'1999 (Bern)' = '1999 : Zeitschrift fur Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts' '19th Century Music' = '19th century music' 'AACN Adv Crit Care' = 'AACN advanced critical care' 'AAPI Nexus' = 'AAPI nexus : Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, policy practice and community' 'AAPS J' = 'The AAPS journal' 'AAUP Bull' = 'AAUP bulletin : quarterly publication of the American Association of University Professors' 'Aborig Hist' = 'Aboriginal history' 'Abstr Int Congr Trop Med Malar' = 'Abstracts. International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria (4th : 1948 : Washington, D. C.)' 'Abstr Translat Sci Library' = 'Abstracts and translations from the science library. Hartford. Institute of Living' 'Acad Manag Ann' = 'The Academy of Management annals' 'Acad Pediatr' = 'Academic pediatrics' 'Accao Med' = 'Accao medica' 'ACM Queue' = 'ACM queue : tomorrow's computing today' 'ACM Trans Appl Percept' = 'ACM transactions on applied perception' 'ACM Trans Comput Hum Interact' = 'ACM transactions on computer-human interaction : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery' 'ACM Trans Graph' = 'ACM transactions on graphics' 'ACM Trans Knowl Discov Data' = 'ACM transactions on knowledge discovery from data' 'ACM Trans Reconfigurable Technol Syst' = 'ACM transactions on reconfigurable technology and systems' 'Acoust Aust' = 'Acoustics Australia / Australian Acoustical Society' 'Acoust Phys' = 'Acoustical physics' 'Acoust Res Lett Online' = 'Acoustics research letters online : ARLO' 'ACS Appl Mater Interfaces' = 'ACS applied materials & interfaces' 'ACS Chem Biol' = 'ACS chemical biology' 'ACS Chem Neurosci' = 'ACS chemical neuroscience' 'ACS Med Chem Lett' = 'ACS medicinal chemistry letters' 'ACS Nano' = 'ACS nano' 'ACS Symp Ser Am Chem Soc' = 'ACS symposium series. American Chemical Society' 'Acta Bioeng Biomech' = 'Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics / Wroclaw University of Technology' 'Acta Bioeth' = 'Acta bioethica' 'Acta Biol Acad Sci Hung' = 'Acta biologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae' 'Acta Biomed' = 'Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis' 'Acta Brevia Neerl Physiol Pharmacol Microbiol E A' = 'Acta brevia Neerlandica de physiologia, pharmacologia, microbiologia e.a' 'Acta Chim Slov' = 'Acta chimica Slovenica' 'Acta Clin Croat' = 'Acta clinica Croatica' 'Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online' = 'Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online' 'Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun' = 'Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications' 'Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat' = 'Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Panonica, et Adriatica' 'Acta Histochem Cytochem' = 'Acta histochemica et cytochemica' 'Acta Mater' = 'Acta materialia' 'Acta Math Appl Sin' = 'Acta mathematicae applicatae Sinica (English series)' 'Acta Math Sin Engl Ser' = 'Acta mathematica Sinica, English series' 'Acta Med Hist Adriat' = 'Acta medico-historica adriatica : AMHA' 'Acta Med Indones' = 'Acta medica Indonesiana' 'Acta Med Turc' = 'Acta medica Turcica' 'Acta Morphol Acad Sci Hung Suppl' = 'Acta morphologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Supplementum' 'Acta Neerl Morphol Norm Pathol' = 'Acta Neerlandica morphologiae normalis et pathologicae' 'Acta Neurol Taiwan' = 'Acta neurologica Taiwanica' 'Acta Neuropsychiatr' = 'Acta neuropsychiatrica. officieel wetenschappelijk orgaan van het IGBP (Interdisciplinair Genootschap voor Biologische Psychiatrie)' 'Acta Orthop Suppl' = 'Acta orthopaedica. Supplementum' 'Acta Orthop' = 'Acta orthopaedica' 'Acta Ortop Mex' = 'Acta ortopedica mexicana' 'Acta Otolaryngol Orient' = 'Acta oto-laryngologica orientalia' 'Acta Physiol (Oxf)' = 'Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)' 'Acta Psychiatr Neurol Suppl' = 'Acta psychiatrica et neurologica. Supplementum' 'Acta Psychiatr Neurol' = 'Acta psychiatrica et neurologica' 'Acta Psychother Psychosom Orthopaedagog' = 'Acta psychotherapeutica, psychosomatica et orthopaedagogica' 'Acta Psychother Psychosom' = 'Acta psychotherapeutica et psychosomatica' 'Acta Radiol Suppl (Stockholm)' = 'Acta radiologica. Supplement' 'Acta Reumatol Port' = 'Acta reumatologica portuguesa' 'Acta Rheumatol Scand Suppl' = 'Acta rheumatologica Scandinavica. Supplementum' 'Acta Suom Laak Duodecim' = 'Acta. Toimituksia. ser. A. Suomalainen laakariseura Duodecim' 'Acta Suom laak Duodecim' = 'Acta. Toimituksia. ser. B. Suomalainen laakariseura Duodecim' 'Acta Tuberc Pneumol Scand Suppl' = 'Acta tuberculosea et pneumologica Scandinavica. Supplementum' 'Acta Univ Carol Univerzita Karlov' = 'Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis. Univerzita Karlova' 'Acta Univ Sapientiae Matem' = 'Acta universitatis sapientiae. Mathematica' 'Acta Urol' = 'Acta urologica' 'Actas CIBA' = 'Actas Ciba' 'Acute Card Care' = 'Acute cardiac care' 'ADA Forecast' = 'ADA forecast' 'Adapt Behav' = 'Adaptive behavior' 'Adapt Phys Activ Q' = 'Adapted physical activity quarterly : APAQ' 'Addict Disord Their Treat' = 'Addictive disorders & their treatment' 'Addict Res Theory' = 'Addiction research & theory' 'Addict Sci Clin Pract' = 'Addiction science & clinical practice' 'Adicciones' = 'Adicciones' 'Adolesc Med Clin' = 'Adolescent medicine clinics' 'Adolesc Med State Art Rev' = 'Adolescent medicine: state of the art reviews' 'Adopt Q' = 'Adoption quarterly' 'Adv Adapt Data Anal' = 'Advances in adaptive data analysis' 'Adv Anesth' = 'Advances in anesthesia' 'Adv Appl Math' = 'Advances in applied mathematics' 'Adv Appl Probab' = 'Advances in applied probability' 'Adv Appl Stat' = 'Advances and applications in statistics' 'Adv Bioinformatics' = 'Advances in bioinformatics' 'Adv Biol Res (Rennes)' = 'Advances in biological research' 'Adv Bot Res' = 'Advances in botanical research' 'Adv Chronic Kidney Dis' = 'Advances in chronic kidney disease' 'Adv Clin Neurosci Rehabil' = 'Advances in clinical neuroscience & rehabilitation : ACNR' 'Adv Cogn Psychol' = 'Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw' 'Adv Database Technol' = 'Advances in database technology : proceedings. International Conference on Extending Database Technology' 'Adv Dev Biol' = 'Advances in developmental biology (Amsterdam, Netherlands)' 'Adv Emerg Nurs J' = 'Advanced emergency nursing journal' 'Adv Exp Biol' = 'Advances in experimental biology' 'Adv Exp Soc Psychol' = 'Advances in experimental social psychology' 'Adv Funct Mater' = 'Advanced functional materials' 'Adv Hematol' = 'Advances in hematology' 'Adv In Insect Phys' = 'Advances in insect physiology' 'Adv Mater' = 'Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.)' 'Adv Physiother' = 'Advances in physiotherapy' 'Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol' = 'Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology' 'Adv Psychol Res' = 'Advances in psychology research' 'Adv Soc Work' = 'Advances in social work' 'Adv Synth Catal' = 'Advanced synthesis & catalysis' 'Adv Syst Sci Appl' = 'Advances in systems science and applications' 'Adv Urol' = 'Advances in urology' 'Adv Virol' = 'Advances in virology' 'Adv Water Resour' = 'Advances in water resources' 'AER J' = 'AER journal : research and practice in visual impairment and blindness' 'Aesculapian' = 'Aesculapian (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)' 'Aesthet Surg J' = 'Aesthetic surgery journal / the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery' 'Afr J AIDS Res' = 'African journal of AIDS research : AJAR' 'Afr J Nurs Midwifery' = 'Africa journal of nursing and midwifery' 'Afr J Paediatr Surg' = 'African journal of paediatric surgery : AJPS' 'Afr J Psychiatry (Johannesbg)' = 'African journal of psychiatry' 'Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med' = 'African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines : AJTCAM / African Networks on Ethnomedicines' 'Africa (Roma)' = 'Africa : notiziario dell'Associazione fra le imprese italiane in Africa' 'Age (Dordr)' = 'Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands)' 'Aggress Violent Behav' = 'Aggression and violent behavior' 'Aging health' = 'Aging health' 'Agric Ecosyst Environ' = 'Agriculture, ecosystems & environment' 'AHIP Cover' = 'AHIP Coverage' 'AIDS Res Ther' = 'AIDS research and therapy' 'AIP Conf Proc' = 'AIP conference proceedings' 'Air Med News Lett' = 'Air medical news-letter. Great Britain. Medical Dept. of the Navy' 'Air Qual Atmos Health' = 'Air quality, atmosphere, & health' 'Air Sea Rescue Bull' = 'Air sea rescue bulletin' 'Ajalooline Ajak' = 'Ajalooline ajakiri (Tartu, Estonia : 1998)' 'AJOB Neurosci' = 'AJOB neuroscience' 'Ala Soc Welf' = 'Alabama social welfare' 'Alcohol Hyg' = 'Alcohol hygiene' 'Alcohol Treat Q' = 'Alcoholism treatment quarterly' 'Alexander Blain Hosp Bull' = 'Alexander Blain Hospital bulletin' 'Algorithms Mol Biol' = 'Algorithms for molecular biology : AMB' 'Algorithms' = 'Algorithms' 'Alkohol Narkom' = 'Alkoholizm i narkomania' 'Allergol Int' = 'Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology' 'Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol' = 'Allergy, asthma, and clinical immunology : official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology' 'Allergy Asthma Immunol Res' = 'Allergy, asthma & immunology research' 'Alsk Health Profile' = 'Alaska health profile' 'Alumni Bull Long Island Coll Med Brooklyn' = 'Alumni bulletin. Long Island College of Medicine, Brooklyn. Alumni Association' 'Alzheimers Care Q' = 'Alzheimer's care quarterly' 'Alzheimers care today' = 'Alzheimer's care today' 'Alzheimers Dement' = 'Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association' 'Alzheimers Res Ther' = 'Alzheimer's research & therapy' 'Am Clin' = 'America clinica' 'Am Drug' = 'American druggist' 'Am Econ J Appl Econ' = 'American economic journal. Applied economics' 'Am Ethnol' = 'American ethnologist' 'Am Heart Hosp J' = 'The American heart hospital journal' 'Am J Biomed Sci' = 'American journal of biomedical sciences' 'Am J Disaster Med' = 'American journal of disaster medicine' 'Am J Educ (Chic Ill)' = 'American journal of education (Chicago, Ill.)' 'Am J Geriatr Pharmacother' = 'The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy' 'Am J Health Educ' = 'American journal of health education / American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance' 'Am J Health Stud' = 'American journal of health studies' 'Am J Immunol' = 'American journal of immunology' 'Am J Infect Dis' = 'American journal of infectious diseases' 'Am J Intellect Dev Disabil' = 'American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities' 'Am J Lifestyle Med' = 'American journal of lifestyle medicine' 'Am J Med Genet A' = 'American journal of medical genetics. Part A' 'Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet' = 'American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics' 'Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet' = 'American journal of medical genetics. Part C, Seminars in medical genetics' 'Am J Mens Health' = 'American journal of men's health' 'Am J Pharm Benefits' = 'The American journal of pharmacy benefits' 'Am J Pharmacol Toxicol' = 'American journal of pharmacology and toxicology' 'Am J Psychiatr Rehabil' = 'American journal of psychiatric rehabilitation' 'Am J Public Health (N Y)' = 'American journal of public health (New York, N.Y. : 1912)' 'Am J Public Hygiene' = 'American journal of public hygiene' 'Am J Rhinol Allergy' = 'American journal of rhinology & allergy' 'Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther' = 'The American journal of roentgenology and radium therapy' 'Am J Sociol' = 'The American journal of sociology' 'Am J Transl Res' = 'American journal of translational research' 'Am Lat Hist Econ' = 'America Latina en la historia economica : boletin de fuentes' 'Am Malacol Bull' = 'American malacological bulletin' 'Am Opt Vis' = 'American optical vision' 'Am OSE Rev' = 'American OSE review' 'Am Prof Pharm' = 'American professional pharmacist' 'Am Rev Sov Med' = 'American review of Soviet medicine' 'Am Univ J Gend Soc Policy Law' = 'The American University journal of gender, social policy & the law' 'Amatus Lusit' = 'Amatus Lusitanus; revista de medicina e cirurgia' 'Ambul Surg' = 'Ambulatory surgery' 'Americas (Acad Am Francisc Hist)' = 'Americas (Academy of American Franciscan History)' 'AMIA Annu Symp Proc' = 'AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium' 'Amyotroph Lateral Scler' = 'Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : official publication of the World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases' 'An Academ Med Medellin' = 'Anales. Academia de Medicina, Medellin' 'An Argent Oftalmol' = 'Anales argentinos de oftalmologia' 'An Asoc Quim Farm Uruguay' = 'Anales. Asociacion de Quimica y Farmacia del Uruguay' 'An Ateneo Clin Quir Montev' = 'Anales. Ateneo de Clinica Quirurgica, Montevideo' 'An Azevedos' = 'Anais Azevedos' 'An Enferm' = 'Anais de enfermagem' 'An Esc Nac Cienc Biol' = 'Anales. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas (Mexico)' 'An Hosp Alvear B Aires' = 'Anales. Hospital Torcuato de Alvear, Buenos Aires. Ateneo de Patologia y Clinica Medica' 'An Soc Pueric B Aires' = 'Anales de la Sociedad de Puericultura de Buenos Aires' 'An Univ St. Domingo' = 'Anales. Universidad de Santo Domingo' 'Anaerobe' = 'Anaerobe' 'Anais Hist Alem Mar' = 'Anais de historia de alem-mar / Centro de historia de alem-mar, Faculdade de ciencias sociais e humanas, Universidade nova de Lisboa' 'Anal Chem Insights' = 'Analytical chemistry insights' 'Anal Soc Biol Bogota' = 'Anales. Sociedad de Biologia de Bogota' 'Anat Rec (Hoboken)' = 'Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)' 'Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol' = 'The anatomical record. Part A, Discoveries in molecular, cellular, and evolutionary biology' 'Anat Rec B New Anat' = 'Anatomical record. Part B, New anatomist' 'Anat Sci Educ' = 'Anatomical sciences education' 'Anestezjol Intens Ter' = 'Anestezjologia intensywna terapia' 'Anesthesiol Clin' = 'Anesthesiology clinics' 'Anesthesiol Res Pract' = 'Anesthesiology research and practice' 'Anim Biol Leiden Neth' = 'Animal biology (Leiden, Netherlands)' 'Anim Def' = 'The Animals' defender' 'Anim Reprod' = 'Animal reproduction / Colegio Brasileiro de Reproducao Animal' 'Anim Sci J' = 'Animal science journal = Nihon chikusan Gakkaiho' 'Animal' = 'Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience' 'Ann Afr Med' = 'Annals of African medicine' 'Ann Appl Probab' = 'The annals of applied probability : an official journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics' 'Ann Appl Stat' = 'The annals of applied statistics' 'Ann Behav Sci Med Educ' = 'Annals of behavioral science and medical education : journal of the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education' 'Ann Card Anaesth' = 'Annals of cardiac anaesthesia' 'Ann Chimie Sci Materiaux' = 'Annales de chimie--science des materiaux' 'Ann Dermatol' = 'Annals of dermatology' 'Ann Dyslexia' = 'Annals of dyslexia' 'Ann Falsif Fraud' = 'Annales des falsifications et des fraudes' 'Ann Gen Psychiatry' = 'Annals of general psychiatry' 'Ann Hyg Publique Ind Soc (1923)' = 'Annales d'hygiene publique, industrielle et sociale' 'Ann Indian Acad Neurol' = 'Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology' 'Ann Inst Stat Math' = 'Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics' 'Ann Longterm Care' = 'The annals of long-term care : the official journal of the American Medical Directors Association' 'Ann Med (Milano)' = 'Annali medici' 'Ann Med Chir Hop Sainte Justine Montr' = 'Les Annales medico-chirurgicales de l'Hopital Sainte-Justine de Montreal' 'Ann Med Intern Fenn Suppl' = 'Annales medicinae internae Fenniae. Supplementum' 'Ann Med Soc' = 'Les Annales de medecine sociale' 'Ann Med Vet' = 'Annales de medecine veterinaire' 'Ann Microbiol' = 'Annals of microbiology' 'Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie)' = 'Annals of ophthalmology (Skokie, Ill.)' 'Ann Orgone Inst' = 'Annals. Orgone Institute' 'Ann Pediatr Cardiol' = 'Annals of pediatric cardiology' 'Ann Phys Rehabil Med' = 'Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine' 'Ann Phys' = 'Annalen der Physik' 'Ann Soc Belges Med Trop Parasitol Mycol' = 'Annales des societes belges de medecine tropicale, de parasitologie, et de mycologie' 'Ann Stat' = 'Annals of statistics' 'Ann Surg Innov Res' = 'Annals of surgical innovation and research' 'Ann Thorac Med' = 'Annals of thoracic medicine' 'Ann Zool Fennici' = 'Annales zoologici Fennici' 'Annu Rep Board Regents Smithson Inst' = 'Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents' 'Annu Rep Comput Chem' = 'Annual reports in computational chemistry' 'Annu Rep Div Biol Med Res Argonne Natl Lab' = 'Annual report - Division of Biological and Medical Research, Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory. Division of Biological and Medical Research' 'Annu Rep Gorgas Meml Lab Rep Audit' = 'Annual report of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory and report of audit. Gorgas Memorial Laboratory' 'Annu Rep La Dep Public Welf' = 'Annual report. Louisiana. Dept. of Public Welfare' 'Annu Rep N Y State Dept Health Division Lab Res' = 'Annual report. New York (State) Dept. of Health. Division of Laboratories and Research' 'Annu Rep Qld Health Educ Counc Honour Minist Health Home Aff' = 'Annual Report of the Queensland Health Education Council to the Honourable the Minister of Health and Home Affairs' 'Annu Rep United States Natl Mus' = 'Annual report. United States National Museum' 'Annu Rev Anal Chem (Palo Alto Calif)' = 'Annual review of analytical chemistry (Palo Alto, Calif.)' 'Annu Rev Astron Astrophys' = 'Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics' 'Annu Rev Biophys' = 'Annual review of biophysics' 'Annu Rev Clin Psychol' = 'Annual review of clinical psychology' 'Annu Rev Control' = 'Annual reviews in control' 'Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst' = 'Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics' 'Annu Rev Environ Resour' = 'Annual review of environment and resources' 'Annu Rev Pathol' = 'Annual review of pathology' 'Anthropol Med' = 'Anthropology & medicine' 'Anthropologie' = 'L'Anthropologie' 'Antiinflamm Antiallergy Agents Med Chem' = 'Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents in medicinal chemistry' 'Anu Estad Peru' = 'Anuario estadistico del Peru. Peru. Direccion nacional de estadistica' 'Anu IEHS' = 'Anuario IEHS' 'Anxiety Stress Coping' = 'Anxiety, stress, and coping' 'Apar Respir Tuberc' = 'Aparato respiratorio y tuberculosis' 'Apoth (Beirut)' = 'The Apothecary' 'Appl Anthropol' = 'Applied anthropology' 'Appl Catal B' = 'Applied catalysis. B, Environmental' 'Appl Clay Sci' = 'Applied clay science' 'Appl Comput Harmon Anal' = 'Applied and computational harmonic analysis' 'Appl Dev Sci' = 'Applied developmental science' 'Appl Eng Agric' = 'Applied engineering in agriculture' 'Appl Environ Educ Commun' = 'Applied environmental education and communication (Print)' 'Appl Geochem' = 'Applied geochemistry : journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry' 'Appl Magn Reson' = 'Applied magnetic resonance' 'Appl Math Comput' = 'Applied mathematics and computation' 'Appl Math Lett' = 'Applied mathematics letters' 'Appl Numer Math' = 'Applied numerical mathematics : transactions of IMACS' 'Appl Ontol' = 'Applied ontology' 'Appl Organomet Chem' = 'Applied organometallic chemistry' 'Appl Phys Lett' = 'Applied physics letters' 'Appl Physiol Nutr Metab' = 'Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme' 'Appl Psychol Crim Justice' = 'Applied psychology in criminal justice' 'Appl Psychol Meas' = 'Applied psychological measurement' 'Appl Psycholinguist' = 'Applied psycholinguistics' 'Appl Res Qual Life' = 'Applied research in quality of life' 'Appl Rheol' = 'Applied rheology (Lappersdorf, Germany : Online)' 'Appl Surf Sci' = 'Applied surface science' 'APS Obs' = 'APS observer' 'Apunt Psicol' = 'Apuntes de psicologia' 'Aquat Microb Ecol' = 'Aquatic microbial ecology : international journal' 'Arab Sci Philos' = 'Arabic sciences and philosophy : a historical journal' 'Arbejderhistorie' = 'Arbejderhistorie (1995)' 'Arc Cercle' = 'Arc de cercle : an international journal of the history of the mind-sciences' 'Arch Am Med' = 'Archivos americanos de medicina' 'Arch Anim Nutr' = 'Archives of animal nutrition' 'Arch Antropol Crim Psichiatr Med Leg' = 'Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria e medicina legale' 'Arch Argent Kinesiol Kinesiter Kinefilax' = 'Archivos argentinos de kinesiologia; kinesiterapia y kinefilaxia' 'Arch Argent Repub Secr Salud Publica' = 'Archivos. Argentine Republic. Secretaria de Salud Publica' 'Arch Asoc Evit Ceguera Mex' = 'Archivos. Asociacion para Evitar la Ceguera en Mexico' 'Arch Bioquim Quim Farm Tucuman' = 'Archivos de bioquimica, quimica y farmacia, Tucuman' 'Arch Bras Med' = 'Archivos brasileiros de medicina' 'Arch Cardiovasc Dis' = 'Archives of cardiovascular diseases' 'Arch Cuba' = 'Archivos. Cuba. Instituto Nacional de Hidrologia y Climatologia Medicas' 'Arch Derm Syphilol' = 'Archives of dermatology and syphilology' 'Arch Dermatol Syph' = 'Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis' 'Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed' = 'Archives of disease in childhood. Education and practice edition' 'Arch Drug Inf' = 'Archives of drug information' 'Arch Environ Occup Health' = 'Archives of environmental & occupational health' 'Arch Esp Arte' = 'Archivo espanol de arte' 'Arch Ginecol Obstet' = 'Archivos de ginecologia y obstetricia' 'Arch Hist Pontif' = 'Archivum historiae pontificiae' 'Arch Ind Hyg Occup Med' = 'Archives of industrial hygiene and occupational medicine' 'Arch Inn Med' = 'Archiv fur innere Medizin' 'Arch Inst Pasteur Maroc' = 'Archives. Institut Pasteur du Maroc' 'Arch Int Ethnogr' = 'Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie' 'Arch Intern Med (Chic)' = 'Archives of internal medicine (Chicago, Ill. : 1908)' 'Arch Mex Venereol Dermatol' = 'Archivos mexicanos de venereologia y dermatologia' 'Arch Neerl Physiol Homme Anim' = 'Archives neerlandaises de physiologie de l'homme et des animaux' 'Arch Neurocir' = 'Archivos de neurocirugia' 'Arch Neurol Psychiatry' = 'Archives of neurology and psychiatry' 'Arch Osteoporos' = 'Archives of osteoporosis' 'Arch Ottoman' = 'Archivum Ottomanicum' 'Arch Panama City' = 'Archivos. Panama (City) Hospital Santo Tomas' 'Arch Peru Patol Clin' = 'Archivos peruanos de patologia y clinica' 'Arch Psychol (Geneve)' = 'Archives de psychologie' 'Arch Rhumatol' = 'Archives de rhumatologie' 'Arch Soc Agent Anat Norm Patol' = 'Archivos. Sociedad Argentina de Anatomia Normal y Patologica' 'Arch Soc Cir Hosp' = 'Archivos. Sociedad de Cirujanos de Hospital, Santiago de Chile' 'Arch Soc Estud Clin Habana' = 'Archivos. Sociedad de Estudios Clinicos de la Habana' 'Arch Suicide Res' = 'Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research' 'Archaea' = 'Archaea (Vancouver, B.C.)' 'Archiv Hibernicum' = 'Archivium hibernicum : or, Irish historical records' 'ARKIVOC' = 'ARKIVOC : free online journal of organic chemistry / Arkat-USA, Inc' 'Army Med Corps J India' = 'Army Medical Corps journal, India' 'Arq Med Cirur Pernamb' = 'Arquivos de medicina e cirurgia de Pernambuco' 'Arq Rio Gd Sul Braz State' = 'Arquivos. Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (State) Departamento Estadual de Saude' 'Ars Med Rev Int Med Prat' = 'Ars medici; revue internationale pour le medecin praticien' 'Ars Med' = 'Ars medici' 'Artery Res' = 'Artery research' 'Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken)' = 'Arthritis care & research' 'Arthropod Struct Dev' = 'Arthropod structure & development' 'Artif Intell' = 'Artificial intelligence' 'Arztl Monatshefte Berufl Fortbild' = 'Arztliche Monatshefte fur berufliche Fortbildung. Cahiers mensuels de medecine' 'Asia Pac Fam Med' = 'Asia Pacific family medicine' 'Asia Pac J Clin Oncol' = 'Asia-Pacific journal of clinical oncology' 'Asia Pac J Speech Lang Hear' = 'Asia Pacific journal of speech, language, and hearing' 'Asian Aff (Lond)' = 'Asian affairs' 'Asian Anthropol' = 'Asian anthropology' 'Asian J Control' = 'Asian journal of control' 'Asian J Psychiatr' = 'Asian journal of psychiatry' 'Asian J Transfus Sci' = 'Asian journal of transfusion science' 'Asian Med (Lieden)' = 'Asian medicine (Leiden, Netherlands)' 'Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci)' = 'Asian nursing research' 'Asian Spine J' = 'Asian spine journal' 'ASN Neuro' = 'ASN neuro' 'Assist Soc' = 'L'Assistenza sociale' 'Assoc Med J' = 'Association medical journal' 'ASTA J' = 'The A.S.T.A. journal' 'At Energy Biophys Biol Med' = 'Atomic energy in biophysics, biology and medicine' 'Athl Ther Today' = 'Athletic therapy today : the journal for sports health care professionals' 'Atomes' = 'Atomes' 'Atten Defic Hyperact Disord' = 'Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders' 'Atten Percept Psychophys' = 'Attention, perception & psychophysics' 'Attual Med' = 'L'Attualita medica' 'Audiol Med' = 'Audiological medicine' 'Aufklarung (Hambg)' = 'Aufklarung' 'Augment Altern Commun' = 'Augmentative and alternative communication (Baltimore, Md. : 1985)' 'Auk' = 'The Auk' 'Aust Dent mirror' = 'The Australian dental mirror, incorporating the Queensland dental magazine' 'Aust J Chem' = 'Australian journal of chemistry' 'Aust J Dent' = 'The Australian journal of dentistry' 'Aust J Polit Sci' = 'Australian journal of political science' 'Aust J Prim Health' = 'Australian journal of primary health' 'Aust J Prof Appl Ethics' = 'Australian journal of professional and applied ethics' 'Aust J Sci' = 'The Australian journal of science' 'Aust N Z J Criminol' = 'The Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology' 'Aust N Z J Stat' = 'Australian & New Zealand journal of statistics' 'Aust New Zealand Health Policy' = 'Australia and New Zealand health policy' 'Aust Occup Ther J' = 'Australian occupational therapy journal' 'Australas Chiropr Osteopathy' = 'Australasian chiropractic & osteopathy : journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia' 'Australas Hist Archaeol' = 'Australasian historical archaeology : journal of the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology' 'Australas J Optom' = 'The Australasian journal of optometry' 'Australas J Pharm' = 'The Australasian journal of pharmacy' 'Australas Psychiatry' = 'Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' 'Austrian Hist Yearb' = 'Austrian history yearbook' 'Austrian Med Bull' = 'Austrian medical bulletin' 'Autism Res' = 'Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research' 'Autom Exp' = 'Automated experimentation' 'Automatica (Oxf)' = 'Automatica : the journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control' 'Autophagy' = 'Autophagy' 'Aux Plaines News' = 'Aux Plaines news' 'AV (Phila)' = 'The A-V' 'B E J Econom Anal Policy' = 'The B.E. journal of economic analysis & policy' 'Baltim Health News' = 'Baltimore health news' 'Band' = 'Das Band; Monatsblatt fur Kranke und Gesunde' 'Bausch Lomb Mag' = 'Bausch & Lomb magazine' 'Bayer Aztebl' = 'Bayerisches Arzteblatt : amtliches Organ der Bayerischen Landesarztekammer und ihrer Bezirksvereine' 'Bayesian Anal' = 'Bayesian analysis (Online)' 'Behav Anal Today' = 'The behavior analyst today' 'Behav Brain Funct' = 'Behavioral and brain functions : BBF' 'Behav Cogn Psychother' = 'Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy' 'Behav Ecol' = 'Behavioral ecology : official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology' 'Behav Healthc' = 'Behavioral healthcare' 'Behav Res Methods' = 'Behavior research methods' 'Behav Sleep Med' = 'Behavioral sleep medicine' 'Beilstein J Org Chem' = 'Beilstein journal of organic chemistry' 'Bell Labs Tech J' = 'Bell Labs technical journal' 'Bereave Care' = 'Bereavement care : for all those who help the bereaved' 'Bernoulli (Andover)' = 'Bernoulli : official journal of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability' 'Bibliogr Hisp' = 'Bibliografia hispanica' 'Biblioteksbladet' = 'Biblioteksbladet' 'Bienn Rev Couns Psychol' = 'Biennial review of counseling psychology' 'Biling (Camb Engl)' = 'Bilingualism (Cambridge, England)' 'Bing Du Xue Bao' = 'Bing du xue bao = Chinese journal of virology / [bian ji, Bing du xue bao bian ji wei yuan hui]' 'Bioanal Rev' = 'Bioanalytical reviews' 'Bioanalysis' = 'Bioanalysis' 'Biocatal Biotransformation' = 'Biocatalysis and biotransformation' 'Biochem (Lond)' = 'The biochemist' 'Biochem Educ' = 'Biochemical education' 'Biochem Eng J' = 'Biochemical engineering journal' 'Biochem Mol Biol Educ' = 'Biochemistry and molecular biology education : a bimonthly publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology' 'Biocontrol Sci' = 'Biocontrol science' 'BioData Min' = 'BioData mining' 'Biodemography Soc Biol' = 'Biodemography and social biology' 'Bioet Debat' = 'Bioetica y debat' 'Biofabrication' = 'Biofabrication' 'Biofilms' = 'Biofilms' 'Bioforum' = 'BIOforum : biologische Chemie, Mikrobiologie, Genetik, Immunologie, Virologie, Biotechnologie' 'Bioinform Biol Insights' = 'Bioinformatics and biology insights' 'Bioinformation' = 'Bioinformation' 'Bioinorg Chem Appl' = 'Bioinorganic chemistry and applications' 'Bioinspir Biomim' = 'Bioinspiration & biomimetics' 'Biointerphases' = 'Biointerphases' 'Biol Conserv' = 'Biological conservation' 'Biol Direct' = 'Biology direct' 'Biol Hum Aff' = 'Biology and human affairs : a British Social Hygiene Council publication' 'Biol Invasions' = 'Biological invasions' 'Biol Lett' = 'Biology letters' 'Biol Magn Reson' = 'Biological magnetic resonance' 'Biol Med (Aligarh)' = 'Biology and medicine (Aligarh)' 'Biol Philos' = 'Biology & philosophy' 'Biol Rev City Coll' = 'The Biological review of the City College' 'Biol Theory' = 'Biological theory' 'Biol' = 'O Biologico' 'Biologics' = 'Biologics : targets & therapy' 'Biomark Cancer' = 'Biomarkers in cancer' 'Biomark Insights' = 'Biomarker insights' 'Biomark Med' = 'Biomarkers in medicine' 'Biomed Digit Libr' = 'Biomedical digital libraries' 'Biomed Inform Insights' = 'Biomedical informatics insights' 'Biomed Mater' = 'Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)' 'Biomed Microdevices' = 'Biomedical microdevices' 'Biomed Signal Process Control' = 'Biomedical signal processing and control' 'Biomicrofluidics' = 'Biomicrofluidics' 'Biomol NMR Assign' = 'Biomolecular NMR assignments' 'Biophys Rev Lett' = 'Biophysical reviews and letters' 'Biophys Rev' = 'Biophysical reviews' 'Biophysics (Oxf)' = 'Biophysics' 'Biopolym Symp' = 'Biopolymers symposia' 'Bioprocessing (Williamsbg Va)' = 'Bioprocessing' 'Biopsychosoc Med' = 'BioPsychoSocial medicine' 'Bioremediat J' = 'Bioremediation journal' 'Biosci Hypotheses' = 'Bioscience hypotheses' 'Biosci Trends' = 'Bioscience trends' 'Biosemiotics' = 'Biosemiotics' 'Biotechnol Biofuels' = 'Biotechnology for biofuels' 'Biotechnol J' = 'Biotechnology journal' 'Biul Hist Sztuki' = 'Biuletyn historii sztuki' 'Blood Donor' = 'Blood donor. Bloedskenker' 'Blood Transfus' = 'Blood transfusion = Trasfusione del sangue' 'BMB Rep' = 'BMB reports' 'BMC Med Genomics' = 'BMC medical genomics' 'BMC Med Phys' = 'BMC medical physics' 'BMC Proc' = 'BMC proceedings' 'BMC Res Notes' = 'BMC research notes' 'BMC Syst Biol' = 'BMC systems biology' 'BMC Vet Res' = 'BMC veterinary research' 'Body Image' = 'Body image' 'Bol Acad Peru Cir' = 'Boletin. Academia Peruana de Cirugia' 'Bol Agrup Medica Estud La Paz' = 'Boletin ... Agrupacion Medica de Estudios, La Paz' 'Bol Asoc Argent Odontol Ninos' = 'Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Odontologia para Ninos' 'Bol Asoc Med Santiago Caballer' = 'Boletin. Asociacion Medica de Santiago de los Caballeros' 'Bol Bibliogr (Sao Paulo)' = 'Boletim bibliografico' 'Bol Clin Estat' = 'Boletim clinico e de estatistica. Lisbon. Hospital Colonial' 'Bol Clin' = 'Boletin clinico' 'Bol Col Med Camaguey Cuba' = 'Boletin. Colegio Medico de Camaguey, Cuba' 'Bol Col Med Holguin' = 'Boletin. Colegio Medico de Holguin' 'Bol Col Med La Habana' = 'Boletin del Colegio Medico de la Habana' 'Bol Cons Nac Tuberc Cuba' = 'Boletin. Consejo Nacional de Tuberculosis (Cuba)' 'Bol Cuba Cuerpo Polic Nac' = 'Boletin ... Cuba. Cuerpo de la Policia Nacional. Seccion de Sanidad' 'Bol Educ Fis (Santiago)' = 'Boletin de educacion fisica' 'Bol Epidemiol (Mex City Mex)' = 'Boletin epidemiologico (Mexico City, Mexico)' 'Bol Hig Ment' = 'Boletim de higiene mental' 'Bol Hosp Univ Caracas' = 'Boletin del Hospital Universitario de Caracas' 'Bol Inf Asoc Med Argent' = 'Boletin Informativo - Asociacion Medica Argentina' 'Bol Inst Int Am Prot Infanc' = 'Boletin del Instituto Internacional Americano de Proteccion a la Infancia. Interamerican Children's Institute' 'Bol Inst Psicopedag Nac' = 'Boletin. Lima. Instituto Psicopedagogico Nacional' 'Bol Inst Super Hig Doutor Ricardo Jorge' = 'Boletim do Instituto Superior de Higiene Doutor Ricardo Jorge' 'Bol Liga Argent Contra Reum B Aires' = 'Boletin. Liga Argentina contra el Reumatismo, Buenos Aires' 'Bol Med' = 'Boletin medico' 'Bol Mens Estad Demogr Sanit Penins Islas Adyac' = 'Boletin mensual de estadistica demografico-sanitaria de la peninsula e islas adyacentes / Ministerio de la Gobernacion del Reino, Direccion General de Beneficencia y Sanidad' 'Bol Patol Med' = 'Boletin. Madrid. Hospital Provincial. Instituto de Patologia Medica' 'Bol Sanid Asist Publica' = 'Boletin de sanidad y asistencia publica. Dominican Republic. Secretaria de Sanidad y Asistencia Publica' 'Bol Sao Paulo Braz State Reparticao Aguas Esgotos' = 'Boletim. Sao Paulo, Brazil (State) Reparticao de Aguas e Esgotos' 'Bol Servic Med Nac Empl' = 'Boletin del Servicio Medico Nacional de Empleados. Chile. Servicio Medico Nacional de Empleados' 'Bol Soc Med Cir Camp' = 'Boletim. Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia de Campinas' 'Bol Soc Med Mendoza' = 'Boletin. Sociedad Medica de Mendoza' 'Bol Trab Acad Argent Cir' = 'Boletines y trabajos / Academia Argentina de Cirugia. Academia Argentina de Cirugia' 'Bol Trimest Hosp Vina del Mar' = 'Boletn trimestral - Hospital de Vina del Mar' 'Bol Veracruz Mexico' = 'Boletin. Veracruz, Mexico (City) Sanatorio "Dr. Nicandro L. Melo"' 'Boletin Bogota' = 'Boletin. Bogota. Clinica de Marly' 'Boletin Clin Luis Razetti Caracas' = 'Boletin. Clinica Luis Razetti, Caracas. Laboratorio' 'Boletin Monterey Mexico' = 'Boletin. Monterey, Mexico. Clinica "Doctor Angel Martinez Villarreal"' 'Boll Arch Stor Mov Soc Cattol Ital' = 'Bollettino dell'Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia' 'Boll Schermogr' = 'Bollettino schermografico' 'Bonekey Osteovision' = 'BoneKEy osteovision' 'Bp Stat Zsebkv' = 'Budapest statisztikai zsebkonyve' 'Bp Szekesfov Kozeu' = 'Budapest szekesfovaros kozegeszsegugye' 'Br Chem Dig' = 'The British chemical digest' 'Br Chirop J' = 'The British chiropody journal' 'Br Educ Res J' = 'British educational research journal' 'Br Food J Hyg Rev' = 'The British food journal and hygienic review' 'Br J Dermatol Syph' = 'The British journal of dermatology and syphilis' 'Br J Dev Psychol' = 'The British journal of developmental psychology' 'Br J Hist Philos' = 'British journal for the history of philosophy : BJHP : the journal of the British Society for the History of Philosophy' 'Br J Hosp Med (Lond)' = 'British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005)' 'Br J Psychiatr Soc Work' = 'British journal of psychiatric social work' 'Br J Psychol Gen Sect' = 'The British journal of psychology. General section' 'Br Orthopt J' = 'The British orthoptic journal' 'Br Sci News' = 'British science news' 'Brain Cell Biol' = 'Brain cell biology' 'Brain Imaging Behav' = 'Brain imaging and behavior' 'Brain Impair' = 'Brain impairment : a multidisciplinary journal of the Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment' 'Brain Nerve' = 'Brain and nerve = Shinkei kenkyu no shinpo' 'Brain Res Rev' = 'Brain research reviews' 'Brain Stimul' = 'Brain stimulation' 'Brain Struct Funct' = 'Brain structure & function' 'Brains Minds Media' = 'Brains, minds & media : journal of new media in neural and cognitive science and education' 'Brandeis J Fam Law' = 'Brandeis journal of family law / Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville' 'Bras Med Cir' = 'Brasil medico-cirurgico' 'Braz J Microbiol' = 'Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology]' 'Braz J Otorhinolaryngol' = 'Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology' 'Braz Oral Res' = 'Brazilian oral research' 'Breast Cancer (Auckl)' = 'Breast cancer : basic and clinical research' 'Breast Cancer (London)' = 'Breast cancer : targets and therapy' 'Breast Care (Basel)' = 'Breast care (Basel, Switzerland)' 'Breastfeed Med' = 'Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine' 'Brief Funct Genomics' = 'Briefings in functional genomics' 'Bristol Dig' = 'The Bristol digest' 'Bristol Med Chir J (1883)' = 'Bristol medico-chirurgical journal (1883)' 'Broadway' = 'The Broadway' 'Brown Univ Dig Addict Theory Appl' = 'Brown University digest of addiction theory and application : DATA' 'Bubble Sci Eng Technol' = 'Bubble science engineering and technology' 'Bulg Hist Rev' = 'Bulgarian historical review' 'Bulg Klin' = 'Bulgarska klinika' 'Bull Acad Med Clevel' = 'Bulletin - Academy of Medicine of Cleveland' 'Bull Acad Med Tor' = 'Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto' 'Bull Acad Med' = 'Bulletin de l'Academie de medecine' 'Bull Adelphi Hosp Brooklyn' = 'Bulletin. Adelphi Hospital (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.)' 