1. Install new Python package on Windows CDR server * copy xlwt-0.7.5.tar.gz from c:\cdr\patches\20131105 on ts-cdr to d:\tmp on nciws-p193-v * cd to d:\tmp * D:\tmp> tar xzf xlwt-0.7.5.tar.gz * D:\tmp> cd xlwt-0.7.5 * D:\tmp\xlwt-0.7.5> python setup.py build * D:\tmp\xlwt-0.7.5> python setup.py install * verify that the Windows permission for the new package's files (d:\Python\lib\site-packages\xlwt*) are correct (readable/executable for the account under which IIS and the publishing services are running) 2. Unpack the replacement Windows files * copy cdr-windows-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 from c:\cdr\patches\20131105 on ts-cdr to d:\ on nciws-p193-v * cd to the root of the d: drive on nciws-p193-v * D:\> tar xjf cdr-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 * verify that the permissions of the replaced scripts are correct (readable/executable by the accounts under which IIS and the publishing services are running) 3. Install new CDR filters and schemas and refresh client files * execute d:\tmp\cdr-3.1-win-postprocess.cmd on nciws-p193-v with command line arguments of CDR user ID and password; e.g.: D:\tmp> cdr-3.1-win-postprocess.cmd wbao very-secret 4. Unpack replacement files for GP Mailer server * copy cdr-gp-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 from c:\cdr\patches\20131105 on ts-cdr to /tmp on nciws-p194-v-w * switch user (su) to emailers account * cd to the root drive on nciws-p194-v * $ tar xjf /tmp/cdr-gp-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 * ignore utime and change mode warnings (see footnote) * verify that the permissions of the replaced scripts are correct (readable/executable by the emailers account) 5. Unpack replacement files for FTP server * copy cdr-ftp-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 from c:\cdr\patches\20131105 on ts-cdr to /tmp on nciws-p195-v * switch user (su) to cdroperator account * cd to the root drive on nciws-p195-v * $ tar xjf /tmp/cdr-ftp-patch-20131105.tar.bz2 * ignore utime and change mode warnings (see footnote) * verify that the permissions of the replaced scripts are correct (readable/executable by the cdroperator account) 6. Run script to create new directories & files / drop old files on FTP server * execute /tmp/cdr-3.1-ftp-postprocess.sh as cdroperator [An easy way to suppress the "Cannot change mode ..." and "Cannot utime ..." warning messages from tar is to use egrep: $ tar xjf $TARFILE |& egrep -v "Cannot (change mode|utime)" If no other output appears than the "Exiting with failure status ..." line then you can assume the extraction was successful. This suppression of expected warning messages makes it easier to notice unexpected error messages.]