[2003-08-11 13:37:20] Ref_ID: 30080; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Prostate Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2003-10-17 10:24:32] Ref_ID: 33546; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Survivorship*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2003-10-20 10:19:27] Ref_ID: 34156; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2004-01-15 16:18:10] Ref_ID: 36448; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2004-06-07 08:56:36] Ref_ID: 43158; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "714-x" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2004-06-08 10:42:14] Ref_ID: 45484; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2004-11-29 15:37:19] Ref_ID: 57512; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Fever, Sweats, and Hot Flashes" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-01-25 09:48:01] Ref_ID: 64610; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Pain" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-04-18 16:28:53] Ref_ID: 64265; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adrenocortical Carcinoma" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-04-18 16:48:16] Ref_ID: 65421; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adrenocortical Carcinoma" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-07-15 11:05:25] Ref_ID: 70595; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-08-05 10:47:18] Ref_ID: 74878; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "714-x" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2005-08-05 10:48:32] Ref_ID: 73904; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-08-17 16:09:40] Ref_ID: 74460; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-09-26 11:09:59] Ref_ID: 79844; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2005-09-26 14:00:40] Ref_ID: 78366; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-09-26 14:00:43] Ref_ID: 78366; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cancer Prevention Overview" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2005-10-26 09:14:31] Ref_ID: 74090; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Brain Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 10:12:47] Ref_ID: 76238; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Lymphoma*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 10:54:06] Ref_ID: 76218; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Brain Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 11:23:20] Ref_ID: 78031; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Brain Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 11:29:33] Ref_ID: 77934; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-10-26 13:36:39] Ref_ID: 75206; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-10-26 16:32:14] Ref_ID: 73964; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Skin Cancer" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 16:38:28] Ref_ID: 74052; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Leukemia*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-10-26 17:18:27] Ref_ID: 75107; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cognitive Disorders and Delirium" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-10-27 10:39:43] Ref_ID: 72686; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-10-27 11:39:23] Ref_ID: 72651; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-10-27 12:25:30] Ref_ID: 74570; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Pituitary Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-11-02 10:28:59] Ref_ID: 82028; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "General Adult Treatment" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-11-02 10:35:46] Ref_ID: 81956; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-11-10 08:48:13] Ref_ID: 84059; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2005-11-16 09:26:09] Ref_ID: 77412; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2005-11-28 15:11:08] Ref_ID: 83990; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Bladder Cancer" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2005-11-28 15:16:07] Ref_ID: 82787; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Thyroid Cancer" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-01-10 14:59:49] Ref_ID: 86788; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "714-x" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2006-03-13 09:53:53] Ref_ID: 91888; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cigarette Smoking: Health Risks and How to Quit" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2006-03-14 14:21:02] Ref_ID: 92178; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Head/Neck Radiation" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-04-03 16:13:16] Ref_ID: 92626; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2006-04-20 10:16:57] Ref_ID: 93763; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adrenocortical Carcinoma" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-05-12 14:01:19] Ref_ID: 97984; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2006-05-16 14:43:42] Ref_ID: 93136; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Overview" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2006-05-25 14:41:10] Ref_ID: 98657; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2006-06-18 17:58:12] Ref_ID: 96026; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2006-06-19 12:34:08] Ref_ID: 93924; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Anemia*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-06-19 12:43:49] Ref_ID: 93947; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "General Supportive Care*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-06-19 13:01:22] Ref_ID: 93873; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-06-19 13:34:48] Ref_ID: 95660; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-06-22 17:29:23] Ref_ID: 100410; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Pediatric Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer Genetics*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Prostate Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Radiation Enteritis" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Rectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Renal Cell Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Retinoblastoma" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Pediatric Treatment") [2006-06-29 11:27:32] Ref_ID: 98493; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Salivary Gland Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-07-11 12:13:24] Ref_ID: 101395; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-07-14 14:47:15] Ref_ID: 99856; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Gastrointestinal Complications" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-07-14 15:09:39] Ref_ID: 99653; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2006-07-17 10:39:40] Ref_ID: 99882; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Gastrointestinal Complications" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-07-17 11:45:37] Ref_ID: 99688; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-07-17 11:47:54] Ref_ID: 97693; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-08-09 11:54:46] Ref_ID: 103779; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2006-10-04 11:50:41] Ref_ID: 