'Bull Alger Carcinol' = 'Bulletin algerien de carcinologie' 'Bull Am Assoc Med Soc Workers' = 'Bulletin. American Association of Medical Social Workers' 'Bull Am Pharm Assoc' = 'Bulletin. American Pharmaceutical Association. Committee on National Formulary' 'Bull Am Soc Hosp Pharm' = 'Bulletin. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists' 'Bull Am Soc Papyrol' = 'The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. American Society of Papyrologists' 'Bull Assoc Am Physicians Surg' = 'Bulletin of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons / Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc' 'Bull Assoc Med Libr' = 'Bulletin of the Association of Medical Librarians' 'Bull Calif Diet Assoc' = 'Bulletin of the California Dietetic Association' 'Bull Calif State Nurses Assoc' = 'Bulletin. California State Nurses' Association' 'Bull Can Tuberc Assoc' = 'Bulletin - Canadian Tuberculosis Association' 'Bull Charlotte Meml Hosp' = 'Bulletin. Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Memorial Hospital' 'Bull Chic Heart Assoc' = 'Bulletin. Chicago Heart Association' 'Bull Chic Med Soc' = 'Bulletin. Chicago Medical Society' 'Bull Cl Sci Acad R Belg' = 'Bulletin. Academie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Classe des sciences' 'Bull Colo' = 'Bulletin. Colorado. State Board of Health' 'Bull Commun Dis Med Notes' = 'Bulletin of communicable diseases and medical notes. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration' 'Bull Conn State Dent Assoc' = 'Bulletin. Connecticut State Dental Association' 'Bull Creighton Univ' = 'Bulletin. Creighton University. School of Medicine' 'Bull Dade Cty Med Assoc Inc' = 'Bulletin - Dade County Medical Association' 'Bull Dep Health Commonw Ky' = 'Bulletin of the Department of Health, Commonwealth of Kentucky. Kentucky. Dept. of Health' 'Bull Dight Inst Univ Minn' = 'Bulletin - Dight Institute of the University of Minnesota' 'Bull Doc Sanit' = 'Bulletin de documentation sanitaire' 'Bull Fulton Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Fulton County Medical Society' 'Bull Genesee Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Genesee County Medical Society' 'Bull Hennepin Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Hennepin County Medical Society' 'Bull Histol Appl Tech Microsc' = 'Bulletin d'histologie appliquee et de technique microscopique' 'Bull Inst Natl Hyg' = 'Bulletin. Institut national d'hygiene (France)' 'Bull Int Assoc Med Mus' = 'Bulletin. International Association of Medical Museums' 'Bull Jackson Park Branch Chic Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Jackson Park Branch, Chicago Medical Society' 'Bull Jersey City Margaret Hague Mat Hosp' = 'Bulletin. Jersey City. Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital' 'Bull John Rylands Univ Lib' = 'Bulletin. John Rylands Library, Manchester' 'Bull King Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - King County Medical Society' 'Bull Leag Red Cross Soc' = 'Bulletin. League of Red Cross Societies' 'Bull Linn Cty Iowa' = 'Bulletin. Linn County (Iowa) Medical Society' 'Bull Los Angel Cty Med Assoc' = 'Bulletin - Los Angeles County Medical Association' 'Bull Los Angel Surg Soc' = 'Bulletin. Los Angeles Surgical Society' 'Bull Mahoning Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin. Mahoning County Medical Society' 'Bull Mass Dent Soc' = 'Bulletin. Massachusetts Dental Society' 'Bull McGuire Clin St Lukes Hosp Richmond St Lukes Hosp McGuire Clin' = 'Bulletin, McGuire Clinic and St. Luke's Hospital. Richmond. St. Luke's Hospital. McGuire Clinic' 'Bull Med Rev Med Fr Guide Prat' = 'Bulletin medical. Revue medicale francaise. Guide du praticien' 'Bull Med Soc Cty Kings Kings Cty N Y' = 'Bulletin. Medical Society of the County of Kings (Kings County, N.Y.)' 'Bull Med Soc Cty Monroe' = 'Bulletin. Medical Society of the County of Monroe' 'Bull Med Univ Aurore' = 'Bulletin medical. Shanghai. Universite l'Aurore' 'Bull Mem Chir Marseille' = 'Bulletins et memoires. Societe de chirurgie de Marseille' 'Bull Mem Soc Med Paris (1907)' = 'Bulletin et memoires. Societe de medecine de Paris' 'Bull Mem Soc Med Passy Ht.-Savoie' = 'Bulletin et memoires de la Societe medicale de Passy (Haute-Savoie)' 'Bull Meriden Conn Hosp' = 'Bulletin. Meriden, Conn. Hospital' 'Bull Mil Clin Psychol' = 'Bulletin of military clinical psychologists' 'Bull Minn Med Found' = 'Bulletin. Minnesota Medical Foundation' 'Bull Multnomah Cty' = 'Bulletin. Multnomah County (Or.) Medical Society' 'Bull N C Dent Soc' = 'Bulletin. North Carolina Dental Society' 'Bull N Y Public Libr' = 'Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations. New York Public Library' 'Bull Natl Soc Med Res' = 'Bulletin of the National Society for Medical Research' 'Bull North Shore Branch Chic Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - North Shore Branch, Chicago Medical Society' 'Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis' = 'Bulletin of the NYU hospital for joint diseases' 'Bull Oak Park Ill' = 'Bulletin. Oak Park, Ill. West Suburban Hospital' 'Bull Okla State Dent Assoc' = 'Bulletin. Oklahoma State Dental Association' 'Bull Orange Cty Med Assoc' = 'The bulletin of the Orange County Medical Association' 'Bull Ordre Med' = 'Bulletin de l'Ordre des medecins' 'Bull Passaic Cty Med Soc' = 'The Bulletin of the Passaic County Medical Society' 'Bull Pottawatomie Cty Okla' = 'Bulletin. Pottawatomie County (Okla.) Medical Society' 'Bull Pract Ophthalmol' = 'Bulletin of practical ophthalmology' 'Bull Public Health' = 'Bulletins of the public health. United States. Marine Hospital Service' 'Bull R Inst Inter Faith Stud' = 'Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies' 'Bull Rosl N Y St. Francis Sanat Card Child' = 'Bulletin. Roslyn, N. Y. St. Francis Sanatorium for Cardiac Children' 'Bull S Diego Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - San Diego County Medical Society' 'Bull San Franc Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - San Francisco County Medical Society' 'Bull Sangamon Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Sangamon County Medical Society' 'Bull Sanit' = 'Bulletin sanitaire' 'Bull Sante publique (Brux )' = 'Bulletin de la sante publique. Belgium. Ministere de la sante publique et de la famille' 'Bull Soc Chir Paris' = 'Bulletin. Societe de chirurgie de Paris' 'Bull Soc Ital Med Ig Trop Sez Eritrea' = 'Bollettino. Societa italiana di medicina e igiene tropicale. Sezione Eritrea' 'Bull Soc Med Pau' = 'Bulletin de la Societe medicale de Pau' 'Bull Soc Ophtalmol Paris Soc Ophtalmol Est Lyon Ouest' = 'Bulletin de la Societe d'ophtalmologie de Paris et des societes d'ophtalmologie de l'Est, de Lyon et de l'Ouest. Societe d'ophtalmologie de Paris' 'Bull Spokane Cty Med Soc' = 'Bulletin - Spokane County Medical Society' 'Bull St Louis Dent Soc' = 'Bulletin - St. Louis Dental Society' 'Bull St Louis Med Society' = 'Bulletin. St. Louis Medical Society' 'Bull Suffolk Cty Med Soc Suffolk Acad Med' = 'Bulletin - Suffolk County Medical Society' 'Bull Switz' = 'Bulletin. Switzerland. Eidgenossisches Gesundheitsamt' 'Bull Tor East Med Assoc' = 'Bulletin of the Toronto East Medical Association' 'Bull U S Army Med Dep' = 'Bulletin. United States. Army Medical Dept' 'Bull Univ Miami Sch Med Jackson Meml Hosp' = 'The bulletin [of] the University of Miami School of Medicine and Jackson Memorial Hospital. University of Miami. School of Medicine' 'Bull Univ Minn Hosp Minn Med Found' = 'Bulletin of the University of Minnesota Hospitals and Minnesota Medical Foundation. Minnesota. University. Hospitals' 'Bull Utica Acad Med' = 'Bulletin - Utica Academy of Medicine' 'Bull Va State Dent Assoc' = 'The Bulletin of the Virginia State Dental Association' 'Bull Vanc Med Assoc' = 'Bulletin. Vancouver Medical Association' 'Bull Vener Dis Control' = 'Bulletin of venereal disease control. Ontario. Dept. of Health' 'Bull Vener Dis' = 'Bulletin of venereal diseases' 'Bull Zool Nomencl' = 'The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature' 'BuMed News Lett Aviat Suppl' = 'BuMed news letter. Aviation supplement' 'BuMed News Lett' = 'BuMed news letter' 'Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz' = 'Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz' 'Butll Soc Amics Hist Cienc Farm Catalana' = 'Butlleti de la Societat d'Amics de la Historia i de la Ciencia Farmaceutica Catalana : BSAHCFC' 'C R Acad Bulg Sci' = 'Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des sciences : sciences mathematiques et naturelles' 'Caducee' = 'Le Caducee' 'Cah Hist Espaces Marx Assoc' = 'Cahiers d'histoire (Espaces Marx (Association))' 'Cah Homeopath Ther Comp' = 'Cahiers d'homeopathie et de therapeutique comparee' 'Cah Monde Russe' = 'Cahiers du monde russe' 'Cal J Emerg Med' = 'The California journal of emergency medicine / California Chapter of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine' 'Cal State J Med' = 'California state journal of medicine' 'Cal West Med' = 'California and western medicine' 'Calc Var Partial Differ Equ' = 'Calculus of variations and partial differential equations' 'Calcutta Hist J' = 'The Calcutta historical journal' 'Calcutta Med Rev' = 'Calcutta medical review' 'Calif Public Health Rep' = 'California public health report. California. Dept. of Public Health' 'Calif School Psychol' = 'The California school psychologist : CASP / California Association of School Psychologists' 'Californian J Health Promot' = 'Californian journal of health promotion' 'Caliper' = 'The Caliper' 'CAMSI J' = 'CAMSI journal. Journal ACEMI' 'Can Child Adolesc Psychiatr Rev' = 'The Canadian child and adolescent psychiatry review = La revue canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent' 'Can Entomol' = 'The Canadian entomologist' 'Can Health Welf' = 'Canada's health & welfare' 'Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol' = 'The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie medicale / AMMI Canada' 'Can J Infect Dis' = 'The Canadian journal of infectious diseases = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses' 'Can J Neurosci Nurs' = 'Canadian journal of neuroscience nursing' 'Can J Plast Surg' = 'The Canadian journal of plastic surgery = Journal canadien de chirurgie plastique' 'Can J Res E Med Sci' = 'Canadian journal of research. Section E, Medical sciences' 'Can J Res' = 'Canadian journal of research' 'Can J Rural Med' = 'Canadian journal of rural medicine : the official journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada = Journal canadien de la medecine rurale : le journal officiel de la Societe de medecine rurale du Canada' 'Can Res Suppl' = 'Cancer research. Supplement' 'Can Rev Sociol' = 'Canadian review of sociology = Revue canadienne de sociologie' 'Can Urol Assoc J' = 'Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada' 'Cancer Cytopathol' = 'Cancer cytopathology' 'Cancer Epidemiol' = 'Cancer epidemiology' 'Cancer Growth Metastasis' = 'Cancer growth and metastasis' 'Cancer Inform' = 'Cancer informatics' 'Cancer Manag Res' = 'Cancer management and research' 'Cancer Microenviron' = 'Cancer microenvironment : official journal of the International Cancer Microenvironment Society' 'Cancer News' = 'Cancer news' 'Cancer Prev Res (Phila)' = 'Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.)' 'Cancer Res Treat' = 'Cancer research and treatment : official journal of Korean Cancer Association' 'Cancer Ther' = 'Cancer therapy' 'Cancers (Basel)' = 'Cancers' 'Caravelle' = 'Caravelle (Toulouse, France)' 'Carbohydr Polym' = 'Carbohydrate polymers' 'Carbon Balance Manag' = 'Carbon balance and management' 'Carbon N Y' = 'Carbon' 'Cardiol J' = 'Cardiology journal' 'Cardiol Res Pract' = 'Cardiology research and practice' 'Cardiopulm Phys Ther J' = 'Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal' 'Cardiovasc Eng Technol' = 'Cardiovascular engineering and technology' 'Cardiovasc Eng' = 'Cardiovascular engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands)' 'Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets' = 'Cardiovascular & hematological disorders drug targets' 'Cardiovasc J Afr' = 'Cardiovascular journal of Africa' 'Cardiovasc Psychiatry Neurol' = 'Cardiovascular psychiatry and neurology' 'Cardiovasc Revasc Med' = 'Cardiovascular revascularization medicine : including molecular interventions' 'Cardiovasc Ther' = 'Cardiovascular therapeutics' 'Carnet Econ' = 'Carnet de l'econome' 'Cartilage' = 'Cartilage' 'Cartogr Geogr Inf Sci' = 'Cartography and geographic information science' 'Cas Suvrem Povij' = 'Casopis za suvremenu povijest / Institut za historiju radnickog pokreta Hrvatske, Zagreb' 'Case Rep Child Meml Hosp Chic' = 'Case reports. Chicago. Children's Memorial Hospital' 'Case Rep Dermatol' = 'Case reports in dermatology' 'Case Rep Gastroenterol' = 'Case reports in gastroenterology' 'Case Rep Neurol' = 'Case reports in neurology' 'Case Rep Oncol' = 'Case reports in oncology' 'Case Report Med' = 'Case reports in medicine' 'Case Report Ophthalmol' = 'Case reports in ophthalmology' 'Cases J' = 'Cases journal' 'Catal Commun' = 'Catalysis communications' 'Cattle Pract' = 'Cattle practice : journal of the British Cattle Veterinary Association' 'CBE Life Sci Educ' = 'CBE life sciences education' 'CCAR J' = 'CCAR journal (New York, N.Y. : 1991)' 'CDC Bull' = 'CDC bulletin. Communicable Disease Center (U.S.)' 'Ceara Med' = 'Ceara medico : orgao do Centro Medico Cearense' 'Cell Adh Migr' = 'Cell adhesion & migration' 'Cell and tissue biol' = 'Cell and tissue biology' 'Cell Death Dis' = 'Cell death & disease' 'Cell Div' = 'Cell division' 'Cell Health Cytoskelet' = 'Cell health and cytoskeleton' 'Cell Host Microbe' = 'Cell host & microbe' 'Cell Metab' = 'Cell metabolism' 'Cell Mol Bioeng' = 'Cellular and molecular bioengineering' 'Cell Preserv Technol' = 'Cell preservation technology' 'Cell Reprogram' = 'Cellular reprogramming' 'Cell Stem Cell' = 'Cell stem cell' 'Cell Tissue Bank' = 'Cell and tissue banking' 'Cellscience' = 'Cellscience' 'Cen Eur Neurosurg' = 'Central European neurosurgery' 'Cent Eur J Biol' = 'Central European journal of biology' 'Cent Med' = 'Centre medical' 'Cent Nerv Syst Agents Med Chem' = 'Central nervous system agents in medicinal chemistry' 'Centaur Alpha Kappa Kappa' = 'The Centaur of Alpha Kappa Kappa' 'Centaur Lond Engl' = 'Centaur (London, England)' 'Cerebrospinal Fluid Res' = 'Cerebrospinal fluid research' 'Cerebrum' = 'Cerebrum : the Dana forum on brain science' 'Challenge (Atlanta Ga)' = 'Challenge (Atlanta, Ga.)' 'Chance (N Y)' = 'Chance (New York, N.Y.)' 'Channels (Austin)' = 'Channels (Austin, Tex.)' 'Chem Anal' = 'Chemist-Analyst' 'Chem Analityczna' = 'Chemia analityczna' 'Chem Asian J' = 'Chemistry, an Asian journal' 'Chem Biodivers' = 'Chemistry & biodiversity' 'Chem Biol Drug Des' = 'Chemical biology & drug design' 'Chem Cent J' = 'Chemistry Central journal' 'Chem Drug Export Rev' = 'The Chemist and druggist export review' 'Chem Eng J' = 'Chemical engineering journal (Lausanne, Switzerland : 1996)' 'Chem Eng Process' = 'Chemical engineering and processing = Genie des procedes = Verfahrenstechnik' 'Chem Eng Sci' = 'Chemical engineering science' 'Chem Health Saf' = 'Chemical health & safety' 'ChemMedChem' = 'ChemMedChem' 'Chemoecology' = 'Chemoecology' 'Chemosens Percept' = 'Chemosensory perception' 'ChemSusChem' = 'ChemSusChem' 'Chemtracts' = 'Chemtracts' 'CHI Conf Proc' = 'CHI ... conference proceedings / Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI Conference' 'Chic J Int Law' = 'Chicago journal of international law' 'Child Adolesc Ment Health' = 'Child and adolescent mental health' 'Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health' = 'Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health' 'Child Dev Perspect' = 'Child development perspectives' 'Child Fam Behav Ther' = 'Child & family behavior therapy' 'Child Indic Res' = 'Child indicators research' 'Child Lang Teach Ther' = 'Child language teaching and therapy' 'Child Neuropsychol' = 'Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence' 'Child Sch' = 'Children & schools' 'Child Youth Care Forum' = 'Child & youth care forum' 'Child' = 'The Child' 'Childhood' = 'Childhood (Copenhagen, Denmark)' 'Chim Oggi' = 'Chimica oggi' 'Chin Chem Lett' = 'Chinese chemical letters = Zhongguo hua xue kuai bao' 'Chin J Cancer' = 'Chinese journal of cancer' 'Chin Med' = 'Chinese medicine' 'Chin Rev Trop Med' = 'The Chinese review of tropical medicine' 'Chin Sci Bull' = 'Chinese science bulletin = Kexue tongbao' 'Chirop Rec' = 'Chiropody record' 'Chiropodist (Lond)' = 'Chiropodist (Society of Chiropodists)' 'Chiropr Osteopat' = 'Chiropractic & osteopathy' 'Choix Trav Etrang' = 'Choix de travaux etrangers' 'Christ Hosp Med Bull' = 'Christ Hospital medical bulletin' 'Chromatographia' = 'Chromatographia' 'Chron Respir Dis' = 'Chronic respiratory disease' 'Chron World Health Organ' = 'Chronicle of the World Health Organization' 'Chronic Illn' = 'Chronic illness' 'Ciba-Tijdschr' = 'Ciba-Tijdschrift' 'Ciba Clin Symp' = 'Ciba clinical symposia' 'Ciba Z (Basel)' = 'Ciba-Zeitschrift' 'Ciclos Hist Econom Soc' = 'Ciclos en la historia, la economia y la sociedad' 'Cien Saude Colet' = 'Ciencia & saude coletiva' 'Cienc Med Hisp Am' = 'Ciencias medicas hispano-americanas' 'Cienc Soc Relig' = 'Ciencias sociales y religion = Ciencias sociais e religiao' 'Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol' = 'Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology' 'Circ Cardiovasc Genet' = 'Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics' 'Circ Cardiovasc Imaging' = 'Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging' 'Circ Cardiovasc Interv' = 'Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions' 'Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes' = 'Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes' 'Circ Heart Fail' = 'Circulation. Heart failure' 'CJEM' = 'CJEM : Canadian journal of emergency medical care = JCMU : journal canadien de soins medicaux d'urgence' 'Clin Biochem Rev' = 'The Clinical biochemist. Reviews / Australian Association of Clinical Biochemists' 'Clin Calcium' = 'Clinical calcium' 'Clin Case Stud' = 'Clinical case studies' 'Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry' = 'Clinical child psychology and psychiatry' 'Clin Colon Rectal Surg' = 'Clinics in colon and rectal surgery' 'Clin Diabetes' = 'Clinical diabetes : a publication of the American Diabetes Association' 'Clin Eff Nurs' = 'Clinical effectiveness in nursing' 'Clin Epidemiol' = 'Clinical epidemiology' 'Clin Ethics' = 'Clinical ethics' 'Clin Exerc Physiol' = 'Clinical exercise physiology' 'Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol' = 'Clinical and experimental otorhinolaryngology' 'Clin Eye Vis Care' = 'Clinical eye and vision care' 'Clin Geriatr' = 'Clinical geriatrics' 'Clin J Am Soc Nephrol' = 'Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN' 'Clin J' = 'The Clinical journal' 'Clin Lipidol' = 'Clinical lipidology' 'Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk' = 'Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia' 'Clin Med Cardiol' = 'Clinical medicine. Cardiology' 'Clin Med Circ Respirat Pulm Med' = 'Clinical medicine. Circulatory, respiratory and pulmonary medicine' 'Clin Med Dermatol' = 'Clinical medicine. Dermatology' 'Clin Med Insights Cardiol' = 'Clinical Medicine Insights. Cardiology' 'Clin Med Insights Case Rep' = 'Clinical medicine insights. Case reports' 'Clin Med Insights Gastroenterol' = 'Clinical medicine insights. Gastroenterology' 'Clin Med Insights Oncol' = 'Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology' 'Clin Med Oncol' = 'Clinical medicine. Oncology' 'Clin Med Pediatrics' = 'Clinical medicine. Pediatrics' 'Clin Med Res' = 'Clinical medicine & research' 'Clin Med Ther' = 'Clinical medicine. Therapeutics' 'Clin Med Urol' = 'Clinical medicine. Urology [electronic resource]' 'Clin Mol Pathol' = 'Clinical molecular pathology' 'Clin Neuroradiol' = 'Clinical neuroradiology' 'Clin Neurosci Res' = 'Clinical neuroscience research' 'Clin Odontoiatr Rev Mens Oper Dent Chir Orale Ortod Protesi' = 'Clinica odontoiatrica; revista mensile di operativa dentaria, chirurgia orale, ortodontia e protesi' 'Clin Ophthalmol' = 'Clinical ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)' 'Clin Orthop Surg' = 'Clinics in orthopedic surgery' 'Clin Pediatr Emerg Med' = 'Clinical pediatric emergency medicine' 'Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health' = 'Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH' 'Clin Proc' = 'Clinical proceedings' 'Clin Proteomics' = 'Clinical proteomics' 'Clin Psychol (New York)' = 'Clinical psychology : a publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association' 'Clin Psychol Psychother' = 'Clinical psychology & psychotherapy' 'Clin Pulm Med' = 'Clinical pulmonary medicine' 'Clin Res Cardiol' = 'Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society' 'Clin Respir J' = 'The clinical respiratory journal' 'Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses' = 'Clinical schizophrenia & related psychoses' 'Clin Soc J' = 'Clinical Society journal' 'Clin Tisiol' = 'Clinica tisiologica' 'Clin Torax' = 'Clinica del torax' 'Clin Toxicol (Phila)' = 'Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)' 'Clin Transl Sci' = 'Clinical and translational science' 'Clin Va Mason Hosp' = 'Clinics of the Virginia Mason Hospital' 'Clin Vaccine Immunol' = 'Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI' 'Clin. Hisp' = 'Clinica hispanica' 'Clinica (Valladolid)' = 'Clinica (Valladolid, Spain)' 'Clinics' = 'Clinics' 'CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets' = 'CNS & neurological disorders drug targets' 'CNS Neurosci Ther' = 'CNS neuroscience & therapeutics' 'Cochlear Implants Int' = 'Cochlear implants international' 'Cogn Behav Pract' = 'Cognitive and behavioral practice' 'Cogn Behav Ther' = 'Cognitive behaviour therapy' 'Cogn Dev' = 'Cognitive development' 'Cogn Emot' = 'Cognition & emotion' 'Cogn Instr' = 'Cognition and instruction' 'Cogn Neurodyn' = 'Cognitive neurodynamics' 'Cogn Neuropsychiatry' = 'Cognitive neuropsychiatry' 'Cogn Neuropsychol' = 'Cognitive neuropsychology' 'Cogn Neurosci' = 'Cognitive neuroscience' 'Cogn Process' = 'Cognitive processing' 'Cogn Sci' = 'Cognitive science' 'Cogn Syst Res' = 'Cognitive systems research' 'Cognit Comput' = 'Cognitive computation' 'Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol' = 'Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology' 'Cold Spring Harb Protoc' = 'Cold Spring Harbor protocols' 'Coll Res Libr' = 'College and research libraries' 'Collab Anthropol' = 'Collaborative anthropologies' 'Collect Czechoslov Chem Commun' = 'Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications' 'Collect Papers Mayo Clinic Mayo Found' = 'Collected papers of the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Foundation. Mayo Clinic' 'Colloid Polym Sci' = 'Colloid and polymer science' 'Colloids Surf A Physicochem Eng Asp' = 'Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and engineering aspects' 'Coln Latin Am Hist Rev' = 'Colonial Latin American historical review : CLAHR' 'Colon latin Am Rev' = 'Colonial Latin American review' 'Columbia Optom' = 'The Columbia optometrist' 'Columbia Sci Technol Law Rev' = 'The Columbia science and technology law review' 'Common Law World Rev' = 'Common law world review' 'Commonw Comp Polit' = 'Commonwealth & comparative politics' 'Commun Comput Phys' = 'Communications in computational physics' 'Commun Educ' = 'Communication education' 'Commun Integr Biol' = 'Communicative & integrative biology' 'Commun Med' = 'Communication & medicine' 'Commun Methods Meas' = 'Communication methods and measures' 'Commun Numer Methods Eng' = 'Communications in numerical methods in engineering' 'Commun Res Rep' = 'Communication research reports : CRR' 'Commun Stat Theory Methods' = 'Communications in statistics: theory and methods' 'Community Dev (Columb)' = 'Community development (Columbus, Ohio)' 'Community Oncol' = 'Community oncology' 'Community Pract' = 'Community practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association' 'Community Work Fam' = 'Community, work & family' 'Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics' = 'Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics' 'Comp Clin Path' = 'Comparative clinical pathology' 'Comp Cogn Behav Rev' = 'Comparative cognition & behavior reviews' 'Comp Funct Genomics' = 'Comparative and functional genomics' 'Compend Contin Educ Vet' = 'Compendium (Yardley, PA)' 'Complement Health Pract Rev' = 'Complementary health practice review' 'Complexity' = 'Complexity' 'Compos Part A Appl Sci Manuf' = 'Composites Part A : applied science and manufacturing' 'Compos Sci Technol' = 'Composites science and technology' 'Compr Ophthalmol Update' = 'Comprehensive ophthalmology update' 'Comput Aided Des' = 'Computer aided design' 'Comput Aided Geom Des' = 'Computer aided geometric design' 'Comput Animat Virtual Worlds' = 'Computer animation and virtual worlds' 'Comput Chem Eng' = 'Computers & chemical engineering' 'Comput Educ' = 'Computers & education' 'Comput Graph Forum' = 'Computer graphics forum : journal of the European Association for Computer Graphics' 'Comput Intell Neurosci' = 'Computational intelligence and neuroscience' 'Comput Math Methods Med' = 'Computational and mathematical methods in medicine' 'Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng' = 'Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering' 'Comput Methods Appl Sci' = 'Computational methods in applied sciences (Springer)' 'Comput Model Eng Sci' = 'Computer modeling in engineering & sciences : CMES' 'Comput Optim Appl' = 'Computational optimization and applications' 'Comput Sci Eng' = 'Computing in science & engineering' 'Comput Stat Data Anal' = 'Computational statistics & data analysis' 'Comput Stat' = 'Computational statistics' 'Comput Struct' = 'Computers & structures' 'Comput Syst Bioinformatics Conf' = 'Computational systems bioinformatics / Life Sciences Society. Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference' 'COMSIG Rev' = 'COMSIG review / COMSIG, Chiropractors and Osteopaths Musculo-Skeletal Interest Group' 'Concepts Magn Reson Part A Bridg Educ Res' = 'Concepts in magnetic resonance. Part A, Bridging education and research' 'Concepts Magn Reson Part B Magn Reson Eng' = 'Concepts in magnetic resonance. Part B, Magnetic resonance engineering' 'Concurr Comput' = 'Concurrency and computation : practice & experience' 'Condens Matter Phys' = 'Condensed matter physics / Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine' 'Condor' = 'The Condor' 'Conf Proc (Midwest Symp Circuits Syst)' = 'The ... Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems conference proceedings : MWSCAS. Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems' 'Conf Rec Asilomar Conf Signals Syst Comput' = 'Conference record / Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers' 'Confl Health' = 'Conflict and health' 'Congenit Heart Dis' = 'Congenital heart disease' 'Congr Soc Cir Chile' = 'Congreso. Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile' 'Conn State Med J' = 'Connecticut state medical journal' 'Connect (Tor)' = 'Connections (Toronto, Ont.)' 'Conserv Biol' = 'Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology' 'Conserv Genet' = 'Conservation genetics (Print)' 'Consult Pharm' = 'The Consultant pharmacist : the journal of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists' 'Cont Lens Anterior Eye' = 'Contact lens & anterior eye : the journal of the British Contact Lens Association' 'Contemp Fam Ther' = 'Contemporary family therapy' 'Contemp Gerontol' = 'Contemporary gerontology' 'Contemp Hypn' = 'Contemporary hypnosis : the journal of the British Society of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis' 'Contemp Issues Commun Sci Disord' = 'Contemporary issues in communication science and disorders : CICSD' 'Contemporanea' = 'Contemporanea (Bologna, Italy : 1998)' 'Contra Costa Dent Bull' = 'Contra Costa dental bulletin' 'Contrast Media Mol Imaging' = 'Contrast media & molecular imaging' 'Control Plagas' = 'Control de plagas' 'Coord Chem Rev' = 'Coordination chemistry reviews' 'COPD' = 'COPD' 'Core Evid' = 'Core evidence' 'Cornell Med J' = 'Cornell medical journal' 'Cough' = 'Cough (London, England)' 'CPJ' = 'CPJ : Canadian pharmaceutical journal = RPC : la revue pharmaceutique canadienne' 'Crim Justice Policy Rev' = 'Criminal justice policy review' 'Crim Justice Rev' = 'Criminal justice review' 'Crim' = 'Criminalia' 'Crime Hist Soc' = 'Crime, histoire & societes = Crime, history & societies / International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice' 'Criminol Crim Justice' = 'Criminology & criminal justice : the international journal of policy and practice' 'Criminol Public Policy' = 'Criminology & public policy' 'Criminology' = 'Criminology; an interdisciplinary journal' 'Crippl Child' = 'The Crippled child' 'Crit Care Resusc' = 'Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine' 'Crit Pathw Cardiol' = 'Critical pathways in cardiology' 'Crit Public Health' = 'Critical public health' 'Crit Rev Bioeng' = 'Critical reviews in bioengineering' 'Crit Rev Neurosurg' = 'Critical reviews in neurosurgery : CR' 'CRM Advocate' = 'CRM advocate' 'Croat Chem Acta' = 'Croatica chemica acta. Arhiv za kemiju' 'Cronos' = 'Cronos (Valencia, Spain)' 'Crop Prot' = 'Crop protection (Guildford, Surrey)' 'Crossroads (De Kalb)' = 'Crossroads (De Kalb, Ill.)' 'Cruz Roja Cuba' = 'Cruz Roja Cubana' 'Cryogenics (Guildf)' = 'Cryogenics' 'Cryst Growth Des' = 'Crystal growth & design' 'CrystEngComm' = 'CrystEngComm / RSC' 'CTWatch Q' = 'CTWatch quarterly : cyberinfrastructure technology watch' 'Cuad Bioet' = 'Cuadernos de bioetica : revista oficial de la Asociacion Espanola de Bioetica y Etica Medica' 'Cuad Farmacol' = 'Cuadernos de farmacologia' 'Cuad Hist Contemp' = 'Cuadernos de historia contemporanea / Departamento de Historia Contemporanea' 'Cuad Hist Derecho' = 'Cuadernos de historia del derecho (Madrid, Spain)' 'Cuad Hist Mod' = 'Cuadernos de historia moderna' 'Cuad Hist' = 'Cuadernos de historia (Santiago, Chile)' 'Cuad Med Divulg Cient' = 'Cuadernos medicos y de divulgacion cientifica' 'Curity Res Notes' = 'Curity research notes' 'Curr Aging Sci' = 'Current aging science' 'Curr Alzheimer Res' = 'Current Alzheimer research' 'Curr Anal Chem' = 'Current analytical chemistry' 'Curr Bioact Compd' = 'Current bioactive compounds' 'Curr Bioinform' = 'Current bioinformatics' 'Curr Cancer Ther Rev' = 'Current cancer therapy reviews' 'Curr Cardiol Rev' = 'Current cardiology reviews' 'Curr Cardiovasc Imaging Rep' = 'Current cardiovascular imaging reports' 'Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep' = 'Current cardiovascular risk reports' 'Curr Chem Biol' = 'Current chemical biology' 'Curr Chem Genomics' = 'Current chemical genomics' 'Curr Clin Pharmacol' = 'Current clinical pharmacology' 'Curr Colorectal Cancer Rep' = 'Current colorectal cancer reports' 'Curr Comput Aided Drug Des' = 'Current computer-aided drug design' 'Curr Diabetes Rev' = 'Current diabetes reviews' 'Curr Diagn Pathol' = 'Current diagnostic pathology' 'Curr Dir Psychol Sci' = 'Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society' 'Curr Drug Abuse Rev' = 'Current drug abuse reviews' 'Curr Drug Deliv' = 'Current drug delivery' 'Curr Drug Discov Technol' = 'Current drug discovery technologies' 'Curr Drug Saf' = 'Current drug safety' 'Curr Drug ther' = 'Current drug therapy' 'Curr Fungal Infect Rep' = 'Current fungal infection reports' 'Curr Genomics' = 'Current genomics' 'Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res' = 'Current gerontology and geriatrics research' 'Curr Heart Fail Rep' = 'Current heart failure reports' 'Curr Hematol Malig Rep' = 'Current hematologic malignancy reports' 'Curr Hepat Rep' = 'Current hepatitis reports' 'Curr HIV/AIDS Rep' = 'Current HIV/AIDS reports' 'Curr Hypertens Rev' = 'Current hypertension reviews' 'Curr Immunol Rev' = 'Current immunology reviews' 'Curr Leg Thought Lawyers Dig Law Rev' = 'Current legal thought; the lawyers' digest of law reviews' 'Curr Med Chem Anti Inflamm Anti Allergy Agents' = 'Current medicinal chemistry. Anti-inflammatory & anti-allergy agents' 'Curr Med Chem Cardiovasc Hematol Agents' = 'Current medicinal chemistry. Cardiovascular and hematological agents' 'Curr Med Chem Immunol Endocr Metab Agents' = 'Current medicinal chemistry. Immunology, endocrine & metabolic agents' 'Curr Med Dig' = 'Current medical digest' 'Curr Med Imaging Rev' = 'Current medical imaging reviews' 'Curr Mol Pharmacol' = 'Current molecular pharmacology' 'Curr Nanosci' = 'Current nanoscience' 'Curr Neuropharmacol' = 'Current neuropharmacology' 'Curr Neurovasc Res' = 'Current neurovascular research' 'Curr Nutr Food Sci' = 'Current nutrition and food science' 'Curr Oncol' = 'Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.)' 'Curr Opin Anaesthesiol' = 'Current opinion in anaesthesiology' 'Curr Opin Colloid Interface Sci' = 'Current opinion in colloid & interface science' 'Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes' = 'Current opinion in endocrinology & diabetes' 'Curr Opin HIV AIDS' = 'Current opinion in HIV and AIDS' 'Curr Opin Organ Transplant' = 'Current opinion in organ transplantation' 'Curr Opin Support Palliat Care' = 'Current opinion in supportive and palliative care' 'Curr Org Chem' = 'Current organic chemistry' 'Curr Osteoporos Rep' = 'Current osteoporosis reports' 'Curr Pharmacogenomics Person Med' = 'Current pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine' 'Curr Popul Rep Spec Censuses' = 'Current population reports. Series P-28, Special censuses' 'Curr Prostate Rep' = 'Current prostate reports' 'Curr Proteomics' = 'Current proteomics' 'Curr Protoc Bioinformatics' = 'Current protocols in bioinformatics / editoral board, Andreas D. Baxevanis ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Cell Biol' = 'Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Cytom' = 'Current protocols in cytometry / editorial board, J. Paul Robinson, managing editor ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Immunol' = 'Current protocols in immunology / edited by John E. Coligan ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Microbiol' = 'Current protocols in microbiology' 'Curr Protoc Mol Biol' = 'Current protocols in molecular biology / edited by Frederick M. Ausubel ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Neurosci' = 'Current protocols in neuroscience / editorial board, Jacqueline N. Crawley ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Nucleic Acid Chem' = 'Current protocols in nucleic acid chemistry / edited by Serge L. Beaucage ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Pharmacol' = 'Current protocols in pharmacology / editorial board, S.J. Enna (editor-in-chief) ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Protein Sci' = 'Current protocols in protein science / editorial board, John E. Coligan ... [et al.]' 'Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol' = 'Current protocols in stem cell biology' 'Curr Protoc Toxicol' = 'Current protocols in toxicology / editorial board, Mahin D. Maines (editor-in-chief) ... [et al.]' 