities to:

Handle multiple document types.

Upload documents that either do or do not have CdrDoc

Find the CDR Doc ID if necessary, possibly with a
confirmation request to the user.

Create a publishable version, non-publishable version, or CWD
only, whichever is requested.

I'll look at producing all of these capabilities. If the effort
looks to be greater than a day or so, I'll back off and just
write a trivial program to upload filters.

Comment entered 2009-10-02 00:12:23 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2009-10-02 00:12:23

The filters need some special handling. Unlike other CDR documents, the DocTitle cannot be derived from the contents of the document. So we'll need a --title command-line option for when we create a new filter (or change the title for an existing filter). Also, we don't put the filter into version control until after the first time it's been installed on Bach, since the file name under which it's stored is based on the CDR ID for the filter in the production repository (which is almost certainly different from the ID under which it was created on Mahler). We might want to re-think the sequence of events for creating new filters, in order to make it possible to put the filter under version control earlier in the process. One possibility:

Step 1. Run --title "Title of new filter – whatever"
This program (which doesn't exist yet) creates a stub filter
document on Bach, then creates a file in the current working
directory with the XML for the document, using the filename
generated from the CDR ID of the newly created document. Now
you have something you can install in version control. The script also needs you to give it command-line
parameters for your CDR ID and password.

Step 2. Edit the file, replacing the stub with the real filter code.

Step 3. Install the file in Subversion.

Step 4. Run with command-line parameters indicating
the name of the filter file, your CDR user name and password,
and the server you want it installed on (Mahler, in the usual
case). The script (which also doesn't exist yet) gets the
Bach CDR ID for the filter from the file name, then goes to
Bach using that CDR ID to get the filter title, which it uses
to create the CDR document for the filter on Mahler (or Franck,
if you need to install it on Franck before Franck picks it up
from a refresh based on Bach's database).

Step 5. Edit some more, check into Subversion, etc. as appropriate.

Step 6. Run passing the filename and CDR uid and pwd
on the command line (and possibly the name of the server
on which to install the filter, if it's not the server
on which you're invoking the command). The program (to
be written) again extracts the Bach CDR ID for the filter
from the filename, gets the title from Bach, then uses the
title to find the CDR ID for the filter on the server where
you're updating the filter (a step that isn't needed, of
course, if you're Updating the filter on Bach itself),
checks out the document, saves a new version of the filter
with the new version it finds in the file, then checks
the document back in.

We'd also need a utility which would coordinate a name change for the filter, and that would need more thought and analysis than my brain has active cells for this late at night. In fact this whole comment needs thinking about in the morning, when I'm more wide awake. Just food for thought and a starting point for discussion of possible approaches.

Comment entered 2009-10-02 16:20:14 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2009-10-02 16:20:14
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

(In reply to comment #0)
> Create a publishable version, non-publishable version, or CWD
> only, whichever is requested.

FYI: For filters we never create a publishable version.

Comment entered 2009-10-28 14:11:24 by Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2009-10-28 14:11:24


I needed to do some extensive work on Charie's EVS filter to match changes in the structure of what we get back from the API into the NCI thesaurus, so I went ahead and created a straw man for the tool described in step 6 of comment #1 above. I've checked it in as Bin/ Modify it or replace it as you see fit. Volker hasn't yet come up with any pronouncements for where we should put different kinds of utilities going forward, so I just picked a reasonable place figuring we can move it later.

I followed your suggestion to look at the newer optparse module, and decided to go ahead and use that. Let me know if you have any suggestions for better techniques to handle the options. One result of the use of this module is that after reading the documentation's discussion of required arguments versus optional options, I wrote this tool in keeping with the philosophy pushed there, so things that were "required options" in the sibling "" tool are now positional arguments on the command line.

Comment entered 2009-10-29 23:52:43 by alan

BZDATETIME::2009-10-29 23:52:43

Progress report:

I'm about halfway through the implementation of
I'm doing tons of checking to be sure we have what we need, that
what we've got matches what is on Bach, that it doesn't already
exist on the server where we're installing it, etc.

When I get it working I'll go back and review the quick scripts
that Bob wrote and add any checking, or whatever, that seems like
it might be desirable.

Comment entered 2009-11-03 20:30:22 by alan

BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 20:30:22

I'm thinking of making two small additions to

New function:
getTitle(docId, conn=None, server=localhost):

Gets the title for a document as stored on the requested server.
Pass either a connection or a server name, not both.
Raise an exception if the docId is not found.

Modified function:
makeCdrDoc(xml, docType, docId=None, title=None)
"title" is a new parameter. If present, the program will add a
DocTitle element to the CdrDocCtl element of the CdrDoc wrapper.

Typical usage in the new filter progams would be:

docTitle = cdr.getTitle(docId, cdr.PROD_NAME)
docXml = cdr.makeCdrDoc(xml, 'Filter', docId=docId, title=docTitle)


I found a getDocTitleFromId() function in that
is almost the same as getTitle(), but I didn't see anything else
and it's something that it seems might be useful in

Comment entered 2009-11-03 22:00:20 by alan

BZDATETIME::2009-11-03 22:00:20

(In reply to comment #5)
> I'm thinking of making two small additions to

Disregard the above. I think I found everything I need
ready to hand.

Comment entered 2009-11-06 00:15:30 by alan

BZDATETIME::2009-11-06 00:15:30

I've put an script into Subversion and have
copied it to \cdr\bin on Mahler.

I want to review the other programs again before declaring
the whole issue as resolved, but is ready
for testing.

I tested by the following procedure:

Find an insignificant filter on Mahler.
Get it with GetCdrDoc.
Mark it deleted with DelCdrDoc.
Install it again with

I tried various options, installing without first deleting,
going to an alternate server, putting in invalid data, etc.
Everything appears to work.

Comment entered 2009-11-24 16:14:36 by alan

BZDATETIME::2009-11-24 16:14:36

Bob has made some small modifications to the programs he wrote
and I modified the interface to the one I wrote in response to
suggestions from Volker.

I believe everything is now under version control.

I'm marking the task resolved-fixed.

Comment entered 2010-03-29 16:09:34 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

BZDATETIME::2010-03-29 16:09:34
BZCOMMENTOR::Volker Englisch

Closing issue.

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