102177; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Melanoma" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-12-11 16:11:20] Ref_ID: 104316; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumors" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2006-12-13 16:12:26] Ref_ID: 108408; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-02-16 11:24:34] Ref_ID: 110902; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-16 11:24:34] Ref_ID: 110902; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia" board: "Pediatric Treatment" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-22 09:13:05] Ref_ID: 112380; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:13:05] Ref_ID: 112380; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-02-22 09:13:05] Ref_ID: 112380; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Exercise*" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:17:30] Ref_ID: 113857; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia/Other Myeloid Malignancies" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Pediatric Treatment") [2007-02-22 09:18:43] Ref_ID: 114407; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Stomach Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-02-22 09:34:10] Ref_ID: 114310; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:36:04] Ref_ID: 114323; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Anemia*" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:36:58] Ref_ID: 112152; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-22 09:37:23] Ref_ID: 114428; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:42:45] Ref_ID: 114425; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:45:06] Ref_ID: 113877; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Gastrointestinal Complications" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 09:50:23] Ref_ID: 114328; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Ovarian Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-02-22 09:50:23] Ref_ID: 114328; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-22 10:24:08] Ref_ID: 112366; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-22 11:09:16] Ref_ID: 114376; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-22 11:27:33] Ref_ID: 115038; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-02-22 11:38:07] Ref_ID: 115111; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-02-22 11:38:45] Ref_ID: 115112; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Screening for Colorectal Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-02-22 11:40:02] Ref_ID: 115267; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Thyroid Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-22 13:15:28] Ref_ID: 112175; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-23 13:28:11] Ref_ID: 114616; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-23 13:56:56] Ref_ID: 114427; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Adult Treatment" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:15:55] Ref_ID: 112922; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:24:43] Ref_ID: 112155; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Colorectal Cancer*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-26 16:27:21] Ref_ID: 111560; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:29:18] Ref_ID: 111593; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:32:44] Ref_ID: 111318; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:38:53] Ref_ID: 110334; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-26 16:43:01] Ref_ID: 112665; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:44:51] Ref_ID: 106423; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Overview" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:44:52] Ref_ID: 106423; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:44:52] Ref_ID: 106423; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Colon Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-26 16:46:58] Ref_ID: 112691; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:50:19] Ref_ID: 112026; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-02-26 16:51:41] Ref_ID: 113187; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Sexuality and Reproductive Issues" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-02-26 16:53:44] Ref_ID: 112626; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:53:44] Ref_ID: 112626; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Overview" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:53:44] Ref_ID: 112626; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:53:45] Ref_ID: 112626; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Prostate Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-02-26 16:55:14] Ref_ID: 112599; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-08 12:44:45] Ref_ID: 114326; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 12:44:45] Ref_ID: 114326; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Colorectal Cancer*" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-08 12:47:58] Ref_ID: 115496; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 12:47:58] Ref_ID: 115496; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Prevention Overview" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-08 12:49:37] Ref_ID: 115622; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Spirituality in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 12:50:34] Ref_ID: 114421; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Stomach Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-08 13:44:40] Ref_ID: 115055; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-08 13:46:04] Ref_ID: 115431; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Prevention of Ovarian Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-08 13:46:42] Ref_ID: 115609; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "General Supportive Care*" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:47:44] Ref_ID: 115359; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Pain" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:47:44] Ref_ID: 115359; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Substance Abuse Issues in Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:47:44] Ref_ID: 115359; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Spirituality in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:48:23] Ref_ID: 115623; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "General Supportive Care*" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:49:44] Ref_ID: 114144; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Spirituality in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:50:39] Ref_ID: 114757; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:50:40] Ref_ID: 114757; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Prostate Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-08 13:54:50] Ref_ID: 113488; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Nutrition in Cancer Care" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 13:58:31] Ref_ID: 113691; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Prevention Overview" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-08 13:59:06] Ref_ID: 112049; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-08 14:00:54] Ref_ID: 112014; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-08 14:02:23] Ref_ID: 113464; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress" board: "Complementary and Alternative" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-08 15:30:36] Ref_ID: 112185; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Colorectal Cancer*" board: "Supportive Care" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 08:54:25] Ref_ID: 114294; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-03-12 09:15:13] Ref_ID: 114279; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 09:47:40] Ref_ID: 114446; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Oropharyngeal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 09:47:40] Ref_ID: 114446; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Lip and Oral Cavity Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 09:52:28] Ref_ID: 115057; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 09:52:28] Ref_ID: 115057; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 10:08:25] Ref_ID: 116857; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-12 10:11:27] Ref_ID: 114091; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 10:11:27] Ref_ID: 114091; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 10:13:06] Ref_ID: 115064; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 10:24:07] Ref_ID: 115136; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 10:55:37] Ref_ID: 115056; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 11:22:20] Ref_ID: 115740; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Childhood Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Pediatric Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:23:41] Ref_ID: 114406; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Gastric Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:29:55] Ref_ID: 114944; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Prostate Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 11:31:11] Ref_ID: 114008; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adult Primary Liver Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:33:39] Ref_ID: 115431; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-03-12 11:33:39] Ref_ID: 115431; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:36:28] Ref_ID: 114650; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Ovarian Epithelial Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:37:38] Ref_ID: 115463; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-03-12 11:42:59] Ref_ID: 115054; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 11:42:59] Ref_ID: 115054; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer Genetics*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 11:42:59] Ref_ID: 115054; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-12 11:47:14] Ref_ID: 114555; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-12 11:47:14] Ref_ID: 114555; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-15 13:55:24] Ref_ID: 114696; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Prostate Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-15 13:57:22] Ref_ID: 111194; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 13:57:22] Ref_ID: 111194; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer Genetics*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:27:23] Ref_ID: 111193; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Risk Assessment and Counseling" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:27:24] Ref_ID: 111193; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer Genetics*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:29:13] Ref_ID: 116885; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-15 14:30:05] Ref_ID: 114166; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-15 14:37:00] Ref_ID: 114944; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Cancer Genetics Overview" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:37:00] Ref_ID: 114944; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:37:00] Ref_ID: 114944; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Colorectal Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 14:42:16] Ref_ID: 113985; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Adult Primary Liver Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-15 14:47:34] Ref_ID: 111562; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-15 14:51:34] Ref_ID: 116875; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-15 14:53:41] Ref_ID: 115026; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Genetics of Breast and Ovarian Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Cancer Genetics") [2007-03-15 15:41:09] Ref_ID: 111577; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-15 15:41:09] Ref_ID: 111577; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-16 15:23:11] Ref_ID: 114760; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Prostate Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-16 15:25:26] Ref_ID: 116856; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-19 09:22:55] Ref_ID: 114148; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-19 09:24:58] Ref_ID: 113711; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "CAM Overview*" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Complementary and Alternative") [2007-03-19 11:25:16] Ref_ID: 116858; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Smoking Cessation and Continued Risk in Cancer Patients" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-19 11:27:42] Ref_ID: 114003; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adult Primary Liver Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-19 13:58:08] Ref_ID: 114613; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Ovarian Epithelial Cancer" board: "Screening and Prevention" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-23 09:04:42] Ref_ID: 117871; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-23 09:07:03] Ref_ID: 117869; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-23 09:14:33] Ref_ID: 118698; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Communication in Cancer Care" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-23 09:28:32] Ref_ID: 117980; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-23 09:30:06] Ref_ID: 117397; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Small Intestine Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-23 09:30:06] Ref_ID: 117397; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Colon Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Adult Treatment") [2007-03-23 09:46:28] Ref_ID: 117842; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Ovarian Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-23 09:46:28] Ref_ID: 117842; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-23 09:49:55] Ref_ID: 117966; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-23 09:54:55] Ref_ID: 117831; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Ovarian Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-23 09:54:55] Ref_ID: 117831; state: "Passed full text review"; topic: "Screening for Breast Cancer" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Screening and Prevention") [2007-03-23 10:35:06] Ref_ID: 118687; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "Communication in Cancer Care" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Supportive Care") [2007-03-23 10:37:18] Ref_ID: 117856; state: "Rejected after full text review"; topic: "General Pediatric Treatment" board: "Cancer Genetics" (instead of "Pediatric Treatment")