'Curr Psychiatr' = 'Current psychiatry' 'Curr Psychiatry Rev' = 'Current psychiatry reviews' 'Curr Psychol Lett' = 'Current psychology letters : behaviour, brain & cognition : CPL' 'Curr Radiopharm' = 'Current radiopharmaceuticals' 'Curr Respir Med Rev' = 'Current respiratory medicine reviews' 'Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med' = 'Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine' 'Curr Rheumatol Rev' = 'Current rheumatology reviews' 'Curr Signal Transduct Ther' = 'Current signal transduction therapy' 'Curr Stem Cell Res Ther' = 'Current stem cell research & therapy' 'Curr Top Nutraceutical Res' = 'Current topics in nutraceutical research' 'Curr Trends Biotechnol Pharm' = 'Current trends in biotechnology and pharmacy' 'Curr Vasc Pharmacol' = 'Current vascular pharmacology' 'Curr Womens Health Rev' = 'Current women's health reviews' 'Cutan Ocul Toxicol' = 'Cutaneous and ocular toxicology' 'CVD prevention and control' = 'CVD prevention and control' 'Cybern Syst Anal' = 'Cybernetics and systems analysis' 'Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw' = 'Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking' 'Cytojournal' = 'CytoJournal' 'Cytometry A' = 'Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology' 'Cytometry B Clin Cytom' = 'Cytometry. Part B, Clinical cytometry' 'Cytoskeleton (Hoboken)' = 'Cytoskeleton (Hoboken, N.J.)' 'Dallas Med J' = 'The Dallas medical journal' 'Dalton Trans' = 'Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)' 'Data Min Knowl Discov' = 'Data mining and knowledge discovery' 'Database (Oxford)' = 'Database : the journal of biological databases and curation' 'Davis Nurs Surv' = 'The Davis nursing survey' 'Deep Sea Res Part 2 Top Stud Oceanogr' = 'Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography' 'Def Odontol' = 'Defensa odontologica' 'Den Jyske Hist' = 'Den jyske historiker' 'Denisia' = 'Denisia' 'Dent Gaz' = 'The Dental gazette' 'Dent Rundsch' = 'Dentistische Rundschau' 'Dep Health Soc Serv Q Mag' = 'Department of Health and Social Services quarterly magazine' 'Dermatitis' = 'Dermatitis : contact, atopic, occupational, drug : official journal of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, North American Contact Dermatitis Group' 'Dermatoendocrinol' = 'Dermato-endocrinology' 'Dermatol Res Pract' = 'Dermatology research and practice' 'Dermosifilografo (Torino)' = 'Il Dermosifilografo' 'Detroit Med News' = 'Detroit medical news' 'Dev Neurobiol' = 'Developmental neurobiology' 'Dev Neurorehabil' = 'Developmental neurorehabilitation' 'Dev Sci' = 'Developmental science' 'Dia Med Urug' = 'Dia medico uruguayo' 'Diab Vasc Dis Res' = 'Diabetes & vascular disease research : official journal of the International Society of Diabetes and Vascular Disease' 'Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes' = 'Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy' 'Diabetes Metab Syndr' = 'Diabetes & metabolic syndrome' 'Diabetes Spectr' = 'Diabetes spectrum : a publication of the American Diabetes Association' 'Diabetol Metab Syndr' = 'Diabetology & metabolic syndrome' 'Diagn Interv Radiol' = 'Diagnostic and interventional radiology (Ankara, Turkey)' 'Diagn Pathol' = 'Diagnostic pathology' 'Diagn Ther Endosc' = 'Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy' 'Diagn Traitements' = 'Diagnostics & traitements' 'Diagnosi (Napoli)' = 'La Diagnosi; rivista mensile di medicina pratica' 'Dialog Cardiovasc Med' = 'Dialogues in cardiovascular medicine : DCM' 'Dialogues Clin Neurosci' = 'Dialogues in clinical neuroscience' 'Diamond Related Materials' = 'Diamond and related materials' 'Dig Neurol Psychiatr' = 'Digest of neurology and psychiatry' 'Dig Tech Papers' = 'Digest of technical papers / International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems. International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems' 'Digit Signal Process' = 'Digital signal processing' 'Dimens Dent Hyg' = 'Dimensions of dental hygiene' 'Dimens Probl Ric Stor' = 'Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica : rivista del Dipartimento di studi storici dal Medioevo all'eta contemporanea dell'Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma' 'Dipl' = 'The Diplomate' 'Dis Model Mech' = 'Disease models & mechanisms' 'Disabil Health J' = 'Disability and health journal' 'Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol' = 'Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology' 'Disaster Med Public Health Prep' = 'Disaster medicine and public health preparedness' 'Discourse Process' = 'Discourse processes' 'Discov Med' = 'Discovery medicine' 'Discrete Appl Math' = 'Discrete applied mathematics (Amsterdam, Netherlands : 1988)' 'Divulg Dent' = 'Divulgacion dental ' 'Divulg Med Dent' = 'Divulgacion medico-dental; boletin de educacion medico-dental y especialidades' 'Doc Neerl Indones Morbis Trop' = 'Documenta Neerlandica et Indonesica de morbis tropicis; quarterly journal of tropical medicine and hygiene' 'Domus Med' = 'Domus medici' 'Dongwuxue Yanjiu' = 'Dong wu xue yan jiu = Zoological research / "Dong wu xue yan jiu" bian ji wei yuan hui bian ji' 'Dose Response' = 'Dose-response : a publication of International Hormesis Society' 'Dr Med Penny Mag' = 'The Doctor; a medical penny magazine' 'Dreaming' = 'Dreaming : journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams' 'Dress' = 'Dress' 'Drug Des Devel Ther' = 'Drug design, development and therapy' 'Drug Discov Ther' = 'Drug discoveries & therapeutics' 'Drug Discov Today Dis Mech' = 'Drug discovery today. Disease mechanisms' 'Drug Discov Today Dis Models' = 'Drug discovery today. Disease models' 'Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg' = 'Drug discovery today. Therapeutic strategies' 'Drug Metab Lett' = 'Drug metabolism letters' 'Drug Metab Pharmacokinet' = 'Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics' 'Drug Test Anal' = 'Drug testing and analysis' 'Drugs (Abingdon Engl)' = 'Drugs (Abingdon, England)' 'Drugs Future' = 'Drugs of the future' 'Drugs Soc (New York)' = 'Drugs & society (New York, N.Y.)' 'Dtsch Dent Z' = 'Deutsche dentistische Zeitschrift' 'Dtsch Drog Ztg' = 'Deutsche Drogistenzeitung' 'Dtsch Gesundheit' = 'Deutscher Gesundheitskalender' 'Dtsch Med Rundsch' = 'Deutsche medizinische Rundschau; Monatsschrift mit arztlicher Akademie' 'Dtsch Zahnarztekal' = 'Deutscher Zahnarztekalender' 'Duke Law Technol Rev' = 'Duke law and technology review' 'Duke Med Health News' = 'DukeMedicine healthnews' 'Dyes Pigm' = 'Dyes and pigments : an international journal' 'E Law' = 'E law : Murdoch University electronic journal of law' 'E N E' = 'E N E' 'Early Interv Psychiatry' = 'Early intervention in psychiatry' 'East Asia (Piscataway)' = 'East Asia (Piscataway, N.J.)' 'East Asian Hist (Canberra)' = 'East Asian history' 'Eat Disord' = 'Eating disorders' 'Echo Med Cevennes' = 'L'Echo medical des Cevennes' 'Ecography (Cop.)' = 'Ecography' 'Ecohealth' = 'EcoHealth' 'Ecol Entomol' = 'Ecological entomology' 'Ecol Freshw Fish' = 'Ecology of freshwater fish' 'Ecol Indic' = 'Ecological indicators' 'Ecol Lett' = 'Ecology letters' 'Ecol Psychol' = 'Ecological psychology : a publication of the International Society for Ecological Psychology' 'Econ Dev Cult Change' = 'Economic development and cultural change' 'Econ Hum Biol' = 'Economics and human biology' 'Econ J (London)' = 'Economic journal (London, England)' 'Econ J Watch' = 'Econ journal watch' 'Econom J' = 'The econometrics journal' 'Economat' = 'L'Economat' 'Educ Eval Policy Anal' = 'Educational evaluation and policy analysis' 'Educ Focus' = 'Educational focus' 'Educ Policy (Los Altos Calif)' = 'Educational policy (Los Altos, Calif.)' 'Educ Prim Care' = 'Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors' 'Educ Psychol Rev' = 'Educational psychology review' 'Educ Psychol' = 'Educational psychologist' 'Educ Res Eval' = 'Educational research and evaluation : an international journal on theory and practice' 'Educ Treat Children' = 'Education & treatment of children' 'Egypt J Immunol' = 'The Egyptian journal of immunology / Egyptian Association of Immunologists' 'Einstein J Biol Med' = 'The Einstein journal of biology and medicine : EJBM' 'Eklem Hastalik Cerrahisi' = 'Eklem hastaliklari ve cerrahisi = Joint diseases & related surgery' 'Elder Law J' = 'The elder law journal' 'Electroanalysis' = 'Electroanalysis' 'Electrochem commun' = 'Electrochemistry communications' 'Electromagn Biol Med' = 'Electromagnetic biology and medicine' 'Electron Int J Time Use Res' = 'Electronic international journal of time use research' 'Electron J Biotechnol' = 'Electronic journal of biotechnology : EJB' 'Electron J Stat' = 'Electronic journal of statistics' 'Electron Lett' = 'Electronics letters' 'Electron Med Dig' = 'Electronic medical digest' 'Elem Sch J' = 'The Elementary school journal' 'Elements (Que)' = 'Elements (Quebec, Quebec)' 'ELH' = 'ELH' 'EM (Pittsburgh Pa)' = 'EM (Pittsburgh, Pa.)' 'Embalmers Mon Natl Funer Dir' = 'The Embalmers' monthly and national funeral director' 'EMBO Mol Med' = 'EMBO molecular medicine' 'Emerg Med Australas' = 'Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA' 'Emerg Radiol' = 'Emergency radiology' 'Emerg Themes Epidemiol' = 'Emerging themes in epidemiology' 'Emot Rev' = 'Emotion review' 'EMS Mag' = 'EMS magazine' 'Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets' = 'Endocrine, metabolic & immune disorders drug targets' 'Endocrinol Nutr' = 'Endocrinologia y nutricion : organo de la Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia y Nutricion' 'Enferm Clin' = 'Enfermeria clinica' 'Enferma Argent' = 'La Enfermera argentina' 'Eng Anal Bound Elem' = 'Engineering analysis with boundary elements' 'Eng Appl Artif Intell' = 'Engineering applications of artificial intelligence' 'Eng Comput' = 'Engineering with computers' 'Eng Fail Anal' = 'Engineering failure analysis' 'Eng Fract Mech' = 'Engineering fracture mechanics' 'Engl Lit Renaiss' = 'English literary renaissance' 'Enterp Soc' = 'Enterprise & society' 'Entomol Exp Appl' = 'Entomologia experimentalis et applicata' 'Entomon Int Z Gesamte Insektenkunde' = 'Entomon; internationale Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Insektenkunde' 'Entrep Hist' = 'Entreprises et histoire' 'Entropy (Basel)' = 'Entropy (Basel, Switzerland)' 'Environ Biosafety Res' = 'Environmental biosafety research' 'Environ Chem Lett' = 'Environmental chemistry letters' 'Environ Chem' = 'Environmental chemistry (Collingwood, Vic.)' 'Environ Ecol Stat' = 'Environmental and ecological statistics' 'Environ Eng Sci' = 'Environmental engineering science' 'Environ Health Insights' = 'Environmental health insights' 'Environ Health Prev Med' = 'Environmental health and preventive medicine' 'Environ Hist Camb' = 'Environment and history' 'Environ Hist Durh N C' = 'Environmental history' 'Environ Microbiol Rep' = 'Environmental microbiology reports' 'Environ Pract' = 'Environmental practice : journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals' 'Environ Prog Sustain Energy' = 'Environmental progress & sustainable energy' 'Environ Res Lett' = 'Environmental research letters : ERL [Web site]' 'Environ Sci' = 'Environmental sciences : an international journal of environmental physiology and toxicology' 'Environ Toxicol Pharmacol' = 'Environmental toxicology and pharmacology' 'Environmetrics' = 'Environmetrics (London, Ont.)' 'Epidemics' = 'Epidemics' 'Epidemiol Perspect Innov' = 'Epidemiologic perspectives & innovations : EP+I' 'Epidemiol Vital Stat Rep' = 'Epidemiological and vital statistics report. Rapport epidemiologique et demographique' 'Epigenetics Chromatin' = 'Epigenetics & chromatin' 'Epigenetics' = 'Epigenetics : official journal of the DNA Methylation Society' 'Epigenomics' = 'Epigenomics' 'Epilepsy Curr' = 'Epilepsy currents / American Epilepsy Society' 'Eplasty' = 'Eplasty' 'Ernahrungsforsch Ber Mitt' = 'Ernahrungsforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen' 'Ernst Schering Found Symp Proc' = 'Ernst Schering Foundation symposium proceedings' 'Esaim Math Model Numer Anal' = 'ESAIM. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis = ESAIM. Modelisation mathematique et analyse numerique : M=2AN' 'Esc Farm' = 'La Escuela de farmacia' 'Essent Psychopharmacol' = 'Essential psychopharmacology' 'Estuar Coast Shelf Sci' = 'Estuarine, coastal and shelf science' 'Estud Hist' = 'Estudos historicos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)' 'Estud Migr' = 'Estudios migratorios' 'Estud Psiq' = 'Estudos psiquicos' 'Ethical Hum Psychol Psychiatry' = 'Ethical human psychology and psychiatry' 'Ethical Perspect' = 'Ethical perspectives / Catholic University of Leuven ; European Centre for Christian Ethics' 'Ethics Inf Technol' = 'Ethics and information technology' 'Ethics Int Aff' = 'Ethics & international affairs' 'Ethik Med' = 'Ethik in der Medizin : Organ der Akademie fur Ethik in der Medizin' 'Ethnography' = 'Ethnography' 'Ethnologies (Que)' = 'Ethnologies' 'Etud Fr' = 'Etudes francaises (Montreal, Quebec)' 'Eubios J Asian Int Bioeth' = 'Eubios journal of Asian and international bioethics : EJAIB' 'Eugenesia' = 'Eugenesia' 'Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol' = 'European annals of allergy and clinical immunology' 'Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis' = 'European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases' 'Eur Arch Paediatr Dent' = 'European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry' 'Eur Eat Disord Rev' = 'European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association' 'Eur J Ageing' = 'European journal of ageing' 'Eur J Appl Math' = 'European journal of applied mathematics' 'Eur J Behav Anal' = 'European journal of behavior analysis' 'Eur J Cogn Psychol' = 'The European journal of cognitive psychology' 'Eur J Dent' = 'European journal of dentistry' 'Eur J Dev Psychol' = 'The European journal of developmental psychology' 'Eur J Dev Sci' = 'European journal of developmental science' 'Eur J East Asian Stud' = 'European journal of East Asian studies' 'Eur J Esthet Dent' = 'The European journal of esthetic dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry' 'Eur J Health Econ' = 'The European journal of health economics : HEPAC : health economics in prevention and care' 'Eur J Inorg Chem' = 'European journal of inorganic chemistry' 'Eur J Lipid Sci Technol' = 'European journal of lipid science and technology : EJLST' 'Eur J Med Genet' = 'European journal of medical genetics' 'Eur J Oral Implantol' = 'European journal of oral implantology' 'Eur J Pers' = 'European journal of personality' 'Eur J Phycol' = 'European journal of phycology' 'Eur J Phys Rehabil Med' = 'European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine' 'Eur J Plast Surg' = 'European journal of plastic surgery' 'Eur J Psychol Assess' = 'European journal of psychological assessment : official organ of the European Association of Psychological Assessment' 'Eur Leg Towar New Paradig' = 'The European legacy, toward new paradigms : journal of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas / sponsored by the European Cultural Foundation' 'Eur Phys J Spec Top' = 'The European physical journal. Special topics' 'Eur Psychol' = 'European psychologist' 'Eur Rev Econ Hist' = 'European review of economic history' 'Eur Sport Hist Rev' = 'The European sports history review' 'Eura Medicophys' = 'Europa medicophysica' 'EURASIP J Adv Signal Process' = 'EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing' 'EURASIP J Appl Signal Processing' = 'EURASIP journal on applied signal processing' 'EURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol' = 'EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology' 'Eurographics Workshop Vis Comput Biomed' = 'Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine' 'Eurohaptics' = 'EuroHaptics ... : proceedings. EuroHaptics' 'EuroIntervention' = 'EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology' 'European J Org Chem' = 'European journal of organic chemistry' 'Evid Based Cardiovasc Med' = 'Evidence-based cardiovascular medicine' 'Evid Based Complement Alternat Med' = 'Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM' 'Evid Based Dent' = 'Evidence-based dentistry' 'Evid Based Libr Inf Pract' = 'Evidence based library and information practice' 'Evid Based Med' = 'Evidence-based medicine' 'Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep)' = 'Evidence report/technology assessment' 'Evodevo' = 'EvoDevo' 'Evol Appl' = 'Evolutionary applications' 'Evol Bioinform Online' = 'Evolutionary bioinformatics online' 'Evol Ecol Res' = 'Evolutionary ecology research' 'Exp Anal Hum Behav Bull' = 'Experimental analysis of human behavior bulletin [electronic resource]' 'Exp Clin Cardiol' = 'Experimental and clinical cardiology' 'Exp Clin Transplant' = 'Experimental and clinical transplantation : official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation' 'Exp Diabetes Res' = 'Experimental diabetes research' 'Exp Fluids' = 'Experiments in fluids' 'Exp Mech' = 'Experimental mechanics' 'Exp Neurol Suppl' = 'Experimental neurology. Supplement' 'Exp Oncol' = 'Experimental oncology' 'Exp Transl Stroke Med' = 'Experimental & translational stroke medicine' 'Expert Opin Drug Deliv' = 'Expert opinion on drug delivery' 'Expert Opin Drug Discov' = 'Expert opinion on drug discovery' 'Expert Opin Med Diagn' = 'Expert opinion on medical diagnostics' 'Expert Opin Ther Pat' = 'Expert opinion on therapeutic patents' 'Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther' = 'Expert review of anti-infective therapy' 'Expert Rev Clin Immunol' = 'Expert review of clinical immunology' 'Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol' = 'Expert review of clinical pharmacology' 'Expert Rev Dermatol' = 'Expert review of dermatology' 'Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab' = 'Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism' 'Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol' = 'Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology' 'Expert Rev Hematol' = 'Expert review of hematology' 'Expert Rev Med Devices' = 'Expert review of medical devices' 'Expert Rev Obstet Gynecol' = 'Expert review of obstetrics & gynecology' 'Expert Rev Ophthalmol' = 'Expert review of ophthalmology' 'Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res' = 'Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research' 'Expert Rev Proteomics' = 'Expert review of proteomics' 'Expert Rev Respir Med' = 'Expert review of respiratory medicine' 'Expert Syst Appl' = 'Expert systems with applications' 'Explor Early Am Culture' = 'Explorations in early American culture' 'Explore (NY)' = 'Explore (New York, N.Y.)' 'F1000 Biol Rep' = 'F1000 biology reports' 'F1000 Med Rep' = 'F1000 medicine reports' 'Fachbl Schweiz Heime Anst Rev Suisse Etabl Hosp Educ' = 'Fachblatt fur schweizerische Heime und Anstalten. Revue suisse des etablissements hospitaliers et d'education' 'Fact Sheet (Cent Home Care Policy Res)' = 'Fact sheet (Center for Home Care Policy and Research (U.S.))' 'Facta Univ Ser Mech Autom Control Robot' = 'Facta universitatis. Series, Mechanics, automatic control and robotics' 'Fam Community Hist' = 'Family & community history : journal of the Family and Community Historical Research Society' 'Fam Court Rev' = 'Family court review' 'Fam J Alex Va' = 'Family journal (Alexandria, Va.)' 'Fam Psychol' = 'The Family psychologist : bulletin of the Division of Family Psychology (43) / APA Division of Family Psychology (43)' 'Faravid' = 'Faravid' 'Farm Revy' = 'Farmacevtisk revy' 'Farm Tid' = 'Farmaceutisk tidende' 'Farmacia' = 'Farmacia' 'Farmacoter Actual' = 'Farmacoterapia actual' 'Farmacoterapia' = 'Farmacoterapia' 'Farmalecta' = 'Farmalecta' 'Fathering' = 'Fathering' 'FEBS J' = 'The FEBS journal' 'Fem Criminol' = 'Feminist criminology' 'Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao' = 'Fen zi xi bao sheng wu xue bao = Journal of molecular cell biology / Zhongguo xi bao sheng wu xue xue hui zhu ban' 'Fetal Pediatr Pathol' = 'Fetal and pediatric pathology' 'Fibrogenesis Tissue Repair' = 'Fibrogenesis & tissue repair' 'Fich Med Ter Puriss' = 'Fichero medico terapeutico' 'Field methods' = 'Field methods' 'Fight Against' = 'The Fight against disease' 'Finite Elem Anal Des' = 'Finite elements in analysis and design : the international journal of applied finite elements and computer aided engineering' 'First Lang' = 'First language' 'Fish Physiol Biochem' = 'Fish physiology and biochemistry' 'Fish Sci' = 'Fisheries science : FS' 'Fisiol Med' = 'Fisiologia e medicina' 'Fla Health Notes' = 'Florida health notes' 'Fla J Environ Health' = 'Florida journal of environmental health' 'Fla J Int Law' = 'Florida journal of international law' 'Fla Optom' = 'Florida optometrist' 'Fla Public Health Rev' = 'Florida public health review' 'Fluid Dyn Res' = 'Fluid dynamics research' 'Fluid Phase Equilib' = 'Fluid phase equilibria' 'Fly (Austin)' = 'Fly' 'Focaal' = 'Focaal' 'Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl' = 'Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities' 'Folia Gynaecol (1908)' = 'Folia gynaecologica' 'Fontilles Rev Leprol' = 'Fontilles' 'Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess' = 'Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment' 'Food Agric Immunol' = 'Food and agricultural immunology' 'Food Biophys' = 'Food biophysics' 'Food Chem' = 'Food chemistry' 'Food Control' = 'Food control' 'Food Drug Cosmet Law Q' = 'Food, Drug, cosmetic law quarterly' 'Food Environ Virol' = 'Food and environmental virology' 'Food Ind' = 'Food industries' 'Food Mater Equip' = 'Food materials and equipment' 'Food Microbiol' = 'Food microbiology' 'Food Nutr Res' = 'Food & nutrition research' 'Food Qual Prefer' = 'Food quality and preference' 'Food Res Int' = 'Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)' 'Food Sci Biotechnol' = 'Food science and biotechnology' 'Food Sci Technol Bull' = 'Food science and technology bulletin' 'Foodborne Pathog Dis' = 'Foodborne pathogens and disease' 'Foot (Edinb)' = 'Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland)' 'Foot Ankle Spec' = 'Foot & ankle specialist' 'Foot Ankle Surg' = 'Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons' 'For Ecol Manage' = 'Forest ecology and management' 'For Your Inf (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)' = 'For your information (Institute of Health Record & Information Management)' 'Forensic Sci Int Genet' = 'Forensic science international. Genetics' 'Forensic Sci Med Pathol' = 'Forensic science, medicine, and pathology' 'Forsch Fortschr' = 'Forschungen und Fortschritte; Nachrichtenblatt der deutschen Wissenschaft und Technik' 'Forsch Komplementmed' = 'Forschende Komplementarmedizin (2006)' 'Forum Health Econ Policy' = 'Forum for health economics & policy' 'Forum Nutr' = 'Forum of nutrition' 'Forum Qual Soc Res' = 'Forum, qualitative social research / Forum, Qualitative Sozialforschung' 'Fr Hist' = 'French history' 'Freshw Biol' = 'Freshwater biology' 'Front Aging Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in aging neuroscience' 'Front Behav Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience' 'Front Biosci (Elite Ed)' = 'Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition)' 'Front Biosci (Schol Ed)' = 'Frontiers in bioscience (Scholar edition)' 'Front Cell Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in cellular neuroscience' 'Front Comput Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in computational neuroscience' 'Front Ecol Environ' = 'Frontiers in ecology and the environment' 'Front Evol Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in evolutionary neuroscience' 'Front Health Policy Res' = 'Frontiers in health policy research / National Bureau of Economic Research' 'Front Hum Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in human neuroscience' 'Front Integr Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in integrative neuroscience' 'Front Mater Sci China' = 'Frontiers of materials science in China' 'Front Mol Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in molecular neuroscience' 'Front Neural Circuits' = 'Frontiers in neural circuits' 'Front Neuroanat' = 'Frontiers in neuroanatomy' 'Front Neuroenergetics' = 'Frontiers in neuroenergetics' 'Front Neuroengineering' = 'Frontiers in neuroengineering' 'Front Neuroinformatics' = 'Frontiers in neuroinformatics' 'Front Neurol Neurosci' = 'Frontiers of neurology and neuroscience' 'Front Neurorobotics' = 'Frontiers in neurorobotics' 'Front Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in neuroscience' 'Front Oral Biol' = 'Frontiers of oral biology' 'Front Syst Neurosci' = 'Frontiers in systems neuroscience' 'Front Zool' = 'Frontiers in zoology' 'Fronteras' = 'Fronteras (Bogota, Colombia)' 'Fruhneuz Info' = 'Fruhneuzeit-Info / herausgegeben vom Institut fur die Erforschung der Fruhen Neuzeit' 'Funct Ecol' = 'Functional ecology' 'Funct Plant Biol' = 'Functional plant biology : FPB' 'Fungal Biol Rev' = 'Fungal biology reviews' 'Fungal Biol' = 'Fungal biology' 'Fut Rheumatol' = 'Future rheumatology' 'Futur HIV Ther' = 'Future HIV therapy' 'Future Cardiol' = 'Future cardiology' 'Future Lipidol' = 'Future lipidology' 'Future Med Chem' = 'Future medicinal chemistry' 'Future Microbiol' = 'Future microbiology' 'Future Neurol' = 'Future neurology' 'Future Virol' = 'Future virology' 'G Ital Cardiol (Rome)' = 'Giornale italiano di cardiologia (2006)' 'Gac Med Esp' = 'Gaceta medica espanola' 'Gac Med Lima' = 'Gaceta medica de Lima' 'Gac Med Occidente' = 'Gaceta medica de occidente' 'Gac Peru Cir Med' = 'Gaceta peruana de cirugia y medicina' 'Gall Biol Acta' = 'Gallica biologica acta' 'Games Econ Behav' = 'Games and economic behavior' 'Gastroenterol Bohema' = 'Gastroenterologia bohema' 'Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y)' = 'Gastroenterology & hepatology' 'Gastroenterol Res Pract' = 'Gastroenterology research and practice' 'Gastrointest Cancer Res' = 'Gastrointestinal cancer research : GCR' 'Gavroche (Evreux)' = 'Gavroche' 'Gaz Med Limousine (1908)' = 'Gazette medicale limousine' 'Gen Pract Clin' = 'General practice clinics' 'Gend Med' = 'Gender medicine : official journal of the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University' 'Gendaishi Kenkyu' = 'Gendaishi kenkyu' 'Gene Regul Syst Bio' = 'Gene regulation and systems biology :' 'Gene Ther Mol Biol' = 'Gene therapy & molecular biology' 'Genes Cancer' = 'Genes & cancer' 'Genes Nutr' = 'Genes & nutrition' 'Geneses' = 'Geneses' 'Genet Evol Comput Conf' = 'Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference : [proceedings] / sponsored by ACM SIGEVO. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference' 'Genet Genet Eng' = 'Genetics and genetic engineering' 'Genet Mol Biol' = 'Genetics and molecular biology' 'Genome Biol Evol' = 'Genome biology and evolution' 'Genome Dyn Stab' = 'Genome dynamics and stability' 'Genome Dyn' = 'Genome dynamics' 'Genome Inform' = 'Genome informatics. International Conference on Genome Informatics' 'Genome Integr' = 'Genome integrity' 'Genome Med' = 'Genome medicine' 'Genomic Med' = 'Genomic medicine' 'Genomics Insights' = 'Genomics insights' 'Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics' = 'Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics / Beijing Genomics Institute' 'Genomics Soc Policy' = 'Genomics, society, and policy / ESRC Genomics Network' 'Geobiology' = 'Geobiology' 'Geochem Trans' = 'Geochemical transactions' 'Geoderma' = 'Geoderma' 'Geospat Health' = 'Geospatial health' 'Ger Hist' = 'German history : the journal of the German History Society' 'Ger Med Sci' = 'German medical science : GMS e-journal' 'Geriatr Aging' = 'Geriatrics & aging' 'Geriatr Gerontol Int' = 'Geriatrics & gerontology international' 'Gesch Reg' = 'Geschichte und Region = Storia e regione' 'Gestalt Theory' = 'Gestalt theory' 'Gesund Wohlfahrt' = 'Gesundheit und Wohlfahrt. Revue suisse d'hygiene' 'Gesundheit Derending' = 'Gesundheit (Derendingen, Switzerland)' 'Glob Change Biol Bioenergy' = 'Global change biology. Bioenergy' 'Glob Health Action' = 'Global health action' 'Glob Health Promot' = 'Global health promotion' 'Glob Public Health' = 'Global public health' 'Glob Soc Policy' = 'Global social policy' 'Global Health' = 'Globalization and health' 'Glycobiol Insights' = 'Glycobiology insights' 'GMS Krankenhhyg Interdiszip' = 'GMS Krankenhaushygiene interdisziplinar' 'Gosp Delo' = 'Gospital'noe delo' 'Governance (Oxf)' = 'Governance (Oxford, England)' 'Green Chem' = 'Green chemistry : an international journal and green chemistry resource : GC' 'Grenzgeb Med' = 'Grenzgebiete der Medizin' 'Groene Witte Kruis' = 'Het Groene en het Witte Kruis' 'Ground Water Monit Remediat' = 'Ground water monitoring & remediation' 'Group Process Intergroup Relat' = 'Group processes & intergroup relations : GPIR' 'Growth Genet Horm' = 'Growth, genetics & hormones' 'Guatem Med' = 'Guatemala medica' 'Guildcraft' = 'Guildcraft' 'Gulf J Oncolog' = 'The gulf journal of oncology' 'Gut Liver' = 'Gut and liver' 'Gut Microbes' = 'Gut microbes' 'Gut Pathog' = 'Gut pathogens' 'Gynecol Surg' = 'Gynecological surgery' 'Hahnemann Hosp Tidings' = 'Hahnemann Hospital tidings' 'Hahnemann Mon' = 'Hahnemann monthly' 'Hallym Int J Aging HIJA' = 'Hallym international journal of aging : HIJA' 'Han Xue Yan Jiu' = 'Han xue yan jiu = Chinese studies' 'Hand (N Y)' = 'Hand (New York, N.Y.)' 'Handb Clin Neurol' = 'Handbook of clinical neurology / edited by P.J. Vinken and G.W. Bruyn' 'Handb Exp Pharmacol' = 'Handbook of experimental pharmacology' 'Handicap (Washington)' = 'Handicap; the news magazine for the nation's handicapped' 'Harefuah (Tel Aviv)' = 'Harefuah. Foreign ed' 'Harmful Algae' = 'Harmful algae' 'Harv Public Health Alumni Bull' = 'Harvard public health alumni bulletin' 'Harv Ukr Stud' = 'Harvard Ukrainian studies' 'Havemeyer Found Monogr Ser' = 'Havemeyer Foundation Monograph Series / Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation. Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation' 'Hawaii Acad Sci Honol' = 'Proceedings of the annual meeting. Hawaiian Academy of Science, Honolulu' 'Head Face Med' = 'Head & face medicine' 'Head Neck Oncol' = 'Head & neck oncology' 'Head Neck Pathol' = 'Head and neck pathology' 'Health (Toronto)' = 'Health' 'Health Army' = 'Health of the Army. United States. Surgeon-General's Office' 'Health Bull (Raleigh)' = 'The Health bulletin' 'Health Bull Teach' = 'Health bulletin for teachers' 'Health Cent J' = 'The Health center journal' 'Health Econ Policy Law' = 'Health economics, policy, and law' 'Health History' = 'Health and history' 'Health Horiz' = 'Health horizon' 'Health Informatics J' = 'Health informatics journal' 'Health Law Rev' = 'Health law review' 'Health N Hav' = 'Health' 'Health News (Rochester)' = 'Health news' 'Health Promot J Austr' = 'Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals' 'Health Psychol Rev' = 'Health psychology review' 'Health Rays' = 'Health Rays' 'Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol' = 'Health services & outcomes research methodology' 'Health Stat Q' = 'Health statistics quarterly / Office for National Statistics' 'Health' = 'Health' 'Healthc Policy' = 'Healthcare policy = Politiques de sante' 'Healthy People Stat Notes' = 'Healthy people statistical notes / Healthy People 2010' 'Hear J' = 'The Hearing journal' 'Hear News (Washington)' = 'Hearing news' 'Heart Fail Clin' = 'Heart failure clinics' 'Heart Lung Circ' = 'Heart, lung & circulation' 'Heart Metab' = 'Heart and metabolism : management of the coronary patient' 'Heart Rhythm' = 'Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society' 'Heartdrug' = 'Heartdrug : excellence in cardiovascular trials' 'Hellenic J Cardiol' = 'Hellenic journal of cardiology : HJC = Hellenike kardiologike epitheorese' 'Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther' = 'Hematology/oncology and stem cell therapy' 'Hemecht' = 'Hemecht' 'Hemodial Int' = 'Hemodialysis international. International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis' 'Hepatol Int' = 'Hepatology international' 'Hered Cancer Clin Pract' = 'Hereditary cancer in clinical practice' 'Herpetol Rev' = 'Herpetological review' 'Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol' = 'Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie' 'Heterocycles' = 'Heterocycles' 'HFSP J' = 'HFSP journal' 'Hig Salubr' = 'Higiene y salubridad' 'Hig Sanit' = 'Higiene sanitaria' 'HIM J' = 'The HIM journal' 'Hip Int' = 'Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy' 'Hippokratia' = 'Hippokratia' 'Hisp Health Care Int' = 'Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses' 'Hist (Hist Assoc S Afr)' = 'Historia (Historical Association of South Africa)' 'Hist Agrar' = 'Historia agraria' 'Hist Anthropol Chur' = 'History and anthropology' 'Hist Biol' = 'Historical biology' 'Hist Bull (Calgary)' = 'Historical bulletin; notes and abstracts dealing with medical history' 'Hist Contemp Ser Univers Pais Vasco' = 'Historia contemporanea (Series) (Universidad del Pais Vasco)' 'Hist Crit' = 'Historia critica (Bogota, Colombia)' 'Hist Graf' = 'Historia y grafia' 'Hist Irel' = 'History Ireland' 'Hist Lima' = 'Historica' 'Hist Mem' = 'History & memory' 'Hist Now (Christch)' = 'History now (Christchurch, N.Z.)' 'Hist Polit' = 'Historia y politica (Madrid, Spain : 1999)' 'Hist Questoes Debates' = 'Historia, questoes & debates : revista da Associacao Paranaense de Historia' 'Hist Scotl' = 'History Scotland' 'Hist Soc Rurales' = 'Histoire & societes rurales / Association d'histoire des societes rurales' 'Hist Stud Nat Sci' = 'Historical studies in the natural sciences' 'Hist Urbaine' = 'Histoire urbaine' 'Historiens Geogr' = 'Historiens et geographes' 'Historiogr Linguist' = 'Historiographia linguistica' 'Historyka' = 'Historyka' 'HIV AIDS Policy Law Rev' = 'HIV/AIDS policy & law review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network' 'HIV Ther' = 'HIV therapy' 'Home Health Care Manag Pract' = 'Home health care management & practice' 'Homeopath Bull' = 'Homoeopathic bulletin' 'Homicide Stud' = 'Homicide studies' 'Homme (Vienna Aust)' = 'Homme (Vienna, Austria)' 'Homoeopath Rec' = 'The Homoeopathic recorder' 'Hoosier Health Her' = 'Hoosier health herald' 'Hora Med' = 'Hora medica' 'Horiz Enferm' = 'Horizonte de enfermeria' 'Horiz Med (Barcelona)' = 'Horizonte medico' 'Horm Cancer' = 'Hormones & cancer' 'Horm Res Paediatr' = 'Hormone research in paediatrics' 'Hormones (Athens)' = 'Hormones (Athens, Greece)' 'Hosp (Lond 1886)' = 'The Hospital' 'Hosp (Lond)' = 'The Hospital' 'Hosp Corps Q' = 'Hospital Corps quarterly' 'Hosp Counc Bull' = 'Hospital Council bulletin' 'Hosp Health Manag' = 'Hospital and health management' 'Hosp Mag' = 'The Hospital magazine' 'Hosp Pract (Minneap)' = 'Hospital practice (1995)' 'Hospital' = 'El Hospital; la revista interamericana de hospitales' 'Hospitalia' = 'Hospitalia' 'Houst J Health Law Policy' = 'Houston journal of health law & policy' 'HPB (Oxford)' = 'HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association' 'HSS J' = 'HSS journal : the musculoskeletal journal of Hospital for Special Surgery' 'Hudson Cty Health Rec' = 'Hudson County health record [monthly]' 'Hugo J' = 'The HUGO journal' 'Hum Ecol Risk Assess' = 'Human and ecological risk assessment : HERA' 'Hum Factors Ergon Manuf' = 'Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing' 'Hum Genomics' = 'Human genomics' 'Hum Vaccin' = 'Human vaccines' 'Hung Acta Physiol' = 'Hungarica acta physiologica' 'Hybridoma (Larchmt)' = 'Hybridoma (2005)' 'Hyg Revy' = 'Hygienisk revy' 'Hygeia' = 'Hygeia' 'Hyperfine Interact' = 'Hyperfine interactions' 'IAVI Rep' = 'IAVI report : newsletter on international AIDS vaccine research' 'Iberoamericana' = 'Iberoamericana (Madrid, Spain)' 'Ibis (Lond 1859)' = 'The Ibis' 'IBS J Sci' = 'IBS journal of science' 'Icon (Lond)' = 'Icon (London, England)' 'Identity (Mahwah, N J)' = 'Identity (Mahwah, N.J.)' 'IEE Proc Nanobiotechnol' = 'IEE proceedings. Nanobiotechnology' 'IEEE ASME Trans Mechatron' = 'IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics : a joint publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division' 'IEEE Comput Graph Appl' = 'IEEE computer graphics and applications' 'IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot' = 'IEEE ... International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics : [proceedings]' 'IEEE Int Conf Rehabil Robot' = 'IEEE ... International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics' 'IEEE Int Vac Electron Conf' = 'IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference International Vacuum Electronics Conference' 'IEEE Int Workshop Biomed Circuits Syst' = 'IEEE International Workshop on Biomedical Circuits & Systems' 'IEEE Int Workshop Genomic Signal Process Stat' = 'IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics : [proceedings]. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics' 'IEEE J Quantum Electron' = 'IEEE journal of quantum electronics' 'IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron' = 'IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics : a publication of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society' 'IEEE J Sel Top Signal Process' = 'IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing' 'IEEE J Solid-State Circuits' = 'IEEE journal of solid-state circuits' 'IEEE Microw Wirel Compon Lett' = 'IEEE microwave and wireless components letters : a publication of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society' 'IEEE MTTS Int Microw Symp' = 'IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium' 'IEEE NIH Life Sci Syst Appl Workshop' = 'IEEE/NIH Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop. IEEE/NIH Life Science Systems and Applications Workshop' 'IEEE Nucl Sci Symp Conf Rec (1997)' = 'IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium conference record. Nuclear Science Symposium' 'IEEE Pervasive Comput' = 'IEEE pervasive computing / IEEE Computer Society [and] IEEE Communications Society' 'IEEE Photonics Technol Lett' = 'IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society' 'IEEE Pulse' = 'IEEE pulse' 'IEEE Rev Biomed Eng' = 'IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering' 'IEEE Robot Autom Mag' = 'IEEE robotics & automation magazine / IEEE Robotics & Automation Society' 'IEEE Sens J' = 'IEEE sensors journal' 'IEEE Signal Process Lett' = 'IEEE signal processing letters' 'IEEE Signal Process Mag' = 'IEEE signal processing magazine' 'IEEE Trans Antennas Propag' = 'IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation' 'IEEE Trans Appl Supercond' = 'IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee' 'IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang Processing' = 'IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing' 'IEEE Trans Automat Contr' = 'IEEE transactions on automatic control' 'IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst' = 'IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems' 'IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap' = 'IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers : a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society' 'IEEE Trans Dielectr Electr Insul' = 'IEEE transactions on dielectrics and electrical insulation : a publication of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society' 'IEEE Trans Electron Devices' = 'IEEE transactions on electron devices' 'IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens' = 'IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing : a publication of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society' 'IEEE Trans Haptics' = 'IEEE transactions on haptics' 'IEEE Trans Ind Appl' = 'IEEE transactions on industry applications' 'IEEE Trans Inf Theory' = 'IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory' 'IEEE Trans Instrum Meas' = 'IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement' 'IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng' = 'IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering' 'IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech' = 'IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques' 'IEEE Trans Nanobioscience' = 'IEEE transactions on nanobioscience' 'IEEE Trans Neural Netw' = 'IEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council' 'IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell' = 'IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence' 'IEEE Trans Robot' = 'IEEE transactions on robotics : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society' 'IEEE Trans Signal Process' = 'IEEE transactions on signal processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society' 'IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph' = 'IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics' 'IEEE Workshop Multimed Signal Proc' = 'IEEE ... Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing' 'IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform' = 'IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics / IEEE, ACM' 'IEICE Trans Inf Syst' = 'IEICE transactions on information and systems' 'IET Nanobiotechnol' = 'IET nanobiotechnology / IET' 'IET Syst Biol' = 'IET systems biology' 'IFMBE Proc' = 'IFMBE proceedings' 'Igaku' = '[Igaku] [Medicine]' 'IJCAI (U S)' = 'IJCAI : proceedings of the conference / sponsored by the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence' 'Ill Cancer Bull' = 'The Illinois cancer bulletin' 'Ill Health Messenger' = 'Illinois health messenger' 'Illum Eng' = 'Illuminating engineering' 'Image Vis Comput' = 'Image and vision computing' 'Imaging Med' = 'Imaging in medicine' 'Immun Ageing' = 'Immunity & ageing : I & A' 'Immune Netw' = 'Immune network' 'Immunohematology' = 'Immunohematology / American Red Cross' 'Immunol Endocr Metab Agents Med Chem' = 'Immunology, endocrine & metabolic agents in medicinal chemistry' 'Immunol Immunogenet Insights' = 'Immunology and immunogenetics insights' 'Immunome Res' = 'Immunome research' 'Immunotherapy' = 'Immunotherapy' 'Implement Sci' = 'Implementation science : IS' 'Ind Biotechnol (New Rochelle N Y)' = 'Industrial biotechnology (New Rochelle, N.Y.)' 'Ind Crops Prod' = 'Industrial crops and products' 'Ind Health Bull' = 'Industrial health bulletin' 'Ind Health Rev' = 'Industrial health review' 'Ind Hyg Newsl' = 'Industrial hygiene newsletter' 'Ind Nurs' = 'Industrial nursing' 'Ind Saf Surv' = 'Industrial safety survey ' 'Indian Dent J' = 'The Indian dental journal' 'Indian Hist Rev' = 'The Indian historical review' 'Indian J Anaesth' = 'Indian journal of anaesthesia' 'Indian J Community Med' = 'Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine' 'Indian J Crit Care Med' = 'Indian journal of critical care medicine : peer-reviewed, official publication of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine' 'Indian J Hum Genet' = 'Indian journal of human genetics' 'Indian J Med Ethics' = 'Indian journal of medical ethics' 'Indian J Med Microbiol' = 'Indian journal of medical microbiology' 'Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol' = 'Indian journal of medical and paediatric oncology : official journal of Indian Society of Medical & Paediatric Oncology' 'Indian J Nephrol' = 'Indian journal of nephrology' 'Indian J Nucl Med' = 'Indian journal of nuclear medicine : IJNM : the official journal of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, India' 'Indian J Occup Environ Med' = 'Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine' 'Indian J Orthop' = 'Indian journal of orthopaedics' 'Indian J Palliat Care' = 'Indian journal of palliative care' 'Indian J Plast Surg' = 'Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India' 'Indian J Radiol Imaging' = 'The Indian journal of radiology & imaging' 'Indian J Soc Psychiatry' = 'Indian journal of social psychiatry' 'Indian J Tuberc' = 'The Indian journal of tuberculosis' 'Indian J Urol' = 'Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India' 'Indian J Vener Dis Dermatol' = 'Indian journal of venereal diseases and dermatology' 'Indian Med Rec' = 'Indian medical record' 'Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J' = 'Indian pacing and electrophysiology journal' 'Indian Physician' = 'The Indian physician' 'Indiana Health Law Rev' = 'Indiana health law review' 'Indiana Pharm' = 'The Indiana pharmacist' 'Indica' = 'Indica' 'Individ Psychol Bull' = 'Individual psychology bulletin' 'Inf Fusion' = 'An international journal on information fusion' 'Inf Med' = 'L'Informatore medico' 'Inf Medicas' = 'Informaciones medicas' 'Inf Process Lett' = 'Information processing letters' 'Inf Process Med Imaging' = 'Information processing in medical imaging : proceedings of the ... conference' 'Inf Retr Boston' = 'Information retrieval' 'Inf Serv Use' = 'Information services & use' 'Inf Sobre Enferm Vener' = 'Informacion sobre enfermedades venereas' 'Inf Syst' = 'Information systems' 'Inf Vis' = 'Information visualization' 'Infancy' = 'Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies' 'Infant Behav Dev' = 'Infant behavior & development' 'Infant Child Dev' = 'Infant and child development' 'Infect Agent Cancer' = 'Infectious agents and cancer' 'Infect Disord Drug Targets' = 'Infectious disorders drug targets' 'Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets' = 'Inflammation & allergy drug targets' 'Influenza Other Respi Viruses' = 'Influenza and other respiratory viruses' 'Inform Health Soc Care' = 'Informatics for health & social care' 'INFORMS J Comput' = 'INFORMS journal on computing' 'Infort Traumatol Lav' = 'Infortunistica e traumatologia del lavoro' 'Inmunologia' = 'Inmunologia (Barcelona, Spain : 1987)' 'Innate Immun' = 'Innate immunity' 'Innovations (Phila)' = 'Innovations (Philadelphia, Pa.)' 'Inorg Chem Commun' = 'Inorganic chemistry communications' 'Inorganica Chim Acta' = 'Inorganica chimica acta' 'Inquiry (Oslo)' = 'Inquiry (Oslo, Norway)' 'Insect Sci' = 'Insect science (Online)' 'Insect Syst Evol' = 'Insect systematics & evolution' 'Insectes Soc' = 'Insectes sociaux' 'Inst Math Stat Collect' = 'Institute of Mathematical Statistics collections' 'Int Arch Med' = 'International archives of medicine' 'Int Breastfeed J' = 'International breastfeeding journal' 'Int Conf Bioinspired Comput Theor Appl' = 'International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing, Theories and Applications : [proceedings]. International Conference on Bio-inspired Computing, Theories and Applications' 'Int Conf Digit Signal Process Proc' = 'International Conference on Digital Signal Processing proceedings : DSP. International Conference on Digital Signal Processing' 'Int Conf Sci Stat Database Manag' = 'International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management : [proceedings] / SSDBM. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management' 'Int Contact Lens Clin' = 'International contact lens clinic (New York, N.Y.)' 'Int Dairy J' = 'International dairy journal / published in association with the International Dairy Federation' 'Int Econ Rev (Philadelphia)' = 'International economic review' 'Int Emerg Nurs' = 'International emergency nursing' 'Int Geol Rev' = 'International geology review' 'Int Health' = 'International health' 'Int Heart J' = 'International heart journal' 'Int IEEE EMBS Conf Neural Eng' = 'International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering : [proceedings]. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering' 'Int J Air Water Pollut' = 'International journal of air and water pollution' 'Int J Algebra Comput' = 'International journal of algebra and computation' 'Int J Alzheimers Dis' = 'International journal of Alzheimer's disease' 'Int J Anal Chem' = 'International journal of analytical chemistry' 'Int J Angiol' = 'The International journal of angiology : official publication of the International College of Angiology, Inc' 'Int J Antennas Propag' = 'International journal of antennas and propagation' 'Int J Approx Reason' = 'International journal of approximate reasoning : official publication of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society' 'Int J Artif Intell Tools' = 'International journal of artificial intelligence tools : architectures, languages, algorithms' 'Int J Ayurveda Res' = 'International journal of Ayurveda research' 'Int J Behav Consult Ther' = 'International journal of behavioral and consultation therapy' 'Int J Biling Educ Biling' = 'International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism' 'Int J Biochem Mol Biol' = 'International journal of biochemistry and molecular biology' 'Int J Bioinform Res Appl' = 'International journal of bioinformatics research and applications' 'Int J Biol Sci' = 'International journal of biological sciences' 'Int J Biom' = 'International journal of biometrics' 'Int J Biomater' = 'International journal of biomaterials' 'Int J Biomed Eng Technol' = 'International journal of biomedical engineering and technology' 'Int J Biomed Imaging' = 'International journal of biomedical imaging' 'Int J Biomed Sci' = 'International journal of biomedical science : IJBS' 'Int J Biosci Psychiatr Technol IJBSPT' = 'International journal of biosciences, psychiatry, and technology (IJBSPT)' 'Int J Biostat' = 'The international journal of biostatistics' 'Int J Body Compos Res' = 'International journal of body composition research' 'Int J Canc Prev' = 'International journal of cancer prevention' 'Int J Cell Biol' = 'International journal of cell biology' 'Int J Child Adolesc health' = 'International journal of child and adolescent health' 'Int J Child Health Hum Dev' = 'International journal of child health and human development : IJCHD' 'Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis' = 'International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease' 'Int J Clin Exp Med' = 'International journal of clinical and experimental medicine' 'Int J Clin Exp Pathol' = 'International journal of clinical and experimental pathology' 'Int J Clin Health Psychol' = 'International journal of clinical and health psychology : IJCHP' 'Int J Clin Rheumtol' = 'International journal of clinical rheumatology' 'Int J Cogn Ther' = 'International journal of cognitive therapy' 'Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg' = 'International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery' 'Int J Comput Biol Drug Des' = 'International journal of computational biology and drug design' 'Int J Comput Geom Appl' = 'International journal of computational geometry & applications' 'Int J Comput Sci' = 'International journal of computational science' 'Int J Comput Vis' = 'International journal of computer vision' 'Int J Comut Fluid Dyn' = 'International journal of computational fluid dynamics' 'Int J Conf Violence' = 'International journal of conflict and violence' 'Int J Control Autom Syst' = 'International journal of control, automation, and systems' 'Int J Cult Ment Health' = 'International journal of culture and mental health' 'Int J Data Min Bioinform' = 'International journal of data mining and bioinformatics' 'Int J Dent Hyg' = 'International journal of dental hygiene' 'Int J Dent' = 'International journal of dentistry' 'Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries' = 'International journal of diabetes in developing countries' 'Int J Disabil Hum Dev' = 'International journal on disability and human development : IJDHD' 'Int J Doc Anal Recognit' = 'International journal on document analysis and recognition (Online)' 'Int J Drug Policy' = 'The International journal on drug policy' 'Int J Educ Dev Using Inf Commun Technol' = 'International journal of education and development using information and communication technology' 'Int J Electron Healthc' = 'International journal of electronic healthcare' 'Int J Emerg Med' = 'International journal of emergency medicine' 'Int J Endocrinol' = 'International journal of endocrinology' 'Int J Eng Sci' = 'International journal of engineering science' 'Int J Environ Res Public Health' = 'International journal of environmental research and public health' 'Int J Exerc Sci' = 'International journal of exercise science' 'Int J Exp Diabesity Res' = 'International journal of experimental diabesity research' 'Int J Fatigue' = 'International journal of fatigue' 'Int J Fem Approaches Bioeth' = 'International journal of feminist approaches to bioethics' 'Int J Fit' = 'International journal of fitness' 'Int J Funct Inform Personal Med' = 'International journal of functional informatics and personalised medicine' 'Int J Gen Med' = 'International journal of general medicine' 'Int J Genet Mol Biol' = 'International journal of genetics and molecular biology' 'Int J Green Nanotechnol Biomed' = 'International journal of green nanotechnology. Biomedicine' 'Int J Healthc Inf Syst Inform' = 'International journal of healthcare information systems and informatics : official publication of the Information Resources Management Association' 'Int J Heat Mass Transf' = 'International journal of heat and mass transfer' 'Int J High Perform Comput Appl' = 'The international journal of high performance computing applications' 'Int J Hist Archaeol' = 'International journal of historical archaeology' 'Int J HR' = 'International journal of HR : humanoid robotics' 'Int J Hybrid Intell Syst' = 'International journal of hybrid intelligent systems' 'Int J Image Graph' = 'International journal of image and graphics' 'Int J Imaging Syst Technol' = 'International journal of imaging systems and technology' 'Int J Immunogenet' = 'International journal of immunogenetics' 'Int J Inf Commun Technol Educ' = 'International journal of information and communication technology education : an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association' 'Int J Inf Manage' = 'International journal of information management' 'Int J Inf Technol Decis Mak' = 'International journal of information technology & decision making' 'Int J Infereron Cytokine Mediator Res' = 'International journal of interferon, cytokine and mediator research : IJIM' 'Int J Inj Contr Saf Promot' = 'International journal of injury control and safety promotion' 'Int J Inorg Chem' = 'International journal of inorganic chemistry' 'Int J Integr Care' = 'International journal of integrated care' 'Int J Intercult Relat' = 'International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR' 'Int J Ion Mobil Spectrom' = 'International journal for ion mobility spectrometry : official publication of the International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry' 'Int J Knowl Eng Soft Data Paradig' = 'International journal of knowledge engineering and soft data paradigms' 'Int J Lab Hematol' = 'International journal of laboratory hematology' 'Int J Law Policy Family' = 'International journal of law, policy, and the family' 'Int J Low Extrem Wounds' = 'The international journal of lower extremity wounds' 'Int J Marit Hist' = 'International journal of maritime history' 'Int J Mass Spectrom' = 'International journal of mass spectrometry' 'Int J Med Eng Inform' = 'International journal of medical engineering and informatics' 'Int J Med Robot' = 'The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS' 'Int J Med Sci' = 'International journal of medical sciences' 'Int J Mens Health' = 'International journal of men's health' 'Int J Ment Health Syst' = 'International journal of mental health systems' 'Int J Microbiol' = 'International journal of microbiology' 'Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet' = 'International journal of molecular epidemiology and genetics' 'Int J Mol Sci' = 'International journal of molecular sciences' 'Int J Nanomanuf' = 'International journal of nanomanufacturing' 'Int J Nanomedicine' = 'International journal of nanomedicine' 'Int J Non Linear Mech' = 'International journal of non-linear mechanics' 'Int J Numer Anal Model' = 'International journal of numerical analysis and modeling' 'Int J Numer Methods Eng' = 'International journal for numerical methods in engineering' 'Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh' = 'International journal of nursing education scholarship' 'Int J Obes (Lond)' = 'International journal of obesity (2005)' 'Int J Obstet Anesth' = 'International journal of obstetric anesthesia' 'Int J Oral Sci' = 'International journal of oral science' 'Int J Osteopath Med' = 'International journal of osteopathic medicine : IJOM' 'Int J Otolaryngol' = 'International journal of otolaryngology' 'Int J Pediatr Endocrinol' = 'International journal of pediatric endocrinology' 'Int J Pediatr Obes' = 'International journal of pediatric obesity : IJPO : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity' 'Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol Extra' = 'International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology extra' 'Int J Pediatr' = 'International journal of pediatrics' 'Int J Pept Res Ther' = 'International journal of peptide research and therapeutics' 'Int J Pept' = 'International journal of peptides' 'Int J Pharm Pract' = 'The International journal of pharmacy practice' 'Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Pharmacol' = 'International journal of physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology' 'Int J Plant Genomics' = 'International journal of plant genomics' 'Int J Prison Health' = 'International journal of prisoner health' 'Int J Probiotics Prebiotics' = 'International journal of probiotics & prebiotics' 'Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract' = 'International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice' 'Int J Public Health' = 'International journal of public health' 'Int J Public Pol' = 'International journal of public policy' 'Int J Punjab Stud' = 'International journal of Punjab studies' 'Int J Pure Appl Math' = 'International journal of pure and applied mathematics : IJPAM' 'Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being' = 'International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being' 'Int J Refract Metals Hard Mater' = 'International journal of refractory metals & hard materials' 'Int J Rheum Dis' = 'International journal of rheumatic diseases' 'Int J Rheumatol' = 'International journal of rheumatology' 'Int J Risk Assess Manag' = 'International journal of risk assessment and management' 'Int J Rob Res' = 'The International journal of robotics research' 'Int J Sci Educ' = 'International journal of science education' 'Int J Self Help Self Care' = 'International journal of self help & self care' 'Int J Semant Comput' = 'International journal of semantic computing' 'Int J Semant Web Inf Syst' = 'International journal on Semantic Web and information systems' 'Int J Sex Health' = 'International journal of sexual health : official journal of the World Association for Sexual Health' 'Int J Shoulder Surg' = 'International journal of shoulder surgery' 'Int J Speech Lang Pathol' = 'International journal of speech-language pathology' 'Int J Sports Physiol Perform' = 'International journal of sports physiology and performance' 'Int J Sports Sci Coach' = 'International journal of sports science & coaching' 'Int J Stress Manag' = 'International journal of stress management' 'Int J Stroke' = 'International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society' 'Int J Surg' = 'International journal of surgery (London, England)' 'Int J Telemed Appl' = 'International journal of telemedicine and applications' 'Int J Thermophys' = 'International journal of thermophysics' 'Int J Trichology' = 'International journal of trichology' 'Int J Trop Insect Sci' = 'International journal of tropical insect science' 'Int J Tryptophan Res' = 'International journal of tryptophan research : IJTR' 'Int J Yoga' = 'International journal of yoga' 'Int Labor Work Class Hist' = 'International labor and working class history' 'Int Med Abstr Rev' = 'International medical abstracts & reviews' 'Int Musculoskelet Med' = 'International musculoskeletal medicine' 'Int Orthod' = 'International orthodontics / College europeen d'orthodontie' 'Int Peacekeep' = 'International peacekeeping (London, England)' 'Int Perspect Sex Reprod Health' = 'International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health' 'Int Perspect Vict' = 'International perspectives in victimology' 'Int Psychiatry' = 'International psychiatry : bulletin of the Board of International Affairs of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' 'Int Rev Cell Mol Biol' = 'International review of cell and molecular biology' 'Int Rev Sociol Sport' = 'International review for the sociology of sport' 'Int Semin Surg Oncol' = 'International seminars in surgical oncology : ISSO' 'Int Trans Oper Res' = 'International transactions in operational research : a journal of The International Federation of Operational Research Societies' 'Int Workshop databases Expert Syst Appl' = 'International Workshop on Databases and Expert Systems Applications : proceedings' 'Int Wound J' = 'International wound journal' 'Integr Biol (Camb)' = 'Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro' 'Integr Comp Biol' = 'Integrative and comparative biology' 'Integr Environ Assess Manag' = 'Integrated environmental assessment and management' 'Integr Med' = 'Integrative medicine : integrating conventional and alternative medicine' 'Integr Psychol Behav Sci' = 'Integrative psychological & behavioral science' 'Integr Zool' = 'Integrative zoology' 'Integration (Amst)' = 'Integration (Amsterdam, Netherlands)' 'Intellect Dev Disabil' = 'Intellectual and developmental disabilities' 'Intercamb Urol Corresp' = 'Intercambio urologico por correspondencia' 'Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis' = 'Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases' 'Interdiscip Sci' = 'Interdisciplinary sciences, computational life sciences' 'Interdiscip Top Gerontol' = 'Interdisciplinary topics in gerontology' 'Interexter' = 'Inter-exter' 'Intermt J Sci' = 'Intermountain journal of sciences : IJS' 'Intern Emerg Med' = 'Internal and emergency medicine' 'Interne' = 'The interne' 'Internet Math' = 'Internet mathematics' 'Interv Neuroradiol' = 'Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences' 'Intervention (Amstelveen)' = 'Intervention (Amstelveen, Netherlands)' 'Inverse Probl Imaging (Springfield)' = 'Inverse problems and imaging (Springfield, Mo.)' 'Inverse Probl' = 'Inverse problems' 'Invertebr Biol' = 'Invertebrate biology : a quarterly journal of the American Microscopical Society and the Division of Invertebrate Zoology/ASZ' 'Ionics (Kiel)' = 'Ionics' 'Iowa State Coll J Sci' = 'Iowa State College journal of science' 'Ir Stud Rev' = 'Irish studies review' 'Iran Biomed J' = 'Iranian biomedical journal' 'Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol' = 'Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology' 'Iran J Immunol' = 'Iranian journal of immunology : IJI' 'Iran J Kidney Dis' = 'Iranian journal of kidney diseases' 'Islets' = 'Islets' 'ISME J' = 'The ISME journal' 'Isr J Exp Med' = 'Israel journal of experimental medicine' 'Israel Stud (Bloomingt Ind)' = 'Israel studies (Bloomington, Ind.)' 'Ital Heart J Suppl' = 'Italian heart journal. Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology' 'Ital J Pediatr' = 'Italian journal of pediatrics' 'Itinerario' = 'Itinerario (Leiden, Netherlands)' 'IWK Int Wiss Korresp Gesch Dtsch Arb Beweg' = 'Internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung' 'J (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)' = 'Journal (Institute of Health Record & Information Management : 2008)' 'J Acad Rehabil Audiol' = 'Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology' 'J Acupunct Meridian Stud' = 'Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies' 'J Addict Med' = 'Journal of addiction medicine' 'J Addict Nurs' = 'Journal of addictions nursing' 'J Adhes Sci Technol' = 'Journal of adhesion science and technology' 'J Adhes' = 'The Journal of adhesion' 'J Adult Dev' = 'Journal of adult development' 'J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Deliv' = 'Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery' 'J Aggress Maltreat Trauma' = 'Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma' 'J Aging Phys Act' = 'Journal of aging and physical activity' 'J Agric Biol Environ Stat' = 'Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics' 'J Ala Acad Sci' = 'The Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science' 'J Algorithm Comput Technol' = 'Journal of algorithms & computational technology' 'J Alloys Compd' = 'Journal of alloys and compounds' 'J Am Acad Appl Nutr' = 'Journal of the American Academy of Applied Nutrition. American Academy of Applied Nutrition' 'J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci' = 'Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS' 'J Am Assoc Med Rec Libr' = 'Journal. American Association of Medical Record Librarians' 'J Am Ceram Soc' = 'Journal of the American Ceramic Society. American Ceramic Society' 'J Am Col Certif Wound Spec' = 'The journal of the American College of Certified Wound Specialists' 'J Am Public Health Assoc' = 'Journal. American Public Health Association' 'J Am Soc Hypertens' = 'Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH' 'J Am Soc Inf Sci Technol' = 'Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Print)' 'J Am Soc Psych Res' = 'The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research' 'J Ambient Intell Smart Environ' = 'Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments' 'J Anal Appl Pyrolysis' = 'Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis' 'J Anal At Spectrom' = 'Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry' 'J Anat Physiol' = 'Journal of anatomy and physiology' 'J Angiogenes Res' = 'Journal of angiogenesis research' 'J Anim Breed Genet' = 'Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie' 'J Anim Ecol' = 'The Journal of animal ecology' 'J Anthropol Sci' = 'Journal of anthropological sciences = Rivista di antropologia : JASS / Istituto italiano di antropologia' 'J Antivir Antiretrovir' = 'Journal of antivirals & antiretrovirals' 'J Appl Biobehav Res' = 'Journal of applied biobehavioral research' 'J Appl Biomater Biomech' = 'Journal of applied biomaterials & biomechanics : JABB' 'J Appl Biomed' = 'Journal of applied biomedicine' 'J Appl Crystallogr' = 'Journal of applied crystallography' 'J Appl Ecol' = 'The Journal of applied ecology' 'J Appl Oral Sci' = 'Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB' 'J Appl Phycol' = 'Journal of applied phycology' 'J Appl Polym Sci Symp' = 'Journal of applied polymer science. Applied polymer symposium' 'J Appl Res Intellect Disabil' = 'Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID' 'J Appl Res' = 'The journal of applied research' 'J Appl Sport Psychol' = 'Journal of applied sport psychology' 'J Aquat Anim Health' = 'Journal of aquatic animal health' 'J Artif Intell Res' = 'The journal of artificial intelligence research' 'J Asia Pac Entomol' = 'Journal of Asia-Pacific entomology' 'J Asiat Soc Bangladesh Humanit' = 'Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. Humanities' 'J Assoc Am Med Coll' = 'Journal. Association of American Medical Colleges' 'J Assoc Genet Technol' = 'Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists' 'J Atr Fibrillation' = 'Journal of atrial fibrillation' 'J Autoimmune Dis' = 'Journal of autoimmune diseases' 'J Autom Methods Manag Chem' = 'Journal of automated methods & management in chemistry' 'J Automat Chem' = 'The Journal of automatic chemistry' 'J Avian Med Surg' = 'Journal of avian medicine and surgery' 'J Behav Decis Mak' = 'Journal of behavioral decision making' 'J Belge Neurol Psychiatr' = 'Journal belge de neurologie et de psychiatrie' 'J Bengal Tuberc Assoc' = 'Journal. Bengal Tuberculosis Association' 'J Bioequiv Availab' = 'Journal of bioequivalence & bioavailability' 'J Bioeth Inq' = 'Journal of bioethical inquiry' 'J Biogeogr' = 'Journal of biogeography' 'J Biol Dyn' = 'Journal of biological dynamics' 'J Biol Eng' = 'Journal of biological engineering' 'J Biol Phys Chem' = 'Journal of biological physics and chemistry : JBPC' 'J Biol Phys' = 'Journal of biological physics' 'J Biomed Discov Collab' = 'Journal of biomedical discovery and collaboration' 'J Biomed Mater Res A' = 'Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A' 'J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater' = 'Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials' 'J Biomed Nanotechnol' = 'Journal of biomedical nanotechnology' 'J Biomed Sci Eng' = 'Journal of biomedical science and engineering' 'J Biomed Semantics' = 'Journal of biomedical semantics' 'J Biomim Biomater Tissue Eng' = 'Journal of biomimetics, biomaterials, and tissue engineering' 'J Biophotonics' = 'Journal of biophotonics' 'J Biophys' = 'Journal of biophysics' 'J Biosci Bioeng' = 'Journal of bioscience and bioengineering' 'J Bodyw Mov Ther' = 'Journal of bodywork and movement therapies' 'J Boston Soc Med Sci' = 'Journal. Boston Society of Medical Sciences' 'J Bowman Gray Sch Med Wake For Coll' = 'Journal. Bowman Gray School of Medicine' 'J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj' = 'Journal of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury' 'J Braz Chem Soc' = 'Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society' 'J Breath Res' = 'Journal of breath research' 'J Buddh Ethics' = 'Journal of Buddhist ethics' 'J Burma Stud' = 'The journal of Burma studies' 'J Burn Care Res' = 'Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association' 'J Burns Wounds' = 'Journal of burns and wounds' 'J Bus Contin Emer Plan' = 'Journal of business continuity & emergency planning' 'J Bus Econ Stat' = 'Journal of business & economic statistics : a publication of the American Statistical Association' 'J Calif State Dent Assoc Nev State Dent Soc' = 'The journal of the California State Dental Association and the Nevada State Dental Society' 'J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry' = 'Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Academie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent' 'J Can Chiropr Assoc' = 'The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association' 'J Can Med Serv' = 'The Journal of the Canadian medical services' 'J Cancer Epidemiol' = 'Journal of cancer epidemiology' 'J Cancer Sci Ther' = 'Journal of cancer science & therapy' 'J Cancer' = 'Journal of Cancer' 'J Capill Electrophor Microchip Technol' = 'Journal of capillary electrophoresis and microchip technology' 'J Carbohydr Chem' = 'Journal of carbohydrate chemistry' 'J Cardiometab Syndr' = 'Journal of the cardiometabolic syndrome' 'J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev' = 'Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention' 'J Cardiothorac Surg' = 'Journal of cardiothoracic surgery' 'J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr' = 'Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography' 'J Cardiovasc Dis Res' = 'Journal of cardiovascular disease research' 'J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown)' = 'Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.)' 