Issue Number | 375 |
Summary | [Literature] Add Comments on Citations for Board Members |
Created | 2016-05-24 10:05:55 |
Issue Type | Improvement |
Submitted By | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
Assigned To | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
Status | Closed |
Resolved | 2016-07-01 10:12:15 |
Resolution | Fixed |
Path | /home/bkline/backups/jira/oceebms/issue.184813 |
We would like to have the ability to add a comment with a citation included in a packet in order to tell our Board members something specific about the paper and perhaps how we think they might include it in the summary.
We'll update this ticket (and probably add others) with details about where to add the comments and how it should display on various pages (e.g., Board member pages for a single packet and a single article within a packet, Full Citation page).
We'll estimate the story points for this after the rest of the requirements are in.
Sorry, just realized we hadn't fleshed out the requirements on this one.
Comments will be added on the Full Citation page, on a topic basis.
Please insert a new comment field between the Full-Text Decision and Board Manager Action Elements that is labeled "Board Manager Comment". This should not be a new state, but it should display whenever that particular topic is expanded on the Full Citation page.
Involves database changes and modifications to a very complicated source code file.
Some questions:
How should we handle topics which have no board manager comment yet?
Have an empty text area which always appears?
Have an "add comment" icon to the left of the topic name?
Pretend that the comment is a "decision" and have the comment field appear when the user clicks the "ADD NEW DECISION" icon?
Where exactly should the comment appear? The requirements above say it should go between "Full-Text Decision" and "Board Manager Action" but there are already other elements that can appear between those two:
Full-Text Decision
Assigned For Review
Board Member Responses
Board Member Actions(s)
It may well turn out that it is easier and safer to handle the form for editing the comment on a separate page, the way we do with article relationships, rather than have the form handling for the new element embedded in what is already very complicated code. Is that an acceptable option?
Extra credit question: I was planning on putting a pencil icon next to the comment box once the board manager comment had been created, to allow the user to edit the comment. I was going to do that because the icon key identifies the pencil icon as meaning "Edit." However, I noticed that the icon used for editing existing "decisions" is the circle with the plus sign inside, which the icon key identifies as meaning "Add New" something. Is that just a bug, or is the icon choice there intentional?
On hold pending requirements clarification. I'm supporting my work on OCEEBMS-381 using comments entered by hand into the database using direct SQL, since there's no UI for managing the comments yet.
I'm going to proceed with this ticket, coming up with my own answers to the questions above, as it's the only one I have left for which there's any substantial work left to be done. In general, I'm going to just follow in the footsteps of my predecessor(s) for this code (pretend the comment is a "decision" even though it isn't, use the add icon for editing, and try and have the comment field embedded in the base page's big form) and I'm going to arbitrarily pick "Assigned For Review" as the element in front of which to place the comment. If that's not acceptable, it would be good to let me know sooner rather than later.
Answers coming momentarily.
Answers to your questions:
1) This is moot (I think) given our answer below to question #3.
2) Please place it between #1 (full-text decision) and #2 (assigned for review).
3) It's fine to add the comment on a separate page (like we do for related citations), as long as the comment display on the full citation page in the space we suggest in question 2.
4) You are right - the pencil is meant for editing and the plus sign inside the circle is for adding a new decision. However, "editing a decision" is kind of a misnomer since we can't really change a decision - we can only add a new one that supersedes the existing one. In any case, I agree with using the pencil for this instance.
5) I know there wasn't a #5, but would it be possible to add a statement on both the new page for adding Board manager comments and on the full citation page to indicate that the comment will be shown to Board members? We think that will be an important reminder to us all that this comment is "public". Maybe we could add text in red like we did for the Board member responses section on the full citation page. How about something simple like this: "This comment will be shown to Board members in their literature packet."
This is moot (I think) given our answer below to question #3.
As we discussed, there still needs to be some way for the user to bring up the separate page for adding the comment, and we decided we'd use the left nav actions box, and have the user pick the topic on the add/edit page. How about "ADD TOPIC COMMENT" as the link text in that box?
I will put the red X and pencil icons next to "BOARD MANAGER COMMENT" for each comment which appears on the page, for deleting or editing the comment. OK?
I think we need to be more specific. How about "ADD BOARD MANAGER COMMENT"?
OK, I was trying to keep it short enough that it didn't wrap, but I guess it's not too ugly.
Which do you prefer (note warning font)?
I think the bold text is good, but can we use the darker red color that we used for the other "warning" text? I'll add a screenshot.
I've got this working on DEV, ready for user testing. Note that the ADD BOARD MANAGER COMMENT action won't appear in the left ACTIONS box if every topic assigned to the article already has its board manager comment.
(comment attached to wrong ticket - deleted)
Bob, this is working well but we noticed that every other comment field on the full citation page is preceded by the word "COMMENTS:" (with the colon). Although this is a bit redundant with the name of the field, we think it would be good to be consistent and add 'COMMENT:' before the Board manager comment text. Thanks.
Hi Bob,
I'm not sure if you saw this most recent comment requesting a change to the display of Board manager comments on the full citation page.
OK, it is redundant (for the other examples you referenced, the comment was not the only thing under the block's label), but done.
Verified on QA. Thanks!
We have not had an occasion to test this yet on PROD. Will reopen if we run into any problems.
File Name | Posted | User |
bmc-bold.png | 2016-06-30 16:12:45 | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
bmc-normal.png | 2016-06-30 16:12:45 | Kline, Bob (NIH/NCI) [C] |
screenshot-1.png | 2016-06-30 16:17:42 | Juthe, Robin (NIH/NCI) [E] |
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