Many years ago we defined a pair of tables in the database as follows: /* * Valid categories for control values. * * NOTE: Not currently used. * * id primary key for the control group table * name label used to identify all control values in a given group; * e.g., CNTRY * comment optional text description of the purpose of the group; e.g. * ISO country code values */ CREATE TABLE ctl_grp (id INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL UNIQUE, comment VARCHAR(255) NULL) GO /* * Named and typed values used to control various run-time settings. * * NOTE: Not currently used. * * grp identifies which control group this value belongs to * name mnemonic label for value; e.g., US * val value associated with this name; e.g., United States * comment optional text description of the use of this value */ CREATE TABLE ctl (grp INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES ctl_grp, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, val NVARCHAR(255) NULL, comment VARCHAR(255) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (grp, name)) GO We've never used these, but they're looking more and more handy because they could enable us to control some activities without recompiling the CdrServer or re-installing it or any Python scripts. I'm thinking of these right now because I want to be able to turn connection logging on or off, and control the level, without having to compile a new CdrServer each time and get CBIIT to install it for us and restart everything. Here's what I have in mind: Changes to the tables --------------------- I no longer see any need at all for the ctl_grp table. I'd be inclined to get rid of it and modify the definition of ctl.grp by replacing: grp INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES ctl_grp, with: grp VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, I'd also like to add the following columns created DATETIME NOT NULL, inactivated DATETIME NULL and a view: CREATE VIEW active_ctl AS SELECT * FROM ctl WHERE inactivated IS NULL We will also have to eliminate the definition: PRIMARY KEY (grp, name) We can replace it with an integer identity if desired. New CdrServer code ------------------ To go along with the ctl table I'd propose the following new CdrServer functions: setCtlValue() Purpose: Insert a row in the ctl table. If another row already exists with the same grp + key, that row is inactivated. After inserting and/or inactivating a row, it calls buildCtlMap() - see below. Pass: Group name Key name Value If no value, the row is inactivated. Optional comment Return: Success or failure (with message). buildCtlMap() Purpose: Load all active ctl rows into a global in-memory map. Key = grp + "/" + key. Value = value. Just loads everything. No need for optimization here, we're probably talking about tens of active rows, not thousands. Pass: Void. getCtlValue() Purpose: Get an active value from the map. Pass: Group name Key name Return: Value, or NULL if not found in active rows. The idea here is that we don't have to constantly check the database to see whether values have changed. If they have, the change is automatically propagated to the CdrServer. We might even be able to do it without worrying about a mutex - maybe. We'd also need a new CDR transaction: CdrSetCtlValue It would invoke setCtlValue(). New Python scripts ------------------ We'd need a new Python CGI script interface to the setCtlValue() function. It would have to do the following: Display existing values, sorted by group and key. If we have hundreds of these, we could have a search feature, but we may not need that. It's icing on the cake. We may or may not want to allow inactive rows to be displayed. More icing on the cake. Allow the user to send in a Cdr transaction that invokes setCtlValue(). The script would need to check security. We might want a new developers group that is more narrowly defined than systems administrators, to just include programmers. We probably also want a new function in to get a control table value. It could access the database directly since it will be read-only. Estimated level of effort: Database changes: 1/2 day. CdrServer development: 3 days. Python script development: 3 days.