'J Cardiovasc Transl Res' = 'Journal of cardiovascular translational research' 'J Cardiovasc Ultrasound' = 'Journal of cardiovascular ultrasound' 'J Career Dev' = 'Journal of career development' 'J Cell Commun Signal' = 'Journal of cell communication and signaling' 'J Cereal Sci' = 'Journal of cereal science' 'J Chem Biol' = 'Journal of chemical biology' 'J Chem Crystallogr' = 'Journal of chemical crystallography' 'J Chem Eng Data' = 'Journal of chemical and engineering data' 'J Chem Inf Model' = 'Journal of chemical information and modeling' 'J Chem Theory Comput' = 'Journal of chemical theory and computation' 'J Cheminform' = 'Journal of cheminformatics' 'J Chemom' = 'Journal of chemometrics' 'J Child Adolesc Subst Abuse' = 'Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse' 'J Child Adolesc Trauma' = 'Journal of child & adolescent trauma' 'J Child Fam Stud' = 'Journal of child and family studies' 'J Child Nutr Manag' = 'Journal of child nutrition & management (Online)' 'J Child Orthop' = 'Journal of children's orthopaedics' 'J Chiropr Educ' = 'The Journal of chiropractic education' 'J Chiropr Med' = 'Journal of chiropractic medicine' 'J Clin Aesthet Dermatol' = 'The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology' 'J Clin Biochem Nutr' = 'Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition' 'J Clin Exp Hematop' = 'Journal of clinical and experimental hematopathology : JCEH' 'J Clin Forensic Med' = 'Journal of clinical forensic medicine' 'J Clin Lipidol' = 'Journal of clinical lipidology' 'J Clin Neurol' = 'Journal of clinical neurology (Seoul, Korea)' 'J Clin Neuromuscul Dis' = 'Journal of clinical neuromuscular disease' 'J Clin Nutr' = 'The Journal of clinical nutrition' 'J Clin Outcomes Manag' = 'Journal of clinical outcomes management : JCOM' 'J Clin Pathol Suppl Coll Pathol' = 'Journal of clinical pathology. Supplement (College of Pathologists)' 'J Clin Rheumatol' = 'Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases' 'J Clin Sleep Med' = 'Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine' 'J Clin Sport Psychol' = 'Journal of clinical sport psychology' 'J Cogn Behav Psychother' = 'Journal of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapies : the official journal of the International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health' 'J Cogn Cult' = 'Journal of cognition and culture' 'J Cogn Dev' = 'Journal of cognition and development : official journal of the Cognitive Development Society' 'J Cogn Psychother' = 'Journal of cognitive psychotherapy' 'J Coll Gen Pract Res Newsl' = 'Journal of the College of General Practitioners and research newsletter. College of General Practitioners (Great Britain)' 'J Coll Stud Dev' = 'Journal of college student development' 'J College Stud Psychother' = 'Journal of college student psychotherapy' 'J Colo State Dent Assoc' = 'Journal. Colorado State Dental Association' 'J Colon Colon Hist' = 'Journal of colonialism & colonial history / sponsored by Towson University' 'J Comb Optim' = 'Journal of combinatorial optimization' 'J Commer Biotechnol' = 'Journal of commercial biotechnology' 'J Community Pract' = 'Journal of community practice' 'J Complex' = 'Journal of complexity' 'J Compos Mater' = 'Journal of composite materials' 'J Comput Electron' = 'Journal of computational electronics' 'J Comput Graph Stat' = 'Journal of computational and graphical statistics : a joint publication of American Statistical Association, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Interface Foundation of North America' 'J Comput Math' = 'Journal of computational mathematics : an international journal on numerical methods, analysis and applications / edited by Editorial Committee of Journal of computational mathematics' 'J Comput Mediat Commun' = 'Journal of computer-mediated communication : JCMC' 'J Comput Phys' = 'Journal of computational physics' 'J Comput Sci Syst Biol' = 'Journal of computer science and systems biology' 'J Comput Sci Technol' = 'Journal of computational science and technology' 'J Comput Sci Technol' = 'Journal of computer science and technology' 'J Comput Theor Nanosci' = 'Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience' 'J Conserv Dent' = 'Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD' 'J Consum Health Internet' = 'Journal of consumer health on the Internet' 'J Consum Psychol' = 'Journal of consumer psychology : the official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology' 'J Contemp Crim Justice' = 'Journal of contemporary criminal justice' 'J Coord Chem' = 'Journal of coordination chemistry' 'J Correct Health Care' = 'Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care' 'J Cosmet Dermatol' = 'Journal of cosmetic dermatology' 'J Couple Relatsh Ther' = 'Journal of couple & relationship therapy' 'J Crim Law Criminol (1931)' = 'The Journal of criminal law and criminology, including the American journal of police science' 'J Cutan Aesthet Surg' = 'Journal of cutaneous and aesthetic surgery' 'J Cyber Ther Rehabil' = 'Journal of cyber therapy and rehabilitation' 'J Cyst Fibros' = 'Journal of cystic fibrosis : official journal of the European Cystic Fibrosis Society' 'J Dance Med Sci' = 'Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science' 'J Data Sci' = 'Journal of data science : JDS' 'J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ' = 'Journal of deaf studies and deaf education' 'J Dent Soc State N Y' = 'The Journal of the Dental Society of the State of New York' 'J Des Hist' = 'Journal of design history' 'J Dev Orig Health Dis' = 'Journal of developmental origins of health and disease' 'J Dev Phys Disabil' = 'Journal of developmental and physical disabilities' 'J Diabetes Sci Technol' = 'Journal of diabetes science and technology' 'J Diabetes' = 'Journal of diabetes' 'J Diet Suppl' = 'Journal of dietary supplements' 'J Differ Equ' = 'Journal of differential equations' 'J Dig Dis' = 'Journal of digestive diseases' 'J Dispers Sci Technol' = 'Journal of dispersion science and technology' 'J Divers High Educ' = 'Journal of diversity in higher education' 'J Drug Deliv Sci Technol' = 'Journal of drug delivery science and technology' 'J Dual Diagn' = 'Journal of dual diagnosis' 'J Early Child Infant Psychol' = 'Journal of early childhood and infant psychology' 'J Early Intensive Behav Interv' = 'Journal of early and intensive behavior intervention : JEIBI' 'J Ecol' = 'The Journal of ecology' 'J Educ Behav Stat' = 'Journal of educational and behavioral statistics : a quarterly publication sponsored by the American Educational Research Association and the American Statistical Association' 'J Educ Eval Health Prof' = 'Journal of educational evaluation for health professions' 'J Elder Abuse Negl' = 'Journal of elder abuse & neglect' 'J Electroanal Chem (Lausanne Switz)' = 'Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (Lausanne, Switzerland)' 'J Electrochem Soc' = 'Journal of the Electrochemical Society' 'J Electron Imaging' = 'Journal of electronic imaging' 'J Electron Spectros Relat Phenomena' = 'Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena' 'J Electrostat' = 'Journal of electrostatics' 'J Elisha Mitchell Sci Soc Chapel Hill N C' = 'Journal. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill, N.C' 'J Emerg Trauma Shock' = 'Journal of emergencies, trauma and shock' 'J Emot Behav Disord' = 'Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders' 'J Empir Leg Stud' = 'Journal of empirical legal studies' 'J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics' = 'Journal of empirical research on human research ethics : JERHRE' 'J Eng Math' = 'Journal of engineering mathematics' 'J Entomol Soc South Afr' = 'Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa' 'J Environ Eng (New York)' = 'Journal of environmental engineering (New York, N.Y.)' 'J Environ Hortic' = 'Journal of environmental horticulture' 'J Environ Prot Sci' = 'Journal of environmental protection science' 'J Environ Public Health' = 'Journal of environmental and public health' 'J Environ Sci Eng' = 'Journal of environmental science & engineering' 'J Epithel Biol Pharmacol' = 'Journal of epithelial biology & pharmacology' 'J Ethn Cult Divers Soc Work' = 'Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work' 'J Ethn Subst Abuse' = 'Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse' 'J Ethnobiol Ethnomed' = 'Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine' 'J Eur Econ Assoc' = 'Journal of the European Economic Association' 'J Evid Based Dent Pract' = 'The journal of evidence-based dental practice' 'J Evid Based Soc Work' = 'Journal of evidence-based social work' 'J Except Child' = 'Journal of exceptional children' 'J Exp Clin Assist Reprod' = 'Journal of experimental & clinical assisted reproduction' 'J Exp Criminol' = 'Journal of experimental criminology' 'J Exp Educ' = 'Journal of experimental education' 'J Exp Mar Bio Ecol' = 'Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology' 'J Exp Neurosci' = 'Journal of experimental neuroscience' 'J Exp Pharmacol' = 'Journal of experimental pharmacology' 'J Exp Stroke Transl Med' = 'Journal of experimental stroke & translational medicine' 'J Exp Theor Artif Intell' = 'Journal of experimental & theoretical artificial intelligence : JETAI' 'J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol' = 'Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological genetics and physiology' 'J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol' = 'Journal of experimental zoology. Part B, Molecular and developmental evolution' 'J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol' = 'Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology' 'J Eye Mov Res' = 'Journal of eye movement research' 'J Fam Nurs' = 'Journal of family nursing' 'J Fam Soc Work' = 'Journal of family social work' 'J Farm' = 'Jornal dos farmaceuticos' 'J financ econ' = 'Journal of financial economics' 'J Finance' = 'The Journal of finance' 'J Fluids Struct' = 'Journal of fluids and structures' 'J Fluoresc' = 'Journal of fluorescence' 'J Food Biochem' = 'Journal of food biochemistry' 'J Food Compost Anal' = 'Journal of food composition and analysis : an official publication of the United Nations University, International Network of Food Data Systems' 'J Foot Ankle Res' = 'Journal of foot and ankle research' 'J Forens Psychiatry Psychol' = 'The journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology' 'J Forensic Leg Med' = 'Journal of forensic and legal medicine' 'J Forensic Nurs' = 'Journal of forensic nursing' 'J Fourier Anal Appl' = 'The journal of fourier analysis and applications' 'J Franklin Inst' = 'Journal of the Franklin Institute' 'J Funct Foods' = 'Journal of functional foods' 'J Gastrointest Cancer' = 'Journal of gastrointestinal cancer' 'J Gay Lesbian Med Assoc' = 'Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association' 'J Gay Lesbian Soc Serv' = 'Journal of gay & lesbian social services' 'J Genet Genomics' = 'Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao' 'J Genocide Res' = 'Journal of genocide research' 'J Geogr Syst' = 'Journal of geographical systems' 'J Geriatr Phys Ther' = 'Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001)' 'J GLBT Fam Stud' = 'Journal of GLBT family studies' 'J Glob Infect Dis' = 'Journal of global infectious diseases' 'J Grad Med Educ' = 'Journal of graduate medical education' 'J Graph Algorithms Appl' = 'Journal of graph algorithms and applications' 'J Groups Addict Recover' = 'Journal of groups in addiction & recovery' 'J Gynecol Oncol' = 'Journal of gynecologic oncology' 'J Hand Surg Br' = 'Journal of hand surgery (Edinburgh, Scotland)' 'J Hand Surg Eur Vol' = 'The Journal of hand surgery, European volume' 'J Happiness Stud' = 'Journal of happiness studies' 'J Headache Pain' = 'The journal of headache and pain' 'J Health Dispar Res Pract' = 'Journal of health disparities research and practice' 'J Health Life Sci Law' = 'Journal of health & life sciences law' 'J Health Mass Commun' = 'Journal of health & mass communication' 'J Health Phys Educ' = 'The Journal of health and physical education' 'J Heat Transfer' = 'Journal of heat transfer' 'J Hematol Oncol' = 'Journal of hematology & oncology' 'J Hematop' = 'Journal of hematopathology' 'J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci' = 'Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences' 'J Herb Pharmacother' = 'Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy' 'J Herbs Spices Med Plants' = 'Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants' 'J Herpetol' = 'Journal of herpetology' 'J High Educ Outreach Engagem' = 'Journal of higher education outreach and engagement' 'J HIV AIDS Prev Child Youth' = 'Journal of HIV/AIDS prevention in children & youth' 'J HIV AIDS Soc Serv' = 'Journal of HIV/AIDS & social services' 'J Hosp Med' = 'Journal of hospital medicine : an official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine' 'J Hosp Palliat Nurs' = 'Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association' 'J Hotel Dieu Montreal' = 'Journal. Hotel-Dieu de Montreal' 'J Hous Econ' = 'Journal of housing economics' 'J Hous Elderly' = 'Journal of housing for the elderly' 'J Hum Kinet' = 'Journal of human kinetics' 'J Hum Reprod Sci' = 'Journal of human reproductive sciences' 'J Hunger Environ Nutr' = 'Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition' 'J Imaging Sci Technol' = 'The Journal of imaging science and technology / IS&T, the Society for Imaging Science and Technology' 'J Immigr Minor Health' = 'Journal of immigrant and minority health / Center for Minority Public Health' 'J Immigr Refug Stud' = 'Journal of immigrant & refugee studies' 'J Immunotoxicol' = 'Journal of immunotoxicology' 'J Ind Hyg Toxicol' = 'The Journal of industrial hygiene and toxicology' 'J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg' = 'Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons' 'J Indian Philos' = 'Journal of Indian philosophy' 'J Indian Soc Periodontol' = 'Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology' 'J Infant Child Adolesc Psychother' = 'Journal of infant, child, and adolescent psychotherapy : JICAP' 'J Infect Dev Ctries' = 'Journal of infection in developing countries' 'J Infect Public Health' = 'Journal of infection and public health' 'J Inflamm (Lond)' = 'Journal of inflammation (London, England)' 'J Inflamm Res' = 'Journal of inflammation research' 'J Innate Immun' = 'Journal of innate immunity' 'J Innov Opt Health Sci' = 'Journal of innovative optical health sciences' 'J Insect Behav' = 'Journal of insect behavior' 'J Insect Sci' = 'Journal of insect science (Online)' 'J Inst Sanit Eng Lond' = 'Journal. Institution of Sanitary Engineers, London' 'J Int AIDS Soc' = 'Journal of the International AIDS Society' 'J Int Phon Assoc' = 'Journal of the International Phonetic Association' 'J Int Soc Sports Nutr' = 'Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition' 'J Integr Bioinform' = 'Journal of integrative bioinformatics' 'J Integr Plant Biol' = 'Journal of integrative plant biology' 'J Intell Mater Syst Struct' = 'Journal of intelligent material systems and structures' 'J Intellect Dev Disabil' = 'Journal of intellectual & developmental disability' 'J Intellect Disabil' = 'Journal of intellectual disabilities : JOID' 'J Intergener Relatsh' = 'Journal of intergenerational relationships' 'J Isr Hist' = 'The journal of Israeli history' 'J Jew Med Ethics Halacha' = 'A journal of Jewish medical ethics and halacha' 'J Jpn Stud' = 'The Journal of Japanese studies' 'J Kans City Mo Southwest Clin Soc' = 'Journal. Kansas City (Mo.) Southwest Clinical Society' 'J Korean Acad Nurs' = 'Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing' 'J Korean Neurosurg Soc' = 'Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society' 'J Korean Phys Soc' = 'The journal of the Korean Physical Society' 'J Korean Stat Soc' = 'Journal of the Korean Statistical Society' 'J Kurd Stud' = 'The journal of Kurdish studies' 'J Ky Acad Sci' = 'Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science' 'J Land Use Sci' = 'Journal of land use science' 'J Lang Soc Psychol' = 'Journal of language and social psychology' 'J Lesbian Stud' = 'Journal of lesbian studies' 'J LGBT Health Res' = 'Journal of LGBT health research' 'J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol' = 'Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies' 'J Lit Res' = 'Journal of literacy research : JLR' 'J Loss Trauma' = 'Journal of loss & trauma' 'J Luminescence' = 'Journal of Luminescence' 'J Lymphoedema' = 'Journal of lymphoedema' 'J Mach Learn Res' = 'Journal of machine learning research : JMLR' 'J Magn Magn Mater' = 'Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials' 'J Magn Reson A' = 'Journal of magnetic resonance. Series A' 'J Malar Inst India' = 'Journal of the Malaria institute of India' 'J Man Manip Ther' = 'The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy' 'J Mar Biol Assoc U.K' = 'Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom' 'J Mar Biotechnol' = 'Journal of marine biotechnology' 'J Mar Syst' = 'Journal of marine systems : journal of the European Association of Marine Sciences and Techniques' 'J Marit Res' = 'Journal for maritime research (Print)' 'J Mass Assoc Boards Health' = 'Journal. Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health' 'J Mass Spectrom Soc Jpn' = 'Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan' 'J Mater Chem' = 'Journal of materials chemistry' 'J Mater Eng Perform' = 'Journal of materials engineering and performance' 'J Math Imaging Vis' = 'Journal of mathematical imaging and vision' 'J Math Phys' = 'Journal of mathematical physics' 'J Mech Behav Biomed Mater' = 'Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials' 'J Mech Mater Struct' = 'Journal of mechanics of materials and structures' 'J Mech Med Biol' = 'Journal of mechanics in medicine and biology' 'J Mech Phys Solids' = 'Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids' 'J Med Assoc Eire' = 'Journal. Medical Association of Eire' 'J Med Case Reports' = 'Journal of medical case reports' 'J Med Chem Biol Radiol Def' = 'The journal of medical, chemical, biological, and radiological defense' 'J Med Cuneif' = 'Le journal des medecines cuneiformes' 'J Med Device' = 'Journal of medical devices' 'J Med Econ' = 'Journal of medical economics' 'J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol' = 'Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology' 'J Med Law' = 'Journal of medicine and law / Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University' 'J Med Life' = 'Journal of medicine and life' 'J Med Pernamb' = 'Jornal de medicina de Pernambuco' 'J Med Phys Res' = 'The Journal of medico-physical research ' 'J Med Phys' = 'Journal of medical physics / Association of Medical Physicists of India' 'J Med Res' = 'The Journal of medical research' 'J Med Sci' = 'Journal of medical sciences (Taipei, Taiwan)' 'J Med Speech Lang Pathol' = 'Journal of medical speech-language pathology' 'J Med Toxicol' = 'Journal of medical toxicology : official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology' 'J Med Ultrasound' = 'Journal of medical ultrasound' 'J Mediterr Med' = 'Journal mediterranee medical' 'J Mem Lang' = 'Journal of memory and language' 'J Mens Health Gend' = 'The journal of men's health & gender : the official journal of the International Society for Men's Health & Gender' 'J Mens Stud' = 'The Journal of men's studies' 'J Ment Health Res Intellect Disabil' = 'Journal of mental health research in intellectual disabilities' 'J Ment Health' = 'Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England)' 'J Mich State Dent Soc' = 'Journal. Michigan State Dental Society' 'J Microbiol' = 'Journal of microbiology (Seoul, Korea)' 'J Micromech Microeng' = 'Journal of micromechanics and microengineering : structures, devices, and systems' 'J Migr Refug Issues' = 'Journal of migration and refugee issues' 'J Minim Access Surg' = 'Journal of minimal access surgery' 'J Mix Methods Res' = 'Journal of mixed methods research' 'J Mo State Dent Assoc' = 'Journal. Missouri State Dental Association' 'J Mod Appl Stat Methods' = 'Journal of modern applied statistical methods : JMASM' 'J Mod Ital Stud' = 'Journal of modern Italian studies' 'J Mod Opt' = 'Journal of modern optics' 'J Mol Catal A Chem' = 'Journal of molecular catalysis. A, Chemical' 'J Mol Catal B Enzym' = 'Journal of molecular catalysis. B, Enzymatic' 'J Mol Cell Biol' = 'Journal of molecular cell biology' 'J Mol Genet Med' = 'Journal of molecular and genetic medicine : an international journal of biomedical research' 'J Mol Histol' = 'Journal of molecular histology' 'J Mol Liq' = 'Journal of molecular liquids' 'J Mol Model' = 'Journal of molecular modeling' 'J Mol Signal' = 'Journal of molecular signaling' 'J Monet Econ' = 'Journal of monetary economics' 'J Money Credit Bank' = 'Journal of money, credit, and banking' 'J Multidiscip Healthc' = 'Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare' 'J Multiling Commun Disord' = 'Journal of multilingual communication disorders' 'J Multimed' = 'Journal of multimedia' 'J Multivar Anal' = 'Journal of multivariate analysis' 'J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact' = 'Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions' 'J Musculoskelet Res' = 'Journal of musculoskeletal research' 'J Muslim Ment Health' = 'Journal of Muslim mental health' 'J Mycol Med' = 'Journal de mycologie medicale' 'J Nanoneurosci' = 'Journal of nanoneuroscience' 'J Nanopart Res' = 'Journal of nanoparticle research : an interdisciplinary forum for nanoscale science and technology' 'J Nanophotonics' = 'Journal of nanophotonics' 'J Nat Med' = 'Journal of natural medicines' 'J Natal Zulu Hist' = 'Journal of Natal and Zulu history' 'J Natl Proctol Assoc' = 'Journal. National Proctologic Association' 'J Neonatal Nurs' = 'Journal of neonatal nursing : JNN' 'J Neonatal Perinatal Med' = 'Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine' 'J Neural Eng' = 'Journal of neural engineering' 'J NeuroAIDS' = 'Journal of neuro-AIDS' 'J Neurodegener Regen' = 'Journal of neurodegeneration & regeneration' 'J Neurodev Disord' = 'Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders' 'J Neuroeng Rehabil' = 'Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation' 'J Neurogastroenterol Motil' = 'Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility' 'J Neuroimmune Pharmacol' = 'Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology : the official journal of the Society on NeuroImmune Pharmacology' 'J Neuroinflammation' = 'Journal of neuroinflammation' 'J Neurointerv Surg' = 'Journal of neurointerventional surgery' 'J Neurol Phys Ther' = 'Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT' 'J Neurol Sci Turk' = 'Journal of neurological sciences (Turkish)' 'J Neurolinguistics' = 'Journal of neurolinguistics' 'J Neuropathic Pain Symptom Palliation' = 'Journal of neuropathic pain & symptom palliation' 'J Neuropsychol' = 'Journal of neuropsychology' 'J Neurosci Psychol Econ' = 'Journal of neuroscience, psychology, and economics' 'J Neurother' = 'Journal of neurotherapy' 'J Nonlinear Convex Anal' = 'Journal of nonlinear and convex analysis' 'J Nonnewton Fluid Mech' = 'Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics' 'J Nonparametr Stat (Print)' = 'Journal of nonparametric statistics' 'J Nonverbal Behav' = 'Journal of nonverbal behavior' 'J Nucl Sci Technol' = 'Journal of nuclear science and technology' 'J Nucleic Acids' = 'Journal of nucleic acids' 'J Nurse Pract' = 'The journal for nurse practitioners : JNP' 'J Nutr Environ Med' = 'Journal of nutritional & environmental medicine' 'J Nutr Metab' = 'Journal of nutrition and metabolism' 'J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics' = 'Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics' 'J Obes' = 'Journal of obesity' 'J Obstet Gynaecol Soc North India' = 'Journal. Obstetric and Gynaecological Society of Northern India' 'J Occup Environ Hyg' = 'Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene' 'J Occup Med Toxicol' = 'Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology (London, England)' 'J Occup Organ Psychol' = 'Journal of occupational and organizational psychology' 'J Ocul Biol Dis Infor' = 'Journal of ocular biology, diseases, and informatics' 'J Offender Rehabil' = 'Journal of offender rehabilitation' 'J Oleo Sci' = 'Journal of oleo science' 'J Omaha Midwest Clin Soc' = 'Journal. Omaha Mid-West Clinical Society' 'J Oncol Pract' = 'Journal of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical Oncology' 'J Oncol' = 'Journal of oncology' 'J Ophthalmol' = 'Journal of ophthalmology' 'J Opt B Quantum Semiclassical Opt' = 'Journal of optics. B, Quantum and semiclassical optics : journal of the European Optical Society' 'J Opt Soc Korea' = 'Journal of the Optical Society of Korea' 'J Or State Dent Assoc' = 'Journal. Oregon State Dental Association' 'J Oral Biosci' = 'Journal of oral biosciences / JAOB, Japanese Association for Oral Biology' 'J Organ Behav Manage' = 'Journal of organizational behavior management' 'J Organ Behav' = 'Journal of organizational behavior' 'J Organomet Chem' = 'Journal of organometallic chemistry' 'J Ornithol' = 'Journal of ornithology / DO-G' 'J Orthop Surg Res' = 'Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research' 'J Orthop Traumatol' = 'Journal of orthopaedics and traumatology : official journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology' 'J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg' = 'Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale' 'J Ovarian Res' = 'Journal of ovarian research' 'J Pain Manag' = 'Journal of pain management' 'J Palest Arab Med Assoc' = 'Journal. Palestine Arab Medical Association' 'J Parallel Distrib Comput' = 'Journal of parallel and distributed computing' 'J Parapsychol' = 'The Journal of parapsychology' 'J Parasitol Res' = 'Journal of parasitology research' 'J Park Recreat Admi' = 'Journal of park and recreation administration' 'J Pathol Inform' = 'Journal of pathology informatics' 'J Patient Saf' = 'Journal of patient safety' 'J Pediatr Neurol' = 'Journal of pediatric neurology : JPN' 'J Pediatr Rehabil Med' = 'Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine' 'J Pediatr Urol' = 'Journal of pediatric urology' 'J Perinat Educ' = 'The Journal of perinatal education : an ASPO/Lamaze publication' 'J Periodontal Implant Sci' = 'Journal of periodontal & implant science' 'J Perioper Pract' = 'Journal of perioperative practice' 'J Pharm Innov' = 'Journal of pharmaceutical innovation' 'J Philos Sci Law' = 'The journal of philosophy, science & law' 'J Phon' = 'Journal of phonetics' 'J Photochem Photobiol A Chem' = 'Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry' 'J Phys A Math Gen' = 'Journal of physics A: Mathematical and general' 'J Phys Act Health' = 'Journal of physical activity & health' 'J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces' = 'The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces' 'J Phys Chem Lett' = 'The journal of physical chemistry letters' 'J Phys Chem Solids' = 'The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids' 'J Phys Educ' = 'Journal of physical education (Dayton, Ohio)' 'J Phys Educ' = 'Journal of physical education' 'J Phys Oceanogr' = 'Journal of physical oceanography' 'J Phys Org Chem' = 'Journal of physical organic chemistry' 'J Phys' = 'Journal of physics' 'J Physiol Anthropol' = 'Journal of physiological anthropology' 'J Physiol Sci' = 'The journal of physiological sciences : JPS' 'J Physiother' = 'Journal of physiotherapy' 'J Plankton Res' = 'Journal of plankton research' 'J Polit Philos' = 'The journal of political philosophy' 'J Polym Sci A Polym Chem' = 'Journal of polymer science. Part A, Polymer chemistry' 'J Polym Sci B Polym Phys' = 'Journal of polymer science. Part B, Polymer physics' 'J Popul Res (Canberra)' = 'Journal of populaton research (Canberra, A.C.T.)' 'J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol' = 'Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology = Journal de la therapeutique des populations et de la pharamcologie clinique' 'J Porphyr Phthalocyanines' = 'Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines' 'J Posit Psychol' = 'The journal of positive psychology' 'J Poverty' = 'Journal of poverty' 'J Power Sources' = 'Journal of power sources' 'J Pragmat' = 'Journal of pragmatics' 'J Prev Interv Community' = 'Journal of prevention & intervention in the community' 'J Prev Med Hyg' = 'Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene' 'J Prev Med Public Health' = 'Journal of preventive medicine and public health = Yebang Uihakhoe chi' 'J Prim Health Care' = 'Journal of primary health care' 'J Process Control' = 'Journal of process control' 'J Prosthet Orthot' = 'Journal of prosthetics and orthotics : JPO' 'J Prosthodont Res' = 'Journal of prosthodontic research' 'J Proteomics Bioinform' = 'Journal of proteomics & bioinformatics' 'J Proteomics' = 'Journal of proteomics' 'J Psychiatr Pract' = 'Journal of psychiatric practice' 'J Psychoeduc Assess' = 'Journal of psychoeducational assessment' 'J Psychopathol Behav Assess' = 'Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment' 'J Psychophysiol' = 'Journal of psychophysiology' 'J Psychother Integr' = 'Journal of psychotherapy integration' 'J Public Child Welf' = 'Journal of public child welfare' 'J Quant Criminol' = 'Journal of quantitative criminology' 'J Quant Linguist' = 'Journal of quantitative linguistics' 'J R Army Vet Corps' = 'The Journal of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps' 'J R Fac Med Iraq' = 'The Journal of the Royal Faculty of Medicine of Iraq' 'J R N S Hist Soc' = 'Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society' 'J R Soc Interface' = 'Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society' 'J R Soc Promot Health' = 'The journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health' 'J R Stat Soc Series B Stat Methodol' = 'Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology' 'J Radiother Pract' = 'Journal of radiotherapy in practice' 'J Raman Spectrosc' = 'Journal of Raman spectroscopy : JRS' 'J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Ther' = 'Journal of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy : RET' 'J Receptor Ligand Channel Res' = 'Journal of receptor, ligand and channel research' 'J Registry Manag' = 'Journal of registry management' 'J Relig Spiritual Soc Work' = 'Journal of religion & spirituality in social work' 'J Ren Care' = 'Journal of renal care' 'J Res Crime Delinq' = 'The Journal of research in crime and delinquency' 'J Res Educ Eff' = 'Journal of research on educational effectiveness' 'J Res Natl Bur Stand (1934)' = 'Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards' 'J Res Read' = 'Journal of research in reading' 'J Risk Res' = 'Journal of risk research' 'J RNAi Gene Silencing' = 'Journal of RNAi and gene silencing : an international journal of RNA and gene targeting research' 'J Robot Surg' = 'Journal of robotic surgery' 'J Sch Violence' = 'Journal of school violence' 'J Sci Ind Res (1942)' = 'Journal of scientific and industrial research (New Delhi, India : 1942)' 'J Sep Sci' = 'Journal of separation science' 'J Signal Process Syst Signal Image Video Technol' = 'Journal of signal processing systems for signal, image, and video technology' 'J Signal Transuct' = 'Journal of signal transduction' 'J Sing' = 'Journal of singing : the official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing' 'J Smok Cessat' = 'Journal of smoking cessation' 'J Soc Casework' = 'Journal of social casework' 'J Soc Christ Ethics' = 'Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics' 'J Soc Inf Disp' = 'Journal of the Society for Information Display' 'J Soc Soc Policy' = 'Journal of societal & social policy' 'J Soc Work Disabil Rehabil' = 'Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation' 'J Soc Work Educ' = 'Journal of social work education' 'J Soc Work End Life Palliat Care' = 'Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care' 'J Soc Work Pract Addict' = 'Journal of social work practice in the addictions' 'J Soc Work Values Ethics' = 'Journal of social work values and ethics' 'J Socio Econ' = 'The Journal of socio-economics' 'J Sociol (Melb)' = 'Journal of sociology (Melbourne, Vic.)' 'J Solid State Chem' = 'Journal of solid state chemistry' 'J Solid State Electrochem' = 'Journal of solid state electrochemistry : current research and development in science and technology' 'J Solution Chem' = 'Journal of solution chemistry' 'J Sound Vib' = 'Journal of sound and vibration' 'J South Calif State Dent Assoc' = 'Journal - Southern California State Dental Association' 'J Southeast Asian Am Educ Adv' = 'Journal of Southeast Asian American education & advancement : JSAAEA' 'J Southwest' = 'Journal of the Southwest' 'J Spec Oper Med' = 'Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals' 'J Speech Lang Pathol Appl Behav Anal' = 'The journal of speech and language pathology, applied behavior analysis' 'J Sport Exerc Psychol' = 'Journal of sport & exercise psychology' 'J Sport Rehabil' = 'Journal of sport rehabilitation' 'J Stat Comput Simul' = 'Journal of statistical computation and simulation' 'J Stat Mech' = 'Journal of statistical mechanics (Online)' 'J Stat Phys' = 'Journal of statistical physics' 'J Stat Plan Inference' = 'Journal of statistical planning and inference' 'J Stat Softw' = 'Journal of statistical software' 'J Stat Theory Pract' = 'Journal of statistical theory and practice' 'J Stem Cells' = 'Journal of stem cells' 'J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis' = 'Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association' 'J Stud Alcohol Drugs Suppl' = 'Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Supplement' 'J Stud Alcohol Drugs' = 'Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs' 'J Stutt Ther Advocacy Res' = 'The journal of stuttering therapy, advocacy, and research' 'J Subst Use' = 'Journal of substance use' 'J Supercomput' = 'The Journal of supercomputing' 'J Supercrit Fluids' = 'The Journal of supercritical fluids' 'J Surg Educ' = 'Journal of surgical education' 'J Technol Hum Serv' = 'Journal of technology in human services' 'J Tenn Acad Sci' = 'Journal. Tennessee Academy of Science' 'J Theor Polit' = 'Journal of theoretical politics' 'J Theory Constr Test' = 'Journal of theory construction & testing' 'J Therm Anal Calorim' = 'Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry' 'J Third World Stud' = 'Journal of third world studies' 'J Tissue Eng Regen Med' = 'Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine' 'J Toxicol' = 'Journal of toxicology' 'J Transplant' = 'Journal of transplantation' 'J Trauma Dissociation' = 'Journal of trauma & dissociation : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD)' 'J Trauma Manag Outcomes' = 'Journal of trauma management & outcomes' 'J United Reform Church Hist Soc' = 'Journal - United Reformed Church History Society. United Reformed Church History Society' 'J Univers. Comput Sci' = 'Journal of universal computer science : J. UCS' 'J Vac Sci Technol B Microelectron Nanometer Struct Process Meas Phenom' = 'Journal of vacuum science & technology. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures : processing, measurement, and phenomena : an official journal of the American Vacuum Society' 'J Vasc Access' = 'The journal of vascular access' 'J Vasc Interv Neurol' = 'Journal of vascular and interventional neurology' 'J Vet Behav' = 'Journal of veterinary behavior : clinical applications and research : official journal of : Australian Veterinary Behaviour Interest Group, International Working Dog Breeding Association' 'J Vet Cardiol' = 'Journal of veterinary cardiology : the official journal of the European Society of Veterinary Cardiology' 'J Vet Emerg Crit Care (San Antonio)' = 'Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care (San Antonio, Tex. : 2001)' 'J Vib Acoust' = 'Journal of vibration and acoustics' 'J Vis Commun Image Represent' = 'Journal of visual communication and image representation' 'J Vis Commun Med' = 'Journal of visual communication in medicine' 'J Vis Exp' = 'Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE' 'J Vis Impair Blind' = 'Journal of visual impairment & blindness' 'J Visc Surg' = 'Journal of visceral surgery' 'J VLSI Signal Process Syst Signal Image Video Technol' = 'Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image, and video technology' 'J Water Health' = 'Journal of water and health' 'J World Hist' = 'Journal of world history : official journal of the World History Association' 'J World Intellect Prop' = 'The Journal of world intellectual property' 'J Xray Sci Technol' = 'Journal of X-ray science and technology' 'J Zhejiang Univ Sci B' = 'Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B' 'JACC Cardiovasc Imaging' = 'JACC. Cardiovascular imaging' 'JACC Cardiovasc Interv' = 'JACC. Cardiovascular interventions' 'Jackson Clin Bull' = 'The Jackson Clinic bulletin' 'Jahrb Gesch Lat Am' = 'Jahrbuch fur Geschichte Lateinamerikas' 'Jahrb Volksgesundh' = 'Jahrbuch Volksgesundheit' 'JALA Charlottesv Va' = 'JALA (Charlottesville, Va.)' 