CDR Tickets

Issue Number 1869
Summary val_status in document and doc_version tables are inconsistent.
Created 2006-03-14 15:56:39
Issue Type Bug
Submitted By alan
Assigned To alan
Status Closed
Resolved 2013-09-11 00:20:31
Resolution Won't Fix
Path /home/bkline/backups/jira/ocecdr/issue.106197

BZDATETIME::2006-03-14 15:56:39
BZQACONTACT::Volker Englisch

Volker discovered a CTGovProtocol for which the latest version
was marked publishable and valid, but the document table shows
val_status = 'U' (unvalidated) for the same version.

The document was number 446831 on Bach. There are almost
certainly others. It was last updated by ImportCTGovProtocols on
March 1, 2006. The publishable version was number 13.

Half an hour's perusal of the relevant code didn't reveal to me
where this could be happening, so I'm creating an issue to check
in depth later.

I'll probably first write some queries to see if all, or only
some, document types are affected, and then search for the bug.

See also OCECDR-1671. I fixed a problem with val_date in that one.

Comment entered 2007-04-12 19:49:24 by alan

BZDATETIME::2007-04-12 19:49:24

I just logged onto Bach using Remote Terminal Services and saw
the following error:

Array Configuration Utility encountered a problem and needed to
close. This error occurred at 4/12/2007 at 6:22:41 pm.

Error signature:

szAppName : hpacubin.exe szAppVer :
szModName : hpacubin.exe
szModVer : offset : 00022544

Data for the error report that would have gone to Microsoft is


A second error occurred:

szAppName : hpacubin.exe szAppVer : szModName : unknown
szModVer : offset : 00000000


And a third error (same message) occurred at 6:29 pm.

This is scaring me! I'm wondering if catastrophic failure on
Bach could be imminent!

Comment entered 2007-04-12 19:51:55 by alan

BZDATETIME::2007-04-12 19:51:55

(In reply to comment #1)
> I just logged onto Bach using Remote Terminal Services and saw
> the following error: ...


I meant to post that to 3092. I will repost it there.

Comment entered 2013-07-12 09:53:48 by Beckwith, Margaret (NIH/NCI) [E]

Reassigning to Alan

Comment entered 2013-09-11 00:18:20 by alan
I found it!

I've been looking at this issue, running queries on DEV to find out the nature
of the problem and reading code to see how it could happen.

There is a function in the CdrServer called cdrPutDoc() that is used to insert
or update a document in the database.  If the function is called from XMetal
but validation is not requested, it sets the in memory validation status to
'U' and later, when the document is stored, the val_status column will take
that value.  The place where this happens begins on line 1131 of CdrDoc.cpp
where the following three lines are found:

        // Document is unvalidated.
        // Set status accordingly.  Leaves val_date alone.
        doc.setValStatus (L"U");

The code for this was probably written more than 10 years ago but I have a
vague memory that we (Bob, myself, and Mike Rubenstein) discussed the problem
and decided that the validation date was the date that the document was last
validated.  If the document was stored again but no validation occurred, then
the current val_status is 'U' (unvalidated), but it's still true that the
old val_date is accurate.  The date correctly reports when the document was
last validated.

As I recall, we all had misgivings about this but decided it was better than
the alternative.

To see if this accounts for all of the inconsistent status values I wrote a
number of queries.  Here's what I found:

 1. Every document with:
        all_docs.val_date = all_doc_versions.val_date
        all_docs.val_status <> all_doc_versions.val_status
        all_docs.val_status = 'U'

 2. Every document meeting the above criteria has an audit_trail entry
    for an update with a date later than all_docs.val_date for that document.

I think what is happening is probably correct and no changes are needed.  We
just need to be careful when using the val_date in the all_docs table and
understand what it is.  I have updated the documentation in tables.sql to warn
future programmers about the meaning of val_date.

Neither Bob nor I remembered any of this.  Fortunately, I put the comment in
the code that is quoted above.  If that weren't there this would have been
much harder to figure out.

+1 for code doumentation :)
Comment entered 2013-09-11 00:20:31 by alan

I'm marking this as resolved - won't fix. I don't think that there's anything to fix at this time.

Comment entered 2013-12-16 17:46:22 by Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) [C]

Resolution of this issue has been set to "Won't fix".

Closing issue.

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