'Jam Public Health' = 'Jamaica public health' 'Jefferson-Hillman Hosp Bull' = 'The Jefferson-Hillman hospital bulletin' 'Jena Z Med Naturwiss' = 'Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft' 'Jew Cult Hist' = 'Jewish culture and history' 'Jika Shinryo' = '[Jika shinryo] Journal for pediatric praxis' 'Jin Dai Shi Yan Jiu' = 'Jin dai shi yan jiu' 'Jin Dai Zhong Shi Yan Jiu Tong Xun' = 'Jin dai Zhongguo shi yan jiu tong xun : Newsletter for modern Chinese history / Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo' 'Jin Dai Zhongguo Fu Nu Shi Yan Jiu' = 'Jin dai Zhongguo fu nu shi yan jiu / Zhong yang yan jiu yuan jin dai shi yan jiu suo bian ji ; Jiang Jingguo guo ji xue shu jiao liu ji jin hui zan zhu' 'Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumnae Mag' = 'The Johns Hopkins nurses alumnae magazine' 'JOM (1989)' = 'JOM (Warrendale, Pa. : 1989)' 'Jorn Med' = 'Jornada medica' 'Journal (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)' = 'Journal (Institute of Health Record Information and Management)' 'Journal Commun Monogr' = 'Journalism & communication monographs' 'Jpn Dent Sci Rev' = 'The Japanese dental science review' 'Jpn J Appl Phys (2008)' = 'Japanese journal of applied physics (2008)' 'Jpn J Ind Appl Math' = 'Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics' 'Jpn J Nurs Sci' = 'Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS' 'Jpn J Radiol' = 'Japanese journal of radiology' 'Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf' = 'Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety / Joint Commission Resources' 'Jt Meet Abstr Am Dairy Sci Assoc' = 'Joint meeting abstracts / American Dairy Science Association & American Society of Animal Science. American Dairy Science Association. Meeting' 'Judgm Decis Mak' = 'Judgment and decision making' 'Justice Q' = 'Justice quarterly : JQ / Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences' 'Justice Res Policy' = 'Justice research and policy : journal of the Justice Research and Statistics Association : JRP' 'Kagaku' = '[Kagaku] [Science]' 'Katedrah Betoldot Erets Yisrael Veyishuvah' = 'Katedrah be-toldot Erets-Yisra'el ve-yishuvah' 'Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ)' = 'Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ)' 'Key Eng Mater' = 'Key engineering materials' 'Kinesiology (Zagreb)' = 'Kinesiology (Zagreb, Croatia)' 'Kings Coll Hosp Gaz Clin Suppl' = 'King's College Hospital gazette. Clinical supplement' 'Kings Coll Hosp Gaz' = 'King's College Hospital gazette' 'Kings Law J' = 'King's law journal : KLJ' 'Klin Monbl Augenheilkd Augenarztl Fortbild' = 'Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde und fur augenarztliche Fortbildung' 'Klin Neuroradiol' = 'Klinische Neuroradiologie' 'Klin Onkol' = 'Klinicka onkologie : casopis Ceske a Slovenske onkologicke spolecnosti' 'Klin Prax' = 'Klinik und Praxis' 'Knowl Inf Syst' = 'Knowledge and information systems' 'Korean Circ J' = 'Korean circulation journal' 'Korean Diabetes J' = 'Korean diabetes journal' 'Korean J Anesthesiol' = 'Korean journal of anesthesiology' 'Korean J Pain' = 'The Korean journal of pain' 'Korean J Physiol Pharmacol' = 'The Korean journal of physiology & pharmacology : official journal of the Korean Physiological Society and the Korean Society of Pharmacology' 'Korean J Urol' = 'Korean journal of urology' 'Korean Korean Am Stud Bull' = 'Korean and Korean-American studies bulletin' 'Kosei kagaku Jpn J Public Health' = '[Kosei kagaku] The Japanese journal of public health' 'Kronos' = 'Kronos (Bellville, South Africa)' 'Kuba' = 'Kuba; revista de medicina tropical y parasitologia' 'Kuwait Med J' = 'The Kuwait medical journal : KMJ : the official journal of the Kuwait Medical Association' 'Kwart Hist Zydow' = 'Kwartalnik historii zydow : Jewish history quarterly / Zydowski Instytut Historyczny--IN-B' 'Ky Med J' = 'Kentucky medical journal' 'Kyrkohist Arsskr' = 'Kyrkohistorisk arsskrift' 'Lab Dig' = 'The Laboratory digest' 'Laboratory' = 'The Laboratory' 'Labour Econ' = 'Labour economics' 'Lang Cogn Process' = 'Language and cognitive processes' 'Lang Cogn' = 'Language and cognition' 'Lang Learn Dev' = 'Language learning and development : the official journal of the Society for Language Development' 'Lang Learn' = 'Language learning' 'Lang Linguist Compass' = 'Language and linguistics compass' 'Lang Policy' = 'Language policy' 'Lang Sci' = 'Language sciences (Oxford, England)' 'Lang Var Change' = 'Language variation and change' 'Languedoc Med' = 'Languedoc medical' 'Lar Do Med' = 'O Lar do medico' 'Laser Photon Rev' = 'Laser & photonics reviews' 'Lat Am Polit Soc' = 'Latin American politics and society' 'Laterality' = 'Laterality' 'Latv Zinat Akad Vestis A Humanit Zinat' = 'Latvijas Zinatnu akademijas vestis. A dala, Socialas un humanitaras zinatnes = Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section A' 'Law Enforc Exec Forum' = 'Law enforcement executive forum' 'Leadersh Health Serv (Bradf Engl)' = 'Leadership in health services (Bradford, England)' 'Leadersh Policy Sch' = 'Leadership and policy in schools' 'Learn Disabil Q' = 'Learning disability quarterly : journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities' 'Learn Disabil Res Pract' = 'Learning disabilities research & practice : a publication of the Division for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children' 'Learn Individ Differ' = 'Learning and individual differences' 'Learn Percept' = 'Learning & perception' 'Learn Publ' = 'Learned publishing : journal of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers' 'Lebens Kunst Cademario Nachr' = 'Lebens-Kunst; Cademario-Nachrichten' 'Lebenson Wiss Technol' = 'Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + [i.e. und] Technologie. Food science + technology. Science + technologie alimentaire' 'Lect Notes Comput Sci' = 'Lecture notes in computer science' 'Leg Ethics' = 'Legal ethics (Oxford, England)' 'Leg Stud (Soc Leg Scholars)' = 'Legal studies (Society of Legal Scholars)' 'Leg Stud' = 'Legal studies (Society of Public Teachers of Law)' 'Lett Drug Des Discov' = 'Letters in drug design & discovery' 'Lett Org Chem' = 'Letters in organic chemistry' 'Li Shi Dang An' = 'Li shi dang an' 'Libr Inf Sci Res' = 'Library & information science research' 'Liga Urug Contra Tuberc' = 'Liga Uruguaya contra la Tuberculosis' 'Lin Chung Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi' = 'Lin chuang er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology, head, and neck surgery' 'Linear Algebra Appl' = 'Linear algebra and its applications' 'Lingua' = 'Lingua. International review of general linguistics. Revue internationale de linguistique generale' 'Linguist Inq' = 'Linguistic inquiry (Online)' 'Linguist Philos' = 'Linguistics and philosophy' 'Lipid Insights' = 'Lipid insights' 'Lith Hist Stud' = 'Lithuanian historical studies / Lithuanian Institute of History' 'Liverp Med Chir J' = 'The Liverpool medico-chirurgical journal' 'Llafur' = 'Llafur : journal of Welsh labour history = cylchgrawn hanes llafur Cymru' 'Lobund reports' = 'Lobund reports' 'Locus Juiz Fora Braz' = 'Locus (Juiz de Fora, Brazil)' 'Log J IGPL' = 'Logic journal of the IGPL / Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics' 'Log Mystic Seapt' = 'The Log of Mystic seaport' 'Lond J Med' = 'London journal of medicine' 'Lond Sch Hyg Trop Med' = 'Report of the ... meeting of the Ross institute Industrial advisory committee ... London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene (East Africa Branch)' 'Longit Life Course Stud' = 'Longitudinal and life course studies' 'Low Urin Tract Symptoms' = 'Lower urinary tract symptoms' 'Loyola Consum Law Rev' = 'Loyola consumer law review' 'Lucina' = 'Lucina' 'Lung India' = 'Lung India : official organ of Indian Chest Society' 'Lusotopie' = 'Lusotopie : enjeux contemporains dans les espaces lusophones' 'Lymphat Res Biol' = 'Lymphatic research and biology' 'M S C Vet' = 'M. S. C. veterinarian' 'MAbs' = 'mAbs' 'Mach Learn' = 'Machine learning' 'Macroecon Dyn' = 'Macroeconomic dynamics' 'Macromol Biosci' = 'Macromolecular bioscience' 'Macromol Rapid Commun' = 'Macromolecular rapid communications' 'Mag Camb Univ Med Soc' = 'Magazine. Cambridge University Medical Society' 'Mag R Free Hosp (Lond Engl)' = 'Magazine. Royal Free Hospital (London, England). School of Medicine' 'Magn Reson Insights' = 'Magnetic resonance insights' 'Magyar Konyvsz' = 'Magyar Konyvszemle' 'Mali Med' = 'Le Mali medical' 'Mamm Biol' = 'Mammalian biology = Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde' 'Man (Lond)' = 'Man; a monthly record of anthropological science' 'Manch Univ Med Sch Gaz' = 'Manchester University Medical School gazette' 'Mar Drugs' = 'Marine drugs' 'Mar Ecol Prog Ser' = 'Marine ecology progress series' 'Marg Otolaryngol' = 'Marginalia otolaryngologica' 'Margins (Baltim)' = 'Margins (Baltimore, Md.)' 'Marquette Intellect Prop Law Rev' = 'Marquette intellectual property law review' 'Mass Health J' = 'The Massachusetts health journal' 'Master Sched Prof Staff Proc' = 'Master schedule of professional staff proceedings ... United States. Army. Halloran general hospital, St. George, Staten island, N. Y' 'Match (Mulh)' = 'Match (Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany)' 'Mater Chem Phys' = 'Materials chemistry and physics' 'Mater Lett' = 'Materials letters' 'Mater Res Soc Symp Proc' = 'Materials Research Society symposia proceedings. Materials Research Society' 'Mater Sci Eng A Struct Mater' = 'Materials science & engineering. A, Structural materials : properties, microstructure and processing' 'Mater Sci Eng R Rep' = 'Materials science & engineering. R, Reports : a review journal' 'Matern Child Nutr' = 'Maternal & child nutrition' 'Matern Infanz (1926)' = 'Maternita e infanzia' 'Materwiss Werksttech' = 'Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik' 'Math Biosci Eng' = 'Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE' 'Math Geol' = 'Mathematical geology' 'Math Methods Appl Sci' = 'Mathematical methods in the applied sciences' 'Math Model Nat Phenom' = 'Mathematical modelling of natural phenomena' 'MBio' = 'mBio' 'McGeorge Law Rev' = 'McGeorge law review' 'Mcgill J Med' = 'McGill journal of medicine : MJM : an international forum for the advancement of medical sciences by students' 'McGregor Clin Bull' = 'McGregor Clinic bulletin' 'MD (Chic)' = 'MD (Chicago, Ill.)' 'Md Health Bull' = 'Maryland health bulletin' 'Measurement ( Mahwah N J)' = 'Measurement : interdisciplinary research and perspectives' 'Meat Sci' = 'Meat science' 'Meccanica' = 'Meccanica' 'Mech Chem Biosyst' = 'Mechanics & chemistry of biosystems : MCB' 'Mech Mater' = 'Mechanics of materials : an international journal' 'Mech Res Commun' = 'Mechanics research communications' 'Mech Syst Signal Process' = 'Mechanical systems and signal processing' 'Med Bogota Colomb' = 'Medicina (Bogota, Colombia)' 'Med Bookm Hist' = 'Medical bookman and historian' 'Med Bull (N Y)' = 'The Medical bulletin' 'Med Bull U S Army Army 1st' = 'Medical bulletin. United States. Army. Army, 1st' 'Med Bull U S Army Force Europe Theater Off Theater Chief Surg' = 'Medical bulletin. United States. Army. Forces in the European Theater. Office of the Theater Chief Surgeon' 'Med Bull' = 'The Medical bulletin' 'Med Chem' = 'Medicinal chemistry (Shariqah (United Arab Emirates))' 'Med Comment' = 'The Medical comment' 'Med Dent Bull' = 'The Medical and dental bulletin' 'Med Dir Chic' = 'Medical directory of Chicago (including Cook Co.)' 'Med Educ Online' = 'Medical education online' 'Med Ethics (Burlingt Mass)' = 'Medical ethics (Burlington, Mass.)' 'Med Ethics' = 'Medical ethics : journal of Forum for Medical Ethics Society' 'Med Foren Tidskr' = 'Medicinska foreningens tidskrift' 'Med Forum' = 'Medicinsk Forum' 'Med Glas Ljek komore Zenicko-doboj kantona' = 'Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina' 'Med Innov Bus' = 'Medical innovation & business' 'Med Int (Milano)' = 'La Medicina internazionale' 'Med Intensiva' = 'Medicina intensiva / Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias' 'Med Investig Louisville' = 'Medical investigator (Louisville, Ky.)' 'Med Ital' = 'La Medicina italiana' 'Med Laser Appl' = 'Medical laser application : international journal for laser treatment and research' 'Med Lat' = 'Medicina latina; revista medica de colaboracion cientifica' 'Med Leg Criminol Rev' = 'The Medico-legal and criminological review' 'Med Lib' = 'Medical libraries' 'Med Library Hist J' = 'Medical library and historical journal' 'Med Libre' = 'Le Medecin libre' 'Med Maandbl' = 'Medisch maandblad' 'Med Mission Austria' = 'Medical mission to Austria, July 1-August 8, 1947. American Unitarian Service Committee in cooperation with World Health Organization Interim Commission. [Abridged report submitted by Erwin Kohn]. American Unitarian Association. Unitari' 'Med Mol Morphol' = 'Medical molecular morphology' 'Med Nachr Ver Staaten' = 'Medizinische Nachrichten aus den Vereinigten Staaten' 'Med News Lett Aviat Suppl' = 'Medical news letter. Aviation supplement. United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Division of Aviation Medicine' 'Med Opin' = 'Medical opinion' 'Med Phys Mex Symp Med Phys' = 'Medical physics : ... Mexican symposium. Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics' 'Med Pract (Zaragoza)' = 'Medicina practica' 'Med Press Egypt' = 'The Medical press of Egypt' 'Med Rec Read Pa' = 'Medical record (Reading, Pa.)' 'Med Rec' = 'Medical record' 'Med Res Symp' = 'Medical research, a symposium ' 'Med Rev' = 'Medicina em revista' 'Med Soc Report' = 'Medical Society reporter' 'Med Sport Sci' = 'Medicine and sport science' 'Med Stud' = 'Medicine studies' 'Med Today Tomorrow' = 'Medicine today & tomorrow' 'Med Way' = 'The Medical way' 'Med World (New York)' = 'The Medical world' 'Med Zhurnal' = 'Medychnyi zhurnal' 'Media Psychol' = 'Media psychology' 'Medica' = 'Medica (Matanzas, Cuba)' 'MEDICC Rev' = 'MEDICC review' 'Medicinar' = 'Medicinar' 'Medscape J Med' = 'Medscape journal of medicine' 'Mem N Y Bot Gard' = 'Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden' 'Mem Soc Urug Urol' = 'Memoria. Sociedad Uruguaya de Urologia' 'Mem Soc' = 'Memoria y sociedad : revista del Departamento de Historia y Geografia' 'Memai Heiko Igaku' = 'Memai heiko igaku' 'Memphis Med J' = 'Memphis medical journal' 'Menopause Int' = 'Menopause international' 'Menopause Manag' = 'Menopause management' 'Ment Health Bull (Danville)' = 'Mental health bulletin' 'Ment Health Bull' = 'Mental health bulletin' 'Ment Health Phys Act' = 'Mental health and physical activity' 'Ment Health Subst Use' = 'Mental health and substance use : dual diagnosis' 'Ment Hyg Surv' = 'Mental hygiene survey / issued monthly by the State Hospital Board' 'Ment Lex' = 'The mental lexicon' 'Merrill Palmer Q (Wayne State Univ Press)' = 'Merrill-Palmer quarterly (Wayne State University. Press)' 'Met Based Drugs' = 'Metal-based drugs' 'Met Ions Biol Med' = 'Metal ions in biology and medicine : proceedings of the ... International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine held ... = Les ions metalliques en biologie et en medecine : ... Symposium international sur les ions metalliques ' 'Met Ions Life Sci' = 'Metal ions in life sciences' 'Metab Syndr Relat Disord' = 'Metabolic syndrome and related disorders' 'Metabolomics' = 'Metabolomics : Official journal of the Metabolomic Society' 'Metallomics' = 'Metallomics : integrated biometal science' 'Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J' = 'Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal' 'Methodology (Gott)' = 'Methodology : European journal of research methods for the behavioral & social sciences' 'Methods Rep RTI Press' = 'Methods report (RTI Press)' 'Metrika' = 'Metrika' 'Mex Farm' = 'Mexico farmacetico' 'MHQ (NY NY)' = 'MHQ : the quarterly journal of military history' 'Mich Public Health' = 'Michigan public health' 'Micro Nano Lett' = 'Micro & nano letters' 'Micro Total Anal Syst' = 'Micro total analysis systems : proceedings of the ... [Mu] TAS International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis Systems. [Mu] TAS (Conference)' 'Microb Ecol Health Dis' = 'Microbial ecology in health and disease' 'Microbe Wash DC' = 'Microbe (Washington, D.C.)' 'Microelectron Reliab' = 'Microelectronics and reliability' 'Microelectronics J' = 'Microelectronics journal' 'Microentomology' = 'Microentomology' 'Microfluid Nanofluidics' = 'Microfluidics and nanofluidics' 'Microporous Mesoporous Mater' = 'Microporous and mesoporous materials : the official journal of the International Zeolite Association' 'Microprocess Microsyst' = 'Microprocessors and microsystems' 'Micros Today' = 'Microscopy today' 'Microw Opt Technol Lett' = 'Microwave and optical technology letters' 'Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol' = 'Middle East African journal of ophthalmology' 'Middle East Stud Assoc Bull' = 'Middle East Studies Association bulletin' 'Middx Hosp J' = 'The Middlesex Hospital journal' 'Midwest Drug' = 'Midwestern druggist' 'Mikrochemie' = 'Mikrochemie' 'Militargesch Z' = 'Militargeschichtliche Zeitschrift / herausgegeben vom Militargeschichtlichen Forschungsamt' 'Militarsanitat' = 'Militarsanitat' 'Milwaukee Med Times' = 'Milwaukee medical times' 'Min Guo Dang An' = 'Min guo dang an / [Zhongguo di 2 li shi dang an guan]' 'Mind Brain Educ' = 'Mind, brain and education : the official journal of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society' 'Ming Stud' = 'Ming studies' 'Minn Welfare' = 'Minnesota welfare' 'Mitochondrial DNA' = 'Mitochondrial DNA' 'Mitochondrion' = 'Mitochondrion' 'Mitt Med Abt Schweiz Unfallversicherunst' = 'Mitteilungen. Schweizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt. Medizinische Abteilung' 'Mob DNA' = 'Mobile DNA' 'Moccasin' = 'The Moccasin' 'Mod Dent (N Y N Y 1931)' = 'Modern dentistry' 'Mod Med Can' = 'Modern medicine of Canada' 'Mod Pharm' = 'Modern pharmacy' 'Mod Rheumatol' = 'Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association' 'Mod Treat Yearb' = 'Modern treatment yearbook' 'Modmod (Baltim Md)' = 'Modernism/modernity' 'Mol Autism' = 'Molecular autism' 'Mol Biosyst' = 'Molecular bioSystems' 'Mol Brain' = 'Molecular brain' 'Mol Breed' = 'Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement' 'Mol Cell Biomech' = 'Molecular & cellular biomechanics : MCB' 'Mol Cell Pharmacol' = 'Molecular and cellular pharmacology' 'Mol Cytogenet' = 'Molecular Cytogenetics' 'Mol Ecol Notes' = 'Molecular ecology notes' 'Mol Med Report' = 'Molecular medicine reports' 'Mol Neurodegener' = 'Molecular neurodegeneration' 'Mol Oncol' = 'Molecular oncology' 'Mol Oral Microbiol' = 'Molecular oral microbiology' 'Mol Pain' = 'Molecular pain' 'Mol Pharm' = 'Molecular pharmaceutics' 'Mol Plant Pathol' = 'Molecular plant pathology' 'Mol Plant' = 'Molecular plant' 'Mol Simul' = 'Molecular simulation' 'Mol Syndromol' = 'Molecular syndromology' 'Mol Syst Biol' = 'Molecular systems biology' 'Molbank' = 'Molbank' 'Molecules' = 'Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)' 'Mon Bull Bur Health' = 'Monthly bulletin of the Bureau of Health / The Government of the Philippine Islands, Department of Public Instruction' 'Mon Bull G B Emerg Public Health Lab Serv' = 'Monthly bulletin. Great Britain. Emergency Public Health Laboratory Service' 'Mon Bull Indiana State Board Health' = 'Monthly bulletin. Indiana State Board of Health' 'Mon Heath Bull' = 'Monthly health bulletin. United States. Army. Army, Second' 'Mon Rev New York State Dep Labor Div Ind Hyg' = 'Monthly review - New York State Department of Labor, Division of Industrial Hygiene' 'Monit Farm Ter' = 'Monitor de la farmacia y de la terapeutica' 'Monit Med Farm' = 'El Monitor medico-farmaceutico' 'Mosq News' = 'Mosquito news' 'Mother Child' = 'Mother and child' 'Mother' = 'The Mother' 'Motiv Emot' = 'Motivation and emotion' 'Mouth Mirror' = 'The Mouth mirror' 'MSN Mon Sci News' = 'MSN; monthly science news' 'Mucosal Immunol' = 'Mucosal immunology' 'Multiscale Model Simul' = 'Multiscale modeling & simulation : a SIAM interdisciplinary journal' 'Multunk' = 'Multunk : az MSZMP Kozponti Bizottsaga Parttorteneti Intezetenek folyoirata' 'Musculoskelet Surg' = 'Musculoskeletal surgery' 'Musculoskeletal Care' = 'Musculoskeletal care' 'Music Percept' = 'Music perception' 'Music Sci' = 'Musicae scientiae : the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music' 'Mycoscience' = 'Mycoscience' 'N A J Med Sci' = 'North American journal of medicine & science' 'N Am J Sports Phys Ther' = 'North American journal of sports physical therapy : NAJSPT' 'N Biotechnol' = 'New biotechnology' 'N Engl Dent J' = 'New England dental journal' 'N Y State Pharm' = 'New York state pharmacist' 'N Y Univ Law Rev' = 'New York University law review (1950)' 'N Y Univ Med Q' = 'New York University medical quarterly' 'N Z Bioeth J' = 'New Zealand bioethics journal' 'N Z J Sci Technol Sect B' = 'The New Zealand journal of science and technology. B. General section' 'Nan Nu' = 'Nan nu : men, women, and gender in early and Imperial China' 'Nano Biomed Eng' = 'Nano biomedicine and engineering' 'Nano Lett' = 'Nano letters' 'Nano Res' = 'Nano research' 'Nano Today' = 'Nano today' 'Nano' = 'Nano' 'Nanobiotechnology' = 'Nanobiotechnology : the journal at the intersection of nanotechnology, molecular biology, and biomedical sciences' 'Nanoethics' = 'Nanoethics' 'Nanomedicine (Lond)' = 'Nanomedicine (London, England)' 'Nanomedicine' = 'Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine' 'Nanoscale Res Lett' = 'Nanoscale research letters' 'Nanoscale' = 'Nanoscale' 'Nanotechnol Sci Appl' = 'Nanotechnology, science and applications' 'Nanotechnology' = 'Nanotechnology' 'Nanotoxicology' = 'Nanotoxicology' 'NAPA Bull' = 'NAPA bulletin' 'NAPT Bull' = 'NAPT bulletin' 'NASN Sch Nurse' = 'NASN school nurse (Print)' 'Nassau Med News' = 'Nassau medical news' 'Nat Chem Biol' = 'Nature chemical biology' 'Nat Chem' = 'Nature chemistry' 'Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med' = 'Nature clinical practice. Cardiovascular medicine' 'Nat Clin Pract Nephrol' = 'Nature clinical practice. Nephrology' 'Nat Clin Pract Neurol' = 'Nature clinical practice. Neurology' 'Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol' = 'Nature clinical practice. Rheumatology' 'Nat Commun' = 'Nature communications' 'Nat Geosci' = 'Nature geoscience' 'Nat Methods' = 'Nature methods' 'Nat Nanotechnol' = 'Nature nanotechnology' 'Nat Photonics' = 'Nature photonics' 'Nat Phys' = 'Nature physics' 'Nat Prod Commun' = 'Natural product communications' 'Nat Protoc' = 'Nature protocols' 'Nat Rep Stem Cells' = 'Nature reports. stem cells' 'Nat Rev Cardiol' = 'Nature reviews. Cardiology' 'Nat Rev Clin Oncol' = 'Nature reviews. Clinical oncology' 'Nat Rev Endocrinol' = 'Nature reviews. Endocrinology' 'Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol' = 'Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology' 'Nat Rev Nephrol' = 'Nature reviews. Nephrology' 'Nat Rev Neurol' = 'Nature reviews. Neurology' 'Nat Rev Rheumatol' = 'Nature reviews. Rheumatology' 'Nat Rev Urol' = 'Nature reviews. Urology' 'Nationalism Ethn Polit' = 'Nationalism & ethnic politics' 'Natl Elect Med Q' = 'The National eclectic medical quarterly' 'Natl Health Stat Report' = 'National health statistics reports' 'Natl Health' = 'National health; a monthly journal devoted to the interests of public health and hygiene, sanitation and sewage purification, town planning, housing, parks and gardens' 'Natl Negro Health News' = 'National Negro health news' 'Natl Toxicol Program Genet Modif Model Rep' = 'National Toxicology Program genetically modified model report' 'Nature (Paris, France)' = 'Nature (Paris, France)' 'Naturheikunde' = 'Die Naturheilkunde' 'Nautilus (Philadelphia)' = 'The Nautilus' 'NCHS Data Brief' = 'NCHS data brief' 'NDT Plus' = 'NDT plus' 'Ned Arch Kerkgeschied' = 'Nederlandsch archief voor kerkgeschiedenis' 'Ned Tijdschr Natuurkd (Den Haag 1934)' = 'Nederlands tijdschrift voor natuurkunde' 'Negro Educ Rev' = 'The Negro educational review' 'Neonatology' = 'Neonatology' 'Neoreviews' = 'NeoReviews' 'Neotrop Entomol' = 'Neotropical entomology' 'Nephrol Self Assess Program' = 'Nephrology self-assessment program : NephSAP' 'Nephrol Ther' = 'Nephrologie & therapeutique' 'Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program' = 'Nestle Nutrition workshop series. Paediatric programme' 'Neth Heart J' = 'Netherlands heart journal : monthly journal of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Heart Foundation' 'Neth J Psychol' = 'Netherlands journal of psychology' 'Netw Res Triangle Park N C' = 'Network (Research Triangle Park, N.C.)' 'Neural Comput Appl' = 'Neural computing & applications' 'Neural Dev' = 'Neural development' 'Neurobehav HIV Med' = 'Neurobehavioral HIV medicine' 'Neurocrit Care' = 'Neurocritical care' 'Neurodegener Dis' = 'Neuro-degenerative diseases' 'Neurol Neurophysiol Neurosci' = 'Neurology, neurophysiology, and neuroscience' 'Neuromodulation' = 'Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society' 'Neuron Glia Biol' = 'Neuron glia biology' 'Neuronio' = 'Neuronio' 'Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat' = 'Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment' 'Neuropsychiatr' = 'Neuropsychiatrie : Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation : Organ der Gesellschaft Osterreichischer Nervenarzte und Psychiater' 'Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn' = 'Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition' 'Neuropsychol Rehabil' = 'Neuropsychological rehabilitation' 'NeuroRx' = 'NeuroRx : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics' 'Neurosci Bull' = 'Neuroscience bulletin' 'Neurosciences (Riyadh)' = 'Neurosciences (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)' 'Neurosurg Q' = 'Neurosurgery quarterly' 'Neurotherapeutics' = 'Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics' 'New Atlantis' = 'New Atlantis (Washington, D.C.)' 'New Engl J Hist' = 'The New England journal of history / New England History Teachers Association' 'New Health' = 'New health' 'New Hibernia Rev' = 'New hibernia review = Iris eireannach nua' 'New Ideas Psychol' = 'New ideas in psychology' 'New J (Inst Health Rec Inf Manag)' = 'New journal (Institute of Health Record & Information Management)' 'New J Chem' = 'New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie' 'New J Phys' = 'New journal of physics' 'New Perspect Q' = 'New perspectives quarterly : NPQ' 'New Rev Bioeth' = 'New review of bioethics' 'New Solut' = 'New solutions : a journal of environmental and occupational health policy : NS' 'Newborn Infant Nurs Rev' = 'Newborn and infant nursing reviews : NAINR' 'News Lett Am Assoc Psychiatr Soc Work' = 'News-letter. American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers' 'News Lett Natl Counc Rehabil' = 'News letter. National Council on Rehabilitation' 'News Phi Delta Epsil' = 'News. Phi Delta Epsilon' 'Newsl Am Epilepsy Leag' = 'Newsletter. American Epilepsy League' 'Newsl Am Soc Anesthesiol' = 'Newsletter - American Society of Anesthesiologists' 'Newsl Inst Interam Aff' = 'Newsletter / Health and Sanitation Division, the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. Institute of Inter-American Affairs (U.S.). Health and Sanitation Division' 'Newsl Suffolk Cty Med Soc' = 'News letter. Suffolk County Medical Society' 'Newsmonthly' = 'Newsmonthly. American Dental Society of Anesthesiology' 'NHSA Dialog' = 'NHSA dialog' 'Nig Q J Hosp Med' = 'Nigerian quarterly journal of hospital medicine' 'Niger J Clin Pract' = 'Nigerian journal of clinical practice' 'Niger J Nat Prod Med' = 'Nigerian journal of natural products and medicine' 'Niger J Physiol Sci' = 'Nigerian journal of physiological sciences : official publication of the Physiological Society of Nigeria' 'Nihon Hoigaku Zasshi' = 'Nihon hoigaku zasshi = The Japanese journal of legal medicine' 'Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi' = 'Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai zasshi' 'Ninet Century Fr Stud' = 'Nineteenth-century French studies' 'Ninet Century Lit' = 'Nineteenth-century literature' 'Ninety Nine' = 'Ninety nine' 'Nippon Rinsho Kekkaku' = '[Nippon rinsho kekkaku] The Japanese journal of clinical tuberculosis' 'Nonlinear Anal Real World Appl' = 'Nonlinear analysis. Real world applications' 'Nonlinear Biomed Phys' = 'Nonlinear biomedical physics' 'Nonlinear Dyn' = 'Nonlinear Dynamics' 'Nonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med' = 'Nonlinearity in biology, toxicology, medicine' 'Nonlinearity' = 'Nonlinearity' 'Nord Psyk Medl' = 'Nordisk psykiatrisk medlemsblad' 'Norden News' = 'The Norden news' 'Nordisk Ost Forum' = 'Nordisk ost-forum' 'Nordost Arch' = 'Nordost-Archiv' 'North Mar' = 'The Northern mariner : journal of the Canadian Nautical Research Society = Le marin du nord : revue de Societe canadienne pour la recherche nautique' 'North N Y Med J' = 'Northern New York medical journal' 'North Wing' = 'The north wing; the magazine of the Sheffield medical and dental schools' 'Northeast Hist Archaeology' = 'Northeast historical archaeology' 'Not Ammin Sanit (1948)' = 'Notiziario dell'amministrazione sanitaria. Italy. Alto commissariato per l'igiene e la sanita pubblica' 'Not Clin' = 'Noticias clinicas' 'Not Med Esp' = 'Noticiero medico espanol' 'Not Polit' = 'Notizie di Politeia' 'Notas Quir Sanat Deschamps' = 'Notas quirurgicas del Sanatorio Deschamps' 'Notas Salud Publica' = 'Notas de salud publica' 'Note Riv Psichiatr' = 'Note e riviste di psichiatria' 'Notes Tuberc' = 'Notes on tuberculosis ' 'Novyi Khirurgicheskii Arkhiv' = 'Novyi khirurgicheskii arkhiv' 'Now Lekarskie Organ Wydz Lekarskiego Tow Przyj Nauk Posnanskiego' = 'Nowiny lekarskie : organ Wydzialu Lekarskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Nauk Posnanskiego' 'NTP CERHR MON' = 'NTP CERHR MON' 'NTQ New Theatre Q' = 'New theatre quarterly : NTQ' 'Nucl Recept Signal' = 'Nuclear receptor signaling' 'Nucl Sci Abstr' = 'Nuclear science abstracts' 'Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf)' = 'Nucleic acids symposium series (2004)' 'Nucleus' = 'Nucleus (Austin, Tex. : Print)' 'Nuevas Ideas Rev Med' = 'Nuevas ideas; revista de medicina' 'Numer Methods Partial Differ Equ' = 'Numerical methods for partial differential equations' 'Nurs Leadersh (Tor Ont)' = 'Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.)' 'Nurs Womens Health' = 'Nursing for women's health' 'Nurse Educ Pract' = 'Nurse education in practice' 'Nutr Metab (Lond)' = 'Nutrition & metabolism' 'Nutr News (Rosemt)' = 'Nutrition news' 'Nutr Res Pract' = 'Nutrition research and practice' 'Nutr Res Rev' = 'Nutrition research reviews' 'NWSA J' = 'NWSA journal : a publication of the National Women's Studies Association' 'Oalma J' = 'The OALMA journal' 'Obes Facts' = 'Obesity facts' 'Obes Manag' = 'Obesity management' 'Obes Res Clin Pract' = 'Obesity research & clinical practice' 'Obradoiro Hist Mod' = 'Obradoiro de historia moderna / Universidade de Santiago de Compostela' 'Obstet Gynecol Int' = 'Obstetrics and gynecology international' 'Occup Med (Chic Ill)' = 'Occupational medicine' 'Occup Psychol' = 'Occupational psychology' 'Occupations' = 'Occupations; the vocational guidance journal' 'Ocean Coast Manag' = 'Ocean & coastal management' 'Ocul Fr' = 'L'Oculiste francais' 'Ocul Surf' = 'The ocular surface' 'Odontoiatr Protesi Dent' = 'Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria' 'Odontol Infant' = 'Odontologia infantil' 'Odontologo (Belo Horizonte)' = 'Odontologo' 'Off Bull Am Hosp Assoc' = 'Official bulletin. American Hospital Association' 'Off Rec World Health Organ' = 'Official records. World Health Organization' 'Ohio Public Health' = 'Ohio public health' 'Okayama Igakkai zasshi' = 'Okayama Igakkai zasshi' 'Oman J Ophthalmol' = 'Oman journal of ophthalmology' 'On State Public Health' = 'On The State Of The Public Health: Annual Report Of The Chief Medical Officer Of The Ministry Of Health For The Year ' 'Onco Targets Ther' = 'OncoTargets and therapy' 'Oncol Lett' = 'Oncology letters' 'Oncotarget' = 'Oncotarget' 'Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Ind' = 'The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary science and animal industry' 'Online J Bioinform' = 'Online journal of bioinformatics : OJB' 'Online J Rural Nurs Health Care' = 'Online journal of rural nursing and health care : the official journal of the Rural Nurse Organization' 'Open AIDS J' = 'The open AIDS journal' 'Open Allergy J' = 'The open allergy journal' 'Open Biochem J' = 'The open biochemistry journal' 'Open Biol J' = 'The open biology journal' 'Open Biomark J' = 'The open biomarkers journal' 'Open Biomed Eng J' = 'The open biomedical engineering journal' 'Open Biotechnol J' = 'The open biotechnology journal' 'Open Cancer J' = 'The open cancer journal' 'Open Cardiovasc Med J' = 'The open cardiovascular medicine journal' 'Open Clin Cancer J' = 'Open clinical cancer journal' 'Open Crit Care Med J' = 'The open critical care medicine journal' 'Open Dent J' = 'The open dentistry journal' 'Open Endocrinol J' = 'The open endocrinology journal' 'Open Enzym Inhib J' = 'The open enzyme inhibition journal' 'Open Epidemiol J' = 'The open epidemiology journal' 'Open Forensic Sci J' = 'The open forensic science journal' 'Open Gene Ther J' = 'The open gene therapy journal' 'Open Genomics J' = 'The open genomics journal' 'Open Geriatr Med J' = 'The open geriatric medicine journal' 'Open Glycosci' = 'Open glycoscience' 'Open Health Serv Policy J' = 'The open health services and policy journal' 'Open Immunol J' = 'The open immunology journal' 'Open Infect Dis J' = 'The open infectious diseases journal' 'Open Inorg Chem J' = 'Open inorganic chemistry journal' 'Open Longev Sci' = 'Open Longevity Science' 'Open Magn Reson Rev' = 'The open magnetic resonance reviews' 'Open Med Chem J' = 'The open medicinal chemistry journal' 'Open Med Inform J' = 'The open medical informatics journal' 'Open Med' = 'Open medicine : a peer-reviewed, independent, open-access journal' 'Open Memo Natl Health Med Res Counc Aust' = 'Open memo. National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia). Fatigue Laboratory' 'Open Microbiol J' = 'The open microbiology journal' 'Open Neuroendocrinol J' = 'Open neuroendocrinology journal (Online)' 'Open Neuroimag J' = 'The open neuroimaging journal' 'Open Neurol J' = 'The open neurology journal' 'Open Neuropsychopharmacol J' = 'The open neuropsychopharmacology journal' 'Open Neurosci J' = 'The open neuroscience journal' 'Open Nucl Med J' = 'The open nuclear medicine journal' 'Open Nurs J' = 'The open nursing journal' 'Open Nutr J' = 'The open nutrition journal' 'Open Ophthalmol J' = 'The open ophthalmology journal' 'Open Orthop J' = 'The open orthopaedics journal' 'Open Pain J' = 'The open pain journal' 'Open Pediatr Med Journal' = 'The open pediatric medicine journal' 'Open Pharmacol J' = 'The open pharmacology journal' 'Open Proteomics J' = 'The open proteomics journal' 'Open Psychiatr J' = 'The open psychiatry journal' 'Open Public Health J' = 'The open public health journal' 'Open Reprod Sci J' = 'The open reproductive science journal' 'Open Respir Med J' = 'The open respiratory medicine journal' 'Open Rheumatol J' = 'The open rheumatology journal' 'Open Sleep J' = 'The open sleep journal' 'Open Spectrosc J' = 'The open spectroscopy journal' 'Open Sports Sci J' = 'The open sports sciences journal' 'Open Stem Cell J' = 'The open stem cell journal' 'Open Tissue Eng Regen Med J' = 'The open tissue engineering and regenerative medicine journal' 'Open Transl Med J' = 'The open translational medicine journal' 'Open Trop Med J' = 'The open tropical medicine journal' 'Open Vaccine J' = 'The open vaccine journal' 'Open Virol J' = 'The open virology journal' 'Oper Orthop Traumatol' = 'Operative Orthopadie und Traumatologie' 'Ophthalmol Eye Dis' = 'Ophthalmology and eye diseases' 'Ophthalmol Ibero Am' = 'Ophthalmologia ibero americana' 'Opt Dev' = 'Optical developments' 'Opt Eng' = 'Optical engineering (Redondo Beach, Calif.)' 'Opt Lasers Eng' = 'Optics and lasers in engineering' 'Opt Rev' = 'Optical review' 'Optik (Stuttg)' = 'Optik' 'Optim Methods Softw' = 'Optimization methods & software' 'Optoelectron Mater Devices' = 'Optoelectronic materials and devices' 'Optometra' = 'Optometra' 'Or Health Bull' = 'Oregon health bulletin' 'Oral Health Prev Dent' = 'Oral health & preventive dentistry' 'Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am' = 'Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America' 'Oral Maxillofac Surg' = 'Oral and maxillofacial surgery' 'Org Prep Proced Int' = 'Organic preparations and procedures international' 'Org Process Res Dev' = 'Organic process research & development' 'Organ Environ' = 'Organization & environment' 'Organ Ethic' = 'Organizational ethics : healthcare, business, and policy : OE' 'Organic Synth' = 'Organic syntheses; an annual publication of satisfactory methods for the preparation of organic chemicals' 'Organogenesis' = 'Organogenesis' 'Organometallics' = 'Organometallics' 'Orthop Res Rev' = 'Orthopedic research and reviews' 'Orthop Traumatol Surg Res' = 'Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR' 'Ortop Traumatol Appar Mot' = 'Ortopedia e traumatologia dell'apparato motore' 'Ortop Traumatol Rehabil' = 'Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja' 'Orvosok Lapja Nepeu' = 'Orovosok lapja (Magyar Orvosok Szabad Szakszervezete)' 'Osteopath Mag' = 'The Osteopathic magazine' 'Osteopath Med Prim Care' = 'Osteopathic medicine and primary care' 'Osteopath Med Surg' = 'Osteopathic medicine and surgery' 'Osterr Dent Rev' = 'Osterreichische Dental-Revue' 'Osterr Z Kinderheilkd Kinderfuersorge' = 'Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Kinderheilkunde und Kinderfursorge' 'Osterr Z Onkol' = 'Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Onkologie. Austrian journal of oncology' 'Otecestv Arh' = 'Otechestvennye arkhivy' 'Otechestvennaia Istor' = 'Otechestvennaia istoriia / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Institut rossiiskoi istorii' 'Otorhinolaryngol Danub' = 'Oto-rhino-laryngologia Danubiana' 'Otorhinolaryngolog Int' = 'L'Oto-rhino-laryngologie internationale' 'Outlook Blind Teach Forum' = 'Outlook for the blind and the teachers forum' 'Overseas Postgrad Med J' = 'The overseas post-graduate medical journal' 'Oxid Med Cell Longev' = 'Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity' 'P T' = 'P & T : a peer-reviewed journal for formulary management' 'P V Expo Discuss Congr Soc Int Chir' = 'Proces-verbaux, exposes et discussions [du] congres de la Societe internationale de chirurgie. International Society of Surgery' 'Pa Hosp Bull' = 'The Pennsylvania Hospital bulletin' 'Pa Pharm' = 'The Pennsylvania pharmacist' 'Paediatr Child Health' = 'Paediatrics & child health' 'Paediatr Danub' = 'Paediatria Danubiana ' 'Paediatr Perinat Drug Ther' = 'Paediatric and perinatal drug therapy' 'Pages Doc' = 'Pages documentaires' 'Paidiatrike' = 'Paediatriki' 'Pak J Med Sci Q' = 'Pakistan journal of medical sciences quarterly' 'Pak J Pharm Sci' = 'Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences' 'Palliat Support Care' = 'Palliative & supportive care' 'Pan-Pac Entomol' = 'The Pan-Pacific entomologist' 'Pap Kroeber Anthropol Soc' = 'Papers. Kroeber Anthropological Society' 'Pap Present Annu Conv Am Hosp Assoc' = 'Papers presented at the ... annual convention. American Hospital Association' 'Paracelsus Arch Prakt Med' = 'Paracelsus; Archiv der praktischen Medizin' 'Parallel Comput' = 'Parallel computing' 'Parasit Vectors' = 'Parasites & vectors' 'Parent Sci Pract' = 'Parenting, science and practice' 'Part Fibre Toxicol' = 'Particle and fibre toxicology' 'Partner Abuse' = 'Partner abuse' 'Pathogenesis (Amst)' = 'Pathogenesis : the journal of mechanisms in disease processes' 'Pathogenetics' = 'PathoGenetics' 'Pathol Lab Med Int' = 'Pathology and laboratory medicine international : PLMI' 'Patient Prefer Adherence' = 'Patient preference and adherence' 'Patient Saf Surg' = 'Patient safety in surgery' 'Patient' = 'The patient' 'Pattern Anal Appl' = 'Pattern analysis and applications : PAA' 'Pattern Recognit Lett' = 'Pattern recognition letters' 'Pattern Recognit' = 'Pattern recognition' 'Ped Health' = 'Pediatric health' 'Pediatr Asthma Allergy Immunol' = 'Pediatric asthma, allergy & immunology' 'Pediatr Endocrinol Diabetes Metab' = 'Pediatric endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism' 'Pediatr Endocrinol Rev' = 'Pediatric endocrinology reviews : PER' 'Pediatr Exerc Sci' = 'Pediatric exercise science' 'Pediatr Med Prat' = 'La Pediatria del medico pratico' 'Pediatr Neonatol' = 'Pediatrics and neonatology' 'Pediatr Phys Ther' = 'Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association' 'Pediatr Rheumatol Online J' = 'Pediatric rheumatology online journal' 'Pediatria (Rio)' = 'A Pediatria; revista mensal de clinica, patologia e higiene infantil' 'Penn Bioeth J' = 'Penn bioethics journal' 'Pensiero Med (Milano)' = 'Pensiero medico' 'Per Med' = 'Personalized medicine' 'Perm J' = 'The Permanente journal' 'Personal Disord' = 'Personality disorders' 'Persoonia' = 'Persoonia' 'Perspect Health Inf Manag' = 'Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association' 'Perspect Lang Learn Educ' = 'Perspectives on language learning and education' 'Perspect Medicin Chem' = 'Perspectives in medicinal chemistry' 'Perspect Neurophysiol Neurogenic Speech Lang Disord' = 'Perspectives on neurophysiology and neurogenic speech and language disorders' 'Perspect Psychol Sci' = 'Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science' 'Perspect Public Health' = 'Perspectives in public health' 'Perspect Sci' = 'Perspectives on science : historical, philosophical, social' 'Perspect Speech Sci Orofac Disord' = 'Perspectives on speech science and orofacial disorders' 'Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc Ther' = 'Perspectives in vascular surgery and endovascular therapy' 'Pervasive Mob Comput' = 'Pervasive and mobile computing' 'Pest Control' = 'Pest control' 'Pest Control' = 'Pests and their control' 'PET Clin' = 'PET clinics' 'Pharm Dev Regul' = 'Pharmaceutical development and regulation' 'Pharm J N Z' = 'The Pharmaceutical journal of New Zealand' 'Pharm J' = 'The Pharmaceutical journal' 'Pharm Sci Technolo Today' = 'Pharmaceutical science & technology today' 'Pharm Stat' = 'Pharmaceutical statistics' 'Pharm Ztg' = 'Pharmazeutische Zeitung' 'Pharmacal Adv' = 'Pharmacal advance' 'Pharmaceut Med' = 'Pharmaceutical medicine' 'Pharmaceuticals (Basel)' = 'Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland)' 'Pharmacogn Mag' = 'Pharmacognosy magazine' 'Pharmacol Rep' = 'Pharmacological reports : PR' 'Pharmedical Notes' = 'Pharmedical notes ' 'Pharmeur Bio Sci Notes' = 'Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes' 'Pharmeur Sci Notes' = 'Pharmeuropa scientific notes' 'Pharmgenomics Pers Med' = 'Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine' 'Phi Lambda Kappa Q' = 'The Phi Lambda Kappa quarterly' 'Phila Health Bull' = 'Philadelphia health bulletin' 'Philipp Med World' = 'The Philippine medical world' 'Philos Ethics Humanit Med' = 'Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine : PEHM' 'Philos Psychiatr Psychol' = 'Philosophy, psychiatry, & psychology : PPP' 'Philos Psychol' = 'Philosophical psychology' 'Philos Trans Phys Sci Eng' = 'Philosophical transactions. Physical sciences and engineering' 'Phlebology' = 'Phlebology / Venous Forum of the Royal Society of Medicine' 'Phonology' = 'Phonology' 'Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat Elem' = 'Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements' 'Photogramm Eng Remote Sensing' = 'Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing' 'Phys Biol' = 'Physical biology' 'Phys Chem Chem Phys' = 'Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP' 'Phys Fluids (1994)' = 'Physics of fluids (Woodbury, N.Y. : 1994)' 'Phys Life Rev' = 'Physics of life reviews' 'Phys Plasmas' = 'Physics of plasmas' 'Phys Rev B Condens Matter Mater Phys' = 'Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics' 'Phys Ther Sport' = 'Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine' 'Physica Status Solidi A Appl Res' = 'Physica status solidi (A): Applied research' 'Physician's Bull' = 'Physician's bulletin' 'Physiol Comp Ocol Int J Comp Physiol Ecol' = 'Physiologia comparata et oecologia; an international journal of comparative physiology and ecology' 'Physiol Entomol' = 'Physiological entomology' 'Physiol Rev Suppl' = 'Physiological reviews. Supplement' 'Physiology (Bethesda)' = 'Physiology (Bethesda, Md.)' 'Physiother Theory Pract' = 'Physiotherapy theory and practice' 'Physiotherap Rev' = 'The Physiotherapy review' 'Phytochem Lett' = 'Phytochemistry letters' 'Phytochem Rev' = 'Phytochemistry reviews : proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe' 'Pimatisiwin' = 'Pimatisiwin' 'Pittsbg Med Bull' = 'Pittsburgh medical bulletin' 'Plan Perspect' = 'Planning perspectives : PP' 'Plant Biotechnol J' = 'Plant biotechnology journal' 'Plant Health' = 'Plantation health' 'Plant Methods' = 'Plant methods' 'Plant Signal Behav' = 'Plant signaling & behavior' 'Plant Syst Evol' = 'Plant systematics and evolution = Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen' 'Plant Viruses' = 'Plant viruses' 'Plasma Process Polym' = 'Plasma processes and polymers (Print)' 'Plasmonics' = 'Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)' 'Plast Reconstr Surg (1946)' = 'Plastic and reconstructive surgery (1946)' 'Plast Reconstr Surg Transplant Bull' = 'Plastic and reconstructive surgery and the transplantation bulletin' 'PLoS Clin Trials' = 'PLoS clinical trials' 'PLoS Comput Biol' = 'PLoS computational biology' 'PLoS Curr' = 'PLoS currents' 'PLoS Genet' = 'PLoS genetics' 'PLoS Negl Trop Dis' = 'PLoS neglected tropical diseases' 'PLoS One' = 'PloS one' 'PLoS Pathog' = 'PLoS pathogens' 'PM R' = 'PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation' 'PMC Biophys' = 'PMC biophysics' 'Pneumonol Danub' = 'Pneumonologia Danubiana' 'Poetics (Amst)' = 'Poetics (Hague, Netherlands)' 'Poiesis Prax' = 'Poiesis & praxis : international journal of ethics of science and technology assessment' 'Point Care' = 'Point of care' 'Pol J Microbiol' = 'Polish journal of microbiology / Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologow = The Polish Society of Microbiologists' 'Police Pract Res' = 'Police practice & research : an international journal' 'Policing' = 'Policing (Bradford, England)' 'Policlin Infant' = 'Policlinico infantile' 'Policy Brief (Cent Home Care Policy Res)' = 'Policy brief (Center for Home Care Policy and Research (U.S.))' 'Polit Anal' = 'Political analysis : an annual publication of the Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association' 'Polit Psychol' = 'Political psychology' 'Polycycl Aromat Compd' = 'Polycyclic aromatic compounds' 'Polyhedron' = 'Polyhedron' 'Polym Adv Technol' = 'Polymers for advanced technologies' 'Polym Int' = 'Polymer international' 'Polym Plast Technol Eng' = 'Polymer-plastics technology and engineering' 'Polym Test' = 'Polymer testing' 'Polymer (Guildf)' = 'Polymer' 'Popul Health Manag' = 'Population health management' 'Portuguese Stud Rev' = 'Portuguese studies review' 'Pos Hist' = 'Pos-historia / Universidade Estadual Paulista' 'Positions (Durh N C)' = 'Positions (Durham, N.C.)' 'Postal Hist Int' = 'Postal history international' 'Postgraduate Course Ophthalmol' = 'Post-graduate course in ophthalmology; proceedings' 'Povij Pril' = 'Povijesni prilozi' 'PPAR Res' = 'PPAR research' 'Pr Kom Med Dosw' = 'Prace Komisji Medycyny Doswiadczalnej / Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, Wydzial Lekarski' 'Pract Neurol' = 'Practical neurology' 'Prague Med Rep' = 'Prague medical report' 'Prakt Lek' = 'Prakticky lekar' 'Pramana' = 'Pramana' 'Premed J Columbia Univ' = 'Pre-medical journal of Columbia University' 'Prensa Med' = 'La Prensa medica' 'Prepod Ist Sk' = 'Prepodavanie istorii v shkole' 'Prescriber' = 'The Prescriber' 'Prev Chronic Dis' = 'Preventing chronic disease' 'Prev Control' = 'Prevention and control : the official journal of the World Heart Federation' 'Prev Res' = 'The prevention researcher' 'Previs Soc' = 'Prevision social' 'Prim Care Community Psychiatr' = 'Primary care & community psychiatry' 'Prim Care Diabetes' = 'Primary care diabetes' 'Prim Care Respir J' = 'Primary care respiratory journal : journal of the General Practice Airways Group' 'Prim Care Update Ob Gyns' = 'Primary care update for Ob/Gyns' 'Prim Health Care Res Dev' = 'Primary health care research & development' 'Prim psychiatry' = 'Primary psychiatry' 'Primatologie' = 'Primatologie : revue publiee sous l'egide de la Societe francophone de primatologie' 'Prion' = 'Prion' 'Prison J' = 'The Prison journal' 'Prispev Novejso Zgod' = 'Prispevki za novejso zgodovino / Institut za zgodovino delavskega gibanja' 'Pro Med Arztl Ref' = 'Pro medico; arztliches Referatenblatt' 'Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins' = 'Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins' 'Probl Sotsialnoi Gig Zdravookhranenniiai Istor Med' = 'Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny / NII sotsial'noi gigieny, ekonomiki i upravleniia zdravookhraneniem im. N.A. Semashko RAMN ; AO "Assotsiatsiia 'Meditsinskaia literatura'."' 'Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent)' = 'Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center)' 'Proc ACM Int Conf Inf Knowl Manag' = 'Proceedings of the ... ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management' 'Proc ACM SIGMOD Int Conf Manag Data' = 'Proceedings / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM-Sigmod International Conference on Management of Data' 'Proc Am Control Conf' = 'Proceedings of the ... American Control Conference. American Control Conference' 'Proc Am Fed Clin Res' = 'Proceedings. American Federation for Clinical Research' 'Proc Annu Biol Colloq' = 'Proceedings. Colloquium in Biological Sciences' 'Proc Annu Meet Am Stud Health Assoc Pac Coast Sect' = 'Proceedings [of the] annual meeting. American Student Health Association. Pacific Coast Section' 'Proc Annu Meet Am Stud Health Assoc' = 'Proceedings of the annual meeting. American Student Health Association' 'Proc Annu Meet Cent Soc Clin Res U S' = 'Proceedings [of the] annual meeting. Central Society for Clinical Research (U.S.)' 'Proc Annu Meet N J Mosqu Exterm Assoc' = 'Proceedings, annual meeting - New Jersey Mosquito Extermination Association' 'Proc Appl Math Mech' = 'Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics' 'Proc Asia Pac Bioinform Conf' = 'Proceedings of the ... Asia-Pacific bioinformatics conference' 'Proc Biol Sci' = 'Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society' 'Proc Br Acad' = 'Proceedings of the British Academy' 'Proc Can Conf Comput Robot Vis' = 'Proceedings / Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision' 'Proc Conf AAAI Artif Intell' = 'Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence' 'Proc Helminthol Soc Wash' = 'Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington' 'Proc IEEE Comput Soc Bioinform Conf' = 'Proceedings / IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference. IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference' 'Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognit' = 'Proceedings / CVPR, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition' 'Proc IEEE Comput Syst Bioinform Conf' = 'Proceedings / IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, CSB. IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference' 'Proc IEEE Inst Electr Electron Eng' = 'Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' 'Proc IEEE Int Conf Acoust Speech Signal Process' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP' 'Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis' = 'Proceedings / IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision' 'Proc IEEE Int Conf Data Min' = 'Proceedings / IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining' 'Proc IEEE Int Symp Bioinformatics Bioeng' = 'Proceedings / Annual IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering' 'Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging' = 'Proceedings / IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: from nano to macro. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging' 'Proc IEEE Int Symp Signal Proc Inf Tech' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology' 'Proc IEEE RAS EMBS Int Conf Biomed Robot Biomechatron' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics' 'Proc IEEE Swarm Intell Symp' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium. IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium' 'Proc IEEE Symp Comput Intell Bioinforma Comput Biol' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology' 'Proc IEEE Symp Vis Anal Sci Technol' = 'Proceedings / IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology' 'Proc IEEE Workshop Appl Comput Vis' = 'Proceedings / IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision' 'Proc IEEE Workshop Mob Comput Syst Appl' = 'Proceedings / IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications. IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications' 'Proc IEEE/ACM Int Conf Grid Computing' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing' 'Proc Innov Appl Artif Intell Conf' = 'Proceedings of the ... Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference / sponsored by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference' 'Proc Int Conf Autom Face Gesture Recognit' = 'Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition' 'Proc Int Conf Data Eng' = 'Proceedings / International Conference on Data Engineering. International Conference on Data Engineering' 'Proc Int Conf Image Proc' = 'Proceedings / ICIP ... International Conference on Image Processing' 'Proc Int Conf Mach Learn' = 'Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Machine Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning' 'Proc Int Fla AI Res Soc Conf' = 'Proceedings of the ... International Florida AI Research Society Conference. Florida AI Research Symposium' 'Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med Sci Meet Exhib Int Soc Magn Reson Med Sci Meet Exhib' = 'Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and Exhibition' 'Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci' = 'Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences' 'Proc Math Phys Eng Sci' = 'Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences / the Royal Society' 'Proc Meet Acoust' = 'Proceedings of meetings on acoustics Acoustical Society of America' 'Proc N Y State Assoc Public Health Lab' = 'Proceedings of the New York State Association of Public Health Laboratories' 'Proc Pac Conf Comput Graph Appl' = 'Proceedings / Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications' 'Proc R Australas Coll Physicians' = 'Proceedings. Royal Australasian College of Physicians' 'Proc R Soc Lond A Math Phys Sci' = 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and physical sciences' 'Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng' = 'Proceedings - Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers' 'Proc SPIE' = 'Proceedings of SPIE' 'Proc Staff Meet Honol Clin' = 'Proceedings of the staff meetings. Honolulu. Clinic' 'Proc Staff Meet Mayo Clin' = 'Proceedings of the staff meetings. Mayo Clinic' 'Proc Staff Meet Tulsa Okla Hillcrest Meml Hosp' = 'Proceedings of staff meeting. Tulsa, Okla. Hillcrest Memorial Hospital' 'Proc Symp Appl Comput' = 'Proceedings of the ... Symposium on Applied Computing. Symposium on Applied Computing' 'Proc Transvaal Mine Med Off Assoc' = 'Proceedings. Transvaal Mine Medical Officers' Association' 'Proc UNENIX Annu Tech Conf' = 'Proceedings of the USENIX ... annual Technical Conference. USENIX Technical Conference' 'Proc Workshop Math Methods Biomed Image Analysis' = 'Proceedings / sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis' 'Proceedings (IEEE Int Conf Bioinformatics Biomed)' = 'Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine' 'Proceedings VLDB Endowment' = 'Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment International Conference on Very Large Data Bases' 'Process Hist' = 'Procesos historicos' 'Prof Case Manag' = 'Professional case management' 'Profilassi' = 'Profilassi' 'Profiles Healthc Commun' = 'Profiles in healthcare communications' 'Prog Community Health Partnersh' = 'Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action' 'Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci' = 'Progress in molecular biology and translational science' 'Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc' = 'Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy' 'Prog Pediat Study' = 'Progress pediatric study. American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee for the Study of Child Health Services' 'Prog Polym Sci' = 'Progress in polymer science' 'Progress Ter' = 'Progressi di terapia' 'Prot Soc' = 'Proteccion social' 'Proteomic Insights' = 'Proteomic insights' 'Proteomics Clin Appl' = 'Proteomics. Clinical applications' 'Protes Clin' = 'Protesis clinica; periodico tecnico informativo para la profesion dental' 'Prov Med Surg J' = 'Provincial medical & surgical journal' 'Prz Hist Osw' = 'Przeglad historyczno-oswiatowy' 'Psicoanal Appl Med Pedagog Sociol Lett Arte' = 'Psicoanalisi applicata alla medicina, pedagogia, sociologia, letteratura ed arte' 'Psicol Conductual' = 'Psicologia conductual' 'Psicol Estud' = 'Psicologia em estudo / Universidade Estadual de Maringa, Centro de Ciencias Humanas Letras e Artes, Departamento de Psicologia' 'Psicotecnia' = 'Psicotecnia' 'Psicothema' = 'Psicothema' 'Psiquis (Mexico)' = 'Psiquis' 'Psyche (Camb Mass)' = 'Psyche; a journal of entomology' 'Psychiatr Hung' = 'Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata' 'Psychiatr Times' = 'The Psychiatric times' 'Psychiatry (Abingdon)' = 'Psychiatry (Abingdon, England)' 'Psychiatry (Edgmont)' = 'Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township))' 'Psychiatry Investig' = 'Psychiatry investigation' 'Psychoanal Hist' = 'Psychoanalysis and history' 'Psychoanal Psychol' = 'Psychoanalytic psychology : the official journal of the Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association, Division 39' 'Psychoanal Soc Sci' = 'Psychoanalysis and the social sciences' 'Psychobiology (Austin, Tex)' = 'Psychobiology (Austin, Tex.)' 'Psychogeriatrics' = 'Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society' 'Psychol Inq' = 'Psychological inquiry' 'Psychol Men Masc' = 'Psychology of men & masculinity' 'Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil' = 'Psychologie & neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement' 'Psychol Sci Public Interest' = 'Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society' 'Psychol Sci Q' = 'Psychology science quarterly' 'Psychol Serv' = 'Psychological services' 'Psychol Sport Exerc' = 'Psychology of sport and exercise' 'Psychol Trauma' = 'Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy' 'Psychologia (Ramat-Gan)' = 'Psikhologyah : ketav 'et mada'i Yisre'eli le-'iyun ule-mehkar' 'Psychosoc Med' = 'Psycho-social medicine' 'Psychother Res' = 'Psychotherapy research : journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research' 'Publ Farm (Sao Paulo)' = 'Publicacoes farmaceuticas' 'Publ Univ Chile' = 'Publicaciones. Universidad de Chile. Laboratorio de Medicina Experimental' 'Public Health Ethics' = 'Public health ethics' 'Public Health Genomics' = 'Public health genomics' 'Public Health Lab' = 'The Public health laboratory' 'Public Health News' = 'Public health news' 'Public Health Pap Rep' = 'Public health papers and reports' 'Public Welf Indiana' = 'Public welfare in Indiana' 'Puericulture' = 'La Puericulture' 'Punjab J Polit' = 'Punjab journal of politics' 'Purdue Pharm' = 'The Purdue pharmacist' 'Pure Cult Study Bact' = 'Pure culture study of bacteria' 'Purinergic Signal' = 'Purinergic signalling' 'Q Bull Chin Bibliogr' = 'Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography' 'Q Bull Indiana Univ Med Cent' = 'The Quarterly bulletin of the Indiana University Medical Center' 'Q Bull La Board Health' = 'Quarterly bulletin. Louisiana. Board of Health' 'Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester)' = 'Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)' 'Q J Pharm Pharmacol' = 'Quarterly journal of pharmacy and pharmacology' 'Q Res Rep' = 'Quarterly research report. USAF School of Aviation Medicine' 'Q Rev Br Red Cross Soc' = 'Quarterly review. British Red Cross Society' 'Q Rev Obstet Gynecol' = 'Quarterly review of obstetrics and gynecology' 'Q Rev Psychiatry Neurol' = 'Quarterly review of psychiatry and neurology' 'Q Rev U S Veterans Adm' = 'Quarterly review. United States. Veterans Administration. Coordination Service. Research Division' 'Qing Shi Yan Jiu' = 'Qing shi yan jiu = Qingshi yanjiu' 'Qld Dent J' = 'The Queensland dental journal' 'QSAR Comb Sci' = 'QSAR & combinatorial science' 'Quad Ostet' = 'Il Quaderno dell'ostetrica' 'Quadern Med' = 'Quaderni medici' 'Qual Prim Care' = 'Quality in primary care' 'Qual Technol Quant Manag' = 'Quality technology & quantitative management' 'Quart J Polit Sci' = 'Quarterly journal of political science' 'Quarterly Phi Beta Pi Med Fratern' = 'Quarterly. Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity' 'Quat Geochronol' = 'Quaternary geochronology' 'Quat Int' = 'Quaternary international : the journal of the International Union for Quaternary Research' 'Quat Sci Rev' = 'Quaternary science reviews' 'Queens Med Mag (1972)' = 'Queen's medical magazine' 'Quest Alcool' = 'La Question de l'alcool ... The Alcohol problem ... Die Alkoholfrage ' 'Quinnipiac Health Law J' = 'Quinnipiac health law journal' 'Quintessence Int Dent Dig' = 'Quintessence international, dental digest' 'R Dent Hosp Mag' = 'The Royal Dental Hospital magazine' 'Race Soc Probl' = 'Race and social problems' 'Race Soc' = 'Race & society : Official journal of the Association of Black Sociologists' 'Radiat Oncol' = 'Radiation oncology (London, England)' 'Radiat Phys Chem Oxf Engl 1993' = 'Radiation physics and chemistry (Oxford, England : 1993)' 'Radiogr Clin Photogr' = 'Radiography and clinical photography' 'Radiol Phys Technol' = 'Radiological physics and technology' 'Radiologia (Roma)' = 'Radiologia; rassegna internazionale trimestrale di radiobiologia, radioterapia, radiodiagnostica, terapia fisica e fisica applicata alla medicina' 'Rapp Congr Natl Tuberc' = 'Rapports. Congres national de la tuberculose' 'Rapp Fonct Tec Inst Pasteur Guyane Fr' = 'Rapport sur le fonctionnement technique. Cayenne, French Guiana. Institut Pasteur de la Guyane francaise et de l'Inini' 'RCM Midwives' = 'RCM midwives : the official journal of the Royal College of Midwives' 'React Funct Polym' = 'Reactive & functional polymers' 'Read Res Instr' = 'Reading research and instruction : the journal of the College Reading Association' 'Read Res Q' = 'Reading research quarterly' 'Read Teach' = 'The Reading teacher' 'Read Writ' = 'Reading and writing' 'Rec Columbia Med Soc Richland Cty SC' = 'The Recorder of the Columbia Medical Society of Richland County, S. C' 'Recent Pat Antiinfect Drug Discov' = 'Recent patents on anti-infective drug discovery' 'Recent Pat Biotechnol' = 'Recent patents on biotechnology' 'Recent Pat Cardiovasc Drug Discov' = 'Recent patents on cardiovascular drug discovery' 'Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov' = 'Recent patents on CNS drug discovery' 'Recent Pat DNA Gene Seq' = 'Recent patents on DNA & gene sequences' 'Recent Pat Drug Deliv Formul' = 'Recent patents on drug delivery & formulation' 'Recent Pat Food Nutr Agric' = 'Recent patents on food, nutrition & agriculture' 'Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov' = 'Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery' 'Recent Pat Nanotechnol' = 'Recent patents on nanotechnology' 'RECIIS Rev Electron Comun Inf Inov Saude' = 'RECIIS, revista electronica de comunicacao, informacao & inovacao em saude' 'Recovery J' = 'Recovery journal' 'Red Cross Cour' = 'The Red Cross courier' 'Reese Rec' = 'The Reese record' 'Reforma Med' = 'La Reforma medica' 'Regen Med' = 'Regenerative medicine' 'Rehabil Oncol' = 'Rehabilitation oncology' 'Rejuvenation Res' = 'Rejuvenation research' 'Rekishigaku Kenkyu' = 'Rekishigaku kenkyu' 'Relaciones (Zamora)' = 'Relaciones (Colegio de Michoacan)' 'Renaiss Stud' = 'Renaissance studies : journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies' 'Rep Carcinog Backgr Doc' = 'Report on carcinogens background document for [substance name]' 'Rep Dep Health Scotl' = 'Report. Great Britain. Dept. of Health for Scotland' 'Rep Proc Cremation Assoc Am' = 'Report of the proceedings of the ... convention ... Cremation Association of America' 'Rep Prog Phys' = 'Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)' 'Rep Soc Norms' = 'Report on social norms' 'Rep U S Nav Med Res Lab' = 'Report (U.S. Naval Medical Research Laboratory)' 'Rep U S' = 'Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems' 'Reprod Contracept' = 'Reproduction and contraception' 'Reprod Health' = 'Reproductive health' 'Reprod Sci' = 'Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)' 'Res Autism Spectr Disord' = 'Research in autism spectrum disorders' 'Res Briefs' = 'Research briefs : center for studying health system change' 'Res Bull U. S' = 'Research bulletin. United States. Army Air Forces. Training Command. Psychological Section' 'Res Gerontol Nurs' = 'Research in gerontological nursing' 'Res Hum Dev' = 'Research in human development' 'Res Manag Rev' = 'Research management review' 'Res Med Educ' = 'Research in medical education : proceedings of the ... annual Conference. Conference on Research in Medical Education' 'Res Newsl' = 'Research newsletter. College of General Practitioners (Great Britain)' 'Res Pract Persons Severe Disabl' = 'Research and practice for persons with severe disabilities : the journal of TASH' 'Res Program' = 'Research program. United States. Army Medical Dept' 'Res Rev' = 'Research reviews. United States. Office of Naval Research' 'Res Sch' = 'Research in the schools : a nationally refereed journal sponsored by the Mid-South Educational Research Association and the University of Alabama' 'Res Soc Stratif Mobil' = 'Research in social stratification and mobility' 'Res Social Adm Pharm' = 'Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP' 'Res Sociol Work' = 'Research in the sociology of work' 'Res Sports Med' = 'Research in sports medicine (Print)' 'Resid Treat Child Youth' = 'Residential treatment for children & youth' 'Retin Cases Brief Rep' = 'Retinal cases & brief reports' 'Reumatol Pol' = 'Reumatologia polska' 'Rev Adm Nac Agua' = 'Revista de la Administracion Nacional del Agua. Argentina. Administracion Nacional del Agua' 'Rev Analg' = 'Reviews in analgesia' 'Rev Antopol Soc' = 'Revista de antropologia social / Departamento de Antropologia Social, Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociologia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid' 'Rev Argent Anest Analg' = 'Revista argentina de anestesia y analgesia' 'Rev Argent Pueric Neonatol' = 'Revista argentina de puericultura e neonatologia' 'Rev Asoc Bioquim Argent' = 'Revista de la Asociacion Bioquimica Argentina. Asociacion Bioquimica Argentina' 'Rev Asoc Med Latinoam' = 'Revista. Asociacion Medica Latinoamericana' 'Rev Asoc Medica Mex' = 'Revista. Asociacion Medica Mexicana' 'Rev Belge Sci Dent' = 'Revue belge de science dentaire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde' 'Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc' = 'Revista brasileira de cirurgia cardiovascular : orgao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular' 'Rev Bras Epidemiol' = 'Revista brasileira de epidemiologia = Brazilian journal of epidemiology' 'Rev Bras Fisioter' = 'Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil))' 'Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet' = 'Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricia : revista da Federacao Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia' 'Rev Bras Hist' = 'Revista brasileira de historia / orgao da Associacao Nacional dos Professores Universitarios de Historia, ANPUH' 'Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol' = 'Revista brasileira de oto-rino-laringologia' 'Rev Bras Parasitol Vet' = 'Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria = Brazilian journal of veterinary parasitology : Orgao Oficial do Colegio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria' 'Rev Calid Asist' = 'Revista de calidad asistencial : organo de la Sociedad Espanola de Calidad Asistencial' 'Rev Cent Policlin Valencia' = 'Revista Del Centro Policlinico Valencia' 'Rev Chil Neuropsiquiatr' = 'Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatria' 'Rev Chilena Infectol' = 'Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia' 'Rev Col Bras Cir' = 'Revista do Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes' 'Rev Col Med' = 'Revista del Colegio Medico' 'Rev Colomb Psiquiatr' = 'Revista colombiana de psiquiatria' 'Rev Coloniale Med Chir' = 'Revue coloniale de medecine & chirurgie' 'Rev Complut Hist Am' = 'Revista complutense de historia de America / Departamento de Historia de America I' 'Rev Criminol Polic Cient' = 'Revista de criminologia y policia cientifica' 'Rev Crit Cienc Sociais' = 'Revista critica de ciencias sociais' 'Rev Cubana Lab Clin' = 'Revista cubana de laboratorio clinico' 'Rev Diabet Stud' = 'The review of diabetic studies : RDS' 'Rev Diet' = 'Revue de dietetique' 'Rev Econ Househ' = 'Review of economics of the household' 'Rev Educ Res' = 'Review of educational research' 'Rev Eesp Cir Traumatol Ortop' = 'Revista espanola de cirugia, traumatologia y ortopedia' 'Rev Estomatol Cuba' = 'Revista estomatologica de Cuba' 'Rev Fac Cienc Quim Quim Farm' = 'Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas (Quimica y Farmacia). La Plata. Universidad Nacional. Facultad de Quimica y Farmacia' 'Rev Fac Med Vet (Lima)' = 'Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos' 'Rev Fac Med Vet Univ Sao Paulo' = 'Revista da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria' 'Rev Farm Cuba' = 'Revista farmaceutica de Cuba' 'Rev Financ Stud' = 'The review of financial studies' 'Rev Flora Med' = 'Revista da flora medicinal' 'Rev Foie' = 'La Revue du foie' 'Rev Francaise Serol Chimiother' = 'Revue francaise de serologie et de chimiotherapie' 'Rev Gen Psychol' = 'Review of general psychology : journal of Division 1, of the American Psychological Association' 'Rev Geophys' = 'Reviews of geophysics (Washington, D.C. : 1985)' 'Rev Int Croix Rouge' = 'Revue internationale de la Croix-rouge' 'Rev Int Psicol Ter Psicol' = 'Revista internacional de psicologia y terapia psicologica = International journal of psychology and psychological therapy' 'Rev Kinesither' = 'Revue de kinesitherapie' 'Rev Med (Rio J)' = 'Revista de medicina' 'Rev Med Bahia' = 'Revista medica da Bahia' 'Rev Med Bras' = 'Revista medica brasileira' 'Rev Med Cancerol' = 'Revista de medicina, cancerologia' 'Rev Med Cir La Habana' = 'Revista de medicina y cirugia de la Habana' 'Rev Med Cir Sao Paulo' = 'Revista de medicina e cirurgia de Sao Paulo' 'Rev Med Cir' = 'Revista de medicina y cirugia' 'Rev Med Dominic' = 'Revista medica dominicana' 'Rev Med Fr' = 'Revue medicale de France' 'Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc' = 'Revista medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social' 'Rev Med Leg' = 'Revista de medicina legal' 'Rev Med Nav Metrop O-M' = 'Revue de medecine navale (metropole et outre-mer); travaux scientifiques des medecins et pharmaciens-chimistes de la marine' 'Rev Med Pasteur' = 'Revista medica Pasteur' 'Rev Med Quir Oriente' = 'Revista medico-quirurgica de Oriente' 'Rev Med Rio Gd Sul' = 'Revista de medicina do Rio Grande do Sul' 'Rev Med Rosario' = 'Revista medica de Rosario' 'Rev Med Suisse' = 'Revue medicale suisse' 'Rev Med Valparaiso' = 'Revista medica de Valparaiso' 'Rev Med Veracruzana' = 'Revista medica veracruzana' 'Rev Med Xalapena' = 'Revista medica xalapena' 'Rev Med Yucatan' = 'La Revista medica de Yucatan' 'Rev Med' = 'Revista medica. Ateneo Ramon y Cajal, Mexico' 'Rev Mil Remonta Vet' = 'Revista militar de remonta e veterinaria' 'Rev Monde Musulman Mediterr' = 'Revue du monde musulman et de la Mediterranee' 'Rev Neurol B Aires' = 'Revista neurologica de Buenos Aires' 'Rev Neurol Dis' = 'Reviews in neurological diseases' 'Rev Obras Sanit Nac B Aires' = 'Revista de Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion. Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion (Argentina)' 'Rev Obstet Gynecol' = 'Reviews in obstetrics and gynecology' 'Rev Odontol' = 'La Revue odontologique' 'Rev Ouie' = 'Revue de l'ouie' 'Rev Panam Med Cir Torax' = 'Revista panamericana de medicina y cirugia del torax' 'Rev Philos France Let' = 'Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger' 'Rev Phytother (Paris)' = 'Revue de phytotherapie' 'Rev Policy Res' = 'The review of policy research' 'Rev Pract' = 'Revista del practicante ' 'Rev Psicol Gen Apl' = 'Revista de psicologia general y aplicada' 'Rev Puertorriquena Psicol' = 'Revista puertorriquena de psicologia' 'Rev Radiol Fisioter' = 'Revista de radiologia y fisioterapia' 'Rev Sanid Aeronaut' = 'Revista de sanidad de aeronautica' 'Rev Sanid Mil (B Aires)' = 'Revista de la sanidad militar' 'Rev Sanid Mil' = 'Revista de la sanidad militar' 'Rev Sanid Vet' = 'Revista de sanidad veterinaria' 'Rev Sanid' = 'Revista de sanidad' 'Rev Sifilogr Leprolog Dermatol' = 'Revista de sifilografia, leprologia y dermatologia' 'Rev Soc Pediatr Litoral' = 'Revista de la Sociedad de Pediatria del Litoral' 'Rev Soc Peru Protes Dent Maxilofac Lima' = 'Revista. Sociedad Peruana de Protesis Dental y Maxilo-Facial, Lima' 'Rev Stiint Med' = 'Revista stiintelor medicale: medicina interna' 'Rev Sudam Morfol' = 'Revista sudamericana de morfologia' 'Rev Uniao Odontol Bras' = 'Revista. Uniao Odontologica Brasileira' 'Rev Univ San Marcos Fac Farm Bioquim' = 'Revista. Lima. Universidad de San Marcos. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica' 'Rev Urol' = 'Reviews in urology' 'Rev Vet Mil (Paris)' = 'Revue veterinaire militaire' 'Revenue-cycle Strateg' = 'Revenue-cycle strategist' 'Revue Stomatol' = 'Revue de stomatologie' 'Rhetor Soc Q' = 'Rhetoric Society quarterly' 'Riogrande Odontol' = 'Riogrande odontologico' 'Risk Manag Can Health Care' = 'Risk management in Canadian health care' 'Risorgimento' = 'Risorgimento (Milan, Italy)' 'Riv Biol Coloniale' = 'Rivista di biologia coloniale' 'Riv Dif Soc' = 'Rivista di difesa sociale' 'Riv Odontojatria Ortognatod' = 'Rivista di odontojatria e ortognatodonzia' 'Riv Patol Clin Tuberc' = 'Rivista di patologia e clinica della tubercolosi' 'Riv Psichiatr' = 'Rivista di psichiatria' 'Riv Sicil Tuberc' = 'Rivista siciliana della tubercolosi' 'RNA Biol' = 'RNA biology' 'Robotica' = 'Robotica' 'Roche Rev' = 'Roche review' 'Roeper Rev' = 'Roeper review' 'Rofo' = 'RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin' 'Rontgenphotogr Med Photogr Med Lab Prax' = 'Rontgenphotographie; medizinsche Photographie und medizinische Laboratoriumspraxis' 'Rontgenprax Diagn Rontgen Radium Lichtther' = 'Rontgenpraxis; Diagnostik, Rontgen-, Radium-, Lichttherapie' 'Rorschach Res Exch J Proj Tech' = 'Rorschach research exchange and journal of projective techniques' 'Rural Hist' = 'Rural history : economy, society, culture' 'Rural Remote Health' = 'Rural and remote health' 'Russ Hist (Pittsburgh)' = 'Russian history. Histoire russe' 'Russ J Plant Physiol' = 'Russian journal of plant physiology: a comprehensive Russian journal on modern phytophysiology' 'S Afr Pharm J' = 'South African pharmaceutical journal. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir apteekwese' 'Saf Sci' = 'Safety science' 'SAHARA J' = 'SAHARA J : journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance / SAHARA , Human Sciences Research Council' 'SAJCH' = 'SAJCH : the South African journal of child health' 'Saline Systems' = 'Saline systems' 'Salubr Asist' = 'Salubridad y asistencia' 'Salud Drogas' = 'Salud y drogas' 'Salud Vida' = 'Salud y vida' 'Sanid Benefic Munic' = 'Sanidad y beneficencia municipal; revista medico social' 'Sanitarian' = 'The Sanitarian' 'Sanitatswarte' = 'Sanitatswarte' 'Sante Homme' = 'La Sante de l'homme' 'Sante Publique (Paris)' = 'Sante publique' 'Sao Paulo Med' = 'Sao Paulo medico' 'Saothar' = 'Saothar' 'Sarcoma' = 'Sarcoma' 'SAS J' = 'SAS journal' 'Saudi J Anaesth' = 'Saudi journal of anaesthesia' 'Saudi J Gastroenterol' = 'Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association' 'Scalpel Alpha Epsil Delta' = 'The Scalpel of Alpha Epsilon Delta' 'Scalpel' = 'The Scalpel' 'Scand J Occup Ther' = 'Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy' 'Scand J Public Health Suppl' = 'Scandinavian journal of public health. Supplement' 'Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med' = 'Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine' 'Scand Stat Theory Appl' = 'Scandinavian journal of statistics, theory and applications' 'Sch Psychol Q' = 'School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association' 'Schizofrenie' = 'Schizofrenie' 'Scholarpedia J' = 'Scholarpedia journal' 'School Ment Health' = 'School mental health' 'Schweiz Arzteztg Standesfr' = 'Schweizerische Arztezeitung fur Standesfragen. Bulletin professionnel des medecins suisses. Bollettino dei medici svizzeri per interessi professionali' 'Schweiz Bl Krankenpfl' = 'Schweizerische Blatter fur Krankenpflege. Revue suisse des infirmieres' 'Schweiz Drog Ztg (1901)' = 'Schweizerische Drogisten Zeitung' 'Schweiz Hebamme' = 'Die Schweizer Hebamme' 'Schweiz Krankenkassen Ztg' = 'Schweizerische Krankenkassen-Zeitung' 'Schweiz Med Jahrb' = 'Schweizerisches medizinisches jahrbuch' 'Schweiz Opt Opt Suisse' = 'Der Schweizer Optiker. L'Opticien suisse' 'Schweizer Chem Ztg Tech Ind' = 'Schweizer Chemiker-Zeitung und Technik-Industrie' 'Sci China Chem' = 'Science China. Chemistry' 'Sci China Life Sci' = 'Science China. Life sciences' 'Sci China Ser A Math Phys Astron' = 'Science in China. Series A, Mathematics, physics, astronomy / Chinese Academy of Sciences' 'Sci China Ser A Math' = 'Science in China. Series A, Mathematics / Chinese Academy of Sciences' 'Sci Christ Belief' = 'Science & Christian belief' 'Sci Cult (Lond)' = 'Science as culture' 'Sci Illus' = 'Science illustrated' 'Sci Med Prat' = 'La Science medicale pratique' 'Sci Mon' = 'The Scientific monthly' 'Sci News Lett' = 'Science news letter' 'Sci Pract Perspect' = 'Science & practice perspectives / a publication of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health' 'Sci Proc R Dublin Soc' = 'The scientific proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Royal Dublin Society' 'Sci Rep Ist Super Sanita' = 'Scientific reports of the Istituto superiore di sanita' 'Sci Signal' = 'Science signaling' 'Sci Stud (St Bonaventure)' = 'Science studies' 'Sci Stud Read' = 'Scientific studies of reading : the official journal of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading' 'Sci Stud' = 'Science studies (Helsinki, Finland)' 'Sci Technol China' = 'Science & technology in China' 'Sci Temper J' = 'Scientific temperance journal' 'Sci Transl Med' = 'Science translational medicine' 'Sciences' = 'Sciences' 'Scoliosis' = 'Scoliosis' 'Scott Econ Soc Hist' = 'Scottish economic & social history' 'Scott J Crim Justice Stud' = 'The Scottish journal of criminal justice studies : the journal of the Scottish Association for the Study of Delinquency' 'Scr Mater' = 'Scripta materialia' 'SEB Exp Biol Ser' = 'SEB experimental biology series' 'Second Opin (Chic)' = 'Second opinion (Chicago, Ill. : 1999)' 'Secuencia' = 'Secuencia (Mexico City, Mexico)' 'Securitas (Roma)' = 'Securitas' 'Seeing Perceiving' = 'Seeing and perceiving' 'Semin Breast Dis' = 'Seminars in breast disease' 'Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth' = 'Seminars in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia' 'Semin Colon Rectal Surg' = 'Seminars in colon & rectal surgery' 'Semin Fetal Neonatal Med' = 'Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine' 'Semin Hear' = 'Seminars in hearing' 'Semin Immunopathol' = 'Seminars in immunopathology' 'Semin Med Pract' = 'Seminars in medical practice' 'Semin Plast Surg' = 'Seminars in plastic surgery' 'Semin Spine Surg' = 'Seminars in spine surgery' 'Semin Vasc Med' = 'Seminars in vascular medicine' 'Semiotica' = 'Semiotica' 'Sens Lett' = 'Sensor letters' 'Sens Neur' = 'Sensory neuron' 'Sensors Basel Sensors' = 'Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)' 'Sep Sci Technol' = 'Separation science and technology' 'Seq Anal' = 'Sequential analysis' 'Ser Rev Med Soc' = 'Ser (revista medico-social)' 'Seventeenth Century Fr Stud' = 'Seventeenth-century French studies' 'Sewage Work J' = 'Sewage works journal' 'Sex Cult' = 'Sexuality & culture' 'Sex Dev' = 'Sexual development : genetics, molecular biology, evolution, endocrinology, embryology, and pathology of sex determination and differentiation' 'Sex Health' = 'Sexual health' 'Sex Plant Reprod' = 'Sexual plant reproduction' 'Sex Res Social Policy' = 'Sexuality research & social policy : journal of NSRC : SR & SP' 'Sexualities' = 'Sexualities' 'Shi Jie Li Shi' = 'Shi jie li shi = Shi jie li shi' 'Shi Xue Yue Kan' = 'Shi xue yue kan' 'Shirin (Kyoto 1916)' = 'Shirin (Kyoto, Japan)' 'Shvut' = 'Shevut' 'SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst' = 'SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems' 'SIAM J Imaging Sci' = 'SIAM journal on imaging sciences' 'SIAM J Optim' = 'SIAM journal on optimization : a publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' 'SIAM J Sci Comput' = 'SIAM journal on scientific computing : a publication of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' 'SIAM Rev Soc Ind Appl Math' = 'SIAM review. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics' 'Sicilia Med' = 'Sicilia medica' 'Signal Processing' = 'Signal processing' 'Signal Transduct' = 'Signal transduction' 'Silence' = 'Silence' 'Simul Healthc' = 'Simulation in healthcare : journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare' 'Simulation' = 'Simulation' 'Sind Med J' = 'The Sind medical journal' 'Skandinavisk Vet Tidsskr Bakteriol Patol Samt Kjottoch Mjokhygienen' = 'Skandinavisk veterinar-tidsskrift for bakteriologi, patologi, samt kjottoch mjolkhygienen' 'Skull Base Surg' = 'Skull base surgery' 'Skull Base' = 'Skull base : official journal of North American Skull Base Society ... [et al.]' 'Sleep Biol Rhythms' = 'Sleep and biological rhythms' 'Sleep Hypn' = 'Sleep and hypnosis : an international journal of sleep, dream, and hypnosis' 'Sleep Med Clin' = 'Sleep medicine clinics' 'Slov Vet Zb' = 'Slovenski veterinarski zbornik = Slovenian veterinary research' 'Small Rumin Res' = 'Small ruminant research : the journal of the International Goat Association' 'Small' = 'Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany)' 'Soap Sanit Chem' = 'Soap and sanitary chemicals' 'Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci' = 'Social cognitive and affective neuroscience' 'Soc Cogn' = 'Social cognition' 'Soc Dev' = 'Social development (Oxford, England)' 'Soc Dyn' = 'Social dynamics' 'Soc Hist Alcohol Drugs' = 'The social history of alcohol and drugs' 'Soc Issues Policy Rev' = 'Social issues and policy review' 'Soc Neurosci' = 'Social neuroscience' 'Soc Personal Psychol Compass' = 'Social and personality psychology compass' 'Soc Polit' = 'Social politics' 'Soc Reprod Fertil Suppl' = 'Society of Reproduction and Fertility supplement' 'Soc Work Ment Health' = 'Social work in mental health' 'Soc Work Public Health' = 'Social work in public health' 'Sociol Rev Monogr' = 'Sociological review mongraph' 'Sociol Stud Child Youth' = 'Sociological studies of children and youth' 'Soft Matter' = 'Soft matter' 'Solid State Commun' = 'Solid state communications' 'Solid State Electron' = 'Solid-state electronics' 'Source Code Biol Med' = 'Source code for biology and medicine' 'South Afr J Clin Nutr' = 'The South African journal of clinical nutrition : SAJCN : the official journal of the South African Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and the Association for Dietetics in South Africa' 'South Afr J Epidemiol Infect' = 'The Southern African journal of epidemiology & infection : official journal of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Infectious Diseases and Epidemiological Societies of Southern Africa' 'South Afr J HIV Med' = 'Southern African journal of HIV medicine' 'South Asia' = 'South Asia (Nedlands, W.A.)' 'South Med Surg' = 'Southern medicine and surgery' 'South Online J Nurs Res' = 'Southern online journal of nursing research' 'South Surg' = 'The Southern surgeon' 'Southwest Nat' = 'The Southwestern naturalist' 'Sov Varchebnyii Sb' = 'Sovetskii vrachebnyi sbornik' 'Soz Wiss Inf' = 'Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen' 'Spastic Rev' = 'The Spastic review' 'Spat Spattemporal Epidemiol' = 'Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology' 'Spectrochim Acta Part B At Spectrosc' = 'Spectrochimica acta. Part B: Atomic spectroscopy' 'Speech Commun' = 'Speech communication' 'Sphincter' = 'Sphincter' 'SPIE Newsroom' = 'SPIE newsroom' 'Sport Hist Rev' = 'Sport history review' 'Sports Hist' = 'The sports historian' 'Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol' = 'Sports medicine, arthroscopy, rehabilitation, therapy & technology : SMARTT' 'Sports Med Arthrosc' = 'Sports medicine and arthroscopy review' 'Squibb Memo' = 'Squibb memoranda' 'St Bartholomews Hosp J' = 'St. Bartholomew's Hospital journal' 'St Thomas Hosp Gaz' = 'St. Thomas's Hospital gazette' 'St. Lukes Hosp Staff Clin Bull' = 'St. Luke's Hospital staff clinics bulletin' 'Staff Bull Easton Hosp (Easton, Pa.)' = 'Staff bulletin. Easton, Pa. Hospital' 'Staff Proc' = 'Staff proceedings. Hillcrest Medical Center, Tulsa, Okla' 'Stammering Res' = 'Stammering research : an on-line journal published by the British Stammering Association' 'Stand News' = 'Standardization news : SN' 'Stanf J Law Sci Policy' = 'Stanford journal of law, science & policy' 'Stapp Car Crash J' = 'Stapp car crash journal' 'Star' = 'The Star' 'Stat Anal Data Min' = 'Statistical analysis and data mining' 'Stat Biopharm Res' = 'Statistics in biopharmaceutical research' 'Stat Biosci' = 'Statistics in biosciences' 'Stat Bull Czechoslov' = 'Statistical bulletin of Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovak Republic. Statni Urad Statisticky' 'Stat Comput' = 'Statistics and computing' 'Stat Interface' = 'Statistics and its interface' 'Stat Methodol' = 'Statistical methodology' 'Stat Methods Appt' = 'Statistical methods & applications' 'Stat Modelling' = 'Statistical modelling' 'Stat Nachr Osterr Stat Zent Amt' = 'Statistische Nachrichten. Osterreichisches Statistisches Zentralamt' 'Stat Navy Med' = 'Statistics of Navy medicine' 'Stat Probab Lett' = 'Statistics & probability letters' 'Stat Sin' = 'Statistica Sinica' 'Stat Surv' = 'Statistics surveys' 'Stata J' = 'The Stata journal' 'Stem Cell Res Ther' = 'Stem cell research & therapy' 'Stem Cell Res' = 'Stem cell research' 'Stethosc' = 'De Stethoscoop' 'Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess' = 'Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment : research journal' 'Stomatologija' = 'Stomatologija / issued by public institution "Odontologijos studija" ... [et al.]' 'Strain' = 'Strain' 'Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr' = 'Strategies in trauma and limb reconstruction' 'Stress Health' = 'Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress' 'Stroke Res Treat' = 'Stroke research and treatment' 'Struct Equ Modeling' = 'Structural equation modeling : a multidisciplinary journal' 'Stud Appl Math' = 'Studies in applied mathematics (Cambridge, Mass.)' 'Stud Asiat' = 'Studia Asiatica (Bucharest, Romania)' 'Stud Ethics Law Technol' = 'Studies in ethics, law, and technology' 'Stud Hibernica' = 'Studia hibernica' 'Stud Hist Ha Contemp' = 'Studia historica. Ha. contemporanea' 'Stud Hist Ha Mod' = 'Studia historica. Ha. moderna' 'Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci' = 'Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences' 'Stud Lat Am Pop Cult' = 'Studies in Latin American popular culture' 'Stud Mater Ist Medie' = 'Studii si materiale de istorie medie. Institutul de Istorie (Academia Republicii Populare Romine)' 'Stud Mycol' = 'Studies in mycology' 'Stud Rockefeller Inst Med Res Repr' = 'Studies from the Rockefeller institute for medical research. Reprints. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research' 'Studi Med Chir Sport' = 'Studi di medicina e chirurgia dello sport' 'Studi Piemont' = 'Studi piemontesi' 'Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy' = 'Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy' 'Subst Abuse' = 'Substance abuse : ] research and treatment' 'Sud Med Chir' = 'Le Sud medical et chirurgical' 'Suddeutsch Apoth Ztg' = 'Suddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung' 'Sudest Med' = 'Sud-est medical' 'Sudhoffs Arch' = 'Sudhoffs Archiv' 'Sudwestdtsch Arztebl' = 'Sudwestdeutsches Arzteblatt' 'Sugestiones' = 'Sugestiones' 'Suom Ortoped Traumatol' = 'Suomen ortopedia ja traumatologia = Ortopedi och traumatologi i Finland = Finnish journal of orthopaedics and traumatology' 'Suom Tiedeakat Toim A5 Medica Anthropol' = 'Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sar. A.5, Medica-anthropologica' 'Supl Pract Med' = 'Practica medica' 'Suppl Public Health Rep' = 'Supplement ... to the Public health reports' 'Support Cancer Ther' = 'Supportive cancer therapy' 'Supramol Chem' = 'Supramolecular chemistry' 'Surf Interface Anal' = 'Surface and interface analysis : SIA' 'Surf Sci' = 'Surface science' 'Surg Circ Lett U S Army Far East Command Med Sect' = 'The Surgeon's circular letter. United States. Army. Far East Command. Medical Section' 'Surg Equip' = 'Surgical equipment' 'Surg Neurol Int' = 'Surgical neurology international' 'Surg Pathol Clin' = 'Surgical pathology clinics' 'Surg Staff Semin U S Veterans Adm Hosp Minneap' = 'Surgical staff seminars. United States. Veterans Administration. Hospital, Minneapolis' 'Surgo Glasg Univ Med J' = 'Surgo; Glasgow University medical journal' 'Surv Graph' = 'Survey graphic' 'Surveil Effic' = 'Surveillance efficace' 'Surveill Soc' = 'Surveillance & society' 'Symp Geom Process' = 'Symposium on geometry processing : [proceedings] / sponsored by the Eurographics Association in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH. Symposium on Geometry Processing' 'Synchrotron Radiat News' = 'Synchrotron radiation news' 'Synlett' = 'Synlett : accounts and rapid communications in synthetic organic chemistry' 'Syntax' = 'Syntax (Oxford, England)' 'Synth Commun' = 'Synthetic communications' 'Synth Met' = 'Synthetic metals' 'Synth Philos' = 'Synthesis philosophica' 'Syst Biol (Stevenage)' = 'Systems biology' 'Syst Biol Reprod Med' = 'Systems biology in reproductive medicine' 'Syst Control Lett' = 'Systems & control letters' 'Syst Synth Biol' = 'Systems and synthetic biology' 'Tabulae Biol' = 'Tabulae biologicae' 'Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi' = 'Taehan Kanho Hakhoe chi' 'Tag Ber Osterr Arztetag' = 'Tagungsbericht. Osterreichische Arztetagung' 'Tairyoku Eiyo Menekigaku Zasshi' = 'Tairyoku, eiyo men'ekigaku zasshi = Journal of physical fitness, nutrition and immunology' 'Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol' = 'Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology' 'Tanzan Health Res Bull' = 'Tanzania health research bulletin' 'Tanzan J Health Res' = 'Tanzania journal of health research' 'Target Oncol' = 'Targeted oncology' 'Tech Gastrointest Endosc' = 'Techniques in gastrointestinal endoscopy' 'Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg' = 'Techniques in hand & upper extremity surgery' 'Tech Reg Anesth Pain Manag' = 'Techniques in regional anesthesia & pain management' 'Tech Sanit Munic' = 'La technique sanitaire et municipale' 'Technol Disabil' = 'Technology and disability' 'Technol Eval Cent Asses Program Exec Summ' = 'Technology Evaluation Center Assessment Program. Executive summary' 'Technometrics' = 'Technometrics : a journal of statistics for the physical, chemical, and engineering sciences' 'Tegen Tuberc' = 'Tegen de tuberculose' 'Tempo (Rio J)' = 'Tempo (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)' 'Teor Model' = 'Teorie & modelli' 'Terr Arthropod Rev' = 'Terrestrial arthropod reviews' 'Tetrahedron Asymmetry' = 'Tetrahedron, asymmetry' 'Tex Cancer Bull' = 'Texas cancer bulletin' 'Tex Rev Law Polit' = 'Texas review of law & politics' 'Text Hist' = 'Textile history' 'Thalamus Relat Syst' = 'Thalamus & related systems' 'Theochem' = 'Theochem' 'Theor Biol Med Model' = 'Theoretical biology & medical modelling' 'Theor Chem Acc' = 'Theoretical chemistry accounts' 'Theor Comp Sci' = 'Theoretical computer science' 'Theory Biosci' = 'Theory in biosciences = Theorie in den Biowissenschaften' 'Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis' = 'Therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease' 'Ther Adv Med Oncol' = 'Therapeutic advances in medical oncology' 'Ther Adv Neurol Disord' = 'Therapeutic advances in neurological disorders' 'Ther Adv Respir Dis' = 'Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease' 'Ther Clin Risk Manag' = 'Therapeutics and clinical risk management' 'Ther Notes' = 'Therapeutic notes' 'Ther Patient Educ' = 'Therapeutic patient education' 'Therap Adv Gastroenterol' = 'Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology' 'Therapy' = 'Therapy' 'Thermochim Acta' = 'Thermochimica acta' 'Thin Solid Films' = 'Thin solid films' 'Thorac Surg Clin' = 'Thoracic surgery clinics' 'Thyroid Res' = 'Thyroid research' 'Ticks Tick Borne Dis' = 'Ticks and tick-borne diseases' 'Tijdschr Gezondh Ethiek' = 'Tijdschrift voor gezondheidszorg & ethiek : TGE' 'Tijdschr Psychiatr' = 'Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie' 'Tile Till' = 'Tile and till' 'Timely Top Med Cardiovasc Dis' = 'Timely topics in medicine. Cardiovascular diseases' 'Tissue Eng Part A' = 'Tissue engineering. Part A' 'Tissue Eng Part B Rev' = 'Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews' 'Tissue Eng Part C Methods' = 'Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods' 'Tob Induc Dis' = 'Tobacco induced diseases' 'Tokyo Iji Shinshi' = '[Tokyo iji shinshi] The Tokyo medical journal' 'Tomorrows Technol Transf' = 'Tomorrow's technology transfer' 'Top Clin Nutr' = 'Topics in clinical nutrition' 'Top Cogn Sci' = 'Topics in cognitive science' 'Top Companion Anim Med' = 'Topics in companion animal medicine' 'Top Econ Anal Policy' = 'Topics in economic analysis & policy' 'Top Geriatr Rehabil' = 'Topics in geriatric rehabilitation' 'Top Heterocycl Chem' = 'Topics in heterocyclic chemistry' 'Top Lang Disord' = 'Topics in language disorders' 'Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil' = 'Topics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation' 'Topics Early Child Spec Educ' = 'Topics in early childhood special education' 'Toplum Bilim' = 'Toplum ve bilim' 'Topol Appl' = 'Topology and its applications' 'Torreon Med' = 'Torreon medico' 'Torture' = 'Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture' 'Toxic Subst Mech' = 'Toxic substance mechanisms' 'Toxicol Environ Chem' = 'Toxicological and environmental chemistry' 'Toxicol Mech Methods' = 'Toxicology mechanisms and methods' 'Toxins (Basel)' = 'Toxins' 'Tr Fiziol Lab Akad I P Pavlova' = 'Trudy fiziologicheskikh laboratorii akademika I.P. Pavlova' 'Trained Nurse Hosp Rev' = 'The Trained nurse and hospital review' 'Trajecta (Leuven)' = 'Trajecta' 'Trans Am Fish Soc' = 'Transactions of the American Fisheries Society' 'Trans Am Gynecol Soc' = 'Transactions of the American Gynecological Society' 'Trans Am Proctol Soc' = 'Transactions. American Proctologic Society' 'Trans Conf Liver Inj' = 'Transactions. Conference on Liver Injury' 'Trans Conf Metab Asp Conval' = 'Transactions. Conference on Metabolic Aspects of Convalescence' 'Trans Sect Ophthalmol Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol' = 'Transactions. Section on Ophthalmology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology' 'Trans Sect Otolaryngol Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol' = 'Transactions. Section on Otolaryngology. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology' 'Trans South Surg Assoc' = 'Transactions of the Southern Surgical Association. Southern Surgical Association (U.S.)' 'Trans West Surg Assoc' = 'Transactions. Western Surgical Association' 'Transbound Emerg Dis' = 'Transboundary and emerging diseases' 'Transfus Altern Transfus Med' = 'Transfusion alternatives in transfusion medicine : TATM / NATA, Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives' 'Transfus Med Hemother' = 'Transfusion medicine and hemotherapy : offizielles Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhamatologie' 'Transl Oncogenomics' = 'Translational oncogenomics' 'Transl Oncol' = 'Translational oncology' 'Transl Res' = 'Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine' 'Transl Stroke Res' = 'Translational stroke research' 'Transp Res Part F Traffic Psychol Behav' = 'Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour' 'Transp Res Rec' = 'Transportation research record' 'Travel Med Infect Dis' = 'Travel medicine and infectious disease' 'Travel Stand' = 'Travelers Standard' 'Trazos (Bilbao)' = 'Trazos; entretenimientos de clinica y terapeutica' 'Treat Endocrinol' = 'Treatments in endocrinology' 'Treat Guidel Med Lett' = 'Treatment guidelines from the Medical Letter' 'Tren Reprod Bio' = 'Trends in reproductive biology' 'Trends Analyt Chem' = 'Trends in analytical chemistry : TRAC' 'Trends Appl Sci Res' = 'Trends in applied sciences research' 'Trials' = 'Trials' 'Trib Farm' = 'Tribuna farmaceutica' 'Trib Med Soc' = 'Tribuna medico-social' 'Trop Biomed' = 'Tropical biomedicine' 'Trop Med News' = 'Tropical medicine news' 'Trop Plant Biol' = 'Tropical plant biology' 'Tsetse Trypanos Inf Q' = 'Tsetse and trypanosomiasis information quarterly' 'Tsinghua Sci Technol' = 'Tsinghua science and technology' 'Tufts Med J' = 'Tufts medical journal' 'Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars' = 'Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi arsivi : Turk Kardiyoloji Derneginin yayin organidir' 'Turk Silahli Kuvvetleri Koruyucu Hekim Bul' = 'Turk Silahli Kuvvetleri koruyucu hekimlik bulteni' 'Turkiye Parazitol Derg' = 'Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi / Turkiye Parazitoloji Dernegi = Acta parasitologica Turcica / Turkish Society for Parasitology' 'Turtox News' = 'Turtox news' 'Twent Century China' = 'Twentieth-century China = Er shi shi ji Zhongguo' 'Twin Res Hum Genet' = 'Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies' 'U M C Cordoba' = 'U M C' 'U S Nav Med Bull' = 'United States naval medical bulletin' 'Ultrasound Clin' = 'Ultrasound clinics' 'Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg' = 'Ulusal travma ve acil cerrahi dergisi = Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery : TJTES' 'Uncertain Artif Intell' = 'Uncertainty in artificial intelligence : proceedings of the ... conference. Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence' 'Underst Child' = 'Understanding the child; a magazine for teachers' 'Unidad Sanit' = 'Unidad sanitaria' 'Union Med Prat Francais' = 'L'Union medicale des praticiens francais' 'Univ Coll Hosp Mag' = 'The University College Hospital magazine' 'Univ Durh Med Gaz' = 'University of Durham medical gazette' 'Univ Hosp Bull' = 'University Hospital bulletin' 'Univ Louisv J Fam Law' = 'University of Louisville journal of family law / University of Louisville School of Law' 'Univ Manit Med J' = 'The University of Manitoba medical journal' 'Univ Memphis Law Rev' = 'The University of Memphis law review' 'Univ South Calif Bull Sch Med' = 'School of Medicine. University of Southern California. School of Medicine' 'Univ West Ont Med J' = 'University of Western Ontario medical journal' 'Univer Leeds Med Mag' = 'University of Leeds medical magazine' 'Update Cancer Ther' = 'Update on cancer therapeutics' 'Updates Surg' = 'Updates in surgery' 'Upsala Lakareforen Forh' = 'Upsala lakareforenings forhandlingar' 'Urban Aff Rev Thousand Oaks Calif' = 'Urban affairs review (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)' 'Urban History' = 'Urban history' 'Urbanitas' = 'Os urbanitas' 'Urol Ann' = 'Urology annals' 'Urol J' = 'Urology journal' 'US Army Med Dep J' = 'U.S. Army Medical Department journal' 'US Endocrinol' = 'US endocrinology' 'US Jpn Womens J Engl Suppl' = 'U.S.-Japan women's journal. English supplement = Nichi-Bei josei janaru. English supplement' 'US Psyc' = 'US psychiatry' 'Va Health Bull' = 'Virginia health bulletin' 'Vasc Dis Prev' = 'Vascular disease prevention' 'Vasc Health Risk Manag' = 'Vascular health and risk management' 'Veg Bode' = 'Vegetarische bode' 'Veg Hist Archaeobot' = 'Vegetation history and archaeobotany' 'Veroff Schweiz Ges Gesch Med Naturwiss' = 'Veroffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften' 'Verslag Meded Betreff Volksgezond' = 'Verslagen en mededelingen betreffende de volksgezondheid' 'Vestn Ceskoslov Lekaru' = 'Vestnik ceskoslovenskych lekaru' 'Vet Comp Oncol' = 'Veterinary and comparative oncology' 'Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol' = 'Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T' 'Vet Ext Q' = 'Veterinary extension quarterly' 'Vet Med Int' = 'Veterinary medicine international' 'Vib Spectrosc' = 'Vibrational Spectroscopy' 'Vic Lit Cult' = 'Victorian literature and culture' 'Vida Med' = 'Vida medica' 'Vie Milieu Paris' = 'Vie et milieu (Paris, France : 1980)' 'Vienna Yearb Popul Res' = 'Vienna yearbook of population research / Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences' 'Vietnam Stud' = 'Vietnamese studies (Hanoi, Vietnam : 1966)' 'Villaclara Med' = 'Villaclara medica' 'Virol J' = 'Virology journal' 'Virol Sin' = 'Virologica Sinica' 'Virology (Auckl)' = 'Virology : research and treatment' 'Virtual Mentor' = 'The virtual mentor : VM' 'Virtual Real' = 'Virtual reality' 'Virulence' = 'Virulence' 'Virus Rev Res' = 'Virus reviews & research : journal of the Brazilian Society for Virology' 'Viruses' = 'Viruses' 'Vis Anthropol Rev' = 'Visual anthropology review : journal of the Society for Visual Anthropology' 'Vis cogn' = 'Visual cognition' 'Vis Impair Res' = 'Visual impairment research' 'Vital Stat Spec Rep' = 'Vital statistics. Special reports. United States. Bureau of the Census' 'Vital Stat Spec Rep' = 'Vital statistics. Special reports. United States. National Office of Vital Statistics' 'Vitam D Dig' = 'Vitamin D digest' 'Voen Meditsinskii Sb' = 'Voenno-meditsinskii sbornik' 'Volksgesundheit Bad Hombg' = 'Volksgesundheit (Bern, Switzerland)' 'Volta Rev' = 'The Volta review' 'Vostok (Mosk)' = 'Vostok (Moscow, Russia : 1991)' 'Vulnerable Child Youth Stud' = 'Vulnerable children and youth studies' 'War Hist' = 'War in history' 'Wash State J Public Health Pract' = 'Washington State journal of public health practice' 'Wash Univ Med Alumni Q' = 'The Washington University medical alumni quarterly' 'Water Bodem Lucht' = 'Water, bodem, lucht' 'Water Qual Expo Health' = 'Water quality, exposure, and health' 'Water Sew Works' = 'Water & sewage works' 'Watermark (Arch Libr Hist Health Sci)' = 'Watermark (Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences)' 'Wave Motion' = 'Wave motion (North-Holland Publishing Company)' 'We Blind' = 'We the blind' 'Web Semant' = 'Web semantics (Online)' 'Welf Bull' = 'The Welfare bulletin' 'Wendepunkt Leben Leiden' = 'Der Wendepunkt im Leben und im Leiden' 'Werkstatt Gesch' = 'Werkstatt geschichte' 'West's Atl Report' = 'West's Atlantic reporter' 'West Drug (Vanc)' = 'The Western druggist' 'West J Emerg Med' = 'The western journal of emergency medicine' 'West Lond Med J' = 'West London medical journal' 'Westchest Med Bull' = 'Westchester medical bulletin' 'Whats New Ind Hyg' = 'What's new in industrial hygiene' 'Whats New' = 'What's new' 'Wien Z Gesch Neuzeit' = 'Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit' 'Wien Z Prakt Psychol' = 'Wiener Zeitschrift fur praktische Psychologie' 'Wiley Interdiscip Rev Comput Stat' = 'Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Computational statistics' 'Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol' = 'Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology' 'Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med' = 'Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Systems biology and medicine' 'Wilhelm Roux Arch Entwickl Mech Org' = 'Wilhelm Roux' Archiv fur Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen' 'William Mary J Women Law' = 'William & Mary journal of women and the law' 'Wis Welf' = 'Wisconsin welfare' 'Wiss Mitt' = 'Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen. Osterreichischer Apothekerverein, Vienna. Pharmazeutisches Forschungsinstitut' 'Wkly Abstr Sanit Rep' = 'Weekly abstract of sanitary reports. United States. Marine Hospital Service' 'Wkly Bull Epidemiol Inf Receiv' = 'Weekly bulletin; epidemiological information received. Interim Commission of the World Health Organization. Epidemiological Intelligence Station, Singapore' 'Wkly Rec Conv Dis Ports Other Localities Home Abroad' = 'Weekly record of convention diseases at ports and other localities at home and abroad. Great Britain. Ministry of Health' 'Wkly Rep Ill' = 'Weekly report. Illinois. Dept. of Public Health. Division of Communicable Diseases' 'Women Birth' = 'Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives' 'Womens Health (Lond Engl)' = 'Women's health (London, England)' 'Womens Hist Rev' = 'Women's history review' 'Womens Writ' = 'Women's writing : the Elizabethan to Victorian period' 'World Allergy Organiz J' = 'The World Allergy Organization journal' 'World Dev' = 'World development' 'World Health Popul' = 'World health & population' 'World J Emerg Surg' = 'World journal of emergency surgery : WJES' 'World J Microbiol Biotechnol' = 'World journal of microbiology & biotechnology' 'World J Orthod' = 'World journal of orthodontics' 'World J Pediatr' = 'World journal of pediatrics : WJP' 'World Neurosurg' = 'World neurosurgery' 'World Psychiatry' = 'World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)' 'Worldviews Evid Based Nurs' = 'Worldviews on evidence-based nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing' 'WormBook' = 'WormBook : the online review of C. elegans biology' 'Xin Li Xue Bao' = 'Xin li xue bao. Acta psychologica Sinica' 'XVIIe Siecle' = 'XVIIe siecle' 'Yale Sci Mag' = 'Yale scientific magazine' 'Year B Carnegie Inst Wash' = 'Year book - Carnegie Institution of Washington' 'Year B R Soc Edinb' = 'Year book - Royal Society of Edinburgh' 'Yearb Acad Appl Osteopathy' = 'Year book. Academy of Applied Osteopathy' 'Yearb Med Inform' = 'Yearbook of medical informatics' 'Yi Chuan' = 'Yi chuan = Hereditas / Zhongguo yi chuan xue hui bian ji' 'Your Health (Salt Lake City)' = 'Your health' 'Youth Violence Juv Justice' = 'Youth violence and juvenile justice' 'Z Agrarges Agrarsoziol' = 'Zeitschrift fur Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie' 'Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes' = 'Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen' 'Z Kinderpsychiatr' = 'Zeitschrift fur Kinderpsychiatrie. Revue de psychiatrie infantile' 'Z Orthop Unfall' = 'Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie' 'Z Phys Chem (N F)' = 'Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)' 'Z Phys Ther Bader Klimanheikd' = 'Zeitschrift fur physikalische Therapie, Bader- und Klimaheilkunde' 'Z Stomatol (1921)' = 'Zeitschrift fur Stomatologie' 'Z Vgl Physiol' = 'Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie' 'Z Vitam Forsch' = 'Zeitschrift fur Vitaminforschung' 'Zahntech (Basel)' = 'Der Zahntechniker. Le Mecanicien-dentiste' 'Zebrafish' = 'Zebrafish' 'Zent Arbeitswissenschaft' = 'Zentralblatt fur Arbeitswissenschaft' 'Zent Bibliothekswesen' = 'Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen' 'Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg A' = 'Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Originale A, Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Parasitologie = International journal of microbiology and hygiene. A, Medical microbiology, infectious' 'Zentralblatt Bakteriol Parasitenkd Infekt Hyg' = 'Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. 1. Abt. Medizinisch-hygienische Bakteriologie, Virusforschung und Parasitologie. Referate' 'Zhi Wu Sheng Li Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Xue Bao' = 'Zhi wu sheng li yu fen zi sheng wu xue xue bao = Journal of plant physiology and molecular biology' 'Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban' = 'Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences' 'Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao' = 'Zhong xi yi jie he xue bao = Journal of Chinese integrative medicine' 'Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi' = 'Zhongguo dang dai er ke za zhi = Chinese journal of contemporary pediatrics' 'Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi' = 'Zhongguo fei ai za zhi = Chinese journal of lung cancer' 'Zhongguo Gu Shang' = 'Zhongguo gu shang = China journal of orthopaedics and traumatology' 'Zhongguo Ji Hua Mian Yi' = 'Zhongguo ji hua mian yi = Chinese journal of vaccines and immunization' 'Zhongguo Ke Ji Shi Liao' = 'Zhongguo ke ji shi liao = China historical materials of science and technology' 'Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi' = 'Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery' 'Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi' = 'Zhonghua wei chang wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of gastrointestinal surgery' 'Zhonguo Nongshi' = 'Zhongguo nong shi / [Zhongguo nong ye li shi xue hui chou wei hui, Zhongguo nong ke yuan, Nanjing nong xue yuan, Zhongguo nong ye yi chan yan jiu shi]' 'Zhurnal Prikl Him' = 'Zhurnal prikladnoi khimii (Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.)' 'Zi Ran Ke Xue Shi Yan' = 'Zi ran ke xue shi yan = Studies in the history of natural sciences' 'Ziekenfondsgids' = 'De Ziekenfondsgids' 'Zoo Biol' = 'Zoo biology' 'Zool J Linn Soc' = 'Zoological journal of the Linnean Society' 'Zoology (Jena)' = 'Zoology (Jena, Germany)' 'Zoonoses Public Health' = 'Zoonoses and public health'